Monday, August 12, 2024

Wars and rumors of wars ...


Today's Navy heading into "Harm's Way"?

Our "special Friend" (1) prods their paid for, or blackmailed,  US politicians to 'how 'bout you (USA) and them (IRAN) fight' so that another Israeli enemy is cleared from the board - regardless of costs to the bankrupt US of A.

For my part I am no enthusiast for our wasteful, and irrelevant,  support for the war we started in Ukraine, or another penny in support of our mendacious 'friend' Israel, and do NOT think we are up for the adventure.

WRT Iran, there was a time when our military was at apogee and the empire dreams of the neo-cons coincided with the hegemonic dreams of Israel.  I saw up close and personal how a very few good US Navy officers prevented the deep state of the time from producing the desired dead US Navy sailors, and casus belli, for a war on Iran then. 

Our Navy was then, relatively speaking, much better than it is now.  And Reagan and Casey have NO equals in DC today.

Pray for our Republic, and our service members deployed.  The only winners, should we stupidly get involved in open combat with Iran, will be in Moscow and Beijing.   

Oh, and if we start killing Iranians in Iran ... the Mullahs have a response for that right here in our Obama/Biden/Harris border-less USA.


Obama let them in to vote for Democrats ... they have their own plan.


UPDATE: Yup, the OBiden/Harris folks have let lots and lots of great people into the US ... Here's an idea, let's give them jobs working with critical infrastructure assets ...

1 comment:

  1. We certainly are in a pickle. Most Americans have no idea about any of this. They do know about Vance’s cat lady mock. Pray .

