Thursday, August 29, 2024

A note to some friends

Addressed to members of 3 groups I've discussed current events with ...

Gentlemen (and Mrs. X),

I've been engaging in similar discussions with diverse individuals over the last week on the same topic, so I thought to provide both my reasoning and some supporting documentation to all I though could offer insight.

Two documents have influenced my perception of current events which I'd like to bring to your attention. One is a study of Christians in Germany during the Nazi era, the other a study of Luther's fully developed opinion of resistance to government. Both are attached. The first is a “study of the pervasive participation of Germans and of German churches in the Nazi state”, a “history lesson that not only looks for heroes”. The second illuminates the development of Luther's theory on resistance to government which ultimately justified use of force to depose a king in the instance of a king “who is elected... upon specific conditions remains an authority only so long as he keeps to those conditions and the articles of the oath which he has sworn."

Here's my thing: I believe that with implements now considered rudimentary, the Stuka dive bomber, the diesel electric submarine, the Tiger tank for example, Nazi Germany brought a never before seen level of devastation to the world. Today, the United States can create vastly more destruction because of the technologically more advanced weapons it possesses. Based on credible information and first hand experiences within both the intelligence community and military, I see parallels between today and Germany in the mid '30s. Christians - especially Lutherans - must publicly be vocal in stopping our current trajectory towards a totalitarian government in an effort to avoid our having to take extraordinary means in confronting our very own “Beer Wolf” later. The Beer Wolf being the leader (or in our case a cabal) who "in contrast to a mere tyrant, not only broke the law, but overturned the entire moral order upon which it is based. All the subjects of such a ruler ... had the right to resist and even to kill him and all his supporters" (Wiki).

First, consider the political environment we are in. March 1933 was the last contested election in Germany until after WW2. The parallels between then and now are obvious. Compare the Reichstag Fire with the exploitation of the chaos of January 6. Compare Hitler's “Brown Shirt” thugs with BLM and ANTIFA, both apparently largely immune from prosecution despite arson and violence in the street. As far as democratic process, the word “unprecedented” is meaningless anymore due to overuse. We are told we live in a democracy and that Joe Biden is our President and Commander in Chief. As to the former, one of the two people apparently likely to become President as result of an election this November has NEVER won a delegate by votes. She has been installed by a party that engaged in lawfare to keep another candidate off the primary ballot and is engaged in lawfare to imprison the candidate of the other party (3). As to our sitting President, we have an individual who has been deemed by his own Department of Justice as unfit to stand trial for the likely compromise of highly classified documents (2) and was forced out of the presidential election of '24 by his own party subsequent to earning over 14 million votes (3).

There is nothing “democratic” about the process that Democrat party apparatchiks and their megalomaniacal donors have employed in the election of 2024 to date.

Simultaneously, the attempted assassination of President Trump was an astounding, in-your-face demonstration of willful negligence on the part of the US Secret Service. NO experienced commentator could excuse leaving a roof within 120 yards, and in plain sight of the President's podium, available for the shooter to position himself (ex. 4). The media circus of the FBI raid on Mar A Lago, the same agency that promoted the “Russian Collusion” hoax and lied about the credibility of the hugely damaging documents on Hunter Biden's laptop, was just another attempt by that agency to influence an election against President Trump.

The constitutional process for electing a successor to Biden has been under attack for years. There is little secret as to why the current regime has allowed a flood of illegals to cross our undefended border and has been ceaselessly promoting more lax election laws including no signature checked 'vote by mail' ballots.

So much for breaking the law, violating the constitutional agreement with the electors – that is, “we the people”.

As for overturning the moral order, we have the current regime supporting things hitherto unthinkable. Our Lutheran pulpits are silent in the face of atrocities such as as parents losing children because they refused minors' “gender affirming” medical procedures (6), laws approving the death of a live child who survives a botched abortion (7), and perversion and child abuse. Don't forget our federally sanctioned “Drag Queen story time” (8). Castration, mutilation, murder and perversion. All features of our current regime and by any account to be accelerated in the next should one side win.

We have, it appears to me, a clique-run US government running unbridled by our Constitution. We have, it appears to me, a US government attacking the Christian values that necessitated its origin. We have, at a minimum, the beginnings of a “Beer Wolf” here in America. Christians are now largely silent to this clear development, many preferring to castigate the phantom menace of “Christian Nationalism” and avoiding mention of the true Spirit of the Age. The Christians of Germany failed to check the rise of Hitler in the 1930s. Shall we also fail now, when the destructive power of the United States is immeasurably greater?

/s/, Christian, Veteran, Wounded Warrior Dad




  4. Shooters perspective -

  5. Beerwolf - Wikipedia

  6. and

  7. Kamala Harris, Tim Walz support allowing newborns to die. Americans can't support that.


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