Monday, August 26, 2024

America has too many Generals who don't know when to shut up

 Is it just me or isn't this a very bad day for LtGen McMaster to be all over CNN saying President Trump is "unfit" to be Commander in Chief.

The pompous princes of the Pentagon are at it again in the election season.  I noted on it last time (1).  What is different now is they've since brought us the most disgraceful defeat of US forces in American military history.  

A defeat by - not an army, not a first world nation, but by a band of delusional, (formerly) poorly armed and equipped zealots.

And, none the less, we are STILL to listen to these men?  They should hide in disgrace, not preen with empty headed deep state cheerleaders on CNN.

I remember Kabul.  My family remembers Kabul.

And so does a competent military veteran and blogger who understood the war in Afghanistan.  Today he had some sharp, true, words about men like McMaster, men who are presumed to be our great military 'leaders'   (2)  ....

"The world's self-described super power selected the wrong people for the wrong reasons using the wrong selection criteria through a culture with the wrong priorities. This cannot be argued. The evidence is right there to be seen by all."

"And so, for two decades, the products of the 'best' universities, think tanks, and political organizations in what was once the world's greatest power brought us to the point where those kids and newborns of 2001 grew into adulthood only to be killed on the altar of their leaders’ hubris and lies."

"So, as Afghanistan falls in to shadow, hundreds to thousands of American citizens, green card holders, allied civilians, and our Afghan friends who we abandoned behind us will fear the dark. Waiting for footsteps to the door. Waiting for people who will never return home from errands. Wondering why no one will return calls and texts ... and wonder how they can escape back to the civilized world.

The fault, shame and humiliation are all ours; all red, white, and blue."





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