Friday, August 30, 2024

This is what winning looks like

However distant we may be on some issues, we are united on the critical issues.  Censorship, Deep State, and fake elections.

Enjoy a political message created by the former wife of the founder of the infowar superweapon Google.


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Today's DOD

 I though I had said enough about today's DOD with two posts earlier this week.

Now this ...

A note to some friends

Addressed to members of 3 groups I've discussed current events with ...

Gentlemen (and Mrs. X),

I've been engaging in similar discussions with diverse individuals over the last week on the same topic, so I thought to provide both my reasoning and some supporting documentation to all I though could offer insight.

Two documents have influenced my perception of current events which I'd like to bring to your attention. One is a study of Christians in Germany during the Nazi era, the other a study of Luther's fully developed opinion of resistance to government. Both are attached. The first is a “study of the pervasive participation of Germans and of German churches in the Nazi state”, a “history lesson that not only looks for heroes”. The second illuminates the development of Luther's theory on resistance to government which ultimately justified use of force to depose a king in the instance of a king “who is elected... upon specific conditions remains an authority only so long as he keeps to those conditions and the articles of the oath which he has sworn."

Here's my thing: I believe that with implements now considered rudimentary, the Stuka dive bomber, the diesel electric submarine, the Tiger tank for example, Nazi Germany brought a never before seen level of devastation to the world. Today, the United States can create vastly more destruction because of the technologically more advanced weapons it possesses. Based on credible information and first hand experiences within both the intelligence community and military, I see parallels between today and Germany in the mid '30s. Christians - especially Lutherans - must publicly be vocal in stopping our current trajectory towards a totalitarian government in an effort to avoid our having to take extraordinary means in confronting our very own “Beer Wolf” later. The Beer Wolf being the leader (or in our case a cabal) who "in contrast to a mere tyrant, not only broke the law, but overturned the entire moral order upon which it is based. All the subjects of such a ruler ... had the right to resist and even to kill him and all his supporters" (Wiki).

First, consider the political environment we are in. March 1933 was the last contested election in Germany until after WW2. The parallels between then and now are obvious. Compare the Reichstag Fire with the exploitation of the chaos of January 6. Compare Hitler's “Brown Shirt” thugs with BLM and ANTIFA, both apparently largely immune from prosecution despite arson and violence in the street. As far as democratic process, the word “unprecedented” is meaningless anymore due to overuse. We are told we live in a democracy and that Joe Biden is our President and Commander in Chief. As to the former, one of the two people apparently likely to become President as result of an election this November has NEVER won a delegate by votes. She has been installed by a party that engaged in lawfare to keep another candidate off the primary ballot and is engaged in lawfare to imprison the candidate of the other party (3). As to our sitting President, we have an individual who has been deemed by his own Department of Justice as unfit to stand trial for the likely compromise of highly classified documents (2) and was forced out of the presidential election of '24 by his own party subsequent to earning over 14 million votes (3).

There is nothing “democratic” about the process that Democrat party apparatchiks and their megalomaniacal donors have employed in the election of 2024 to date.

Simultaneously, the attempted assassination of President Trump was an astounding, in-your-face demonstration of willful negligence on the part of the US Secret Service. NO experienced commentator could excuse leaving a roof within 120 yards, and in plain sight of the President's podium, available for the shooter to position himself (ex. 4). The media circus of the FBI raid on Mar A Lago, the same agency that promoted the “Russian Collusion” hoax and lied about the credibility of the hugely damaging documents on Hunter Biden's laptop, was just another attempt by that agency to influence an election against President Trump.

The constitutional process for electing a successor to Biden has been under attack for years. There is little secret as to why the current regime has allowed a flood of illegals to cross our undefended border and has been ceaselessly promoting more lax election laws including no signature checked 'vote by mail' ballots.

So much for breaking the law, violating the constitutional agreement with the electors – that is, “we the people”.

As for overturning the moral order, we have the current regime supporting things hitherto unthinkable. Our Lutheran pulpits are silent in the face of atrocities such as as parents losing children because they refused minors' “gender affirming” medical procedures (6), laws approving the death of a live child who survives a botched abortion (7), and perversion and child abuse. Don't forget our federally sanctioned “Drag Queen story time” (8). Castration, mutilation, murder and perversion. All features of our current regime and by any account to be accelerated in the next should one side win.

We have, it appears to me, a clique-run US government running unbridled by our Constitution. We have, it appears to me, a US government attacking the Christian values that necessitated its origin. We have, at a minimum, the beginnings of a “Beer Wolf” here in America. Christians are now largely silent to this clear development, many preferring to castigate the phantom menace of “Christian Nationalism” and avoiding mention of the true Spirit of the Age. The Christians of Germany failed to check the rise of Hitler in the 1930s. Shall we also fail now, when the destructive power of the United States is immeasurably greater?

/s/, Christian, Veteran, Wounded Warrior Dad




  4. Shooters perspective -

  5. Beerwolf - Wikipedia

  6. and

  7. Kamala Harris, Tim Walz support allowing newborns to die. Americans can't support that.


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Get Smart

No, not the TV show, watch this and get a clue that most of what you see, read, listen to, is tailored by the Deep State and mass media providers to lead you to their desired perception of our world.



Honorable men

                                            “And, sure, he is an honorable man”  

As a pensioner grandpa in central Texas, I have no idea how such a brilliant, honorable man could have advised President Trump to launch an attack on Syria – no doubt killing Syrians – on the basis of blatantly fake intelligence (1).  Fake intelligence of the very sort Obama before him had been provided  by our 'best and brightest' in the “deep  state” (2).

Happily this honorable man knew just who to blame for our disastrous defeat in Afghanistan ,,,

We have also been blessed with General James Jones, Obama's National Security Advisor.  Honorable man, no doubt.  Could not have been aware of the CIA overthrow of the elected president of Ukraine, or the US support of the Azov Nazis used in the overthrow.   








More than that, his involvement in the construct, commercializing, and political weaponizing of the domestic police state surveillance apparatus we are living under could only have been an honorable act …

For the record - Such systems have been used to “conduct warrantless searches on US persons more than 280,000 times”.

Indeed, we are blessed with an overabundance of such honorable men.  Generals and Admirals who fail to "fade away".   ALL OF WHOM HATE TRUMP.

1. Watch 5:42 – 6:19 -  ,!


UPDATE: 8/28/24 - Honorable Man McMaster now blames Trump for the disaster in Afghanistan.

Yeah, right General.  Trump advised closing Bagram Airfield and surrendering security of US forces to the Taliban.  


Our 'leaders' in uniform today.  "Honorable men" every one.

UPDATE: 9/21/24 - appears there's a scratch in one traitor's teflon ...

Monday, August 26, 2024

America has too many Generals who don't know when to shut up

 Is it just me or isn't this a very bad day for LtGen McMaster to be all over CNN saying President Trump is "unfit" to be Commander in Chief.

The pompous princes of the Pentagon are at it again in the election season.  I noted on it last time (1).  What is different now is they've since brought us the most disgraceful defeat of US forces in American military history.  

A defeat by - not an army, not a first world nation, but by a band of delusional, (formerly) poorly armed and equipped zealots.

And, none the less, we are STILL to listen to these men?  They should hide in disgrace, not preen with empty headed deep state cheerleaders on CNN.

I remember Kabul.  My family remembers Kabul.

And so does a competent military veteran and blogger who understood the war in Afghanistan.  Today he had some sharp, true, words about men like McMaster, men who are presumed to be our great military 'leaders'   (2)  ....

"The world's self-described super power selected the wrong people for the wrong reasons using the wrong selection criteria through a culture with the wrong priorities. This cannot be argued. The evidence is right there to be seen by all."

"And so, for two decades, the products of the 'best' universities, think tanks, and political organizations in what was once the world's greatest power brought us to the point where those kids and newborns of 2001 grew into adulthood only to be killed on the altar of their leaders’ hubris and lies."

"So, as Afghanistan falls in to shadow, hundreds to thousands of American citizens, green card holders, allied civilians, and our Afghan friends who we abandoned behind us will fear the dark. Waiting for footsteps to the door. Waiting for people who will never return home from errands. Wondering why no one will return calls and texts ... and wonder how they can escape back to the civilized world.

The fault, shame and humiliation are all ours; all red, white, and blue."





Does America have a survival instinct?

If so, it has just kicked in. 

I watched the entire Kennedy announcement speech.  It was a long string of truth bombs.  

Listen to it in full -  

Kennedy points out the Democrat party has become:
- the party of censorship, corruption,
- engaged in lawfare to keep me off the ballot,
- engaged in lawfare to put Trump in jail,
- ran a sham primary, a coup against Biden, installed a candidate without winning a single delegate,
- uses censorship of media and controls (unconstitutional) weaponized federal agencies,
- Kennedy notes a White House internet portal was set up for federal agencies to censor Kennedy's attempts to communicate with voters, this IS systemic attack on democracy,
- simultaneously the Dems wage war in Ukraine - Kennedy, correctly, states this was initiated by neocons in America after US agencies overthrew democratically elected regime in Ukraine, the objective of which was regime change in Russia.

Kennedy explains his agreement with Trump on existential //to our republic// issues he holds in common with Trump, i.e., freedom of speech, securing the border, getting the US intelligence agencies out of the business of surveilling Americans and interfering with elections.  

He is dead right on this.

Kennedy then provided a long list of fact based indictments against our medical/pharma complex.

It was an extraordinary speech by, like it or not, a man with unique insight on the food and pharma conditions within the US today.

Did it have impact? 

It was followed by this by Bret Weinstein - a Christopher Hitchens like leftist I've long listened to in order to understand where a very smart, ideological opponent (to me) is coming from -

Weinstein explains the Dems speak "the inversion of reality" and "they cheat".  Weinstein said  'We have to defeat the blue team beyond the cheat margin'.

The mask has slipped from the ruling regime.   Smart people were watching.  Maybe enough.

Left minded Americans who genuinely care for America must vote for Trump. 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

The other shoe drops



Confirming my initial opinion reached in early 2020, I referenced a solid analysis of the real value of the mRNA 'vaccine' earlier this week:

 Yup, it's cr@p.  Rx - DO NOT TAKE mRNA injections. 

Now confirming my other opinion on WuF1u is this study which concludes:

"There can be, in our view, little doubt that China's government is primarily responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. But for the unique pathologies of the Chinese state, there very likely would have been no pandemic at all."

Cost to the US?  18 TRILLION! 

Time to make 'em pay!

UPDATE: 8/28/24 - hey, about that cl0t sh0t?  ...

Fauci needs to be investigated for his collusion with the PLA BioWar effort (tech transfer) and lies to promote the Clot shot.

Friday, August 23, 2024

Garbage in, garbage out

 Perhaps the Dems were going for name recognition and got the wrong Kamala Harris?(1)

I have to admit the Democrat Party 'process' for selecting, or, rather in this case, installing, a candidate this year had me guessing.

No American citizen got to decide by vote in a primary for Kamala.   Were their vote to count Ole Joe would be the candidate.  Instead, some party hacks and megalomaniacs installed Kamala.  

While it is possible she was NOT the desired choice when the party apparatchiks were engineering the coup against Ole Joe, his endorsement of a half black female stuck the party with her as the candidate.  

So much for Nancy's pet Newsom or Obama's gun control dream boy Mark Kelly.

No, they're stuck with Kamala.

And now they have to keep her away from any forum in which she'd have to defend RADICAL gun control, abortion, child mutilation, open border, or DEI policies.

No matter, they seem convinced they can steal it with millions of illegal's ballots.

And, if that's the case - does America accept a clearly stolen election?   

The Hard Left is already planning general strikes and riots if we don't. (2)





Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Told 'ya so

 The 'jab' was crap.

 "They found that the modmRNA injections carry such a high risk of dangerous adverse events, that it would be safer to catch the virus without being vaccinated than to take one of the shots."

 The shots "dramatically increase the risk of becoming severely ill or dying from potentially fatal conditions such as cancer or heart failure," 

Fauci is a monster.   





UPDATE: 3/22/24 - Fauci and big Pharma can stik 'em up their collective a$$.

UPDATE: 8/28/24 - more of the same ...

Fauci needs to be investigated for his collusion with the PLA BioWar effort (tech transfer) and lies to promote the Clot shot.


Monday, August 19, 2024

Planned failure

 There are two human pursuits with zero room for error.  One is high performance aviation, the other is submarines, especially nuclear powered submarines.

  Civil aviation is beginning to see the consequences of affirmative action.  It will be the death of Boeing.

 Now, in a space where 'sub safe' and 'nuclear grade' standards dictate what is merely adequate we get this ...

 WHO do we send to jail for life when the inevitable consequences manifest?  Answer that first!

UPDATE: 8/22/24 - Say, what's the worst place for someone with a contagious, blood borne disease to be?  How 'bout somewhere where he may become a bloody cloud and his battlefield companions may be breathing or soaked in his blood?

Healthy, Christian, hetro male?  Do NOT join Obama's DOD! 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Trump attempted assassin had Federal handler?

                          Gee, I wonder why there's never a good, current picture used???

Expect more on this ...

Where did he learn how to make the explosives for his remote detonated bombs???  The body's been destroyed.  There is a reason that's been done.  SSRIs?  Is Graphene Oxide becoming a thing? (1)

Whichever, I can't say I'd be surprised (2). 


1. See 'Beyond AI' - 



Believe me now?


There was rumor of a Russian BioWar super weapon - 'EPox' for many years.  EPox is a combination of small pox and ebola.  The small pox provides the contagion, the ebola the lethality.  Yes, it's a difficult critter to come up with, but so the story goes.

Communist China has poured over the old Soviet Union's secrets for decades and often has improved on old Soviet methods and techniques for their use - like substituting (nuclear armed) anti-ship ballistic missiles for (nuclear armed) Backfire bombers in their anti-carrier war at sea strategy.  Clearly the Russians shared their biowar know how with them ... and why not, American traitors like Fauci were building the PLA labs.  From a fresh perspective the EPox had one problem and that was, the host pathogen, small pox, would by itself trigger a public health emergency reaction in the target nation, possibly limiting its effectiveness as a WMD.  A host which can simulate a much more common flu bug is a much more effective pairing with a delayed effect ebola because it could spread widely before the target nation knows it's been sentenced to death.  THAT is what I was most worried about when WuF1u first appeared in mass in 2020.  I saw the missiles hitting (WuF1u cases reported) and was waiting for the 'warhead' (emergence of ebola) in patients to explode.  Eventually it became evident that what we had was the deliberate, never forget Chinese were locked in in Wuhan - but could fly to the US even though very likely carriers of the disease, spread of a 'Weapon of Mass Disruption', not 'Destruction'  which wrecked our economy and facilitated the theft of an election.  An assassins mace that felled the Emperor without retaliation.  

Well played Xi. 

Those of you who read my notes back then were aware of this analysis at the time.

So, now this happy note - evidently the PLA/civilian medical research folks have continued their refinement of ebola.  This is most certainly for BioWar employment.

2 tidbits about the (D) choice

 1. She'll do to you what she does to her own ...

2. He's been a friend to our enemies for decades.  Let's be sure he's recognized for his efforts. 

Just DO THE MATH - who paid, and why??  I have no idea how this person could be retained in the US military as evident his associations with the CCP are.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Wars and rumors of wars ...


Today's Navy heading into "Harm's Way"?

Our "special Friend" (1) prods their paid for, or blackmailed,  US politicians to 'how 'bout you (USA) and them (IRAN) fight' so that another Israeli enemy is cleared from the board - regardless of costs to the bankrupt US of A.

For my part I am no enthusiast for our wasteful, and irrelevant,  support for the war we started in Ukraine, or another penny in support of our mendacious 'friend' Israel, and do NOT think we are up for the adventure.

WRT Iran, there was a time when our military was at apogee and the empire dreams of the neo-cons coincided with the hegemonic dreams of Israel.  I saw up close and personal how a very few good US Navy officers prevented the deep state of the time from producing the desired dead US Navy sailors, and casus belli, for a war on Iran then. 

Our Navy was then, relatively speaking, much better than it is now.  And Reagan and Casey have NO equals in DC today.

Pray for our Republic, and our service members deployed.  The only winners, should we stupidly get involved in open combat with Iran, will be in Moscow and Beijing.   

Oh, and if we start killing Iranians in Iran ... the Mullahs have a response for that right here in our Obama/Biden/Harris border-less USA.


Obama let them in to vote for Democrats ... they have their own plan.


UPDATE: Yup, the OBiden/Harris folks have let lots and lots of great people into the US ... Here's an idea, let's give them jobs working with critical infrastructure assets ...

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Open Source Inrelligence Reveals Dangerous Gap in US Military Capability

 We're talking, of course, about our shortage of equipped, and trained, assault skateboard troops.  China appears to have a edge over the US in this critical combat capability.

To the good, China does not appear to be finishing on the podium in Olympic Skateboarding (who knew this, along with break - brake? dancing were Olympic sports?).  Or, is this deliberate to mislead the west on their cutting edge technology and skills?


Not to worry -  I have no doubt that Congress will shortly provide US Special Operation Command billions of US taxpayer dollars to address this glaring military deficiency.  Following that the US civilian market will be flooded with knock off, all terrain, 'tactical' skateboards.

No doubt at all.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Craven - or just couldn't be bothered?

 "Officer Friendly" - an ironic nickname for a family member - has a saying: "everybody wants to be a cop until it's time to do cop shit".  The military equivalent to that includes the all too frequent female sailors who conveniently get pregnant the right time before deployment, and reservists who find a way out before mobilization to deploy.  

Apparently Team Obama's prospective VP falls into the latter category.  As reported by fellow senior enlisted: "When the nation called, he quit."   The Reserves were vital to the ill conceived endless war in the sandbox.  However futile the effort, military units plan based on the personnel they expect to have and rely on them to afford the unit cohesion that contributes to each member's survival.

 Master Sargent Walz reportedly failed his fellow soldiers.

But, then again, he didn't measure up as a Governor either.


Yup.  A real Team Obama star this guy.

H/T "Uncle Rick"

Friday, August 2, 2024

Deep State - in all its glory

I've warned you we are living in the new Soviet Union.

Bush stupidly responded to 9/11 NOT by firing the intelligence agency 'experts'.  No, instead he threw endless money at them, granted them powers Himmler would have been envious of, and created a Deep State empire focused foremost not on an external enemy, but American citizens.  

Obama, Brennan, and Biden refined the aim of Deep State, focusing it internally towards his specific political opponents.  Simultaneously Deep State entered an ideological partnership with the big IT firms to identify and censor honest patriots.  "Patriot" groups were infiltrated - or started - by FBI for the purpose of producing events embarrassing to Obama's political enemies, and to justify ever more stringent constraints on American citizens' freedoms.

That is why we are living in a police state with only the illusion of freedom of speech, assembly, and free and fair elections.

Deep State also had permission to do whatever they wanted to address foreign terrorists. 

Being the sort of folks they are: Himmler like bureaucrats or efficient sociopaths, we got what we now see revealed below ...  


Starvation strike?  Fed with a hose into his gut ... from either end. 

Note well - the folks who are doing this to homicidal religious fanatics are NO different from their domestic brothers at FBI and DOJ.  Obama's political enemies are being painted as fanatics for a reason.  They intend to beat the free will out of us as well.  Abuse of the J6 prisoners is not unintentional.  Shy of being in custody one can expect intimidation in the streets by ANTIFA and BLM, harassment in your home and business by IRS, debanking, deplatforming, and on and on ... 

Deep State is unanswerable and implacable.  There are a lot of people there planning to steal the election one way or the other. Ballots intentionally issued to illegals, token signature requirements on absentee  ballots ... by now you either know the drill or you are an idiot.  Hey, fun fact - 

"Throughout July, Ballotpedia covered 525 elections in 11 states, 65% of which were uncontested. This brings the year-to-date rate of uncontested elections to 73%. Local judicial elections are the least competitive so far this year, with 86% of those elections going uncontested."

How many of us, 'we the people', voted for Kamala in a primary???

The assassination attempt on Trump displayed, at the very least, criminal negligence by Deep State.   Was the involvement deeper?  Who taught the kid to build remote detonated IEDs?  How to produce explosives for the bombs?   Don't expect answers to that one - and more (1) - without Trump in the White House.  


UPDATE: 8/3/24 - What to do with such folks?  The morality of torture is one of battlefield exigency.  If, for example, you just captured someone who had hidden a WMD and expect it to go off in a hour, or a day, that is a much different thing than torturing some prisoner held for years.  The people doing that must not be on our payroll, or allowed into positions of responsibility in our government.   They lack the morality to see the difference and will easily do the same to us.  "Prisoners' are to be tried - even if only by a military tribunal -  and either executed, imprisoned, or released - with transparency once their  immediate intelligence value expires.

UPDATE: 8/5/24 - The abuse of the largely hapless J6 folks is intentional - and it continues ,,,

 Obama's Amerika is a thing to behold! 

UPDATE: 8/5/24 - The steal is real and happening.