Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Way Ahead

A couple of thoughts. 
Global figures are useless. China makes up a significant portion of the statistics and their reporting is simple propaganda. National figures are shaky. Many facilities are reporting all deaths in patients who tested positive as WuFlu deaths - even for patients who carried the bug asymptomatically 
HCL should be broadly used early to treat WuFlu patients.
That,and strong safeguards on high risk populations is most of what's needed to reopen and return to normalcy. 
Looking back the CCP is the guilty party and must be made to pay. 
'Experts' and 'models' for WuFlu were as accurate as the 'global warming' crowd has been.
Given the origin location and the known presence of the BSL4 facility I can't fault President Trump for the extraordinary measures. This may have been intentional. This could have been a much, much worse bug from the lab (think of a CCP version of 'epox'). 
All said, given what we know, it's time to rapidly implement the measures discussed and get back to work, church, and remove any and all Chinese relationships in our economy, our industry, and our institutions.

Update 5/8/20 about those 'Experts' and 'models' ...

Saturday, April 25, 2020

What happens when you believe Orange man is the threat not China

Newsom Masks $1 Billion Deal with Chinese Company

Yeah, that'll work.

 At least when it blows up it'll remove him from serious consideration as a White House contender.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Fire that damm Fauci!

The man is, at the very least, deeply conflicted - too much so to be on stage with the President at this point.  The  VA 'tests' of hydroxychloroquine were a fraud apparently intended to support big pharma, marxist dems, and, coincidentally (?) the CCP's goals.  Fauci has numerous patents that could earn him big if chloroquine isn't applied appropriately to the problem.  He is conflicted, get him off the stage.

The success of chloroquine is a matter of record.  We know what 'survivors' of infection by WuFlu look like after 3 months.  It's not a CCP version of Epox, although it may have been developed in the course of attempting such a feat.  And that consideration justified all extreme precautions in March.  Now it's time to shelter the most vulnerable, open the economy, and treat any infected showing signs of negative consequence with chloroquine immediately.

Here's a more recent summary of Fauci's activity ... 

And - here's Fauci's official journal from 2005 ...

5/7/20     Ahem .... told 'ya so ...

5/15/20 And yet more on Dr Fauci ...

Physicians Association letter to Governor

Thank God I live in Texas

and, perhaps finally ...

5/19/20 A President who leads ... 

(even NY'ers get it  -- "This study provides the first //no, not the first, but, go on // in vivo evidence that zinc sulfate in combination with hydroxychloroquine may play a role in therapeutic management for COVID-19.")


Call me Nostradamus

Mass Murderers Prepare Sheep for Combat

There's a long history of despots creating an external enemy to rally the masses they've abused.  America must be familiarized with the amazing lies told to the Chinese by the CCP and recognize immediately when it's being repeated by the collaborating US media.

Perhaps Trump should play clips at a WuFlu briefing.

As explained earlier (Not unthinkable to everyone post) CCP has been at war with the US for decades.  With their shipping virus carriers from Wuhan to the US, while barring their travel within China, the mask of their being a friend - or even a civilized nation - has fallen.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

THE big game

These are extraordinarily dangerous times for the USA.  Thanks largely to William J Clinton the Chinese Communists have multiple reentry vehicle ICBMs (technology provided in exchange for campaign money from daughter of Chinese rocket forces commander) and W-88 thermonuclear warheads (quid pro quo not so obvious but directed relaxation of control of weapons  design secrets and acquisition by CCP a matter of record).

We now face the product of Clinton's treason and our cities are at jeopardy, greatly influencing Trumps response to the killers in Bejing.

Our media, our academies, and most of the Democrat party are collaborating, unconsciously or not, with the killers in Bejing, greatly reducing our nations resolve and resilience.  

Our military shows the signs of decades of PC corruption and incompetence in weapons systems acquisition.

Brennan, Comey, men like these have entirely destroyed the integrity of our 'intelligence' community. They, along with the deep state Bushnicks and their Colin Powell UN dog and pony show on the 'thousands of launch ready WMDs' in Iraq, have made it impossible for the President to use any product of theirs to convince any other nation of the actions by the CCP.

Pray for our President and the good, patriotic members of his staff and our armed forces.  By Gods grace we will defeat this plague and the killers in Bejing as well.

First order of importance in the big game are the strategic weapons, the ballistic missiles, thermonuclear bombers and cruise missiles.

The venerable B-52 has a range of roles including being our primary sea mine deployer (a capability not to be overlooked), and nuclear and conventional cruise missile launch platform.

Such movement convey a message.  Outside the loop one can only wonder what is being said.

The item above updated with these -


President Trump clearly open to analysis substantiating my speculation of 3/28/20 "Not Unthinkable to Everybody" ...

President Trump - “The question was asked: Would you be angry at China? The answer might be a very well resounding ‘Yes.’
“But it depends. Was it a mistake that got out of control? Or was it done deliberately? In either event, they should have let us go in."

10/2/20 - as reports of President Trump and first lady illness circulating, a message of another type being sent.

 "... on Friday morning. Around the time the news broke, planespotters on social media reported two Boeing E-6B Mercury planes flying on either side of the US mainland's coasts."


Friday, April 17, 2020

"...enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC"

First, a personal recollection.

In November 1996 I was the Flag Secretary to the Navy's Regional Commander for the southeastern states headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida. That was my second assignment to that job and in that role I was fairly familiar with the movers and shakers in northeast Florida and I found it useful to regularly watch the local political talk show each Sunday morning, Shortly after Bill Clinton's 1996 reelection the moderator of the program asked Terri Brady, one time chairman of the Florida Democratic Party and party super delegate, why she thought Clinton did so well in Duval county given the number of military members living there who could vote by absentee ballot. Ms Brady, in an uncharacteristic moment of honesty, laughed and said in effect 'we throw all those ballots out, they're never done right'. The following day I briefed the Admiral and called the station for a copy of the tape of the program. After some delay the station explained that that episode, uniquely, hadn't been taped.

Subsequent to that the Democrat Party practice of disenfranchising active duty service members (because of their understandable conservative vote bias) was demonstrated again when the Democrats had teams of lawyers reviewing military absentee ballots with an intent to invalidate as many as possible during the celebrated 'hanging chad' election of 2000.

Now, decades later, and in the midst of a pandemic, it seems odd that the sole candidate for the Democrat party in this year's Presidential Election has been so comically maladroit. Although he is, for now, safely isolated from school girls, his basement videos adequately serve to display his diminished mental faculties.

It would appear the only way the Democrats can win the White House in November is to steal the election. But how …..?


Election fraud is a time honored Democrat tradition and now that they've become Marxist it is mandatory..

To emphasize my point on Dems trying to steal elections consider their own words ...

'Vote by mail' absentee ballot elimination is a tiny sample of how Democrats handle mail ballots from likely Republican voters.

President Trump is absolutely right. Vote by mail is an obvious attempt by the Marxistdems to steal the next election and no patriotic American can let that happen. One citizen, one vote. We know how to make honest elections happen in difficult situations. Lets do it for America.

1 "I told you so"

"Professor Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine, claims that SARS-CoV-2 is a manipulated virus ..."

"... the SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that was manipulated and accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, in the last quarter of 2019."

And so:

Was this bug from Wuhan - Yes.   Only PRC propaganda agents have denied this.

Was it from a lab - Yes   For this many were criticized and excoriated for months.  It is now the accepted truth.

Was it a man altered bug - Yes  This is another truth that will be officially slow rolled out over time. 

Was the release intentional - Not determined at this point.

Did Xi and the CCP intentionally let many infected personnel from Wuhan travel to the United Sates - while barring their travel within China - Yes  
This last item is casus belli. 

Was this bug, one which exhibits a host of characteristics highly desirable for a biowar agent (less high lethality - a feature that would later be grafted in) the product of civilian anti-viral research or a biowar project?  I could document endless examples of the way PRC has efficiently and universally exploited all 'dual use' technologies.  But at this point it is immaterial to the fact we were intentionally attacked by a foreign nation which intentionally spread a highly contagious, and in many cases lethal, virus across our country. 

The cost in lives will be in the tens of thousands.  The cost to our economy in the trillions. 

By God's grace we will survive. And thank God Trump is our President.

How he decides to proceed is to be seen. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Correcting a "common misconception"

Conservative Treehouse, an invaluable resource for the truth on what goes on in DC ( ) provides exquisite detail on the abuse of the gross surveillance powers foolishly granted our 'intelligence' agencies by Obama and tthe Deep State.

To that I add - the most common misconception regarding political espionage using big data in the United States is that it was invented here.

Perhaps Obama didn't need a "Secret Research Project" so long as Rahm was in the White House.

I mean, you really didn't think he went to Israel during a war to 'fix truck brakes' did you?

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A moment of dark speculation

I had been thinking of the WuFlu as a bit of an unfinished BioWar project.   The BSL-2 lab with the bat guy was probably engaged in, at best, dual-use research.  A good deal of his efforts were likely steered by the BSL-4 lab so conveniently colocated in Wuhan.

Now (and apologies, I'm not a virologist, I was into dropping nasty things off airplanes, not building 'em) as I understand it, COVID-19 exhibits a host of characteristics desirable in a weapon.  These comprise a medley highly unlikely to co-exist in nature, including: long dormancy, asymptomatic carriers, aerosol transmission, high contagion (here's where the HIV insert contributes), and a 'check sum' sort of component making it unlikely to significantly mutate (useful if your team wants to develop a pre-attack vaccine).

Sort of a real good delivery system lacking an appropriately highly lethal warhead.

And - nothing like the oft discussed Russian Bio super weapon - 'epox'.  A DNA Frankenstein comprised of ebola and smallpox.

So, here's the question - did the species of bats being exploited in either lab in Wuhan include the greater long-fingered bat?

Because that's the species that would be associated with ebola.

A successful mix of Covid-19 with ebola would be even more hellish than the, possibly mythical, Russian epox. 

Very much the sort of bug a bat s#it crazy bunch like the CCP would be interested in.   They slavishly copied the old Soviet anti-carrier warfare architecture, an effort done at enormous cost.  For anti-carrier warfare they merely substituted anti-ship ballistic missiles for Backfires (and given their loyalty to good old AVMF strike planning, one wonders how many nukes per carrier they plan to employ).

Sukhoi and Tupolev jets, sea skimming anti-ship missiles, ocean surveillance satellites, all bearing the old Soviet heritage. Why wouldn't we expect them to endeavor to copy the Soviet/Russian bio war super weapon?

AND  -  4/15/20 - shortly after President Trump has calls with the Saudis and Vlad ...

Voila!  Disregard the overwhelming resemblance of COVID 19 to a - nearly complete - bio superweapon.  I suspect a deal has been struck.  The very forceful denial that the COVID-19 bug by senior uniformed personnel, with a smile no less, is a tell.  A cruise missile less the warhead is not a weapon?  Perhaps.  Good enough I guess.

Happily our interests have been represented by DJT.

There will be no war at this point, even though the CCP deliberately spread the virus in the US (thousands of the approved travelers from China were certainly carriers) so I can only expect the 'quid pro quo' was staggering.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Imperfect profundities

Although a Lutheran I very much enjoy many of Westminster Theological Seminary's products and have visited the campus and bookstore. 

That said, I believe the staff may have 'jumped the shark' with the latest episode of their 'Crisis, Christ, and Confidence' series.

Dr Poland dismisses the idea that a lab would enhance the contagion factor of a virus as "not something anybody imagines".  This is both condescending and factually wrong. 

One ought take as evidence this presentation which is a good consolidation of the likely truth of the matter -

Perhaps in future episodes these worthies could comment on the radiant evil of the Chinese Communist Party given, for example, they approved the travel of over 400,000 individuals, many from Wuhan Province, to the United States even as they were desperately engaged in hiding the truth of their epidemic.

Intentionally spreading a deadly virus to another country.  That is an act of war.

Time we had a plan to be movin' on ...

To date I've supported a very cautious approach to the WuFlu. This was primarily because I accepted from the very beginning it could be the product of a BioWar lab. 

Now that we have hard data on its characteristics in the US population, AND we have an effective treatment in chloroquine, which is becoming ever more available, it's time for a plan to reopen the country.

For the White House one bug in the ointment is the revered Dr Fauci.

He was certainly made aware of the Taiwanese reporting on the virus' contagion among humans the end of December.  He slow rolled that info and repeated the PRC/WHO story beyond mid January.

He ought be sidelined and epidemiologists with no apparent conflicts engaged in the planning.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Investigative Reporting

This is investigative reporting.  You probably haven't seen anything like this from MSM

4/14/20 update on military intelligence and state dpt interest in the BSL2 and BSL4 facilities ...

Not playin' with a full deck ...

but at least he's got that race card.

Biden claims disproportionate deaths due to Coronavirus in the US is due to our 'structural racism'.

Alinsky BS.   Bogus claims of 'racism' were always one of his tricks.

Folks who believe the disproportionate casualties are racist need to take their petition to a higher level ...

Thursday, April 9, 2020

'Fundamental Change' anybody?

A marxist opines on the ChiCom flu.  File this, along with the persistent homosexual rape of children by RC priests, as proof the Roman Catholic Church desperately needs a reformation.  

source :

Shouldn't come as a surprise.  The extreme left co-opted the RC church in America decades ago.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Yet another look at 'today's Navy'

A former AFSOC helo guy opines about 'today's Navy'

Personally, I'd demand that instead of using the military to norm women in appropriately male roles let us first introduce women into NFL teams and see how well the mix gender teams perform against all male ones.

What?  Never happen, teams lose money if they don’t win?
This shows all you need to know about how much proponents of women in combat units actually care for the effectiveness and survivability of our military members.

Also speaks volumes about the priorities of our godless society.

The  truth of the 'women in military' issue was best described by one whom we should have listened to a long time ago... 

"It doesn't work"

We have a great Commander in Chief.  Damm shame there is no one who can hold a candle to Gen Barrow or Adm Stockdale anywhere near him.  

7/22/20 - will this one be RIR'd and immediately discharged?   If not the 'Navy' isn't a military unit, it's a jobs program.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Better said than I can do ...

"What is indisputable is the fact that the CCP almost immediately began to position the virus as a political and economic weapon against the United States."

What's next?

Two thoughts on what's next ...

1.  Locally, our quiet and tiny 'over 55' (that's not a speed limit) neighborhood had our first armed home invasion yesterday.  An individual of the expected demographic escaped with some goodies after entering a home midday and holding the husband at gunpoint.  Unclear at this point if the door was unlocked or kicked in.  Meanwhile, in the very large retirement community next to us there's currently 3 burglaries on, instead of the normal 1 or  none.    Can't say I didn't see this coming (see my post from the 21st).  As the police didn't apprehend the bad guy best guess is he'll be back - maybe with friends.  ROE (in Texas it's about right) and response plan being reviewed.

4/10/20 exerpt from Detective brief with victim provided today:

The detective also acknowledged that there was an excess of activity this weekend in Georgetown Village as well as // our area //  and some other neighboring communities. These incidents were car break-ins as well as stolen cars and stolen guns. They believe that these incidents are not necessarily related but are watching the clues for any similarities.
He advised us to be especially vigilant in the coming days and perhaps months because people will get increasingly desperate and may take drastic measures to survive. //our area//, because of our age demographic and perceived affluence may be a target and we should take that seriously.

2.  More broadly, Americans need consider that there are countless vendors in China with American credit card information obtained via legitimate transactions.  Repurposed by the CCP, Chinese merchants can quickly render those accounts unusable with a blizzard of illegitimate charges.  Given the obvious malign actions of the CCP regarding WuFlu such activity is easy to anticipate.  As part of their war against the US such activity would serve to put additional stress on US citizens and our banking and financial transaction systems for the purpose of precipitating riots and further reduce confidence in the US government.

Update - 4/29/20  Week 7 and the anticipated increase in crime locally hasn't materialized ... yet. 

Meanwhile, in the big city ...

Murders in New York City have reportedly skyrocketed more than 55 percent over the last 28 days

So - will the criminal element continue to 'shop locally'?  We'll see.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Mere coincidences ...

4/8/20  Delays in implementing chloroquine is costing lives.  The delusional left has "blood on their hands" just like the CCP.

and Fauci's associations with Nazi collaborator Soros demands he not be on a podium with President Trump


The Chinese Communist Party, fully aware they had an epidemic in Wuhan Provence continued to permit hundreds of thousands of passengers - many certainly carrying the virus while asymptomatic - travel yo the United States.

This was not unintentional, this was an act of Biological Warfare intended to wreak havoc in the United States.

Later same day: Seems there's already some in DC thinking along these lines (although CCPs accountability is not effectively reduced if the bug wasn't 'created' but merely leaked).

and ... catch the 6 minute mark here


4/9/20 Given any such research is, at the least, 'dual use' and monitored, if not driven by CCP's BioWar folks this story appears to identify one of the folks closely involved with the leak ...

Thursday, April 2, 2020

letter to the White House

Posted to today

Mr President,

I pray for you and Melania daily, you have been a rock in the face of the swirling adversity challenging our country and I thank you. Perhaps at some opportunity apart from the 5PM brief Melania could publicly comment on her faith and it's importance to her in this time of stress.

That said sir, I believe it is critical that a visible manipulation of  'the curve' with a sequenced return to normalcy be observably executed - beyond the guidelines on social distancing and no unnecessary activity.

Personally my family is in week 3 of homebound. Although not particularly stressful for me after 7 deployments with the Navy, by early May the best of us (our medical professionals, first responders, grocery staff and truckers among them) would be\exhausted, and the worst of us already pursuing criminal activity. Also, each day makes opportunistic terror attack more likely.

A phased return to normalcy should be executable with nation wide chloroquine prophylactic treatment for individuals not tested as having immunity, and use of masks and visors (as indicated) for those awaiting testing and chloroquine if needed.

I expect broad implementation of chloroquine is not what big pharma wants, but a long term vaccination should afford them plenty of profit. We are on fire now and cannot wait on routine test procedures and self interested bureaucrats.

God bless!

From Texas,

Update confirming efficacy of hydroxychloroquine

Interesting update to "Why Another Month" post - 

Time for Trump to be more aggressive with the heavily big pharma invested establishment and press ahead with the cheap, effective solution.    Let's squash this bug, present the bill to the CCP, and get America running fill throttle ahead. 

Evening of 4/2/20 - are we done yet?

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The truth - an acceptable casualty?

 "Never believe anything in politics until it has been officially denied." 

- Otto von Bismarck

The association of the WuFlu with a PRC BioWar lab (such as the one in Wuhan) was first technically documented by Indian bio researchers in early 2020. Specifically this report, entitled, “Uncannysimilarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1gp120 and Gag,” concluded that “the engineering of coronavirus with such gene sequences was “unlikely to be fortuitous in nature,” providing strong scientific support for the theory that the coronavirus is an engineered bioweapon that escaped laboratory containment in China.”

As with most articles documenting that this pandemic was the result a lab product, one 'genetically engineered to enhance it's spread in the human population' ( ), the Indian report was promptly 'officially denied'.

More recently several items have been put into the mix, best summarized by Tucker last night.

Tucker references a Chinese video of an individual now claimed to be associated with the PRC equivalent of their CDC in Wuhan harvesting bats. Given the coordination of government activities with 'dual use' applications in China one can assume the BioWar facility in the same city – known to be researching virus from bats – was either a client, or the actual employer, of the bat collector.

With the recent sequence, and sources, of the more recent materials related to the origin of the virus here's one speculation on what is afoot.

It is very important that legitimate blame for the pandemic be put squarely on the CCP. As the United States approaches weeks in which the death toll will exceed that of both the armies of the North and South in the Civil War it must be understood by the public that the President and his administration are, quite honestly, NOT the enemy. 

Unfortunately, for us, after 3 years of seditious fraud regarding the veracity of a Hillary funded  'piss gate' dossier, and the celebrated Colin Powell UN dog and pony on 'launch ready WMDs', US intelligence agencies are unable convince anyone of anything. 

None the less, despite the CIA's incompetence and traitorous behavior, the CCP is losing their global infowar effort to blame this calamity on an American bicyclist. Evidence, especially from Chinese sources ineffectively muzzled by the regime, has, and will ever more convincingly, point to them.

Thus, with their acquiescence, perhaps a narrative is to be promulgated that the pandemic was the result of a sloppy researcher with a natural bug at a civilian level 2 research facility.  It is less provocative than the reality, i.e., it was the product of a weapons lab, which necessarily leads to a casus belli question  - was it's release intentional or no? 

What the US would gain in exchange for this subterfuge could include the elimination of US debt in treasuries held by PRC and seizure of Chinese owned assets in the US.

Such a bargain would likely cost Xi his head – but you know what they say about playing the game of thrones.

4/3/20 - and as we slow walk the public towards the approved narrative ...

"A competing theory has been gathering momentum - of an accidental lab release of bat coronavirus... "

Yes, a virus found in BATS with an amazing component so resembling HIV boosting contagion among human, and an unnaturally long dormancy during which asymptomatic carriers spread the bug.   Hmm, characteristics novel to be found in nature, but so desirable to incorporate into a lab engineered biowar agent.


AND -  4/15/20 - shortly after President Trump has calls with the Saudis and Vlad ...

Voila!  Disregard the overwhelming resemblance of COVID 19 to a - nearly complete - bio superweapon.  I suspect a deal has been struck.  The very forceful denial that the COVID-19 bug by senior uniformed personnel, with a smile no less, is a tell.  A cruise missile less the warhead is not a weapon?  Perhaps.  Good enough I guess.

Happily our interests have been represented by DJT.

There will be no war at this point, even though the CCP deliberately spread the virus in the US (thousands of the approved travelers from China were certainly carriers) so I can only expect the 'quid pro quo' was staggering.

AND .. 4/29/20 don't worry about the documented 'gain of function' (increased contagion) added to the WuFlu in the lab ...

this wasn't a BioWar research project leak ... and this wasn't from the BSL4 site ....

Yup, looks like the spin cycle is full on to avoid open war. 

More on 'Today's Navy'

From CDR Salamander (most prominent USN related blog)


CDR Salamander: CO of CVN-71 Makes the Call & Goes Public: Simply one of the more remarkable moments for a contemporary navy leader I have seen in awhile.


I might add - how does a west coast carrier get underway without malaria prophylaxis dosages of chloroquin for the crew?   What?  Not FDA approved?

From the French researcher "... for protection against COVID-19: a pre-exposure prophylaxis of 250-500mg daily and post-exposure prophylaxis at 8mg/kg/day for 3 days"

Curious in a number of ways.