Friday, October 27, 2023

Arguments for Retroactive Sterilization


one melting snowflake -

and one over ripe for reality -

WHO gave birth to these creatures?  WHO was supposed to raise them, inculcate American values into tham?

Seems Hillary's 'village' failed miserably.  

Or, was that intentional?  Now we have a legion of soy boys and girls (gosh!  I am assuming gender!) dependant on government instead of independant of government and protective of that independance.

Yup, well played Hillary!

UPDATE: and, of course, our military hasn't escaped the march through the institutions ...

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Call a spade a spade...

1.  Something I've been sure of for a long time is said out loud ...

Which gives pause to ask (again) ... what, really, did Obama's chief do staff do in Israel when he left to serve in the Israeli Army?

2.  The truth about our 'open arms' policy from one of its authors ...

   and a more eloquent critic than I am ...

3. As for - white - mass shooters (mass shooting not being disproportionally a 'white' thing)

Here's what the mass shooters (4 or more shot in event) looked like in 2019 ... NOT an 'all white' thing at all is it?  The same groups are punching well above their weight though.

Poor old snopes ... tries to dirty up over definition of mass shooting?  4 or more is the standard.


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

CIA involved in assination plot inside Russia - Vlad opening up a new front?

This is just another step in the move to bring us to war with Russia.

The Nordstream attack would justify an attack on the Alaskan pipeline.  Now this.  Despite the long relationship between moslem terrorists and the (then) KGB, with our current support for embattled Israel, a moslem hit on US critical infrastructure or US billionaires or politicians in DC would be rather hard to attribute to Vlad.

Meanwhile, Vlad has finally decided to target members of the megelomanicial Davos crew.  You know, the folks who, along with Obama, Brennan, and Biden supported the Nazis in the streets and overthrew the elected president of Ukraine in 2014 in order to precepitate the current war there?

Yup.  Things might be heating up some.

Seems no one heeds the old wizard's advice ...

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Some more detail on an earlier 'false flag' gas attack

 I watched the coverage of the alleged sarin gas attack in Syria years ago closely.  I knew then it was a 'false flag' from the start ... video was released of the 'victims' hopping off stretchers believing they were off camera.

At the 37:36 point the former CIA employee explains that this WAS a false flag intended to get the US further into war in Syria (Syria was Russia aligned, deep state AND team Obama/Davos, AND Israel  wanted the regime eliminated).

So ... it's false flag season again.  Watch the video and learn how events are staged to manage what you believe.

Just like J6.

Monday, October 23, 2023

About Ukraine, Israel, Iran, China ....

See the pieces for what they are.

IMHO Islam is satanic, created by a sixth century L Ron Hubbard.

None the less, I also know first hand how mendacious Israel is.

They, and our ruling deep state, want us in a war with Iran.  Clears Iran from the board for Israel, with goys bleeding not jews,  cash for the big defense industry for the deep state.  Deep state has as little affection for US troops as Israel does.  Uses them for bait.

Simultaneously, the hard left Obama camp does not want a war to debilitate Iran.  It's sympathies are with the moslems. 


Read and understand ...

Xi, and the brutal autocrats ruling China would be delighted to see us in a ruinous war with Hezballah - with that organization exercising their VERY well prepared plans to attack America's critical infrastructure and conduct terror attacks in the US.  That threat thanks in part to the FBI for not closing those jihadi training camps in the US for decades ... too busy raiding Trump, creating the J6 Reichstag Fire, and arresting PTA moms and Catholics who like mass in Latin. (see earlier posts)

Hizballah cells here now - and, more jihadis coming.  Obama knows why.

Blix, Soros, 'Team Davos' megalomaniacs?  May be with Xi on this one.  

Rx - Not all wars are our wars.  In fact almost none are, ever. And, we are in no shape to even consider a role in what's happening in the middle east.  Our nation is broke.  It is led by crooks and perverts.  We must first close our border, hold fair elections, reorient and right size (like, downsize by 2/3rds) our military, unify our people, and get the government back under control of the people.


A. Leave the Nazis to Vlad.  He may do some punitive damage, but will only hold what is, essentially, Russian of the old Ukraine.

B. And let Israel go old testament with Hamas.  There is little Iran can do, Israel has nukes, Iran has none (unless Xi lets north Korea deliver some they've helped build to them ... which is probably why Israel has been selling out the US to PRC for all these years).

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Friday, October 20, 2023

Why we haven't seen the J6 video

Because it reveals the event was managed by the FBI to become a Reichstag Fire event.

I've mentioned this many times before.  Most recently ...

Now, using what little video is available we get the story behind one of the props used by FBI to frame the story for the media - and stupid Americans.

You see, when the fed wanted his coffee, he up and went to the same shop he always gets his coffee at ...the one across the street from his office.  

Release of all the video would lead to the 'outing' and prosecution of active and 'retired' (contractors) deep state personnel.

Has Hamas killed "woke"?

Sad that it took brutal killings for the liberal jews to reflect on what they've created ...

Literally asked at 8:32 ....

Bare knuckle commentator Ann Coulter is more pointed ...

James Lindsay explains Mao said he consolidated power in the communist party, then unleashed that power onto the country.  That is what the hard left has done with the Dem party.  

Hard days ahead.  For jews and Christians alike.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Things as the really are in the middle east

 Excellent article.

To which I commented ...

There may be one good thing to come from the meat puppet’s regime. Any illusion that the US has an empire is gone. Lost in the dust at the airport in Kabul.
The grossly expensive, bloated, military of the former ‘new world order’ can, finally, be right sized for America’s defense. We can finally focus on our interests.
We are NOT an empire. Not all wars are our wars. Not all unhappiness is reason for overseas garrisons and carrier battlegroups.
In fact, not intending to be an empire (or the hired policeman for the empire of team Davos) removes the reason for being for carriers and amphibious groups entirely … well, except for those ‘gator freighters’ engaged in returning millions of uninvited guests to their home lands.

UPDATE: 10/21/23 another observer says the days of America's empire are over...

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Feel good vid for the day ...

Yeah, what could go wrong ...

Remember - the MOST likely terrorist in the US is not the 'refugee' - it's his SON.

UPDATE: 10/19/23 - And, along those lines - 100 year old architect of new world order (and CCP spokesperson) FINALLY get it ...

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Just because it's what they want don't mean we can ignore it ...

Fear porn - grizzly images and pearl clutching 'experts' lead to the obvious conclusion - years of an unsecured border with millions of military age males entering from China, Syria, a host of nations that want us destroyed, has made the US more vulnerable that Israel to an inside attack.

Obama, Brennan, Biden created this imminent crisis in order to have an event justifying even more draconian measures in what is already a domestic hellscape of surveillance and DOJ abuse.

Not like we don't have savages here already – and they'll help the jihadis when time comes.

We must secure our border – I mean SECURE our border. NOW. We know how, we've sold mines to Ukraine to secure theirs.

Rx - razor wire, signs, mines, reapply as necessary, some redness may occur after initial application.

Just as the Holy Family were refugees – and returned to their home – it is time to remove millions of our uninvited guests.  They are security risks.  Demonstrably they have no respect for our laws.  Helpful tip - the MOST likely individual to become a terrorist is the son of a refugee (do your own homework).

Rx - mobilize our bloated and misled fed police forces and anachronistic Naval Amphibious forces to return them.

Meantime – if you are a father, head or household, you are foremost responsible for the security of your home and family. Act accordingly.  The FBI is focused on latin mass Catholics and PTA parents.

As for Israel, who knows what the truth is over there. We must stay out of the situation for now. Damm sure don't accept any more 'refugees'.

UPDATE: 10/12/23 - More along the same lines ....

I've discussed the vulnerability of our infrastructure many times in the past - ex. ... Hezbollah,  PRC, BLM, NOI, all know where to apply pressure.