Tuesday, March 31, 2020

On a personal note


Diary of a semi-recluse

Having recent experience of spending the best part of 4 years as a geo-bachelor (not entirely, I managed to be home on alternate weekends and holidays) I find the current ChiCom Flu 'house arrest' situation not personally all that distressing. Compared to the old days I find the close company of my wife an enormous comfort and support. I do however worry for some family members and friends to varying degrees. Like most, they run the span from being in bad locations but well prepared, being in good locations and relatively well prepared, and some neither well situated nor prepared. And I worry most for the republic and it's survival from enemies foreign AND domestic.

Given we have no C. S. Lewis in this time of attack on the homeland, along with the 'My Pillow' CEO, I respectfully suggest that folks who can take time to consider the Bible and their personal faith. During my aforementioned geo-batching days, in lieu of achieving a masters in mixology, I found the following most illuminating, even entertaining.

First, and maybe perversely, those years ago I started serious research of the Bible beginning at it's end. Most informative here were Presbyterian ministers Bruce Gore (former fundamentalist Baptist) - http://lastdayspast.com/the-apocalypse-in-space-and-time-bruce-gore/


Gary DeMar (former Catholic) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ag1MZYr1aRc

Then, I researched the beginning chapters of the Bible. Most illuminating here was Prof. John Walton who approaches the topic heavily influenced by linguists, anthropologists, and archaeologists - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kOflP3eLSI

Combined with routine daily reading of the Bible the above presentations gave me a confidence in the legitimacy of the Bible and what it proclaims.

Also, while living apart from the family and having a bit of a curiosity in history (which hither to had been focused tightly in esoteric military and intelligence matters) I very much enjoyed Presbyterian Minister and Church Historian Carl Trueman's lecture series on the reformation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEpQjtufzp0&list=PLHbc2ibe2Tmbqu_d_sTXfMy7S89jXjiVB . This is a substantial virtual tome that runs to over 60 lectures in some formats. I highly recommend it, so long as you enjoy history delivered with a dry, just shy of abrasive British wit. It provides a solid description of how we got to the major denominations in Christianity today.

Almost certainly the materials above cannot be competently appreciated in the month of seclusion that is anticipated ahead but, having the experience of surviving similar circumstances and departing in a state better than as begun I thought I'd share.

Our country could come out of this experience as something Washington would never recognize.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Why another month?

What difference can it make?
We will hear more Tuesday.  I expect it has to do with  manipulation of  'the curve' via guidelines on social distancing and no unnecessary activity, moderated with considerations including:
A. Chloroquine production and distribution realities.  ~ 5 per person,

B. Testing technology and implementation for individuals already carried and healthy - X nr people ...


C. Hugely ramped up production of proper masks for individuals pending prophylactic treatment with chloroquine.

Combined these measures may facilitate a healthy share of population able to live normally or nearly so by May.

One can hope.  None the less, I really don't expect our more volatile types in high crime areas to wait that long. 

4/2/2020 - Update on the efficacy of Chloroquine - https://twitter.com/i/status/1245671458505924608   Lets get rolling on this, squash the bug, get America running full tilt - and present the bill the the CCP.  

and another 

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Not unthinkable to everyone

One free thinker offers an opinion on CCP's deliberate release of an intentionally imperfect biowar agent ...


I'd like to say I couldn't believe such was possible - however, PLA's strategy encompasses conflict across three domains, economic, information, and kinetic and such a gambit is entirely consistent with their already declared (internally) war with the US.  This active war against the US across all frontiers was convincingly documented in the translated PLA war college lectures which comprise  'Unrestricted Warfare' published in 1997.


Example: "As we see it, a single man-made stock-market crash, a single computer virus invasion, or a single rumor or scandal that results in a fluctuation in the enemy country's exchange rates or exposes the leaders of an enemy country on the Internet, all can be included in the ranks of new-concept weapons."

"... new biological and chemical weapons all constitute new concept weapons"

Very visibly Biological Warfare has been pursued continuously before, and subsequent to, the 1997 release of "Unrestricted Warfare".


So, is the intentional release of an agent - even at the cost of thousands or more of their own slaves - for the purpose of economically crippling the US really unthinkable to the Generals in Beijing?  To answer that one must accept it is consistent with their strategy, clearly within their technology, and consider as well that, among these Generals, are likely some who as Lieutenants drove their tanks onto Tienanmen Square.

3/29/20 this post was uploaded prior to Steve Bannon's War Room Pandemic episode 82 later that day.  Worth listening to.  Steve accompanied by Sam Faddis (fmr CIA) and discussed the origin from the BSL4 lab as likely 'accidental' ('extremely viable possibility' - Faddis).   If the bug demonstrates any other features beyond extreme transmissiblity and extreme long dormancy, like, say, causing sterility in young males, then it would have to be seriously considered as a Bioweapon produced by PRC.


3/31/20 yet another report documenting that the PRC was experimenting with exactly the type of virus plaguing the world.  This is almost certainly a leak from the BioWar facility in Wuhan.  Intentional? 


And ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dK7_8PrGC2Y

5/4/20 The President is thinking along the same line.


8/11/20 -  The evidence of PLA involvement in the development of Covid-19 (WuFlu) was inevitably going to come out ...


Friday, March 27, 2020

Perfect example of today's MSM

USA Today reporting on a report - that says nothing like the reporting says it says.


In an apparent attempt to throw chaff and flares up to protect the brutal leaders in the CCP from liability USA Today represents that an odd, self conflicting document offers conclusions it certainly doesn't if one reads it.

In point of fact the cited document SAYS  it is 'impossible to prove or disprove theorys' of origin.

The report - and USA Today's breathless headline of it both - clearly are tortured attempts to point anywhere other than the Biowar lab at Wuhan ... the city it says the "first' reports of the calamitous flu surfaced.

Revealingly, the technical document says that the availability of RaTG13 bat virus materials ''helped analysis" of ChiCom flu.

Hmmm, guess what the ChiCom biowar lab researchers in Wuhan were working on ...

(reported in reddit link here https://www.reddit.com/r/China_Flu/comments/eslv5r/wuhan_bsl4_lab_links_to_novel_bat_coronavirus/ )

//A 2015 document// from that facility "Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Bat Coronavirus Closely Related to the Direct Progenitor of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus."

"We report the isolation and characterization of a novel bat coronavirus which is much closer to the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) in genomic sequence than others previously reported, particularly in its S gene. Cell entry and susceptibility studies indicated that this virus can use ACE2 as a receptor and infect animal and human cell lines. Our results provide further evidence of the bat origin of the SARS-CoV and highlight the likelihood of future bat coronavirus emergence in humans."


There are two researchers from the Key Laboratory of Special Pathogens and Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases, Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

From the Wikipedia of BSL-4 facilities in the world we see that the only level 4 facility in China is the Wuhan one.


Here we have Zhi-ming Yuan one of the paper's authors research gate profile. Currently he is listed as the Director of Wuhan National BiosafetyLaboratory.


So - said report appears NOT to point away from ChiCom Biowar research facility, not at all. Exactly the opposite.

While I accept that the bug may be an amazing coincidence with the work at the lab, I more agree with the Reddit author's opinion, i.e., "if this thing did leak out of the lab I'm 100 percent sure that it was purely accidental as the people who will be most harmed by the virus are the Chinese citizens of Wuhan."

Big point is, that opinion is irrelevant to financial accountability of the CCP.  Proof positive exists of their suppression of adequate information on the bug, information they were required to provide and their destruction of key evidence regarding its origin.

They've got one hell of a bill to pay. 

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Today's Navy

That was then ...


 this is now ...

this is NOT your fathers Navy.

Decades of rot, primarily of the PC species, has created a paper tiger Navy.

This was glaringly obvious when 'Today's Navy' refused to hold a Commanding Officer (in this case 'officer-in-charge) accountable via Court Martial for surrendering ships, crews, weapons, comms gear, to the enemy.  Instead of 10-20 years confinement, this product of Today's USNA received a letter or reprimand.  Astonishing - at least to many seasoned veterans.


LCS?  DDG 1000?  Full mission ready?  Even competent in a single mission area?  Don't even ask.

At this point today's Navy can't even build ships with functioning heads (potties for you libs)


So - is it a surprise that, when there is a REAL crisis, how well today's Navy met the challenge ....



By now an Admiral King, or an Admiral Isaac Kidd, would have had that ship towed to NY harbor and in service to the city.

3/31/20 Well the Comfort is tied up in New York.  Could they have done better?  Meh, at least it got there. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

ChiCom Flu - CCP never fails to amaze!

Headline is arresting enough ...

"Communist Quality Control: Beijing Sends 150,000 Wuhan Virus Testing Kits to Prague, 80% Fail"


But I particularly like this part:


#China must pay for all the evil it's spreading across the world, it is obvious that this #ChinaVirus spread because of their actions, and now they are making massive profits selling useless masks, test kits ....... pic.twitter.com/Eaz4wAVwdK


Once we've put out the fire here - they MUST pay!

Monday, March 23, 2020

The Road to Venezuela

Faith in God, Responsibility in Actions

 As we await confirmation that a common medication is the cure for the ChiCom flu, it's worthwhile to refelct on how western  man has dealt with plagues in the past.  Personally I was interested to see how Luther responded in his time.  His guidance remains appropriate, have Faith in God, and behave responsibly and in accord with the science available. 

From Whitehorse inn
 "Asked in a letter how to respond during the Plague, Martin Luther replied,

    "I shall ask God mercifully to protect us.  Then I shall fumigate, help purify the air, administer medicine and take it.  I shall avoid places and persons where my presence is not needed in order not to become contaminated and thus perchance inflict and pollute others and so cause their death as a result of my negligence.  If God should wish to take me, he will surely find me and I have done what he has expected of me and so I am not responsible for either my own death or the death of others.  If my neighbor needs me, however, I shall not avoid place or person but will go freely as stated above.  See this is such a God-fearing faith because it is neither brash nor foolhardy and does not tempt God." (1)

(1)  Luther’s Works 43:132"


Saturday, March 21, 2020

Terrain and Situation

Observations on urban terrain in challenging situations

I had the experience of being part of the Navy's regional disaster response team in N'awlins' for almost all of September 2005.  On my return I immediately purchased a Remington 870, outfitted it with a proper light (later a laser/light combination), and practiced with it - including participating in 3 gun matches - using bird shot as well as with #4 buck and slugs.

Said gun is well oiled, loaded, and prepared for what may come in the weeks ahead as the worst of our fellow citizens decide they've had enough WuFlu 'at home' time.

Seems at least one family from Jacksonville, reflecting on an event of the type which may soon be repeated widely, chose similarly (albeit they went with a Mossberg 500 instead of the Remington). 


'a handgun is to defend your life, a shotgun is to defend your home, a rifle is to defend your freedom' - the sage

17 August - Yup, getting hot out there https://bearingarms.com/cam-e/2020/08/17/armed-citizens-fight-back-in-chicago/


Friday, March 20, 2020

Scary Clown Shows

Enough With The Scary Clown Shows

It's past time our President dictated some rules for behavior at these WuFlu press briefings.  A number of enemies of our republic are taking advantage of the situation to the detriment of our country and President Trump personally.  The Alinskyite clown show of yelling reporters diminishes the Office of the President at home and our nation abroad.  It also heightens fear among the vulnerable and ill informed in our country.

President Trump is a veritable war time Commander in Chief.  However much the delusional 'reporters' invited to participate may personally detest him they must reflect due respect for the office he fills.  Many are intentionally performing 'street theater'  to ensure there's a sense of confusion in the White House.  Because he was a fellow traveler Obama didn't have to endure it - however incompetent and treasonous he was.  President Trump shouldn't accept it, not for a minute more.  These cretins must be ejected permanently.  Doing so will facilitate timely and accurate communications instead of, at best, providing the WuFlu shut-in substitute for WWF.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

BAGPHES and the Foxbat

My first CO (CDR West) was a bag pilot.  Single wing on his wash khakis.  Great guy to listen to.

Subsequently (early '80s) I was involved in a small way in the assessment of survivability of bags employed in lieu of E-2s for 'Battleship Battle Groups'.  The bag mafia had presentations on the ability of a long range radar equipped air ship to survive attacks by Soviet fighters over the northern portions of the North Sea.

I offered - in more artful terms than as follows - that, in my opinion, 'hi G gondola rolls' and 'bag overs' notwithstanding, any competent AAM, one with an expanding rod warhead for example, would destroy the bag and its crew over very inhospitable waters.

Dunno if that was considered but it best represented the relevant materials I had at the time.

On the other hand, much more recently, the applicability of a bag in a role similar to TAGOS has been discussed.  Though I am no longer able to make any informed opinions. this to me seems a more suitable application, especially in areas remote from hostile air bases.  Appropriately masked and loitering while an array is deployed, such a platform may even be less prone to counter detection by submarines than current passive platforms.