Thursday, December 31, 2020

Told ya ...

 As I had mentioned before( ) the Democrat party wipes their butts with military mail in ballots.

Our 'leaders' in uniform have done nothing substantial to see service members voices are heard.   Of course not, increasingly the perfumed princes are of another mindset politically.

So - this was expected

If anyone believes active duty military members voted over 80% for Biden they are demonstrating they have no clue what and who middle class America is. 

And Remember those riots that stopped the minute the commiedems realized they were counterproductive to the election?

Now that the commiedems are realizing the truth is getting out and poses a real thereat to their theft of the election - you can expect blood in the street again.

We KNOW who these people are.  We KNOW what they intend.


On their heads be it.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Monday, December 28, 2020

Looking forward


                                It's a Snow Globe - Obama knows what I mean

ONE – Remember the Obama administrations unprecedented spying on Trump? What that was about was repurposing the corrupted 'intel' community after initially attempting to have control of a newly elected Hillary in the White House. Obama's FBI had caught Hillary in a sting, taking money for influence, and intended to hold that over her while in office.

We know this because the man the FBI used to execute the sting has told us.

This man is believable. He has been consistent. And more understandable now that he's told more of the story, subsequent to his realization AG Barr is NOT going to do anything with the information. Many recall his confusing appearance on Fox news in 2019 at which he was constrained in how much he could reveal. And, we all should now note how Fox News didn't run with the story they had a year and a half ago.

TWO - Where are we at now? We KNOW the election was stolen. We know they tried it last time.

It's what Democrats do

This time they had the - oddly convent -  WuFlu to drive the vote by mail scam, and the crooked voting machinery, and the media suppressing the Hunter Biden story, and, and, and … No means was spared to steal our republic.

So, on 6 January, the fate of the republic, as we know it, comes down to the integrity and patriotism of one man, VP Pence.

On January 6, a joint session of Congress will open with Vice President Pence presiding as president of the Senate. His power will be plenary and unappealable. You heard that right. As president of the Senate, every objection comes directly to him, and he can rule any objection "out of order" or "denied." His task will be to fulfill his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and to ensure that the laws be faithfully executed. This is a high standard of performance, and V.P. Pence will have two choices. He can roll over on "certified" electors, or he can uphold the law.

If he fails us we must expect the new administration to conduct a reign of terror using all means of government against us, abetted by the media, and IT corporations, and the new red guard in the streets, i.e., BLM, and ANTIFA.

As I said earlier (June 16th) these people are deadly.  One of Obama's real mentors, along with the repulsive Frank Marshal Davis, had a vision for America.  Round up 100 million patriots and ship them by train to the Southwest to re-educate them in Marxist ideology. Out of that 100 million they were ready to kill 25% off.

They are every bit Maoist zealots and will demand loyalty to their perverted ideology.

THREE – What will happen when the hated 'clingy' middle class are confronted by the maoists?

Obama knows. 

                 These marxists would have been a lot more terrifying if ...1

Remember from the opening comment, he and Brennan, and the FBI 7th floor have been behind this since the initial plot to entrap Hillary in 2015. 

He knows what is to come.

And this is perhaps telling - “Obama Tells CNN His Greatest Regret Was Failure to Secure More Gun Control”

Given his plan and actions I really understand why this was his greatest regret.

FOUR - My recommendation if Chicom Joe and da hoe are inaugurated?    Conservative states become first and second amendment 'sanctuary' states.

If that fails?  

Let's take another page from their book. After all, they're sooo smart, and, 'good for the goose …'

Here in Texas we've already putting our 'chute on. 

Texas Lawmaker Announces 'Texit' Bill That Would Allow Lone Star State to Leave the Union - Big League Politics

Update - 1/7/21  The above doesn't look bad in hindsight.  Unfortunately, our dumbest folks were led by some of their smarter folks into providing a Reschstag fire to use against us.  

As for the legitimacy of the scheme to use Pence to stall or overthrow the corrupt Biden electors ... meh, not convincing to some we needed to support it.




Saturday, December 26, 2020

Another mystery explained

I was wondering why the 'Overstock guy' was so interested in election fraud.

Now I understand.

Nice folks those Obamas.  

Did some digging.  The guy looks legit, his story was the same a year and a half ago ... and Fox didn't exactly run with it when they first heard it. 

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Trolling for trouble

I've mentioned things in the middle east a few times of late.   Recent headlines make it second only to the election steal and Chicom espionage (which may, in large part, be one in the same story) for consideration.

Old salts will remember the disastrous results of putting too many US assets in the Persian Gulf with an eye towards influencing Iran.

As our President's attention is desperately needed inside the beltway, adventurism in that god forsaken pond seems ill advised and most certainly ill timed.  

None the less, it appears deep state wants to troll for trouble there even while incompetent at addressing sedition and PRC espionage and sabotage at home.  Better profit margin?

Or ill advised quid pro quo for wonder kid's treaties?

Either way,  it's a crap place to sail around in if the Iranians don't want you there.  Oil independent, there's no pressing national security interest for the US to be poking the bear.

And - operating indistinguishable platforms from likely combatants is risking becoming one yourself.  Iranian ASW being what it is, they won't discriminate a nuclear powered American sub from a conventionally powered - but nuclear armed - Israeli sub.

Shallow, constrained waters.  

Dotted with legacy mines.

Damm strange place to be sending our largest submarine.  Better suited to an old UK O boat than a refurbished boomer.  Remember, not only is it shallow, big tankers can sit 100 foot deep when full laden with crude.


Put enough men, sharp and explosive things, and mendacious allies, all in proximity with sharia belivin' loons and there's a real good chance things will lead to shootin'.  

But, maybe that's deep state's intent?  

We've played that game before.

And, as I well remember, it turned out ugly.


 (propaganda triumph for the mullahs, here's how they recall it )

PS - it's been a slow burn all year.  Lost in the fear porn of  WuFlu (necessary for the vote by mail scam) was this  

Maybe after a rush of orders for Lockheed, Raytheon and friends,deep state wants Biden to come as the great peacemaker?  Such an apologetic figure could recommit the US to the Iranian nuke deal Obama was so proud of. 

Update - evening of 24 Dec Some words on the matter of Israel and Iran.  How much is to be believed?

UPDATE - dunno why but this is one sign there is some adult supervision in/of DOD.

In - likely - unrelated reporting ...

Monday, December 21, 2020

a word from Dr Z


Short and to the point ...

Rx remains the same.

Update - 12/25/20 Considerable reason to doubt the benevolence of folks behind the Pfizer vaccine.


A clue in search of a detective

 America's patriotic, independent, and largely Christian middle class has a number of enemies.

The Davos globalists want only two kinds of humans, themselves as overlords and a smaller global population of workers and organ donors. The communist far left claims to want the never to be achieved utopia of possessionless, 'equal' workers (in truth the leaders just want to be Davos overlords), sharia proponents (marginal players if not equipped with WMDs by a bigger player) want nothing on earth but fundamentalist moslems, and Xi and the leaders of the CCP, who want America dead if necessary, a vassal state if possible.

It is the latter actor that got my interest yesterday, based on a video describing their plans for Taiwan.

Over the last decades what has China bought and built?

Anti carrier ballistic missiles.

Anti ship cruise missiles.

Over the horizon radar.

Ocean surveillance satellites.

Ballistic missile submarines.

When your nasty neighbor is buying car loads of buffalo guns

  • and you're the only buffalo –

    that's called a clue

Saturday, December 19, 2020

We are naked to our enemy


Short story every American must read.

Bottom line - PRC (far more likely PRC, not Russia) had amazing access to US critical systems.  

Now that it's discovered its agents of influence in the US insist on blaming Russia.

Update - 12/20/20 And our fish will rot from the top if Biden successfully steals the White House 

Update - 12/21/20 Our political class kisses Xis ass and kicks ours

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Blood on their hands

 Now that the election has been stolen and the Chinese agent Biden appears set to occupy the White House, guess what policy the AMA is ready to reverse?

Yup.  The same stuff that works in Switzerland - and a host of other countries - works here in America too.


So the fear porn was just to assist the 'vote by mail' steal of an election - and make billions on a potentially deadly vaccine.

If you lost a family member to WuFlu get an attorney.  Fauci and co. have let Americans die to get Trump out of office,  

It's that simple.  

And I've been saying it for the better part of a year. 

As for the vaccine - if you want to have children - SKIP IT.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

"Paper Tiger"?

The December 13th edition Lawrence Persons's blog provides the following:



China’s Military: A Paper Tiger?

December 13th, 2020

Is China’s military a paper tiger that will fail miserably in real combat? So argues this video:

The narrator claims that some of the formidable picture we have of the Chinese military is due to China’s successful propaganda machine. He outlines three reasons to believe China’s military is weaker than it appears:

  1. Both former and current People’s Liberation Army personal feel extremely disgruntled by their treatment at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party, and their loyalty would not be assured in a serious crisis. They’re also not well-trained, and got their asses kicked by Indian Ghatak reconnaissance troops in the most recent border clash. “Reports indicated they snapped the necks of at least 18 Chinese soldiers.”

  2. China’s air force is ill trained and badly equipped. “The Chinese pilots have very limited exposure when it comes to real battle in the skies or exercise like Red Flag. Unlike American, French, Russian, or Indian pilots they have not been exposed to different tactics implemented by different air forces and air defense battalions.” The Chengdu J-20 fighter, made with stolen American tech, is not particularly stealthy, has no export customers, and China is still buying Russian Su-35s. “Chinese avionics, sensor technology, and electronic warfare capabilities are generations behind American or European ones.”

  3. China’s navy has multiple problems. Chinese subs are loud and easily tracked, and the Shenyang J-15 carrier plane (a copy of the Russian Su-33) “uses indigenous Shenyang Li Ming WS-10H engines which are underpowered.” I’m not sure how valid the last point is, as there are reports that Shenyang FC-31 carrier plane just started mass production.

China is seldom as strong, or as weak, as it appears to be. The video only touches on a few aspects of China’s military, so it’s hard to making sweeping statements based solely on the points presented. Still, it does provide additional data points.


I found it worth adding a comment to (edited for clarity) ...
From The Gaffer

December 14, 2020 at 10:10 PM

‘Paper Tiger’?

Dunno ’bout their Army – or much of their Air Force, but I use to know something about contemporary war at sea.

Back before they were so interested in ‘climate change’ the Naval War College had an excellent set of studies on the Chinese Navy. The best of them focused on the area most likely (along with spys, code-breaking and electronic warfare) to have war winning consequences against the US Navy in the regional setting, mine warfare.

Bottom line then (2009)?

“…Washington seemingly has little choice but to adopt a cautious strategy concerning the Taiwan issue and face the uncomfortable truth that it cannot feasibly defend Taiwan militarily over the long term.”

So, while their forces aren’t the caliber of Reagan’s Navy – neither are ours anymore. Don’t kid yourself.

They’ve seriously, intensively, studied the anti-carrier and ASW problem for decades and started from where the Soviet Union left off.

Think, how comprehensive is their intel on the US Navy, our tactics, our leaders, our weapons systems and sensors (1)?  Beyond their own resources the Israelis have provided them hardware including an AWACS, probably Patriot missiles, and God only knows what critical human intelligence.

They’ve got our number.

And, think asymmetrical.

Their diesel electric submarines clank some on diesel, but make as much noise as a flashlight when submerged and on battery. And when operating on battery they could sail over an ASW mine field that would kill a US SSN.

Similarly, not wanting to spend on TU-22Ms – but wanting the air component of an anticarrier strike the Chinese went with anti-ship ballistic missiles. Probably a better choice. They studies the ‘correlation of forces’ and almost certainly copied the old Soviet equation. 2-3 nuclear warheads per regiment. PROBABLY ALL anti carrier ballistic missiles ARE nuclear armed. CEP against a moving ship vs prob kill demands it.

Xi no doubt fully appreciates having the W-88 armed, multiple payload missiles that can hit US cities (both thanks to Bill Clinton) and knows tactical nukes against a CVBG will (now) not bring nuclear retaliation against his home land.

So my guess is Xi and the PLA and PLA-N flag officers will choose when to precipitate a crisis and end the unchallenged dominance of the US Navy – at least on their side of the Pacific.

(1) China's spies are overrunning America

Monday, December 14, 2020

This must not stand

A true patriot would keep the attention of his fellow citizens awake to their grievances, and not allow them to rest till the causes of their just complaints are removed.

~ Sam Adams


The election results - as reported by the major networks - is obviously invalid.

There is no legitimacy to a 'Biden' administration.  Zero.

Big question is - what are patriotic Americans going to do about it?

And forget about DOJ's sudden interest in Hunter Biden.  It's probably a distraction to drawl away the righteous fury coming against deep state and swamp on THIS hideous steal. 




An infernal situation


In his celebrated 1961 'military-industrial complex' speech President Eisenhower also warned of another mortal threat to the republic: "we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.” (1,2) That development, which has clearly been realized today, had been described years earlier by C.S. Lewis in his 1945 novel “That Hideous Strength” (3).

Drawling on “That Hideous Strength” and other writings by Lewis,  a book and video of the same name “The Magicians Twin”, was prepared by John G. West (4,5) which details the elements of C.S. Lewis's warning about our developing 'scientocracy' and the diabolical new threat it, enabled by modern technology, presents to our free society.

I recommend the video most highly - The Magician's Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Case against Scientism - YouTube .

I also recommend listening to yesterdays discussion between Populists firebrand Steve Bannon and left of center Forbes contributor Joel Kotkin (from 50 mins to 1 hour 15 (6)) . Mr Kotkins description of today's unprecedented concentration of wealth and power within our solidifying technocracy provides additional illumination on the new feudalism which will over take us unless strong measures are taken to derail it.

  1. Avalon Project - Military-Industrial Complex Speech, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961 (

  2. Eisenhower's Less Famous Warning: Government-Controlled Science | American Council on Science and Health (

  1. That Hideous Strength: Marriage, Merlin, and Mayhem - Official Site |

  2. The Magician's Twin: C.S. Lewis and the Case against Scientism - YouTube

  3. The Magician's Twin: C. S. Lewis on Science, Scientism, and Society - Kindle edition by West, John G.. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @

  4. Steven K. Bannon - War Room Pandemic - Ep #580/581 (FULL 2hrs PODCAST) (

          (from 50 min to 1 hour 15 min)

Friday, December 11, 2020

WuFlu and Thalomid II?

One episode in the foresighted Science Fiction series 'The Outer Limits' (1) delt with the likely consequences of human alteration of DNA. The result? Extinction of the species. 


The forecast consequences of DNA modification - not what Bill Gates expects

Genetic alteration of a dangerous virus – enhancing it's contagion and lethality – is an effort conducted by biological warfare researchers.

Example Vector Lab 'epox' (2,3)

This same research, ostensibly in the interest of facilitating the development of vaccines in advance of new pathogens appearing naturally, was being conducted, funded by US government grant money, in the United States. Following a campaign by over 200 virologists and doctors the US suspended this research in the United States. Dr Fauci then use taxpayers money to fund the continuation of this research in the BSL4 laboratory in Wuhan. The Wuhan facility is joint use, civilian and military Biological Warfare R+D. (4)

COVID-19 was released, either intentionally or by accident, into the population of Wuhan in late 2019.(5)(6)

The characteristics of COVID-19 demonstrate it is the product of a laboratory, not a naturally occurring virus. The only BSL-4 facility known to exist in Wuhan is the aforementioned joint use facility.(7)

Two points here:

1. The characteristics of COVID-19 aka 'Wuflu', enabled it to very rapidly spread among humans – which is highly desirable in a biowar agent, and which was the opposite of what was stated by the WHO at the behest of the Communist Chinese government. (8)

2. To prevent spread within China, travel from Wuhan province was prohibited by chinese officials. Simultaneously potential carriers of the flu were permitted to fly from Wuhan to the United States and Europe. (9)

These two items are proof the government of China deliberately spread Wuflu to the free world.

Dr Faucis confusing recommendations, i.e. no need for public to use masks, then recommending they be required (10, 11), and opposition to effective theraputics (12, 13) served to acclerate the spread of WuFlu throughout the United States.

Dr Faucis actions amplified the impact of WuFlu on the United States and, not inconsequently, was the justification for the 'vote by mail' ballot scheme used later in the year to steal the election. (14)

What is certain is that the long term consequences of WuFlu on victims are not fully known - and the long term consequences of a rushed vaccine are even less so.

Which raises the question, if effective therapeutics are available (and they are(15)) why are we rushing to vaccinations with rushed, potentially deadly formulations?

Whose agenda are we actually pursuing: a stressed President looking for a legacy? the pharma industry?

Or perhaps the deadly Malthusians? Or Xi and the CCP?

Is long term sterility of victims. as a result of either the flu – or an altered vaccination – the intended product of a Malthusian inspired program? In that case, is the plan to sterilize only the under performing (16), or a specific, politically non compliant demographic? (17)

What is known is that the PLA Biowar facility is very likely responsible for the pandemic – and that Chinese agents have been accessing the computers at the firms researching and producing the vaccinations. (18) Were they trying to steal information – or alter it?

Biological warfare as a solution to America has been recommended by some of Chinas most senior military leaders. (19) To students of Sun Tzu how elegant would a campaign be that climaxes in the enemy never retaliating and ultimately administering the kill shot to his own children?

Given the above, what do we know about the proposed WuFlu vaccinations long term effects on male and female fertility, and on the health of subsequent offspring?

                                              We've seen negative consequences before

In any case, no untested (wrt at least long term effects) injections should be given to young Americans until the consequences on them - and their progeny - are understood.   We are no where near as competent in this science as some appear to think.(20)

For now WuFlu victims, immediately on detection, need be administered Ivermectin and/or HCQ and Zinc.

That would end the WuFlu threat and the fear porn exploited by our enemies foreign AND domestic. 

Unless, of course the fear is a product and not a glitch ...  

 UPDATE - 12/13/20 About that sterility thing ..Former Pfizer vice president and scientific director Dr. Michael Yeadon -

"The vaccinations are expected to produce antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. However, spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the placenta in mammals such as humans. It must be absolutely ruled out that a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1, as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women." -

UPDATE - 12/15/20 This 'study' just released...

"A new study has revealed that SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, infects the testicles and likely impacts male fertility"

of course it's worth noting that the 'study' is from "a team of 14 researchers from Wuhan, China".  Perhaps one in the same as the 'team' that created WuFlu?   

Who said it?  What did they say?  What do they intend we think, and do, as a result?  AND WHY?

NOTHING about WuFlu is natural.  It's origin.  Its spread.  And now the appearance of new strains.

Once viewed as a biological attack it makes more sense and perhaps our countermeasures and retaliation will be more appropriate. 



  1. “The Origin of Species”, Season 4 Episode 23, 27 Nov 1998



  4. esp. 05:24 point












  16. see Compulsory Abortion





thought du jour


Friday, December 4, 2020

Told ya (again)

Whistleblowers reveal USPS allegedly responsible for tampering with hundreds of thousands of ballots

Postal Service involved in massive election fraud 

Gee, whoda guessed?

Oh, me ... Sept 2 and Sept 24.

A mornings exchange of views


A note from fellow veteran of nomex and dry suits

The sad truth

Glenn Beck Says It All ...... and I couldn't have said it better.

I hope you can handle this without getting too depressed.

I am beside myself !!!!

My response

I've found writing a blog sometimes helps in forcing me to organize thoughts and validate resources.
I've not written an entry recently, the torrent of credible testimony and details on the steal were hard to keep up with.  Obviously the GA case, with the damming video, was just icing on the cake.

This will likely come to blows.  In fact, if the reporting of the deaths of Americans in Germany are correct, first blood may already have been drawn.

Here in Texas I don't expect the counter revolutionaries (Washington and co. were THE
revolutionaries) to amount to much for long.  Some critical infrastructure damage, bombings and mass shootings, perhaps our Jamaat ul-Fuqraa and Hezbollah bubbas making an appearance. 

It's what happens when you let the rubbish and dead wood build up,

Regrettably but truly, sometimes you just have to take out the trash.

Arthritis, glaucoma, maybe 2/3rds the strength I had 20 years ago, I feel more like Davos Seaworth ('nothin' fuks you like time') than a citizen soldier.  But watching a 90 something pound proud immigrant lady face death threats to testify about the gross fraud she saw steels the patriot in me.

'protect and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic'.

I expect you, I, and most our lot will do what needs be done if it comes to it.  Even if it's just passing donuts to the 50 somethin' year olds on guard at the railroad bridge.

God bless the republic.
/s/   CDR, USN (Ret.) and Wounded Warrior dad


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Et tu, Barr?



AG Barr to AP: DOJ Has No Evidence of Fraud That Would Change Election Outcome 

Big middle finger to Americans from the AG.  One has to wonder how far it will go before 

Americas builder and defenders turn on the powerful elite - and anyone in the way? 

Update - 12/2/20   Some points to consider in times more perilous than many understand ...

One of the few concrete claims Rudy has made appears to be specious.

 Claim - 

Rebuttal (note date)

Team Rudys sloppy claim mortally wounds the credibility of claimants that the election was stolen.

Meanwhile, the clearest evidence remains the execution of the election by the voting machines.  


Likely contender for '24 Rand Paul (candidate I hope) points this out - and is immediately censored by big tech.

And Sidney says things are going great ... while reporting the big server used in the count is Georgia has been removed ... by someone ...

Impounding all the machines?  But the tabulating server walked? 

Sigh.  This is a piping hot bowl of shit soup.  The reporting of votes (incredible curves above) shows the results in a number of states was altered to Biden's benefit, but this apparently escapes the masses.

Like I said before, we've been had.  

Does the Trump team have a compelling enough case to win in any court OR adequately justify resorting to force to defend the republic?

Not right now it appears. 

Perhaps this can solidify into a court winning case - but only perhaps ...


Monday, November 30, 2020

Meanwhile in the middle east II

Never able to miss an opportunity to put US service members  in a position to have their fate determined by players with agendas NOT compatible with 'America First"...

Pentagon orders Nimitz back to Persian Gulf during troop drawdown in Iraq, Afghanistan

The USS Nimitz and its strike group were ordered back to the Persian Gulf region to provide "defensive capabilities" during a drawdown of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Navy and Pentagon said Friday.

How easy is it for Bebe and the Saudis to involve the US in a war with Iran (one that would likely have domestic terrorist attack consequences)?

How 'bout an Israeli F-35 with fresh US markings  bombing a target in Iran?

We need ALL Americans out of the sandbox.  Leave it to the locals to sort out.  We don't need their oil, Japan and Korea, for example, do.  Let them sail around the straits for three or four decades. 

Update 12/1/20 just saw Pat's observations on this latest bit of brinkmanship...


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Meanwhile, in the middle east

 You do remember - the land we can forget since we are oil independent ...

Russia reports that Israel wants Russia to say they think Trump is preparing to attack Iran.

while ...

Iran says Israel is going to attack to force Trump to join them in a war against Iran.

 To which Trump MUST say - a pox on both your houses, America First.

Update 11/27/20 - a little more context ..

"A historic meeting between Israel’s prime minister and Saudi Arabia’s crown prince has sent a strong signal to allies and enemies alike that the two countries remain deeply committed to containing their common foe Iran."

and this bit is troubling ...

"Sunday’s meeting was held in the presence of U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Israel’s spy chief, Israeli media said."

and this piece showed up in the establishment Dept of Navy trade journal on the 25th ..

Israel, the Saudis, that's a lot of K street money and political clout.  Add to the list the militarily weak - but also cash flush - nations dependent on  Gulf oil.  Add the deepstate chicken hawks with Raytheon and Lockheed stocks, ALL of them pushing for a 'nice little' war - US vs Iran - for their profit.  

I do hope there are some Frank Lugo and Dave Yonker types in command of our Navy forces in the Gulf right now, but I doubt it.  Those men, in their time, denied deep state their bloody casus belli.  They ran the gulf during 'Earnest Will' in a fashion that achieved the stated mission goals while effectively managing the risks to our sailors (and a few good Marines and Air Force Special Operations Command airmen as well).


Saturday, November 21, 2020

As expected

  I worked with the cryppies (signals intelligence) in uniform - ashore and underway - and the OG 'hacker dudes' for a period after active duty (L0pht folks). I really appreciated their cleverness and irreverence.  I also came to appreciate the fact that being mouthy is in their DNA.  So, the statements by a Dominion engineer are no surprise.  I am certain this election is a fraud. We the people were just meat. Out vote rendered irrelevant. I expect to see that by honest vote Trump won - but that is to be demonstrated and determined in court.

UPDATE 12/30/30 - oh, and remember the riots??? 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The case is presented


Every American voter must watch the entire presentation.  90 minutes.  Do not rely on anyone else to tell you what was said.


Update 11/20/20 - (from way back machine) 




Thursday, November 12, 2020

Face it - we've been had


Now that election day has come and gone ...

From those 'good Americans' at Harvard ...

10 November Harvard Medical School publication (highlight mine) 


Are chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin safe and effective for treating COVID-19?

Early reports from China and France suggested that patients with severe symptoms of COVID-19 improved more quickly when given chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine. Some doctors were using a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin with some positive effects.

Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are primarily used to treat malaria and several inflammatory diseases, including lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Azithromycin is a commonly prescribed antibiotic for strep throat and bacterial pneumonia. Both drugs are inexpensive and readily available.

Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine have been shown to kill the COVID-19 virus in the laboratory dish. The drugs appear to work through two mechanisms. First, they make it harder for the virus to attach itself to the cell, inhibiting the virus from entering the cell and multiplying within it. Second, if the virus does manage to get inside the cell, the drugs kill it before it can multiply.

Azithromycin is never used for viral infections. However, this antibiotic does have some anti-inflammatory action. There has been speculation, though never proven, that azithromycin may help to dampen an overactive immune response to the COVID-19 infection.

The jury is still out regarding whether these drugs, alone or in combination, can treat COVID-19 viral infection. While recent human studies suggest no benefit and possibly a higher risk of death due to lethal heart rhythm abnormalities, two studies supporting these conclusions have been retracted by the authors because of irregularities in how results were collected and analyzed.

Regarding the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine alone to prevent coronavirus infection, the results of a clinical trial just published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that it did not prevent infection. However, how this study was conducted has been questioned by some experts.

Where does that leave us? The recommendation has not changed. Chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin should not be used to prevent or treat COVID-19 infection unless it is being prescribed in the hospital or as part of a clinical trial.

Clinical trials that were ongoing and about to be started to evaluate the effectiveness of these drugs are resuming. 


One must add  - trials restarted now that the election is over.  And saying you are testing the effectiveness of HCQ  WITHOUT Zinc against a corona virus is to say you aren't looking for a therapeutic remedy.  

Fauci, big Pharma, and the DNC did NOT want an effective, safe, inexpensive cure distributed.  They needed the panic over WuFlu to justify the 'vote by mail' scam.  

Need proof?  Look at Switzerland's experience.  Midway in the plague they were likely influenced by the bogus reports on the risks of HCQ.   Then they wisely reversed.  That saved Swiss lives.  Fauci and co. costs how many lives in America in pursuit of a stolen election?

A Swiss site accurately described the damaging information on HCQ, and more accurate confirmation of its effectiveness as follows:

"The alleged or actual negative results with hydroxychloroquine in some studies were based on delayed use (intensive care patients), excessive doses (up to 2400mg per day), manipulated data sets (the Surgisphere scandal), or ignored contraindications (e.g., favism or heart disease).

In fact, a comprehensive study by the European Society of Cardiology confirmed that correctly dosed HCQ is safe for covid patients in all clinical settings (i.e. from ambulatory to intensive care). HCQ has beneficial anti-viral, anti-platelet, anti-thrombotic and immunomodulatory effects (read more)."

There is no way this is news to our leading 'medical professionals'.  

Update - 11/13 Here's a similar analysis, only point I disagree with is, if Biden is seated there will be no subsequent mea culpa by media.

 Update  11/13 - and as if that isn't enough

 Update - 11/24/20  You don't know the half of it honey ...

UPDATE 11/28 - the amazing vanishing study on WuFlu

Johns Hopkins University keeps a tracker of covid cases around the world and the US.  This site is used to scare people into staying in their homes and shut off from the real world.  So when a study from Johns Hopkins comes out, showing no increase in deaths in 2020 related to prior years, the study has to be taken down. 

UPDATE 12/30/30 - oh, and remember the riots???


UPDATE - 5/12/22 Perhaps a bottom line now, a year and a half later.  

Intentionally released or not, the CCP did, without doubt deliberately spread WuFlu, withhold information, and persecute doctors attempting to get the truth out.

Collusion by US researchers continued over a year later.

Once released, COVID was the CCP's 'assassins mace'.  A secret weapon used to eliminate the emperor (Trump).