Saturday, May 28, 2022

With a little help from my friends

 Yahoo News (sic) reports ...

Why the increasingly sophisticated 'tactical gear' by the shooters?  

Well, maybe that's because there's some real pros nudging alienated, overmedicated, suggestable and mentally defective teens along on their plans - even providing tips on equipment... (to what end?)

'Retired'?  Which deep state contractor is he working for?  We know the number of FBI agents and assets outnumbered the civilians in the Governor Whitmer kidnapping scam ("While the government announced that it had foiled a large conspiracy, it turned out that most of the conspirators were actually FBI agents"(1)) .  God knows how many FBI and co-opted ANTIFA folks were spurring on the 'mostly peaceful' events on January 6.  

We know now that the elaborate and expensive infowar applications and systems US taxpayers paid for - intended to be used against foreign government - are now being used by deep state against us (2).   So, how many agent provocateurs does the OBiden team have on the internet?  And these plainly are provocateurs, otherwise the 'retired' fed would have promptly informed Buffalo police a half hour or so in advance of the attack.

It appears we are, in fact, in the midst of a 'Color Revolution' right here at home folks.  The same cabal  that got Nazis in the streets in Ukraine to overthrow an elected president there also spied on Trump and oversaw the conduct and predetermined outcome (3) of the 'election' in 2020.  

Provocation? To what end?  Along with the plague fear porn, the created financial and supply crisis, and the near thorough censorship and disinfo from government and MSM, they are inciting terror in the streets so that the cowardly and weakminded will surrender even more power to the police state.

Remember what America hating, 'transformational', Obama's biggest frustration was (4).

That in mind, this Memorial Day weekend take time to remember the fallen.  

And cherish what they intended their sacrifice to be for.




3. Examples - pre presidential election items:

- post election items:

and, of course, the must see film  "2000 Mules"


UPDATE: 5/29/22 - the election machines were, along with Post Office workers, and ballot stuffing, a big tool of the 4th reich to steal the vote.  There is no other explanation for situations like this - ".... over 70 counties in Georgia were unable to show ballot images for votes cast using the Dominion voting system. All in all, VoterGA believes election officials erased or overwrote 1.7 million images."    Like I said, 'as expected'.

 UPDATE: 5/31/22 - Don't think those thugs Obama/Brennan/Soros paid for to be the muscle in the streets during the overthrow of the elected president in Ukraine 2014 aren't NAZIs?   Hell yeah they are - they are also satanists (true to Himmler's occult fixation).

UPDATE: 6/12/22 also contributing ...

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