We MUST make China pay for the devastation and death WuFlu brought to the west.
We must also hold Fauci accountable for his part. "Billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars have been flowing from Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases through U.S. research centers in order to directly support laboratories of China’s People’s Liberation Army."Friday, December 31, 2021
Thursday, December 30, 2021
First, Epstein did NOT commit suicide by strangling/hanging himself with sheets.
https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2021/06/found-dead-in-his-jail-cell.html - use
the links to compare ligature marks. Epstein was strangled by a cord or wire, NOT a sheet.
Second, the involvement of Israeli intelligence with Ms Maxwell is well documented.
Now, look at this sequence of events ..
What you can expect is almost no prosecutions of VIPs by deep state who holds the trove.
The pictures/videos are only valuable as blackmail material if the cretin avoids trial. I would expect some few deep state enemies to be outed as pedos - a win/win for deep state/team obama.
Update 12.31.21 additional detail on Israeli intel and Epstein prostituting adolescent American girls for the state of Israel https://storageunit.home.blog/2019/12/18/former-spy-details-israels-main-motive-behind-epsteins-sexual-blackmail-operation/
Will the mob continue to 'shop locally'
Volatility and mass ... what could go wrong
"shop locally"? It appears not.
Can't say I have much sympathy for the 'elite' class given their decades long support for what is now known as CRT. At least I agree with the advice they're being given, although one has to insist on significant training as well as a good shotty. Just remember - shotguns are close work weapons. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2021/11/another-day-on-range.html
Wednesday, December 29, 2021
January 6 - Political Theatre brought to you by the 4th Reich
The Who, What, When, Where, Why of a piece of political history.
A little more on Deep State agent Epps ....
Notice the comment by 'Important Announcer' below the article - "It should be noted that ANOTHER Oath Keeper leader (Stuart Rhodes, the National leader) is similarly unindicted even though he participated Jan 6th planning that resulted in others he was supervising going to jail. When revolver published the article about Stuart Rhodes, Ray Epps came off the FBI most wanted list the next day."
Nor have their phones been taken.
Oath Keepers was probably a Deep State false flag from inception. Remember Obama's DOJ and their very FIRST 'intel' report to police? The the threat they feared was disgruntled vets with AR-15s.
January 6 was the 4th Reich's Reichstag Fire.
UPDATE 12/31/21 more on FBI as agents of terror "FBI agents and informants, according to the filing, “concocted, hatched, and pushed this ‘kidnapping plan’ from the beginning"
Update: 1/4/22: Looks like the FBI's been outed for what they really are now ...
Disband the FBI. Prosecute the 'Trump collusion' hoax team.
UPDATE: 1/6/22 - about "the myth" https://www.newsweek.com/myth-january-6-opinion-1666417
Saturday, December 25, 2021
The 'gift' (no, not a Christmas gift)
A good look into Ghislaine and her association with our 'special friend'.
As much of the trove is now in the hands of the FBI ('the shield of the party') deep state is all the more dangerous.Friday, December 24, 2021
Yes, there IS good news!
Just check your local Bible. MT 1:18-25.
No, seriously. We've been through worse.
Saturday, December 18, 2021
Why Corona AND Ebola at Wuhan?
The evidence provided associating activity at the Wuhan BSL4 lab with COVID-19 is sufficient, lacking reliable evidence to the contrary, to demand Xi and the CCP be held accountable for it's origin and release.
More recent articles have further indicated that the PLA BioWar folks there were working on a number of agents, along with Corona virus, to include Ebola. The latter via, at the very least, samples obtained from Canada.
Why Ebola? It's certainly not a problem in China.
It's a demonstrable fact that China has minutely researched the strategies and systems of the US/Soviet Cold War. They've recreated the old Russian anti-carrier game plan and, at enormous expense, produced the missile and torpedo armed subs, anti-ship missile and electronic warfare aircraft, the reconnaissance satellites, every component of the classic Soviet anti-carrier strike complex – with the intelligent substitution of anti-ship ballistic missiles for the more vulnerable Badger and Backfire bombers. (In actual fact they are flying Badgers, just the long range air launched missile regiments aren't emphasized nearly as much by the PLAN)
In their analysis of super weapons they must have familiarity with the work done by Biopreparat (Russia's BioWar agency) on combining small pox with ebola – 'epox'.
I've provided my thoughts on the likelihood of the WuFlu breakout in the USA and Europe being a deliberate attack (1). Those thoughts haven't changed. I still believe the WuFlu was created in the Wuhan lab and intentionally released first among Chinese to present a case for accidental release and thus avoid retaliation by the west.
But now (H/T elders son) I offer for consideration the possibility that China, having reviewed Russian BioWar development of 'epox' may again have one upped the Russians. Just as the Chinese Admirals substituted anti ship ballistic missiles for the TU-22 Backfire bomber in their anti-carrier strategy, I suspect the PLA Bio war folks are working on corona virus, not variola (small pox) to serve as the backbone for their superweapon – an 'eflu'.
Among consequent possible benefits are:
a. early in the attack, the target country will not be reacting to a breakout of the much feared small pox – an event that would bring quick, massive public health effort, but a flu, maybe uncommon, but maybe not.
b. attack with the lethal 'eflu' could be proceeded with selected releases of a vary similar strain of corona permitting mass vaccination of own population with a vaccine adequate to disable the subsequent release of the killer version. And, if the first release is broad enough and suitably covered in media, the mass vaccinations will appear non threatening to other countries.
It's time we, and the free world, held Xi and the CCP to account for the WuFlu and took action appropriate to the realization this was a biowar attack. It is very likely only be the beginning of another phase of Communist China's Unrestricted Warfare against us.
The collaboration of US businessmen and bureaucrats with the PLA in developing WuFlu, and the intentional suppression, even banning of effective therapeutics, perhaps even for political purpose (legitimize vote by mail fraud), is also a matter for appropriate response here at home.
1. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/03/not-unthinkable-to-everyone.html
Friday, December 17, 2021
a recommended link
I have to admit, I'm old. Some things are too remote from my experiences to easily comprehend.
Given the interest I 've shown in the CCP's brutal 'Unrestricted Warfare' against America, older son recommended this ...
It may explain why 'generation goldfish' doesn't understand socialism brings nothing for them but slavery and gulags.
Thursday, December 16, 2021
A really BIG question
The man who did not strangle himself with bedsheets (do your own homework on the ligature marks on the body ) visited Clinton in the White House 17 times between 25 Feb '93 and 28 Jan '95.
Remarkable I'd say.
If Epstein was an Israeli agent (again, do your own homework) WHAT was he trying to influence Clinton to do?
Items of interest
An informative article recently described the PLA BioWar apparatus and it's activities including making note of PLA experiments with aerosol distribution of ebola (gee, who anticipated this? (1))
As for origin off WuFlu (COVID-19) UK members of parliament were briefed "I think the lab origin is more likely than not."
So - what was suspected in March of 2020 is now solidly supported as fact. Is ANYONE talking about holding Xi and the CCP accountable?
1. when I first read of the species of bats experimented with in Wuhan, and the lab's BioWar purpose, the line of investigation was obvious https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/04/a-moment-of-dark-speculation.html
Monday, December 6, 2021
Words of wisdom
By now y'all know I am no fan of the Vatican.
BUT - among their clergy are some intelligent, honest observers of our condition who are worth listening to.
Sunday, December 5, 2021
Rich liberals enjoy the fruits of their investments
Back in March of '20 I pondered how long would the opportunists who loot and burn continue to 'shop locally' ( https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/03/terrain-and-situation-observations-on.html )
So call me unsurprised with current developments on the coast that will likely be replicated nationally.
"The fact that this has happened, her being shot and killed in her own home, after giving, sharing, and caring for 81 years has shaken the laws of the Universe," said Oprah Winfrey"
UPDATE 12/6/21 - Ever since being a young aspiring criminologist I've kept track on the homicide perp statistics, including race of offender. The clearly evident fact of proclivity for violent crime by race is undeniable, even of the OBiden regime continues to deny the plain truth. More recently Ms MacDonald has often written on the topic more eloquently then I can. Here's a good example ...
Thursday, December 2, 2021
To remind ....
Big pharma, and globalists wanting vax passports continue to lie ...
Which ranks up there with Epstein killed himself ...
https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2021/06/09/hydroxychloroquine-study-n2590700Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Christmas Joy! (not from MSM)
Chillin' out after turkey left overs?
NOT what the swamp, the deep state, and globalists want.
Here's a PERFECT description of MSM coverage from article below "racial arson" ...
Not ready for a race war?
How bout a heapin' helpin' of Fear Porn (gotta have those mail in ballots for midterm) ....
(consider ALL WuFlu 'varient' reporting vs. this ...
Not driven to surrender by terror of WuFlu?
OK ..from "conservative" FOX NEWS?? MORE fear porn ,,,,
(hint - we NEVER could defend ourselves from ICBMs (1) same threat, different package)
And, who can miss the sheer idiocy (or cynical evil) from our 'leaders' ....
Rx for the holidays:
Get a balanced input from multiple sources on the full range of topics. ALL reports are biased one way or another.
Believe NOTHING from CCP controlled flacks, OBiden regime, and MSM.
Love your family, help your community.
Remember WHO Christmas is about.
1. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2021/11/chinese-hypersonic-nukes.html
Saturday, November 27, 2021
Odd suggestion on where to put your nest egg
There are periods of technological eddys, when one innovation appears to be a long term game changer within a discipline. For example, I believe we are at the trailing edge of aircraft and missile design beings focused on radar stealth technology. As one might expect, there are trade offs in maximizing RF stealth, and the bandwidth in which one focuses effort cannot cover the span of anomalies vehicles present between 'DC and daylight'. Laser Radar, Infrared, very low frequency radar, all are finding applications in ending the current warm core eddy of RF stealth.
Despite the advice of some I suspect the same applies to cryptocurrencies which rely upon secure encryption.
Given who/where the lead exists in quantum computing (same nice folks that brought us WuFlu), which renders contemporary encryption useless, call me dubious.
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Disband the FBI, eliminate the DHS
Yeah ... right ... PTA and DAR types .....
And DOJ lies to congress even while they assault Americans.
Meanwhile, in the real world ...
UPDATE - big media's bodyguard of lies continues. First he was 'fleeing the scene of a knife attack' - complete fabrication - now this from ABC
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Why is Fox News pimping Tulsi Gabbard to conservatives?
She wants you disarmed folks.
" co-sponsored bills that would ban assault weapons "
" making sure that terrorists are not allowed to buy guns." - BEEN TO A PTA MEETING????
DO NOT TRUST this lady. With a smile and lies she want us to think she only wants
"common sense" gun control.
Like Australia.
Or Nazi era Poland.
Chinese HYPERSONIC nukes!!!
Anyone with the slightest interest in things military knows that China has demonstrated the ability to launch a missile with a warhead section that can orbit the earth at 'hypersonic' speeds.
EVERY military and polmil trade journal has pitched this as something of a game changer that obviously requires billions of dollars investment in the US military industrial complex to either have a countermeasure or similar offensive system to threaten China with.
The example that passed our eye yesterday was this ...
This story, from the Financial Times (clue there), as virtually all reports do, points out ....
"Orbital strikes from China on the US mainland via hypersonic glide vehicles could be a severe threat because US defense shields may not stop the weapons."
Now, in point of fact, the US has NEVER has a competent anti-ballistic missile system to counter the hundreds of Soviet era warheads targeting any US population center - and all but 2 defense strategic sites. Some of these missiles were often on submarines relatively close to the US coast to reduce flight times to 30 minutes or so. And, an initial strike could well have been with submarine launched nuclear armed cruise missiles, unlikely to be detected until the mushrooms sprouted.
Despite this, our plan, and credible ability, to retaliate at the time, an act which would have incinerated or otherwise rendered dead something like 110 MILLION in the Soviet Union, China, and Soviet border states (1) was evidently adequate to deter a Soviet nuclear strike, or actions (like invading Europe) which would have initiated such a response by the US.
Being in the crosshairs and unable to stop the nukes is nothing new.
Our greatest defense threat today is not new systems which pose different, but effectively similar risks to the country as before, but a Chinese controlled usurper as 'Commander in Chief'. No weapon we own, no 'secret' we posses, is any threat to Xi and the CCP so long as this regime exists.
Sunday, November 21, 2021
Obama/Soros/Biden's Protected Class
The trial was all about removing your right to self defense. You must kneel to the shock troops of the far left. They are the protected class.
In New York BLM is openly threatening the city should they try to maintain law and order.
This administration came to power riding a wave of violence funded and directed by groups in this nation bent on its destruction. It will not change course now. It will not dare confront the thugs who burned Minneapolis, Chicago, and countless other cities. These are the shock troops for the Marxist revolution. They will be encouraged rather than arrested and imprisoned. - https://andmagazine.com/talk/2021/11/12/the-man-who-would-burn-new-york-blm-leader-threatens-bloodshed/
Thank God for the wisdom of those old white guys that incorporated the second amendment into our constitution.
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Timely advice
With events of late, here's a thoughtful, qualified input to Americans from a reputable source.
Very worthwhile.
UPDATE - and here's Mas's post mortem on the trial:
Friday, November 19, 2021
Either these men get indicted ...
or we are not living in a free country.
Thursday, November 18, 2021
Two items for consideration
This morning, two items for consideration.
First the 'what' taking place in Kenosha - https://www.breitbart.com/crime/2021/11/17/ann-coulter-get-rittenhouse/
The woman Col Cooper referred to as 'the blond knuckle' sums up the situation: "Kyle Rittenhouse is on trial so that no one will dare stand in the way of the left's shock troops ever again"
And, to help understand the greater landscape -
Monday, November 15, 2021
Willful ignorance - or treason?
“The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist.”
The latest, and worst, report on China's Military produced by DOD is now available.
> The document 'Unrestricted Warfare' ( https://www.c4i.org/unrestricted.pdf ) is a unique military strategy document by two prominent PLA Colonels. The document, which leaked from China in the late '90s, was intended to explain in detail - for a Chinese senior military audience - China's undeclared war against the United States which was by then ALREADY UNDERWAY.
> This current DOD China Military report was largely written well after clear evidence was available of the direct involvement of the dual use PLA BioWar facility in Wuhan in the development of the novel COVID 19. COVID 19 was a potentially deadly virus and was INTENTIONALLY spread (even if at first, possibly, accidentally released) by Xi and the CCP. This report provides NONE of the concrete evidence for China's responsibility. It even reports on PLA's generous assistance to COVID victims!
> Along with the thousands of Americans killed by the CCP by COVID-19 ('Wuflu'), China continues to kill tens of thousands of Americans with Fentanyl (1). As explained in Unrestricted Warfare, such a tactic is one of the 'new faces' of warfare. Likely the middle kingdom feels justified on killing Americans in a reverse 'opium war' now that Xi has proclaimed their century of embarrassment is over.
> To put it plainly, is there ANY sense in this 'intelligence' document that they are discussing a country already AT WAR with the US? A country directly responsible for the havoc and deaths caused by the COVID-19 attack? A deadly enemy responsible for countless thousands of deaths, overdoses, failed families due to fentanyl?
I had mentioned the terrible deficiencies of these reports before (2). What this report makes apparent is that China has completely debilitated our intelligence community.
Unsurprising, in view of the state of our 'counter intelligence' agency, the FBI. Mention of the FBI in this document (P. 149) is sad irony. Post Obama the FBI is now totally corrupt, and a criminal threat to American citizens. Even in the Clinton/Charlie Trie days the FBI was completely unable to prosecute the individual who provided PRC with the W-88 warhead design. That is the weapon being mass produced in China and pointed at the US now, and in even growing numbers shortly. Beyond their role as, possibly ignorant, but complicit, parts of the CCP 'assassin's mace' - which removed President Trump - the role of the FBI has now completely devolved into creating false flag attacks, such as the reichstag fire event of 6 January, and jailing, without trial, political opponents of Beijing Joe's regime.
So, to put it into the format of the clowns at DIA who produced this pro Chinese propaganda at US taxpayers expense...
Ditch this report. Take the time to obtain a much better assessment of China here (listen entirely):
(1) During 1999–2017, the rate of drug overdose deaths nationally approximately tripled; approximately 70,000 overdose deaths occurred nationally in 2017, with nearly 68% involving an opioid. Using toxicology data, New York City identified fentanyl in 2% of drug overdose deaths during 2000–2012. By 2017, fentanyl was involved in 57% of all drug overdose deaths in New York City.\
(2) https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/09/eyes-wide-shut.html
(3) https://www.independentsentinel.com/lest-we-forget-hillarys-china-gate-scandal/ and https://fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/flashback-bill-clinton-gave-china-missile-technology/191783
UPDATE - 11/16/21 I had provided my expectations for an exchange with the PLAN in the South China Sea over a year ago. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/08/and-now-for-something-little-different.html
It is amazing how little attention is given to sea mines in the DOD China Military assessment given the visible effort, and military articles, they've dedicated to mine warfare. PLAN leaders have studied our weaknesses and, along with our foolish faith in our satellites and encryption, it is our Navy's weakest link.
It is not going unnoticed by everyone, just our Navy's senior folks who apparently are relying on 'diversity is our strength'.
Revised for reading 11/17/21
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Another day on the range
One item I may have to rely on, one that I practice least with, is the shotgun. I had mentioned before that, on returning from New Orleans in September '05, my first purchase was a Remington 870. Another 12 gauge in the house is a compact 'coach gun' which, although limited in capacity to 2 rounds, disassembles into two compact parts facilitating transport and secure storage. This gun I had kept in a small safe at my 'home away from home' work apartment, configured as illustrated.
Now done with the apartment, and having spent three range days recently with the 870, I though to look again at the likely effectiveness of the side by side with either 4 Buck or the larger 0 or 00 Buck load at the range near home.
The gun has two triggers associated with a modified choke barrel (right) and full choke barrel (left). One round of #4 buck and one 0 buck was fired from each barrel at both 10 and 20 yards. The results, from this gun/ammunition combination at least, demonstrate that 'just because it's on the web don't make it so'.
Two observations: 1. choke made a significant difference in pattern density. 2. even the larger 0 buck at 20 yards with the Remington load and full choke was delivering only 6 of 12 pellets, each with roughly the equivalent of .22 LR energy in a 9 inch circle. Adequate to instantaneously stop an armed assailant from firing his weapon? Depending on pellet location ... maybe. #4 with modified choke or less at 20 yards? Drawl your own conclusion.
So, little surprise, buckshot, 4 or 0, or likely the slightly larger 00, is significantly range limited. Likely much more so than some advertisers claim.
BUT - across the span of a small apartment? I expect it would have served.
Monday, November 8, 2021
"It was never about what it was about"
First, the simple, scientific truth.
The best long term scientific record of the earths temperatures is the Vostok ice core.
What is immediately apparent is that there are massive (10C = 18 degrees in Fahrenheit) cyclical swings in the earth's temperature. What is also apparent is that the cycles preceded the industrial revolution(~1760) by some 450,000 years.
For a more thorough insight to the 'global warming' and 'climate change' hoax, 2 good resources are the world greatest engineer, Burt Rutan http://burtrutan.com/downloads/EngrCritiqueCAGW-v4o3.pdf and the worlds greatest climatologist Richard Lindzen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwvVephTIHU
So, if man is not the dominant controller of the earth's temperature, if near term changes are unremarkable, and thus the 'alarming' climate changes resulting therefrom are mundane, what has the decades long movement to control CO2 been about?
It's about CONTROL. And, until WuFlu, the global warming hoax has, along with race baiting, have been the most powerful tools for deconstruction of America for decades.
"In 1988, former Canadian Minister of the Environment, told editors and reporters of the Calgary Herald: “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”"
The 4th Reich is reviving the Global Warming Climate Change specter as the WuFlu terror relents. It's all about control.
And the emerging 'great reset'.
Two items worth your time ....
UPDATE - Neil Oliver's video https://www.rebelnews.com/watch_neil_oliver_on_the_hypocrisy_of_environmentalists_and_cop26
Saturday, November 6, 2021
An armed society is a polite society - and a free one
A recent piece posted on Zero Hedge discussed the simultaneous developments in armament and governance. It's worth reading.
The author makes two points; a. repeating firearms provided a commensurate capacity for violence to private citizens which served as a check and balance on the power of the state,
b. the latest developments in smart weapons and information warfare shifts the balance of ability to exert force for control back into the hands of government autocrats.
It reminded me of a book I had read as a teen about the development of archery and it's influence on both governance, and the determination of which was the superior nation state, by Victor Hurley, “Arrows Against Steel”(1). While there are some inaccuracies the major themes and details are accurate and well presented. Biggest take away from that book was that the relationship between the english king and the citizenry was greatly impacted by his reliance on them to be competent archers. And, competent archers could have posed a threat to the king should he drive them to it, likely one driver for the liberalization of the monarchy in England.
The ability of the people to oppose a central government with arms was foundational to the Constitution – and anyone saying contrary is either a poor scholar or a liar. The Senate judiciary report that chartered historians, not lawyers, to research the intent of the 2nd amendment make this clear,.
Now a monopoly of control over the news and social media has been collected into the hands of the 4th reich's collaborative of big corporate megalomaniacs and swamp/deep state autocrats. Simultaneously the drive for disarmament of the citizens – especially of the most useful type of arms useful to deter an authoritarian state – continues.
Don't say 'it; can't happen here; It's already begun, And it will not end well.
Left (2)
or right,
Fascist or socialist, what they've done before is what our 4th reich intends to do here.
1. https://www.amazon.com/Arrows-Against-Steel-History-Forever/dp/098347561X
2. Photos metallicman.com - and odd site self proclaimed to be managed by a former spook living in China. So, expect some interesting information with a CCP spin (or a 'spook' wouldn't be living in China).
UPDATE - 11/6/21: Big tech Yahoo and ABC News, the same folks who reported so accurately on the Trump Russian collusion hoax and dangers of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to counter the Wuhan Flu, now provide another report favoring 'gun control' (disarmament of citizens).
Given the DOJ and FBI now protect the violent Antifa and BLM mobs from consequences, anyone who intends to protect life and property from these Brown Shirts of the 4th reich had best keep their guns - and keep their powder dry.
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Analysis of election - from an exotic source
Odd, but smart fella makes some observations on election night.
My read is that populism (branded as Trumpism by Trump) less Trump is the winning approach ot governance.
Good news for DeSantis.
UPDATE - (response to similar post on ConservativeTreehouse)
The VA race was determined by soccer moms pissed about the rape, porn, and indoctrination in schools. THEY will not get on the Trump bandwagon.
Trump’s terrible personnel selection was suicidal.
Thanks to him for ripping the masks off the uniparty and deep state but … DeSantis is a good governor, and has a past with the military. Two big things Trump didn’t have.
Oh, and DeSantis doesn’t have a lib daughter and crooked son in law.
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
No, they don't think you are this stupid ...
Here's a big middle finger to anyone aware of what the resident of the White House did to domestic oil production.
Sunday, October 31, 2021
Just a thought - ref Daniel 5
Mene: God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end.
Tekel: You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting.
Peres: Your kingdom is divided
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Short answer
I was asked twice by non-veteran friends what I thought of the story carried by numerous journals about today's Navy.
Short answer - fight? Yes, it'll be receiving rounds soooo ... it'll be in a fight.
Win? NO.
The Culture is toxic. No warriors. No leaders.
Personnel. Critical perishable skills gone. Time wasted on marxist indoc and ass covering.
And are they tough?
Ships and combat systems material condition?
But, hey, whadda I know? What today's Navy has is "Diversity is our strength".
Good luck wid dat sailor.
Treason on display
Arrogance - 'cuz he knows he'll get away with it. (for a time)
Of course Barry Soetoro KNOWS the truth. And I've told you it was coming almost since I started this blog.
Aug 19 - https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2021/08/vote-by-mail-total-fraud.html
Mar 31 - https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2021/03/obamas-priorities.html
Pre election
Sept 2 '20 - https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/09/items-to-consider.html
Aug 16 '20 - https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/08/dems-would-steal-this-election.html
Apr 17 '20 - https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2020/04/enemies-foreign-and-domestic.html
Rx - Remove ALL UNIPARTY 4th Reichers from positions of influence on elections and campaigns.
Do it now.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
The Storm
We know now the shape of the regime in in the US, the 'fourth reich'. Lots of socialist jabber but at core totalitarian, even facist. Joint mega corporate and race obsessed government. It even has it's own Dr. Mengele (Fauci).
Xi and the CCP vs. Soros and the Davos crew are the two players competing for world domination. Soros apparently feels the US is under control sufficient to focus on Xi. There will be rear guard action to maintain control, throwing elections and such, but he's probably right in his assessment.
So, what for the middle class, working Americans? Where do we turn for support while the reich turns the screws ever tighter?
Here's a great speech by an actor I've never noticed before. He has the conviction to deliver his message powerfully.
Monday, October 25, 2021
Home from a short vacation
Nothing clears the mind and mends the soul like a week or so (almost) completely away from the daily outrage of the the 'news' and time spent in contemplation of Gods work in nature.
HRH and I went via road to Durango, Colorado, then to Santa Fe, New Mexico.
The late autumn colors in the Colorado mountains were wonderful. And riding the steam powered narrow gauge train from Durango this time of year is recommended. (Dress WARM)
Inspiring but, after Switzerland (1), not exactly evocative of Tolkien's Misty Mountains.
Moderating the experience there was the sense the city was going to seed with the homeless, pot shops, and bizarre, confused young people about.
Santa Fe was a shorter visit (RO1N) than planned due to some berthing issues. A quick tour of the shops in the towns center revealed it's targeting fools with money to waste. No opportunity to see GRR Martin's theater and coffee shop.
Then again, no injuries due to commie lib gun slingers either (that I heard about).
And now, sigh, back to life in modern America.
1. the actual inspiration for Tolkien's Misty Mountains and Rivendell were in Switzerland. https://stories.jungfrauregion.swiss/en/story-tolkien
Monday, October 11, 2021
Defund Police? No. Defund Public Schools!
The need to rescreen all personnel involved with public education is clear. Individuals like this should be institutionalized, not teaching in institutions.
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Admin Note
Busy family day. But 2 items to share.
I've given up on 'how late is it' missives. In case you missed it, as described by the oddball, but frequently insightful, Styx. we are already in an Authoritarian State, aka the Fourth Reich. The threat of government/corporate punishment is already shaping behavior.
I'd like to highlight two tools I use in research I've added to the sidebar: Discover the Networks and OpenSecrets. If you explore them you'll see why I use them.
Homework assignment for anyone with the time. Research https://ruckus.org/ and https://amgreatness.com/2021/05/10/why-is-the-government-hiding-january-6-video-footage/
Monday, October 4, 2021
Just a matter of flexible definitions
If you had any suspicion the Fourth Reich in DC might be skirting the law to surveil political opponents - you're absolutely right.
"... according to the White House’s National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, I am a potential domestic extremist. "
Another career intelligence player explains what's happening further at the 29:26 to 35:00 minute mark:
minute https://securefreedomradio.podbean.com/e/with-gordon-chang-sam-faddis-and-bill-walton/
Also note the demand FBI has made for some 200,000 Protonmail accounts.
Hmmm ,,,,
Doubt the veracity of the 2020 election?
Know the truth about HZQ/Zn?
Got a Protonmail account?
Hey, BINGO! I resemble that remark.
Do I get any points for having told 'ya so?
UPDATE - Next day. Oh, and you PTA members ... your iPhone is listening ...
UPDATE - 10/5/21 You know who the 'shield of the party' the FBI doesn't track?
Seems Himmler did a better job watching the SA than the FBI is doing with the 4th reich's street thugs.
Sunday, October 3, 2021
Hanlon's Razor
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
Ohhh .... he's this Mattis.
Perhaps a fool and not a traitor. Either way, would have been better for the Republic had he the decency to 'fade away'.
Then ... again ... is this merely stupid??? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9652287/The-Pentagon-funneled-39million-charity-funded-Wuhan-lab.html
Friday, October 1, 2021
Right about the problem - wrong on the answer
More than Half of Trump Voters Would Like to Secede from the Union While Most Americans Believe We’re No Longer a Democracy
They're right. The fourth reich is soundly in power. BUT - secession is NOT the right answer.
Let's kick CA, NY, and IL out instead.
Problem solved.