Monday, May 29, 2023

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Stick a fork in it ...

The FBI. CIA, NSA, and DOJ are THE major threat to our national security.

I had earlier explained where my perspective on deep state came from ...

And, repeatedly advised that January 6 was a 'Reichstag Fire' - an FBI managed bit of gorilla theatre with mostly dim-witted dupes as participants.

Most recently I reminded folks with this -

And now, the glaring truth of it - the videos weren't to be shared even within FBI because FBI HQ didn't' want their participants - the folks actively driving the event - compromised.

FBI is KGB.  "Proud Boys', ANTIFA, BLM all just dupes. 

There is NO fixing the FBI - honest agents are railroaded out and punished -

So, again, repeat after me:

Epstein did not kill himself.

Biden is not a duly ('in the correct way') elected president.

Deep State blew up Nordstream.

January 6 was an FBI produced Reichstag Fire.

COVID was intentionally spread by the PLA biowar branch.  

Vote by mail is a fraud.

Global Warming has ALWAYS been a hoax.

UPDATE: 5.19.23 - will congress act?

UPDATE: 5.19.23 - This is a long read - but the best summary of how corrupt and dangerous the deep state has become...

UPDATE: 8/3/23 - yes Melissa, the FBI did stage J6 - FOX NEWS refused to run this interview ...

and... even through the pot smoke Joe Rogan is beginning to see straight ...

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Is our Navy ready?

         USS Growler, February 7. 1943 - CDR Gilmore orders crash dive to save boat - at cost of own life

"We sleep safely at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence on those who would harm us." - Winston Churchill

What is the culture in today's US Navy?  Do we recruit, promote, 'rough men' today?

Does today's Navy even know what business they are in?  

They don't know how to build a ship (LCS, DDG 1000).

They clearly aren't interested in recruiting solid men of the type we know can sail, fight, and win.

They can't even keep their ships from burning down pierside.

It's been a long, long, time since a real opponent challenged the US at sea.  Generations since Reagan have totally squandered our lead.  It does not appear winning a war at sea is even a minor priority to the anti-American cultural marxists running DOD and the Navy.

Monday, May 15, 2023

The 'border'

My note to the ‘representatives’ I’ve been blessed with:

Dear Senator/Representative xxx,
I am disgusted by the complete lack of will exhibited by you and your friends in Washington. We’ve dispatched B-52s time and again to drop bombs to defend other borders – here we hand out cell phones?
During my service to the country the job nearly killed me three times – once by enemy action. My son was very nearly killed in Afghanistan.
What you won’t defend you lose. Fact of life.
Mine the damm border! I know they work – YOU know they work – that’s why we’re sending them to the Ukraine (and you know why we’re there – NOT ‘national security’).
xxxxxx CDR. USN (Ret.) and Wounded Warrior dad

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Meanwhile, here in Texas

Mall shooter alleged to be 'Nazi' - which means he, like the crew in Charlottesville, is ideologically downstream from the CIA/Soros funded real Nazis in the Ukraine.  


Alternatively, ever hear of 'Tango Blast'?  BIG hispanic gang.

As for the fella running over illegals - Cartel.


UPDATE on mall shooter - why no good guys helped here in Texas?  Question I had ....


Thursday, May 4, 2023

More Reschstag Fire news ...

In case you missed it ...

"Ex-FBI agent who feds say urged Jan. 6 rioters to kill police worked terrorism task force

Jared Wise was part of the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force and was supervisory special agent in charge of the Homegrown Violent Extremism unit."

Shouldn't be a surprise -

The FBI has become the 'sword and shield of the party'.  

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

State of Affairs

Where we are at is neatly summarized on Zero Hedge this morning.

 "If these matters are not adjudicated, it will be a civil war strategy."

Monday, May 1, 2023

Today's Navy

Is a big damm joke.

Really, they've gone beyond irrational to self destructive.

If you are a straight, white, Christian, male you clearly are NOT a 'fit' for this organization.  

God help the lot of them when China decides to kill some of 'em to make a point.

'Use to be cause for dishonorable discharge, then it was optional,
glad to be out before it was mandatory'.