Friday, May 17, 2024

"Killed during an attack"

 Hardly seems to explain does it?  

I remember.

The lesson that our Navy still largely refuses to accept is that everyone who boards a grey hull and sails onto - or under- contested waters is taking a chance.  It seems abstract, negligible,  most of the time - and then it doesn't.

God bless the families who lost loved ones all those years ago.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Convergence, corroboration, confirmation

I've provided information on the mutation and weaponization of  our 'intelligence community', our 'law enforcement' community (primarily the FBI),  and the great lie about WuF1u and the cl0t shot for years.  Here is a man who has had a unique perspective on the 'fundamental transformation' and who ties the process to it cause agents.

In short, if you can't see what is happening, and who is doing it, listen to Dr Malone. 


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Less than half the truth is a lie

 Judge 'suspends' prosecution of Trump for allegedly mishandling classified documents.

Reason given?  "Judge Aileen Cannon said there are too many significant issues to work out before a jury hears the matter."

Real reason?  Clear evidence FBI conspired with bureaucrats in DC to set Trump up for conviction which would bar his re-election.

Half the truth is a lie.

It's even worse than that - DOJ, FBI and Jack Smith may wind up being prosecuted instead!

Regardless - we must eliminate the FBI and broadly prosecute THEM for illegal search, falsification of documents, etc..  

Let them enjoy the 'J6' treatment.


Saturday, May 4, 2024

The truth is now something you have to dig for

Being on the road for the big family event (niece's wedding) I lucked out on the flight and sat in front of a fella wearing a mask and coughing.

3 days later - congestion then headache.  Using a borrowed WuF1u test kit the result was positive.

Problematic as we (wife and I) are traveling.  We took separate rooms at the hotel, tested her - negative - and she got to enjoy what I missed.  

I self dosed with 1vermectin, ~ 25mg/day orally (paste) and commenced taking a combo quercetin/zinc and Vitamin D.  

Result was the WuF1u effectively only lasted one night, the night I started with the above meds.  That night I had a high fever, chills, sore upper jaw.  The second day my temperature was back down I could drive (alone) for 2 hours with no discomfort.  

FYI, CDC standards are now:

"...CDC now says people who have Covid-19 should stay home until they’ve been fever-free without medication for at least 24 hours and their symptoms have been improving for 24 hours."

Which is where I am, so the trip continues.

Oh, and as for the $hot ...

We hear from one source:

"Soon after their arrival in late December 2020, the COVID-19 vaccines turned the pandemic around and opened a path back to normalcy. They prevented about 14.4 million deaths worldwide, according to one estimate." -

Wonderful - eh'?  That 'path back to normalcy' devastated the economy, facilitated the theft of an election, and had my mother die, alone in her care facility.   Zero consequences to Xi - who at the very least DELIBERATELY spread it to the US, the PLA Biowar folks in Wuhan, Fauci - who funded the work that produced WuF1u which was first conducted at Chapel Hill and later in Wuhan, and all the media that allowed 1vermectin and Hydr0xychloroquine/Zinc be demonized so that the fraudulent 'emergency use authorization' for the non-vaccine mRNA crap could be rushed out and stuck on our arms.

However, do your own homework.  The truth about the $hot is being reported within certain circles, just not being provided publicly via our MSM.

"Conclusions The 2023-2024 formula C0VID-19 vaccine given to working-aged adults afforded a low level of protection against the JN.1 lineage of SARS-CoV-2, but a higher number of prior vaccine doses was associated with a higher risk of C0VID-19."

Like I said.  Do your own homework  Make an informed decision after obtaining real facts.

And, someday, make the folks who brought all of this to us pay.

UPDATE: 5/8/24 - Like I said, MAKE THEM PAY! 

SAME DAY:  Yup.  Told y'all ....

UPDATE: 5/10/24 - A VICTORY against Fauci, big pharma, and Xi.  FDA settles with Doctors regarding use of 1vermectin to treat WuF1u.

Fauci, Xi, Bliz, and FDA are responsible for needless deaths by preventing victims from getting 1vermectin.

(knew this YEARS ago - 70% reduction in mortality -