Monday, November 30, 2020

Meanwhile in the middle east II

Never able to miss an opportunity to put US service members  in a position to have their fate determined by players with agendas NOT compatible with 'America First"...

Pentagon orders Nimitz back to Persian Gulf during troop drawdown in Iraq, Afghanistan

The USS Nimitz and its strike group were ordered back to the Persian Gulf region to provide "defensive capabilities" during a drawdown of troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Navy and Pentagon said Friday.

How easy is it for Bebe and the Saudis to involve the US in a war with Iran (one that would likely have domestic terrorist attack consequences)?

How 'bout an Israeli F-35 with fresh US markings  bombing a target in Iran?

We need ALL Americans out of the sandbox.  Leave it to the locals to sort out.  We don't need their oil, Japan and Korea, for example, do.  Let them sail around the straits for three or four decades. 

Update 12/1/20 just saw Pat's observations on this latest bit of brinkmanship...


Thursday, November 26, 2020

Meanwhile, in the middle east

 You do remember - the land we can forget since we are oil independent ...

Russia reports that Israel wants Russia to say they think Trump is preparing to attack Iran.

while ...

Iran says Israel is going to attack to force Trump to join them in a war against Iran.

 To which Trump MUST say - a pox on both your houses, America First.

Update 11/27/20 - a little more context ..

"A historic meeting between Israel’s prime minister and Saudi Arabia’s crown prince has sent a strong signal to allies and enemies alike that the two countries remain deeply committed to containing their common foe Iran."

and this bit is troubling ...

"Sunday’s meeting was held in the presence of U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Israel’s spy chief, Israeli media said."

and this piece showed up in the establishment Dept of Navy trade journal on the 25th ..

Israel, the Saudis, that's a lot of K street money and political clout.  Add to the list the militarily weak - but also cash flush - nations dependent on  Gulf oil.  Add the deepstate chicken hawks with Raytheon and Lockheed stocks, ALL of them pushing for a 'nice little' war - US vs Iran - for their profit.  

I do hope there are some Frank Lugo and Dave Yonker types in command of our Navy forces in the Gulf right now, but I doubt it.  Those men, in their time, denied deep state their bloody casus belli.  They ran the gulf during 'Earnest Will' in a fashion that achieved the stated mission goals while effectively managing the risks to our sailors (and a few good Marines and Air Force Special Operations Command airmen as well).


Saturday, November 21, 2020

As expected

  I worked with the cryppies (signals intelligence) in uniform - ashore and underway - and the OG 'hacker dudes' for a period after active duty (L0pht folks). I really appreciated their cleverness and irreverence.  I also came to appreciate the fact that being mouthy is in their DNA.  So, the statements by a Dominion engineer are no surprise.  I am certain this election is a fraud. We the people were just meat. Out vote rendered irrelevant. I expect to see that by honest vote Trump won - but that is to be demonstrated and determined in court.

UPDATE 12/30/30 - oh, and remember the riots??? 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

The case is presented


Every American voter must watch the entire presentation.  90 minutes.  Do not rely on anyone else to tell you what was said.


Update 11/20/20 - (from way back machine) 




Thursday, November 12, 2020

Face it - we've been had


Now that election day has come and gone ...

From those 'good Americans' at Harvard ...

10 November Harvard Medical School publication (highlight mine) 


Are chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin safe and effective for treating COVID-19?

Early reports from China and France suggested that patients with severe symptoms of COVID-19 improved more quickly when given chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine. Some doctors were using a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin with some positive effects.

Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are primarily used to treat malaria and several inflammatory diseases, including lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Azithromycin is a commonly prescribed antibiotic for strep throat and bacterial pneumonia. Both drugs are inexpensive and readily available.

Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine have been shown to kill the COVID-19 virus in the laboratory dish. The drugs appear to work through two mechanisms. First, they make it harder for the virus to attach itself to the cell, inhibiting the virus from entering the cell and multiplying within it. Second, if the virus does manage to get inside the cell, the drugs kill it before it can multiply.

Azithromycin is never used for viral infections. However, this antibiotic does have some anti-inflammatory action. There has been speculation, though never proven, that azithromycin may help to dampen an overactive immune response to the COVID-19 infection.

The jury is still out regarding whether these drugs, alone or in combination, can treat COVID-19 viral infection. While recent human studies suggest no benefit and possibly a higher risk of death due to lethal heart rhythm abnormalities, two studies supporting these conclusions have been retracted by the authors because of irregularities in how results were collected and analyzed.

Regarding the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine alone to prevent coronavirus infection, the results of a clinical trial just published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that it did not prevent infection. However, how this study was conducted has been questioned by some experts.

Where does that leave us? The recommendation has not changed. Chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine with or without azithromycin should not be used to prevent or treat COVID-19 infection unless it is being prescribed in the hospital or as part of a clinical trial.

Clinical trials that were ongoing and about to be started to evaluate the effectiveness of these drugs are resuming. 


One must add  - trials restarted now that the election is over.  And saying you are testing the effectiveness of HCQ  WITHOUT Zinc against a corona virus is to say you aren't looking for a therapeutic remedy.  

Fauci, big Pharma, and the DNC did NOT want an effective, safe, inexpensive cure distributed.  They needed the panic over WuFlu to justify the 'vote by mail' scam.  

Need proof?  Look at Switzerland's experience.  Midway in the plague they were likely influenced by the bogus reports on the risks of HCQ.   Then they wisely reversed.  That saved Swiss lives.  Fauci and co. costs how many lives in America in pursuit of a stolen election?

A Swiss site accurately described the damaging information on HCQ, and more accurate confirmation of its effectiveness as follows:

"The alleged or actual negative results with hydroxychloroquine in some studies were based on delayed use (intensive care patients), excessive doses (up to 2400mg per day), manipulated data sets (the Surgisphere scandal), or ignored contraindications (e.g., favism or heart disease).

In fact, a comprehensive study by the European Society of Cardiology confirmed that correctly dosed HCQ is safe for covid patients in all clinical settings (i.e. from ambulatory to intensive care). HCQ has beneficial anti-viral, anti-platelet, anti-thrombotic and immunomodulatory effects (read more)."

There is no way this is news to our leading 'medical professionals'.  

Update - 11/13 Here's a similar analysis, only point I disagree with is, if Biden is seated there will be no subsequent mea culpa by media.

 Update  11/13 - and as if that isn't enough

 Update - 11/24/20  You don't know the half of it honey ...

UPDATE 11/28 - the amazing vanishing study on WuFlu

Johns Hopkins University keeps a tracker of covid cases around the world and the US.  This site is used to scare people into staying in their homes and shut off from the real world.  So when a study from Johns Hopkins comes out, showing no increase in deaths in 2020 related to prior years, the study has to be taken down. 

UPDATE 12/30/30 - oh, and remember the riots???


UPDATE - 5/12/22 Perhaps a bottom line now, a year and a half later.  

Intentionally released or not, the CCP did, without doubt deliberately spread WuFlu, withhold information, and persecute doctors attempting to get the truth out.

Collusion by US researchers continued over a year later.

Once released, COVID was the CCP's 'assassins mace'.  A secret weapon used to eliminate the emperor (Trump).

Monday, November 9, 2020



The guy that says he is the president elect wants a unified America.

Not that it matters.

This is what 'Justice Democrat' AOC wants...

You know what's in store ... Mao showed the way ...

A wise man once said 'a handgun is to defend your life, a shotgun is to defend your home, a rifle is to defend your freedom'.  Guess what's priority one for the commiedem administration should they come to power?

God save the republic. 

Update -11/10 The neo-maoist enemies list grows....

but that's nothing new to me.  I expect I'm in good company.  



Sunday, November 8, 2020

too many coincidences?

Can you believe the unbelievable?

 Lets recap on some items.

A. We KNOW Fauci was involved with the BSL4 lab in Wuhan.  He sent taxpayer money to them to do research considered too dangerous to do in the US.
“Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research,” headlined an April 28 Newsweek report by Fred Guterl. In 2019, “the National Institutes of Health committed $3.7 million over six years for research that included some gain-of-function work. The program followed another $3.7 million, 5-year project for collecting and studying bat coronaviruses, which ended in 2019, bringing the total to $7.4 million.” When Fauci was asked about China’s role in release of the coronavirus he was evasive."

B. We know with some certainty the WuFlu was engineered, probably at that lab, and released deliberately to the US.
"In a stunning segment on Tucker Carlson tonight, Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan explains how China actually manufactured the COVID-19 virus by weaponizing and modifying the genetic sequence within the China bat virus.
According to Dr. Li-Meng Yan the virus was specifically created and released by China."

C. We KNOW Fauci was directly involved in ensuring HCQ/Zinc was NOT implemented in the US.  It clearly IS effective.  This greatly magnified the crisis (as did NY placing infected individuals in old age homes).

D.  We KNOW the WuFlu 'pandemic' was the justification for the unprecedented, risky paper ballots. 

So much for review.

And, now there is an item E.  The paper ballots were, in a number of key states, tabulated with machines that had a 'glitch' that turned Trump votes into Biden votes. 

All the above MAY be coincidental.  

But that's a lot of coincidences.

Lets see what President Trump and honest investigators turn up.  

And God save the republic.

Note - noon 9 Nov.  Item E revised from original statement indicating ownership in the voting machine company was known to be in Democrat party operative hands.  Apparently such companies DO NOT report on ownership, even though that would be fair to explain to client states, as reported a year ago ...  

And hey, presto, item F. - election's over and a 90% effective vaccination for WuFlu announced.

UPDATE - 11/9 My such a big glitch .. and uniformly in one way too....

UPDATE - 11/13 presto again!  Election over and Harvard med says HCQ (presumably HCQ/Zn) tests against WuFlu are restarting.



Friday, November 6, 2020

How we got here (II)

 The weaponization of our schools in the 60s began the production of indoctrinated, deluded Americans who are now a big piece of the population.  They were terrorized by radicalized teachers into believing their parents were killing the world with greed and ignorance.  They were told to 'trust science' - meaning the far left technocrats pushing the hoax. (1) 

They were taught America was first sexists, then, eventually systematically racist.  Middle aged Americans are liable to kneel and kiss anyone's foot who claims to be oppressed.  

They were given the marxist line on God and religion and swallowed it up whole because that was the 'cool' thing to think.   It's 'science' to believe that everything popped into existence spontaneously from nothing.   

So prepared these same numbskulls listened to msm for over 3 years telling them Trump was a Russian stooge.  And he was antisemitic.  And he was racist.  The deeps state not only failed to prove he was a traitor it exonerated him and many of the players are at risk of jail for their effort.  Trumps daughter and son in law are jewish, Bebe loves him.  As for racist, ask Don King.  

And so prepared the numbskulls will cling to their pre election polls - that were all propaganda - feeling that Trump didn't win the election by legal ballots.

Such people are indefensible from the Zack Exley, Van Jones,  Davos Soros crowd.

They may not even be worth the effort to defend.

But they damm sure better stay off my lawn. 



Update evening of 7 Nov.

Yup, got that right enough ...

"To understand why young people overwhelmingly embraced Biden’s socialist agenda for healthcare and the economy, Americans for Limited Government spoke with 19-year-old Meridian Wappett, a college junior at Utah State University who voted for Biden.

“My biggest issue was climate policy,” Wappett said. “I really believe in protecting our public lands and our planet for future generations." 

Future generations.  Yeah, they'll be thanking you. 

Update 10 November - The mindset of the typical 'liberal' better explained here -

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

"Understand - they don't care about how brazen they have to be ...

 They have NO respect for you." S. Bannon





You are surprised they are trying to steal the election??? 


 Update 8 Nov - look at the sad clown.

Update 12/2 Claim of over 1005 in those districts retracted by paper.











Tuesday, November 3, 2020

To remind - WuFlu and you


Told ya.  Too bad politics beats medicine at the FDA and NIH.  (did I mention Fauci earlier?)

 Meh.  At least for a country that is too stupid to use HCQ/Zn immediately on onset, the US is unremarkable.

State of 'medical science' in the UK (and here too unfortunately)?

Observation - India is doing much better than UK and US in deaths per case. 
Postulation - must be because they live in filth. 
Yea, that's it.
Update 10 Nov - by now you know how I feel about Fauci. Here's another look at his mendacity  -

No way he was going to announce the test results were less terrifying than made out.  The fear porn was needed to justify the paper ballots - and thereby the theft of the election.


How we got here


For an American over 50 it is difficult to understand the contempt younger Americans hold for their seniors. The Chinese Communist Flu (WuFlu) was, with palpable delight, referred to as the 'boomer remover' by many yet to contribute anything of value to the country. 

So, how did we get here? The 'global warming', subsequently 'climate change' (because the gradual post ice age warming never measured up to their alarming projections – see below) hoax is one of the great lies that the neo-marxists have used to effectively bend the minds of younger Americans. Generations of our young have been deliberately terrorized and indoctrinated that their parents were destroying the world with through greed and ignorance. These delusional Americans now cling religiously to the technobabble of technocrats and billionaire megalomaniacs for what they believe is  their, and the earths, salvation.

Projected (red) temperature rise vs actual (blue)

I recommend to all interested in the climate change crisis hoax to research the videos and publications of the two very best climate scientists, MITs Dick Lindzen (now retired from that institution), and Georgia Techs Judy Curry as as well as Freeman Dyson, who until his death earlier this year, was widely thought of as the smartest man in the world )

The truth must be more widely known and the fact that millions of Americans were intentionally lied to acknowledged.

First, the 'man caused CO2 destroying the world' scenario was the intentional mutation of a theory created by a respected scientist – who never thought there was adequate confirmation to make drastic action by governments.

 And, there NEVER was a 97% consensus on man caused CO2 creating a crisis.

The best deconstruct of the hoax came from one of the worlds top engineers about 10 years ago – still worth a read. 

And, to that I would add a sense of perspective. The long term temperature record of the earth is best illustrated by the 'Vostok' ice core from Antarctica. This is a record over 400,000 years long. It shows a range of ~ 22 degrees Fahrenheit over that span of time. It also shows temperatures regularly rising and falling, cyclically, over the eons – almost all of which occurring before the SUV, power plant, and jet aircraft. My point being - the temperature variation and timescale relied upon by the crisis hoaxers to promote a sense of crisis is mere background noise in the natural variations documented for earth's temperatures - and that significant fluctuations are clearly not influenced by any activity of man.

Which begs the question. Why have (some) scientists promoted a sense of crisis over a temperature event that is unremarkable, and indistinguishable from natural occurrences in the past?

This is why, in their own words... (to repeat from my July 2 entry)

Maurice Strong, who organized the first U.N. Earth Climate Summit (1992) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil revealed the real goal:We may get to the point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized civilization to collapse.”

U.S. Senator Timothy Wirth (D-CO), then representing the Clinton-Gore administration as U.S undersecretary of state for global issues, addressing the same Rio Climate Summit audience, agreed: “We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.” 

Deputy Assistant of State Richard Benedick, who then headed the policy divisions of the U.S. State Department said: “A global warming treaty [Kyoto] must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the [enhanced] greenhouse effect.”

Former Canadian Minister of the Environment, told editors and reporters of the Calgary Herald: “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”

Mikhail Gorbachev emphasized the importance of using climate alarmism to advance socialist Marxist objectives: “The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.”
Stephen Schneider, who authored The Genesis Strategy, a 1976 book warning that global cooling risks posed a threat to humanity, later changed that view 180 degrees, serving as a lead author for important parts of three sequential IPCC reports. In a quotation published in Discover, he said: “On the one hand, as scientists we are ethically bound to the scientific method, on the other hand, we are not just scientists, but human beings as well. And like most people, we’d like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climatic change. To do that, we need to get some broad-based support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of the doubts we might have. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.”

(quotes from

The 'science' of man caused global warming disasters was ALWAYS specious.  And, recently, some of the hoax perpetrators are beginning to confess.

And, as for consensus,  take this into account -

So, in summary, the crisis presented by 'man caused CO2 engendered global warming powered climate change crisis' has always been a hoax. It started as a theory, the originator of which subsequently stated would not justify radical activity by governments. None the less, it became the means for dishonest scientists and politicians to try to gain control of nations by throttling their permitted CO2 emissions - which means their energy and industry, hence their wealth, and the size of population they can support.

Today the chief promoters of the 'global warming'/'climate change' hoax are neo-marxist, malthusean megalomaniacs who want less 'useless feeders' to deal with, and the elimination of the informed, intelligent and independent middle class of  bible and gun clingers who all too often frustrate their power grab schemes.

If you're interested in them here's some information on who these people are and what they seek to achieve with their hoax.