Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Honorable men

                                            “And, sure, he is an honorable man”  

As a pensioner grandpa in central Texas, I have no idea how such a brilliant, honorable man could have advised President Trump to launch an attack on Syria – no doubt killing Syrians – on the basis of blatantly fake intelligence (1).  Fake intelligence of the very sort Obama before him had been provided  by our 'best and brightest' in the “deep  state” (2).

Happily this honorable man knew just who to blame for our disastrous defeat in Afghanistan ,,, 


We have also been blessed with General James Jones, Obama's National Security Advisor.  Honorable man, no doubt.  Could not have been aware of the CIA overthrow of the elected president of Ukraine, or the US support of the Azov Nazis used in the overthrow.   








More than that, his involvement in the construct, commercializing, and political weaponizing of the domestic police state surveillance apparatus we are living under could only have been an honorable act …


For the record - Such systems have been used to “conduct warrantless searches on US persons more than 280,000 times”.  

Indeed, we are blessed with an overabundance of such honorable men.  Generals and Admirals who fail to "fade away".   ALL OF WHOM HATE TRUMP.

1. Watch 5:42 – 6:19 - https://youtu.be/qr_ByQH2QY0  ,   https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2017/04/06/ron_paul_syria_gas_attack_could_be_false_flag_zero_chance_assad_is_responsible.html#!

2. https://thenewamerican.com/us/politics/foreign-policy/mit-report-obama-used-bogus-intelligence-to-push-syria-war/

UPDATE: 8/28/24 - Honorable Man McMaster now blames Trump for the disaster in Afghanistan.  


Yeah, right General.  Trump advised closing Bagram Airfield and surrendering security of US forces to the Taliban.  


Our 'leaders' in uniform today.  "Honorable men" every one.

UPDATE: 9/21/24 - appears there's a scratch in one traitor's teflon ...https://www.zerohedge.com/political/silent-insurrection-general-milleys-hand-january-6

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