Friday, March 24, 2023


As noted earlier (1), I happened to watch an excellent movie Wednesday. ‘Conspiracy’, which portrayed the Wannsee Conference ( ) . It well illustrated the ‘banality of evil’ – and how easily group think, and belief in a ‘higher’ cause, can make bureaucrats with weak spines mass killers.

That was in mind when I watched Ron DeSantis undergo the softball interview by Piers Morgan.

Regrettably, DeSantis very likely was deceptive about the goings on in GTMO.  (five to twelve minute mark)


Additionally, DeSantis had ample opportunity to demonstrate he understood it was Obama and Brennan who precipitated Russia’s invasion. Not a peep.

So, DeSantis is a good Governor, but evidently is a man very loyal to the (deep) state.  

1. a movie that, at the time, I thought some Navy JAGs ought to watch.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Half the truth (when it suits the cause)

 I saw a 'trans activist' on the View proclaim that 'guns are the leading cause of death for children'.  The claim seemed remarkable.

Subsequently I found a 'fact checker' news spot that supported the claim: 

So, there you have it.  A government study and a TV station verifying the claim. 

And that's all there is to say ... right?

Ahhh, no.  How about looking at the appendix to the study to see if there's any explanations.  

Oh yeah.  Kids (up to 19 years old).

Which kids?

Drawl your own conclusion.

NYPD data suggests what some of those 'kids' were doing when they met their end.

And, as for suicide, Japan has a higher suicide rate than the US.  No guns.  Go figure.   Want to take a bite out of suicides?  How 'bout ending the mutilation of children.  

"Transgender subjects were roughly 20 times more likely to have committed suicide within 10 years of their operations."

Is there a shred of self awareness within the Deep State?

 I very much doubt it.

Here's a great movie for Navy JAGs and their ilk to watch ...

So many lawyers.  

UPDATE: same day.  Just saw this after posting the item above.  Spooky huh?

Violent 'Right Wing' protesters?

 Nah, same ol' shit from FBI and Soros' minions.

Just like Jan 6.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

There's a method to the madness

 Just like O'Biden's/Brennan's Ukraine war is about replacing Putin, there is a reason for the current banking upset.

The first 25 minutes spells it out.  (you can skip the rest)

CBDC baby!

AND, meanwhile, which bank comes to the rescue of SVB in UK?   HSBC.

Remember them???

Monday, March 13, 2023

Stray thoughts

 Banking crisis?   Seems there's 4 tier 1 banks; BOA, JPM Chase, Citi, Wells /Fargo.   Collapsing the national banking system to just these four makes tracking your activity much easier doesn't it?

Also, it facilitates a shift to CBDC. 

And - how 'bout that Navy?

Friday, March 10, 2023

Spot the Fed ...

Clue - he's masked, breaking into the capitol building, wired for sound, and intent to stop anyone pleading for common sense restraint.

Tucker is mostly right.  J6 was a Deep State/Swamp run coup against the American people.  

 He's just a little more than a year late to the realization.

Monday, March 6, 2023

'Drag Queens'

My opinion of 'open carry' laws is a matter of record.

Finally someone has distilled my thought down to a pithy comment - 'open carry proponents are the drag queens of the gun world'.  Dead on! 

Such desperate 'look at me' antics only motivate store owners to post signs prohibiting citizens - even with background checks and permits - from visiting their shops.

UPDATE: 3/7/23 OK, so 'open carry' in a big, crime infested city is a crap idea.  That doesn't mean a pandering politician won't act like he's a big fan ...