Friday, September 30, 2022

Cui bono?


"We must go back to Mackinder: control of the Eurasian land mass constitutes control of the world. American elites and their Trojan Horses across Europe will do whatever it takes not to give up their control.

“American elites” in this context encompass the deranged, Straussian //elite class // neo-con-infested “intel community” and the Big Energy, Big Pharma and Big Finance that pays them and who profits not only from the Deep State’s Forever War approach but also wants to make a killing out of the Davos-concocted Great Reset."

Is it only coincidence that OBiden deliberately depleted the strategic reserve prior to creating the condition in which a Russian attack on the Alaskan Pipeline is credible?

Obama, Brennan, Soros, Blix.  Be sure you know who to thank.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Whodunnit II

I used the title earlier to explain how Obama and team Davos started the war in the Ukraine. )

Now this,

- after several posts warning of our short bus 'nationals security' teams efforts at brinkmanship.

(most recently and )

Whodunnit?  A Norwegian cabal to raise the value of their, coincidently just finished, pipeline?

A bunch of 'greenies'?  

There will be justifiable consequences.   I wouldn't camp near the Alaska pipeline anytime soon.  Or share a room with Blix, Soros - or Obama for that matter.  Remember how the war in Ukraine was created, over years, and by who. 

One thing is clear, the usurper OBiden regime appears to be doing things in the interest of Davos, to the great injury of our republic and our citizens.

update: same day - Additional detail 

UPDATE: 9/30/22 - In case readers think a Russian strike in the Alaskan Pipeline would be unprecedented ...unlike you, and arrogant clowns running our ‘national security’ apparatus these days, I remember. 

As does Putin. 

Friday, September 23, 2022

Thinking the unthinkable (again)

Note - I intend these posts as recreation for me, therapy in a way of making me organize thoughts on complex issues.  My background in such matters as this is greatly dated (1), but I've stayed reasonably current via 'open source' materials.  Events over the last few days has made it clear, even to Tucker Carlson (2), that the OBiden regime is playing a very dangerous game with a very serious opponent.  The fallout (literally) may be much worse than they expect. 

It's been 77 years since a nation used nuclear weapons to conclude a war.  Perhaps Vlad – and Xi – think that is long enough.


Correlation of forces.  

The Soviet Military was very mechanical about combat planning.  For example, an American carrier was appropriately acknowledged as a robust target. The ship's compartmentalization and damage control capability (in Reagan's Navy, not so much now (3)) was unmatched by any other class ship, in any other navy.  Defensively the capability of the (now long retired) F-14 Tomcat/AIM-54 and E-3C to provide air defense beyond the AEGIS SM-2 bubble about the carrier, as well as the number of AEGIS ships in the carrier's escort group, would all be factored.  An end calculus would provide the number of missiles – and number of nuclear warheads within the missile groups – necessary to be employed either by submarines, or long range strike aircraft, or jointly to eliminate the carrier.  The term for this calculus was 'correlation of forces'.

It appears Putin has made a correlation of forces calculation regarding the use of a tactical nuclear weapon in Ukraine.

He may have calculated Ukrainian defenses against one of his many nuclear strike systems.  They have none.  Ukraine and NATO have no defensive capabilities to stop a nuclear weapon being delivered by, for example, a hypersonic missile launched from a MIG-31 at high altitude within Russia, or a missile launched from a submarine in the Mediterranean or Black Sea. 

He may have calculated the odds of a decrepit Biden actually retaliating - and thus earn a strike on American cities – like Soros's San Francisco, Trump's New York, Obama's Chicago.  You see, all of our cities are undefended, unlike Moscow.  

Further, he would have calculated the reliability of  'Deep State' actually following a Presidential order to launch a nuclear strike on Russia in response to a single small or medium size nuclear weapon detonating over Ukraine.  This is a new element and here Milley's treasonous behavior under Trump - making personal negotiations with PRC undercutting the credibility of the nation's deterrence forces -  has had real consequences in a very deadly calculus. 

Thus the 'correlation of forces' favors use of a nuke by Vlad – and will only get better with continuing developments.  ( )

Cost benefit calculations.

Operational/strategic.  The effect of a  ~250KT warhead vaporizing a military/societal target in eastern Ukraine would be decisive on a war which has been dragging on in Ukraine.  The absurd, authoritarian comic's ability to hold onto power - and keep a country committed to a, now devastating, war, one instigated by team Davos no less (4) - is minimal.  Vlad can dictate his terms to a terrified Ukraine and NATO.

Strategic.  Use of even one nuclear weapon by Russia  – which, to remind, the US used twice - will reset the apparent balance of power back to what it has, always really, been.  Russia's nuclear stockpile will ensures it's primacy as one of the world's three 'superpowers'.  Xi , who may be urging such action by Putin, even offering economic incentives, obtains a euro face on the threshold being broken. Threshold thus lowered,  Xi can now credibly threaten nuke strikes against US carriers when they 'reclaim' Taiwan.  This is important tactically to Xi's navy as it's dubious their anti-ship ballistic missiles are armed with conventional warheads and now they now become real threats.  

Jointly, China and Russia benefit from the power of  the Davos megalomaniacs evaporating in the new reality.  

US's position, which otherwise would be at least coequal with Russia and China is vastly diminished because of it's demonstrated inability to function effectively militarily.

Economic.  I've no experience in this sphere but China and Russia's economies are controlled, and their populations much more effectively managed  than,  despite Deep State's machinations to date, nations in the west.  Both can manage independent of any 'western' (Davos and Deep State actually – anyone ever ask you?) sanctions.


Having lost tens of thousands of troops in a war incited by Davos and the OBiden administration,  unless there is a cease fire, or some significant change in political leadership in the west or Russia, Vlad will likely use at least one nuclear weapon in Ukraine.  Timing is likely to be when sufficient, even marginally combat effective forces (adequate for occupation duties) become available for the predominantly ethnically Russian sections of western Ukraine.  The target will likely be in eastern Ukraine and may be a military depot with heavy US/UK military advisor population and US provided equipment, or/and one significantly associated with the Azov Nazis whose terrorism of ethnically Russian citizens in western Ukraine was used by Soros to prepare the environment for the conflict.


2. and


UPDATE: 9/24/22  An alternative view -    The author says "Using nuclear weapons would likely be Putin’s last act. Russia has a history of eliminating those who interfere with Russia’s real prioritiesmy point being, what if it is accepted as being in Russia's best interest to do so?  

UPDATE: 9/24/22: Perhaps I should have included Xi in the list ... "unless there is a cease fire, or some significant change in political leadership in the west or Russia,"

UPDATE: 9/26/22  Now aren't you glad the US didn't waste money on missile defense?  Or have multiple rods from god in orbit?   All that money on 'green' and 'assistance' (here and abroad) was so much more important.

Thursday, September 22, 2022

'B team' Brinksmanship

An assessment of O'Biden's 'national security' staff is best summed up with a comment by B5's Ambassador Molari ...

And now, tiring of fighting US funded and US armed Ukrainians, including their old school Nazi Azov troops(1), Russia attempts to make it clear to the world that they are establishing a trip wire in the Ukraine.

With that, I'd like to remind of 2 points I've raised in the past.

1. Russia is in this war because Obama, Soros, Hans and Co., and Deep State wanted Russia in a war in the Ukraine.  Making money on war toys and removing Christian, and nationalist, Putin is worth thousands of little people lives to them.

2. Although the US has engaged in 'brinksmanship' before, the competence of the American leadership, civilian and military, as well as the troops in critical positions dealing with nuclear weapons is vastly different now than the last time we came near to blows.

At least Russia appears to have given thought to appropriate ideological supervision for it's nuclear weapon critical personnel. 

I can only wonder how 'reliable' our folks in similar positions are today.

All it will take is one mistake by a critical member of team OBiden's national security staff, or Milley's neutered and dumbed down, PC military.

(1) UPDATE: Same day ... Nazis?  What Nazis?    Ooops

UPDATE: 9/23/22 I've just watched last night's Tucker Carlson's piece on the situation in Ukraine, I believe it is critical ALL Americans watch it.

UPDATE: 9/28/22  There will be justifiable consequences.   I wouldn't camp near the Alaska pipeline anytime soon.  Or share a room with Blix, Soros - or Obama for that matter.  Remember how the war in Ukraine was created, over years, and by who.  

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Are you even listening? Do you even care?

 The mid-term election may be determined by how many vote by mail votes the Democrats intercept or create for non-existent voters.

 I've told you this time and again.

 How can I be sure the Democrats will be using vote by mail to cheat?  

 First, an explanation, for years I lived in a poorer section of Fort Worth and received the usual junk mailings and spam email from the various Dem and Soros organizations who like to sew dissent among low info residents there.  Even after moving I've maintained an email persona from that time to receive the ridiculous Dem/Soros spam emails as are sent to residents there.   

 This one, received this week, says it all... "If Congress doesn't pass nationwide Vote By Mail before this year's elections, REPUBLICANS WILL HAVE THE UPPERHAND..."

 And we just can't have that can we?


UPDATE: Dems can't manipulate each state to their satisfaction - so try a federal law to further facilitate stealing elections ...      Just think of how many 'vote by mail' fake ballots the DNC can manufacture and 'find' in FIVE DAYS after an election ends?

Do you REALLY think this will be a fair election?  Biden impeached, FBI and DOJ officials in jail?  What won't they do to avoid that?

Monday, September 19, 2022

The MOST important story (not reported)

 OBiden, Soros and co. looking to finalize the, near complete, 'transition' of the United States from a free country to a prison.

Update: 9/29/22 wrong/dead link reported.  Intended story (not favorite source)

Friday, September 16, 2022

The Republican choice


One can expect DJT to announce his candidacy for President shortly after the midterm election in November.

I support Trump in 2024.  Only DJT will eliminate the FBI.  Only DJT will reduce the out of control  'justice' and 'intelligence' executive agencies to a tiny - but entirely adequate - fraction of what they are.

That said, it’s a qualified support. Not the full throated support provided earlier.

Trump OWES us an explanation for his role in the disastrous response to COVID, including the failure to implement early therapeutics (HCQ/Zn), and his embrace of an experimental vaccine. He is NOT a dumb man, how did this happen, over the objections of people on his staff like Navarro?

Once advised of Fauci’s relationship with the Wuhan lab – how could he continue to put that man on the stage as America’s expert?

Further, Trump OWES us a look into who he will be relying on in his staff and at key positions like CIA, DOD, DOJ, FBI. His last administration was filled with people working against him, and us, how does he intend to staff his administration and not empower deep state traitors again?  

Can he do without the son so  dumb he can't see he's got a political parasite (and ex-Fox News glam girl) attached to him?  How 'bout the son in law with the colorful family (1) and lib daughter, both of whom, to say the least, are better kept in NYC?  

Then again, his return to the White House assumes an honest election in '24. 

Of that actually taking place, call me VERY skeptical.

1. interesting gossip here.  true - or preemptive strike as players jockey for campaign positions?

UPDATE - How stupid (yup, right word) is Trump?  He proposed this former FISA judge to be 'special master' for the Mar A Lago case?  

"Raymond Dearie was one of two FISA Court judges who rubber-stamped the warrants to spy on Carter Page."

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The Shadow of the Past

What was old is new again.

According to comments made by then Governor Chiles, the Reagan administration worked on a 'continuity of government' plan that created the whole of government, including state governments, contingency plan for mass disaster such as post nuclear strike, post Bio war attack, real - but very unlikely - contingencies.  

It was, in large part, a good faith effort and understood as necessary - and extraordinarily sensitive from a 'don't feed the wacos' perspective. Anyone who was aware, real time, of how close we came to a large nuclear exchange with the Soviet Union in November 1983 understood the necessity.  

BUT - even in it's earliest formulations State Governors who were paying attention, such as Lawton Chiles of Florida - a lib dem, but a good American by today's Dem standards - were appropriately alarmed at what such a construct, built in extreme secrecy, could do if abused.

It is the stuff of nightmares.

This, at least in part, is likely why OBiden is so dedicated at painting his political opponents as a real, violent, threat to the government of the United States.  If really threatened, Deep State will  incite, or create, another massive 'Reichstag Fire' event or/plus WuFlu II, and implement the remainder of the plan, thus suspending the constitution for their self preservation.  

Who knows, perhaps part of the inexplicable WuFlu response was an exercise in an alternative to mass internment camps - confinement at home.  A more environmentally sensitive, sustainable, kind of gulag/death camp.  

Sunday, September 11, 2022

A correction

As I've often noted, this is blog is primarily intended as therapy for me, but, as I do put things down for public observation, I will attempt to make corrections when necessary.

In that spirit I've updated a note from 2020.

As a matter of fact, the Dems DID steal the election of 2020 and there were NO negative consequences for them (1).

So I've made that update.  

Consequences of the steal for America, to say nothing of  the deceased American Marines and one Navy medic in Kabul, as well as all of Ukraine, subsequent, have been everything President Trump predicted.

We can well expect the upcoming election to be every bit as 'fair' as 2020.  FBI is running the Mar a Lago story with the same degree of corruption as the 'Trump/Russia collusion smear',  Despite proof of Chinese influence in the Hunter laptop, the media and big tech still suppresses that story.  

All so predictable.

(1) UPDATE - same day:  ok, very, very, few consequences

UPDATE - Navarro report 'TLDR'?  Lemme help ...

Saturday, September 10, 2022

A Fuhrer or a Pope?

With the ever increasing extra constitutional abuses of power by the current regime and the Nazi/Bob Geldof style imagery intentionally presented to the world in Biden's 'Nuremberg' speech of 1 September one has to wonder – exactly what is it Biden thinks he's become?

Without doubt - 

“Old Joe stood before an ominous red and black backdrop and recalled Hitler’s demonization of his opposition, declaring that “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”(1)  

And, the OBiden regime, a fusion of a totalitarian police state with mega capitalists (with Google and Pfizer in lieu of Krupp and IG Farbin), all pursuing a race centered ideology with an army of thugs in the streets (Antifa and BLM today's SA Brown shirts) clearly has become a '4th Reich', ruling without legitimacy or accountability.  

But, this willful suspension of  disbelief in OBiden's minions – many with post high school educations – hasn't it reached the level of a pseudo religion and not mere politics?

Consider - how can any intelligent person continue to believe the myth of … ahhh ...'man caused CO2 engendered global warming powered climate catastrophe'?  It's been near 35 years since Gore and co. told us we had only ten years left, that Manhattan would be under water by 2000, that …. I could go on for hours (2).  Even given that the best minds in climate science have been censored (3), so only marxist dogma is heard, common sense insists one discount the green religion.  

How could anyone believe the twisted concept that the United States of America is primarily a force for evil here and abroad?  Simple research debunks core leftist cultural tropes such as the farcical '1619 Project' (3) and the legitimacy and benefits of 'Critical Race Theory' (4).  

So, in the absence of the truth, with honest critics, scientists, and historians silenced,  'faith' drives the left - which is the desired condition for the cynical Davos masters of the universe with their 'great reset' agenda - as well as Xi  (who has empire goals of his own).  

Looking at the left as though they are pursuing a religion, the analogy is that the left, enabled by the swamp, has done to the Constitution of the United States what centuries of Popes had done to the Bible.  They have either ignore it or distort it to their ends.  As described by Melanchthon in 1537 -

“... the Pope exercises a twofold tyranny: (a) He defends his errors by force and murders, and (b) he forbids judicial examination.  The latter does more harm than any execution.”  

Beyond the OBiden brown shirt riots of last summer, the killing of unarmed Air Force veteran Ashli Babbit and the refusal to submit to proper examination of the Mar a Lago raid (5) demonstrate OBiden clearly is operating in the style of a Borgia Pope, not a constitutionally bound and legitimate President.  

And, if it's a debased Pope we are dealing with it's high time for a Martin Luther.

Is Trump Luther?  Bannon?  Is Bannon Trump's Melanchthon?   Or is another going to take that role?  The nexus of political, religious, societal, and scientific volatility that brought about the reformation, renaissance, and reordering of the western world in the times of Luther appear to have striking parallels today.  

Slave - or contrite, worshipful monk - what does Davos want us little people to be?

And, we're likely to find out, as the history of Europe warns, reformations, as opposed to mere revolutions, are at the very least, interesting times to be living in.



3.  - censored by Google



Friday, September 9, 2022

As we approach another anniversary ...

Let's hope our professional, apolitical (ha!) FBI knows where these folks are ...

“They didn't even really try to do any vetting,” the first person said, adding that it was not because DHS did not have qualified people to do the vetting."

But, hey, the Taliban told Austin, Milley, and OBiden they're all really great folks ...

And, of course, the KG ... err, FBI has been too busy to care lately ..

A farce

 Remind me again - what was the justification for separating some of the few remaining good men in the services for not taking the - now clearly ineffective and dangerous - MRNA clot shot???

Army readiness depends on Soldiers who are prepared to train, deploy, fight and win our nation’s wars,” said Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth. “Unvaccinated Soldiers present risk to the force and jeopardize readiness."

So OBiden's DOD celebrates homosexuality while cultural marxists in DC press for HIV positive recruits?  

Looks more like some want DOD and VA to handle the lifelong costs of HIV medications regardless the impact on 'readiness'.  

American moms and dsds - this is NOT the Army/Navy you remember.  Do NOT advise your sons join OBiden's 'fundamentally transformed' DOD.

UPDATE - 9/9/22 :  yup, real dignity in being in OBiden's uniform now ...

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Maxwell House - good to the last ...

"In Maxwell’s case, however, the prosecutors evidently decided this would not be necessary. In fact, they did just the opposite. Attempting to appear tough and unrelenting to the public, the prosecutors informed Ms. Maxwell -- and thus, the public -- that she would be offered no plea deals whatsoever. 


There are only two possibilities -- and both may be true."

I offer a third alternative.  That the government of Israel, for whom Epstein and Maxwell were working, has threatened all the pedos with ruinous exposure if the enterprise is exposed and Israel's prostitution of American children be made public.

(also former head of Israeli Military Intelligence)

UPDATE - 9/9/22 Story should read 'Epstein's handlers at AMAN cooperated with FBI', 'cuz you know, they gave us that great heads up on 9/11.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Mengele lives!

 “The age cohort from 25 to 44, which we call the millennials, experienced 

an 84 % rise of excess mortality into the fall of 2021—August, September, 

October—and the rate of change was just dramatic"

Could it be???

Israel is likely the most vaccinated nation on earth and ...

Meanwhile,  America wrecking OBiden has a plan ...

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

'The Troubles' will pale by comparison

A dark, but reasonable, forecast.

"This all set the stage for Biden’s Satanic Verses speech this past week. The Trojan Horse president didn’t write that hateful war declaration against half the country. He didn’t choose the location of Independence Hall. He didn’t ask for the blood red and dark palette as his background. He didn’t station marines in the background as a symbol of war. He didn’t remember what he read off the teleprompter the next day.

He and his left-wing apparatchiks can try to walk back his declaration of war, but his satanic hate manifesto will forever be burned into the minds of the 74 million Americans who voted for Trump and the millions more who voted for Biden, thinking his unifier drivel during his basement campaign was truthful. Biden’s handlers purposefully designed this speech to ignite civil chaos.

It was a dog whistle to the left-wing BLM, ANTIFA and other violent hate groups that it is open season on Trump and his supporters. "

"Despite Biden’s repulsive war-mongering rhetoric, and threats to use F-15s against those who don’t bow down to his demands, it is highly unlikely Trump supporters will take the bait and initiate violence against the government or their Soros funded left wing lackey militias.  ...

Biden’s speech was an act of desperation, as his handlers seeing their Great Reset agenda going awry, are trying to initiate another engineered “Covid-like” national emergency they can utilize to subdue dissent. The next two months may decide the future course of history in this country. They appear to be laying the groundwork for a false flag of immense proportions."

Remember, in the increasingly unlikely event there is a fair mid-term election and the Republicans win it, well, there's a plan B for that too.

All to which I say, 'gee, who'da guessed'? (selected from over the past year)

False flag?

Monday, September 5, 2022

A moment of clarity

 A great explanation of MAGA (clue, it's not about race, but it does drive the enemies of Trump to fund all the race baiters), and explanation of the critical distinction between Trump and DeSantis.

IF Trump can accept his role in the disastrous handling of WuFlu - for which he has ample cause to blame Fauci, WHO, NIH, FDA - and his crap key personnel assignments last time (Pence, Barr, CIA and FBI to name a few), I see no reason not to support him for President again.  

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Poking the bear


In the autumn of 1983 I was a member of the watch team at the nations largest I+W center observing Soviet and PRC military activities in real time.

It was a hell of a seat, at a hell of a time to be there.

Preceding the crisis in November our deliberate 'brinksmanship' brought up soviet air defense generals on charges. Yes Virginia, F-14s and F-4s overflew and mock attacked the soviet homeland.  

We were that good back then.

President Reagan was full aware he was driving the soviets nuts.  It was part of a conscious, unrelenting effort to break the soviet union.  

He was successful.  

Thank God.  

And Margaret Thatcher, and Pope John Paul II, and Lech Walesa. 

Context for this story today is, in 1983 we had the aforementioned Reagan, as well as Bill Casey, world class military leadership, focused, trained, and patriotic troops and the best equipment.

That was THEN.

Today???  Consider this was made in 2014:

Think it's better now?  

Think these people have a serious bone in their bodies about defending the country?  Think they're a little more prone to mistakes around our most destructive weapons?

Think todays officers are ALL promoted on merit??

Think OBiden and our pronoun confused military 'leaders' are up to brinksmanship with Vlad???  See any difference between Walesa and TV comic Zelenskyy?    Pope John Paul and ... what's his name?

Not a comforting thought.

How crooked is the turtle?

BUT - ain't it funny how stories like this pop up simultaneous with an apparent competitor (fmr FL Gov Scott) appearing in print?

Meet the new boss SAME AS THE OLD BOSS??

Friday, September 2, 2022

Meanwhile ...

while usurper O'Biden preps to turn the full might of the US government against the majority of it's population he neuters the deployed armed forces with this PC crap ...

Yeah, that'll have the PLA shaking in their boots Brandon.

Didn't we see this movie before?

Obama's 'bot goes on a rant .....


no .. not that one ....

Yes, that's the one.  Pink Floyd 'The Wall'.  Maybe Obama remembers from his old 'choom gang' days.

Don't fear these marxist dolts.  

And don't react in a way they want you to.  They are trying to provoke the weak minded.  

Instead - laugh at them. It's what they deserve (for now