Friday, February 26, 2021

Deep State back in business (they never left)

 Why is JoBama bombing Syria?  

Think Keystone pipeline.

Is is worth one middle class American life?  Especially when, at will, we can again be energy independent?

Sure.  That's what Deep State does.  It makes money and kills OUR kids.

from remarks section

And, in an unrelated (wink) story ..    Was it Iranians?  Or a false flag by our mendacious 'friends' in the holy land?

We may soon see if Reagans this oh so PC Navy has finally degraded to the point the Iranian Navy and IRGC can dictate where we operate.  

See how much more, ummm ...,  interesting things are now that Trump has left?  If you voted JoBama you are responsible.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Season of the Witch


There is no mystery about what is happening to America.  Just as they've intensely studied and adopted, with improvements,  the Soviet anti-carrier strategy, the CCP has adopted and carried on the Soviet plan to destroy America.  The strategy was clearly described by a defecting Soviet cold war warrior who was once engaged in implementing it.

"Here are the four steps of Marxist takeover of America. ...

The first goal of revolutionary propaganda, particularly the Marxist variety, is to demoralize. It’s to depress you and make you believe your civilization is lost. ...

What’s the second step? Destabilization....

Bezmenov describes that as a rapid decline in the structure of a society — its economy, its military, its international relations....

The third stage is crisis, the catalyzing event that builds on the first two stages to bring on the change the revolutionaries are looking for. ... 

What’s the fourth stage? Normalization. As in, a “new normal.” 

Just as Trumps AG, the traitor Barr, was critical to the left, the usurper Obidens AG will be even more critical to completing the coup.

"In less than a month in office, the Biden administration has clearly defined itself and its party as a fascist vanguard, driven by a racist agenda, and unconstrained by constitutional principle. ...

It is an aggressive pursuer of political division behind a deceptive smokescreen of “healing” and “unity,” It is busily exploiting a fake “armed insurrection” to justify witch-hunts of the military, the capital police, members of Congress and the opposition media, at the moment Fox and Newsmax, whom they want to suppress. 

... the Democrats were able to turn the Capitol melee into a preposterous Reichstag Fire – the same that provided Hitler, the elected chancellor of the Weimar Republic with an excuse for destroying the Republic and silencing his opponents.

The Marxists of Black Lives Matter are the actual authors of the lie that the January 6 melee in the capital was a “white supremacist coup.” But even the pathetic Merrick Garland was forced to repeat the canard - without offering a shred of evidence - at his confirmation hearing. That’s how pervasive this racist ideology has become in shaping the Democrat Party’s drive to destroy our constitutional Republic. The hour is actually late, and Americans better wake up and start fighting for their country or there will soon be nothing left to defend."

Forecast.  The brownshirts (BLM/Antifa) will take to the streets with increased violence in areas they can expect top cover from communist sympathizer DAs and police.  They will learn, the hard way, which areas citizens' still have a right to defend themselves and their property.  

Pessimistic?...Have you read last years posts?   have you been paying attention?

UPDATE - 3/2/21   Yup, and the FBI has now well and truly become the 'shield of the party' (KGB)/



Monday, February 15, 2021

The Gun Thing

                           Security at Davos meeting - Black guns for me, but not thee little people

I find "gun control" to be a topic which reveals more about the fanatics on both sides than either enjoy.

First, the constitution.

For my part I am completely satisfied by the excellent research done at the request of the Senate Judiciary Committee back in  1982.  They empaneled constitutional historians who researched down to hand written drafts, personal contemporaneous letters, and newspaper articles and editorials.  Their conclusion:

"The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and wording of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and court in the first half century after its ratification, indicates that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner."

Thus the Constitution prohibits constraints on ownership of "firearms" by citizens.  As a matter of history, citizens back then could own artillery, which, even in its 18th century form was far more destructive than a .22 caliber carbine like the common AR-15 today.  It was a matter of gradual consent that over the years fully automatic firearms, explosives, and, oddly, 'silencers' were surrendered to the taxmans control.  There has been no broad acceptance of prohibitions on ownership of repeating firearms with 'large capacity' magazines subsequent to their wide availability in 1905.

                                         Winchester 1905 with 'high capacity magazine'

Next, the legitimate function.

A true sage on the topic (Jeff Cooper) once remarked 'a handgun is to defend your life, a shotgun to defend your house, and a rifle to defend your freedom'.  I believe that adequately summarizes the non-sporting purpose of each.  It is a fact that in our current political climate more, and more violent, armed 'brown shirt' groups (BLM, ANTIFA to name two) are being funded and fielded by the left in an attempt to coerce the public into submitting to their demands.  It's important to note that the actions of these groups is rarely stopped, or the leaders subsequently prosecuted by law enforcement.  Such political terror groups have failed, however, to 'terrorize' locals who are clearly prepared to defend themselves (clues when researching - trigger and muzzle discipline, proper slings, sights, and spare ammunition) .

                                           Summer 2020 locals unintimidated by BLM

Thus, demonstrably, the proper function of a repeating carbine or rifle in the hands of a peaceable US citizen is, and will continue to be, to defend his freedom.  

Conclusion - I find it no surprise which firearm, regardless of its comparative absence from crime statistics, this oppressive regime is targeting.   It shows their contempt for the Constitution and their intent with regard free, uncompliant to PC fever dreams, citizens. 

If Jobama was genuinely interested in crime, that is a much different matter.  A reduction in murder (criminal homicide), for example, will require something other than unconstitutional action to disarm  free citizens.   For the most part, the murder rate in the US is between that of France and Finland.  Not remarkable.  That is not, however, uniformly true.  Even a MSM review of the facts revealed that "Blacks were disproportionately likely to commit homicide and to be the victims. In 2008 the offending rate for blacks was seven times higher than for whites"

Yeah.  Good luck with that.  

And, the credibility of the government would be much better served not displaying such amazing (!) ignorance, even while attempting to justify extraconstitutional actions.

Congresswoman says AR-15 is as heavy as 10 moving boxes, fires .50 caliber bullets - YouTube

UPDATE - 5/7/21 - This bit of proposed legislation - unintentionally - illustrates the nature of the violent crime problem in America

UPDATE - 7/14/21  The true nature of crime with firearms in 2 pictures ...

Source, data.  Drawl your own conclusion.


Friday, February 12, 2021

A year of blogging


One year ago we were faced with the dawning realization of the severity of the plague China spread across the US .

And, politically the party calling itself 'Democrat' was focused on impeachment.

Three things quickly became obvious.

1.  The Chinese Communist Party deliberately spread the WuFlu across the US and Europe.

2. There was a simple, effective therapeutic treatment for WuFlu that could reduce casualties so significantly the effect on the US would be insufficient to impact the normal execution of an election.

3. The Democrats were going to steal the election.

Yup, call me Nostradamus.

And my guess? 

This year's gonna be a lot worse.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Elections (sic) have consequences

                                           Our DOD - fundamentally transformed

Even way back before age took a significant toll Biden displayed his careless disregard for servicemembers.

Now, Biden is having Obama's favorite General (Silver Star you know) root out all those in DOD not buying into white guilt/America founded on racism (because ... well ... racist - and less likely to shoot their dads)

The hard left has always used DOD to 'norm' perversity.  With Biden VA now offers "STPs" and "dialators"  (you probably didn't know what those are 'eh?) - sure there's a big demand, just look at the VFW crowd.

AND - given the left/globalist have stolen the office one can expect we'll be right back into stupid little wars.  Why?  Profitable for Raytheon, kills lots of middle class white guys, what's not to like.

Americas enemies must be laughing their asses off.

Update - 2/5/21 folks who understand what is going on aren't laughing.   Within the ranks this is a Stalinist purge.  The Army Obama, err, Biden, err, Harris wants just happens to be one more likely to turn its guns on Americans.

(I avoid 'infowars' - most of the time.  I understand Alex has a business to run and bombast means viewers so much can be discounted.  However, on occasion there  is good info and ana;ysis to be seen there.  The clip above is by a former SEAL of my generation.  His observations are worth listening to.)