Friday, October 23, 2020

About that 'senior military leader' letter ...

For anyone who might read the retired officers letter expecting honesty from the more vocal among this generation of 'military leaders' ...

Yesterday morning I saw Yahoo headlining:

Why 780 retired generals and former national security leaders spoke out against Trump”

Having given it a close look I can warn readers the article is a collection of outrageous lies, half truths, and deceptive language.

It starts by creating the false image of an apolitical, patriotic, retired flag officer driven to political action by some (fake) news about President Trump. The retired officer, Peter Chiarelli, says:

"Signing that letter was very hard for me to do, because I have never done that before or even given a dollar to a political campaign.

That is a lie. Chiarelli has been a politically active contributor to a Neo-Con/Progressive political action group well in advance of Lafayette Square event

Chiarelli says the disgraced LtCol Vindman was “...doing his duty and what was right. “

That is a lie. Disgraced LtCol Vindman lied while testifying to an impeachment hearing about a phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelenskiy. Vindman had been an important member of the national security establishment. Vindman has admitted that his account of Trump’s phone call with Zelensky was not accurate. He was violating his oath to promote a coup against an elected Commander in Chief . //

The article reports that “Traditionally both active-duty and retired U.S. military and intelligence officials have steered clear of politics,”

That is a lie. Since the Clinton Administration progressives and marxists have pushed the military to become ever more politicized - to the left. For example, which of the signers of the letter were involved in creating the conditions that produced a scene like this?

 (what could be better for unit cohesion than race obsessed junior officers?)

Or this?


 (Remember this during Obama's administration?  Clintons?  In uniform?  They were reviled, but there was discipline and respect for Commanders-in-Chief one disagreed with)

In the article another apparently 'retired, apolitical, patriotic' flag officer - expressed that “Over the last three-plus years, I’ve watched the Trump administration politicize the Department of Justice
and eviscerate the State Department, and the situation in Lafayette Square made clear that if reelected, Trump will politicize the Defense Department as well,”

The speaker was Radm Mike Smith, who also says “A lot of us who spent our careers in the military would rather have stayed out of politics”.

Truth is Radm Smith is not apolitical, in fact he looks like he can't believe we can do without his political advice ...

Radm Smith is a typical denezin of the hyper connected, Deep State, DC Swamp

Consider his comment about the Trump administration 'politicizing the Department of Justice'. This is simply hilarious! The Obama/Biden DOJ was the agency that spearheaded the joint FBI/CIA attempted sedition against an elected President via an unprecedented abuse of surveillance power, leaks and lies.

Beyond quotes from our 'apolitical' (sic) 'leaders', the article sprinkles in the standard lies about Trump disrespecting the fallen and ranks, refers to a burnt church and other violent events as 'mostly peaceful', and other marxist tropes.

Bottom line, Bull Crap, top to bottom.

Here's a better look at our DOD politicians in and out of uniform.  

 In his analysis of the political situation at DOD  'Sundance' at Conservative Treehouse makes it clear -

"The United States Military is collaborating with the CIA to remove a U.S. President from office."

To which, after 30 years in and around the Navy I must say: DOD is a major part of the 'deep state', and a great number of flag officers today are rent seeking, PC sensitive, politicians not leaders.  

The deep state, military industrial complex division, hates Trump because Trump has their number, wants the US out of stupid little wars, and has America's best interests at heart.

Update - 11/24/20 Yup, deep staters hated Trump and his aversion for stupid little wars.












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