Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Meanwhile, in the ranks ...

Too many folks in OBiden's DOD and National Security staff would have to be stupid for this to be unanticipated.

Ask yourself - why is DOD willing to endure the pain and significantly diminish  DOD's ability to defend the US from peer opponents?  

"When you openly accuse the military of being rightwing and harboring white supremacists, insist on schooling them in transgender pronoun usage, and then force them to get vaccinated for a Covid-19 virus that’s less threatening than the flu for the young and healthy military demographic, you shouldn’t be shocked that they don’t want to enlist under a leadership they neither trust nor admire."

UPDATE - 7/18/22:  With the OBiden regime in power it only gets worse in the ranks ...

Un-deleted expletives

 Just so you understand the nature of the folks out there ... the Obama/Biden voters who want you disarmed and want to abort, or pervert, your children... (obscene language warning)

I had noted the demonic appearance of many pro-abortion protesters.  Apparently it's obvious to others as well..

If you haven't read C S Lewis' 'That Hideous Strength" you may not appreciate that most of the atheist,  technocratic, nomenklatura running our ruling regime have no idea whom they actually serve.

Well ... most, there are exceptions ...

UPDATE: 7/5/22 - The coach responds to Roe overturn -

Monday, June 27, 2022

Clear threats from the - DOJ protected - left

source -

For over 2 years I've watched and commented as the Brown Shirts of today's 4th Reich, along with FBI paid participants and provocateurs, stoked the fires of rage and instigated riot and death.  

Examples over the years:

The overturn of Roe is both a sound interpretation of the constitution, and a needed relief to a country hither to condemned in Gods sight by an evil, nation-wide, judicial edict.

Nevertheless, it is an exploitable event, so this is to be expected:

My prediction is that such activity, if attempted, will  be an extinction event for the wannabee mongol hoards - even with massive top cover from OBiden's DOJ.  

America will defend itself with vigor - even if the usurper's regime doesn't like it.  And, perhaps an amicable divorce is due.  California - with all it's cheesy decadence - is free to leave the union. 

"We must respect evil - and we must make evil respect us." - The Old Man

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Obama/Soros brown shirts and stooges take to the streets


"Important note: The violence we’re seeing from Antifa, Jane’s Revenge, and other Soros-funded domestic terrorist groups is only loosely based on the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. They’re using it as the excuse to destabilize America ahead of whatever sort of collapse we have coming. Whether it’s an economic collapse, food crisis, or total societal collapse, this is all part of the globalist elite’s plan to force “Build Back Better” or, as they prefer to call it, “The Great Reset.”

Roe v. Wade being overturned is not the source of the rage. It has been artificially ramped up in order to achieve the globalist elite’s goals. That’s not to say the domestic terrorists aren’t truly enraged. They are suffering from a strong delusion. We need to recognize it for what it is so we can address it properly. This is demonic."

Update - same day: Think "demonic" inappropriate?  Overreach?  From their own mouths ....

At least it's clear who is on whose team.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Good vs Evil vs Wise

Politics and legislation are not one in same with Scripture and wisdom.

Slavery was inhumane but, neither illegal nor a sin.  It took nearly a century to get that right here in the United States.  

Abortion - unqualified and even in some cases federally funded - was inhumane and a sin, but not illegal for the last half century.  

Seems we got that one right in half the time.

May God again see fit to bless America.  

California - you are free to leave any time now.  

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

The swamp

As I explained earlier ...

"I am not an NRA member.  The endless political deals with establishment hacks, and the clear waste of members money by leadership was too much for me years ago.  Perhaps when they finally get rid of  super swampy Wayne LaPierre I'll reconsider."

Maybe now you can see why.

The NRA is about political grift, NOT defending YOUR rights.  Perhaps with entirely different leadership?  Till then no money from me.

As for Cornyn - I'll research 'recall of a Senator'.  The abuse of FEDERAL power is all too visible.  Supporting FEDERAL gun control could not have been done in ignorance.  He is either too corrupt to represent Texas, or too stupid to represent Texas.  

Either way, he needs be fired.

UPDATE: Same day - Well, whadda' you know.  Texas is a state with no existing means to recall a sitting Senator (Cornyn) or Representative (Eyepatch McCain).   

Which explains their behavior as protected swamp critters.

Obama, Pelosi, Biden, Pence, McConnell, Barr ...    

Microsoft, Google, Facebook, the networks ...

Lockheed, deep state 'contractors' ...

DOJ, NSA ....

Yup, gonna take a lot to recover the republic from the 4th reich.

in sur rec tion - revolting against civil authority


Threats of violence against Supreme Court Justices

Not to worry.  The FBI will protect us (snicker).  

Meanwhile the RINOs in the 4th reich continue to work tirelessly to disarm political opponents of the reich ... while leaving the border open, and still refuse to have DOJ prosecute ANTIFA and BLM for last years riots ...

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Get it ...yet???

ONE - Yes Hydroxychloroquine works.  The lies were necessary to get the emergency authorization for the clot shot.

"Our study suggests that the treatment protocol of HCQ, AZM, and zinc with or without vitamin C is safe and effective in the treatment of COVID-19..."

TWO - WuFlu DID come from the Fauci funded PLA biowar lab.

THREE - the experimental mRNA 'clot shot' is more dangerous, and less effective than we were told.

I have told you this for two years.  Accept it now?

Lemme clue you into two other facts - man caused global warming climate crisis is a hoax, and Trump won the election in 2020.

And one more big one.

All of these would have been self evident to everyone IF we actually lived in a free country.

UPDATE - 6/26/22: about that 'free' country ...

Monday, June 20, 2022

Just say no to FEDERAL Red Flag initiative

 "The potential for abuse of Red Flag laws is infinite. "


Nope ....

(click to expand)

There is a place for a means by which the immediate family can consult with a psychiatrist and a judge to have a person with real mental problems disarmed.  

That is not what the 4th Reich is selling.  They want all potential POLITICAL opponents disarmed.

UPDATE - 6/25/22 The presumption of innocence has been turned upside down by the 4th reich ...

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Crush Depth

Thanks Obama, Brennan, Soros, Pence, Barr ....

 “Biden is the one-term disposable tool for their collective effort to fundamentally change the United States.”

And so it goes that United States of America, as a free and prosperous leader of a free world, is a disposable tool to establish global tyranny. - SDee

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

The real questions about J6th

 Asked, as expected by Guiliani

Cruz is also on target ...

Prediction - Obama/Pelosi/FBIs Reichstag Fire is going to backfire.

Federal Gun Control?

I brought up gun control earlier (1).  Fact is, the FEDERAL government has NO authority to impose 'gun control'.  "...shall not be infringed." couldn't be more clear.  Current regime efforts to disarm citizens are intended to help ANTIFA and BLM be more effective as 'Brown Shirts' in the streets leading up to the mid-term.   Quiet while Obama was in office, violence inspired by the left has ramped up in recent years and is now very extreme and audacious (2).

And that is precisely why the 2nd Amendment was written.  

The BEST reference on the 2nd is the Senate Judiciary report. They chartered the best historians to investigate meaning and went even to original drafts and personal correspondence of the founders.

Bottom line: "The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and wording of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and court in the first half-century after its ratification, indicates that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner."

Indiana home owners observe BLM protesters marching by

As the sage said - "A handgun is to defend your life, a shotgun is to defend your home, a rifle is to defend your freedom" - J Cooper

Guess which weapon our ruling 4th reich is laser like focused on?

UPDATE: Same day ... Talk about 'cat outta da bag' - gotta scoop up dem ARs because ... well Darwin ...

(2) Examples:

Friday, June 10, 2022

Parade of traitors

I'm skipping the Stalinesque  J6 Kangaroo Court but saw this story and a reader's comments (below) ...


Bill Barr stopped U.S. attorneys from investigating voter fraud in 2020.

Bill Barr “ignored” evidence of the Russian disinformation in the dossier of Christopher Steel.

Bill Barr failed to keep the world’s most infamous pedophile alive for trial.

Bill Barr failed to investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop and he did NOT inform Congress about it.

Bill Barr was in charge of the DOJ when the FBI created the Governor Whitmer kidnapping hoax.

Bill Barr did Nothing about Black Lives Matter Burning Federal Buildings and Toppling Statues.

Bill Barr aided Democrats in defeating a very popular sitting President in favor of a Senile man who funneled shady business deals with Chinese Communists through his.... Crack-head son.  


(h/t speakeasy)

Men like Barr have turned the country over to the 4th reich.  

UPDATE: 6/11/22 - Want to know who dunnit?

I won't even say I told 'ya so.

And, anyone know this guy?  Law school?  JAG?  

Update: 6/12/22 - I've pointed out that Obama/Brennan used the Nazi AZOV folks as the muscle in the street in the coup against the elected Ukrainian president in 2014.  Also, there was cross-training between AZOV and the hard edge instigators in Charlotte (staged to create an anti-Trump fallout (1)).  Now, guess who is among the crowd on Jan 6?  The very same Obama funded, crowd management pros from Ukraine. 


Thursday, June 9, 2022

In your face America

 The 4th Reich running the country wants to terrorize folks into compliance.

That is exactly why they want the AR-15 banned.

As I've explained before, this is about political power NOT crime.

Remember -  "A handgun is to defend your life, a shotgun is to defend your home, a rifle is to defend your freedom"- J Cooper

Guess which one Obama, Biden, Soros want to ban?

UPDATE: from CAPT Obvious -