Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Just because it's what they want don't mean we can ignore it ...

Fear porn - grizzly images and pearl clutching 'experts' lead to the obvious conclusion - years of an unsecured border with millions of military age males entering from China, Syria, a host of nations that want us destroyed, has made the US more vulnerable that Israel to an inside attack.

Obama, Brennan, Biden created this imminent crisis in order to have an event justifying even more draconian measures in what is already a domestic hellscape of surveillance and DOJ abuse.

Not like we don't have savages here already – and they'll help the jihadis when time comes.

We must secure our border – I mean SECURE our border. NOW. We know how, we've sold mines to Ukraine to secure theirs.

Rx - razor wire, signs, mines, reapply as necessary, some redness may occur after initial application.

Just as the Holy Family were refugees – and returned to their home – it is time to remove millions of our uninvited guests.  They are security risks.  Demonstrably they have no respect for our laws.  Helpful tip - the MOST likely individual to become a terrorist is the son of a refugee (do your own homework).

Rx - mobilize our bloated and misled fed police forces and anachronistic Naval Amphibious forces to return them.

Meantime – if you are a father, head or household, you are foremost responsible for the security of your home and family. Act accordingly.  The FBI is focused on latin mass Catholics and PTA parents.

As for Israel, who knows what the truth is over there. We must stay out of the situation for now. Damm sure don't accept any more 'refugees'.

UPDATE: 10/12/23 - More along the same lines ....

I've discussed the vulnerability of our infrastructure many times in the past - ex. ... Hezbollah,  PRC, BLM, NOI, all know where to apply pressure.

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