Friday, August 2, 2024

Deep State - in all its glory

I've warned you we are living in the new Soviet Union.

Bush stupidly responded to 9/11 NOT by firing the intelligence agency 'experts'.  No, instead he threw endless money at them, granted them powers Himmler would have been envious of, and created a Deep State empire focused foremost not on an external enemy, but American citizens.  

Obama, Brennan, and Biden refined the aim of Deep State, focusing it internally towards his specific political opponents.  Simultaneously Deep State entered an ideological partnership with the big IT firms to identify and censor honest patriots.  "Patriot" groups were infiltrated - or started - by FBI for the purpose of producing events embarrassing to Obama's political enemies, and to justify ever more stringent constraints on American citizens' freedoms.

That is why we are living in a police state with only the illusion of freedom of speech, assembly, and free and fair elections.

Deep State also had permission to do whatever they wanted to address foreign terrorists. 

Being the sort of folks they are: Himmler like bureaucrats or efficient sociopaths, we got what we now see revealed below ...  


Starvation strike?  Fed with a hose into his gut ... from either end. 

Note well - the folks who are doing this to homicidal religious fanatics are NO different from their domestic brothers at FBI and DOJ.  Obama's political enemies are being painted as fanatics for a reason.  They intend to beat the free will out of us as well.  Abuse of the J6 prisoners is not unintentional.  Shy of being in custody one can expect intimidation in the streets by ANTIFA and BLM, harassment in your home and business by IRS, debanking, deplatforming, and on and on ... 

Deep State is unanswerable and implacable.  There are a lot of people there planning to steal the election one way or the other. Ballots intentionally issued to illegals, token signature requirements on absentee  ballots ... by now you either know the drill or you are an idiot.  Hey, fun fact - 

"Throughout July, Ballotpedia covered 525 elections in 11 states, 65% of which were uncontested. This brings the year-to-date rate of uncontested elections to 73%. Local judicial elections are the least competitive so far this year, with 86% of those elections going uncontested."

How many of us, 'we the people', voted for Kamala in a primary???

The assassination attempt on Trump displayed, at the very least, criminal negligence by Deep State.   Was the involvement deeper?  Who taught the kid to build remote detonated IEDs?  How to produce explosives for the bombs?   Don't expect answers to that one - and more (1) - without Trump in the White House.  


UPDATE: 8/3/24 - What to do with such folks?  The morality of torture is one of battlefield exigency.  If, for example, you just captured someone who had hidden a WMD and expect it to go off in a hour, or a day, that is a much different thing than torturing some prisoner held for years.  The people doing that must not be on our payroll, or allowed into positions of responsibility in our government.   They lack the morality to see the difference and will easily do the same to us.  "Prisoners' are to be tried - even if only by a military tribunal -  and either executed, imprisoned, or released - with transparency once their  immediate intelligence value expires.

UPDATE: 8/5/24 - The abuse of the largely hapless J6 folks is intentional - and it continues ,,,

 Obama's Amerika is a thing to behold! 

UPDATE: 8/5/24 - The steal is real and happening.

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