Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Self Deluded


There is a lot of chatter on how the US Navy's aircraft carriers can best support defending Taiwan from PRC.  It's nearly as endless as the '.45 vs 9mm' debates - with one significant difference.  The proponents of American carriers seem unable to accept a simple reality, that being, a substantial number of China's anti-ship ballistic missiles launched against a US aircraft carrier will have nuclear warheads.  Below is my contribution to one of these conversations ... held at" utm_campaign=reaction&utm_medium=email&utm_source=substack&utm_content=post

"Very good, and thought provoking article! I, however, respectfully take issue with the official presumption that PLARF ASBMs are armed with conventional warheads. 

 China has minutely studied the Soviet/Russian anti-carrier warfare system and largely adopted it - with ASBMs substituted for TU-22s. What we know about 'correlation of forces' (COF) calculations for regimental, and multi regimental strikes, with or without substantial SSMs in the mix, will probably be relevant. Their 'no first use' nuke policy glaringly allows for nukes to defend Chinese territory - which is what they say Taiwan is. China's COF calculations for number of hits likely given air defenses (in this case to include ABMs), and likelihood of a hit on a maneuvering spot in the water no more than 250 ft wide, going 30 mph, most probably resemble the old Soviet strike package calculations. 

Bottom line - (and I always love your arcane BSG allusions) China will be nuking the battle group day one. 

 Bet on it. 

They do not see the world through your eyes. Read Unrestricted Warfare folks. They have a 'you did it to Asians first' baked into their war plans. 

Two other BIG considerations, PLA-N focus on studying Battle of Midway (decisive element - communications intelligence), and their past, and current real time observations of Russian EW. A high burst nuke to start the day will complicate things for us a lot more then for them. These 'seasonings' will be used to prepare the theater before and during. 

Still think the CV's are applicable to the problem?"

When these folks tell you who they are - believe them.

ZERO moral ambiguity.  These folks are, by definition, evil.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Season of the Witch


                              Today's Army - ready to be all that Obama needs it to be?

VP Harris claims Trump will use the military against his enemies within the US if elected.  “He’s saying he would use the military to go after them …

Perfect example of projection - blame him for what you are doing ...

Newly released directive for our DOD - - - WHY NOW???

Federal Directive 5240.01.

What is it?  Why is it?  It shitcans Posse Comitatus.

It approves DOD Deep State spying and covert action by DOD against US citizens within the US – “When such actions have been approved by the President and directed by the Secretary of Defense”

No constitutional protections, no oversight.

Evidently they know the steal is going to be too obvious this time.

Deep State and Obama must feel their Army is ready.  We know they want a Chinese style of governance - a government of the 'right people' for the poor people.  

If that's the way they go, betcha' they'll have their hands full what with those pesky 'clingers' with their Bibles and guns and all.  

Mao had it easy.


Deep State apparently is hoping for easy.

UPDATE: 10/16/24 - Projection.  Gas lighting.  Oh yes, take the words of this traitor to heart - someone IS planning to use the military against US citizens, but it's Obama's globalist 4th Reich, NOT Trump, actually making plans, as proven by the Pentagon document above -



Don't believe the 'Trump might win' news ...

The creeping media stories saying Trump has a chance are a lie.

It is CRITICAL that Christians and gun owners vote to defend their 1st and 2nd Amendment protections. 

The media ran the same 'margin narrowing, Dems afraid'  scam last time.

Then they stole it.  And lied.  And lied.  And lied ...

God fearing, patriotic Americans MUST vote.  The margin of the steal has to be undeniable.  

When government goes full Obama ...

 Not a joke story ...

DOD is NO different.  They are a mainly a hollow force, more a credible threat to the American people than to Russia or China.

It's not about what it's about folks - it's about the revolution to destroy America.  Top down, bottom up. inside out.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Why has FEMA gotten so much worse?

Because of the Obama I, II, and III (aka. "the Biden administration") regime.

Hear it in their own words ...

Everything the cultural marxists touch is turned on its head and weaponized against America.

Need another reason to get off your butts and vote for Trump?

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Democrats threatened by gunfire ...

OK, maybe it was a BB gun in one or two of the 'attacks'.

But - this is serious folks ... really ..

Police are reported looking to question 3 men ...