Tuesday, August 4, 2020

and now for something a little different ...

Clairvoyant News Service
March 2021 

Highlight from Shocking Congressional Hearing on the PACFLT disaster of 2020 - US Navy was ill prepared and poorly equipped to meet what should have been a very visible threat

Today marked the first congressional hearing following the shocking loss of six Navy combatants and crews, as well as an additional 11 ships disabled, across the Pacific Fleet, culminating in the bloody Chinese annexation of Taiwan.

Key elements from the day revealed that -

US Navy and military communications were disabled or compromised – more of a benefit to the PLAN (Chinese Navy) than our sailors. US Naval forces were heavily satellite dependent despite a demonstrated ability by China to destroy satellites in orbit. 'Web-enabled' warfare, necessitating data communications between disparate platforms, sensors, and missiles, long championed as a cost saving 'multiplier' by Naval theoreticians such as Adm Art Cebrowski, proved debilitating against a technologically competent enemy.

Anti-Ship Missile defenses were grossly ineffective – even counter productive. Compromise of critical secrets in US Navy missile seeker jamming techniques turned defense systems into beacons for Chinese missiles. This despite the fact PRC penetration of the most secret US weapons development labs was determined to be 'total' in the late '90s.

Chinese use of Mine Warfare was extensive and crippled US platforms PACFLT commanders expected would be decisive. Two American nuclear attack submarines were destroyed, with total loss of crews. These nuclear powered attack submarines were destroyed by Chinese mines that couldn't even see their own, relatively primitive but absolutely silent, conventional submarines. Covert deployment of vast numbers of mines by the Chinese commercial and fishing fleets starved the critical air base in Guam of jet fuel and delayed deployment of reinforcements from US ports in time to alter outcome. US mine clearing and defenses were described as demonstrably no better than when re-flagged tanker Bridgeton struck a mine in Operation 'Earnest Will' over three decades ago.

Xi's declaration of intent to use nuclear armed anti-carrier (ship) ballistic missiles (ASBM) effectively removed the US carrier force from the battlefield. This decisive move should not have been a surprise. As had been signaled, China's nuclear 'no first use policy' had a massive caveat – combat in the waters China considered it's possession – including nearly the entirety of the South China Sea, as well as Taiwan, was deemed 'defense of the homeland' justifying such use. China's now competent strategic ICBM force, which benefited enormously from technological transfers during the Clinton administration, meant strategic exchange involving major US cities would likely follow any attempt by the US Navy or Air Force to attack the tactical nuclear armed ASBM launch sites within China. 

Lacking meaningful American support Taiwan was left to the mercies of PLA Generals – as was predicted by US Naval War College in 2009. Their assessment of China's naval mine warfare capabilities even then warned “Washington seemingly has little choice but to adopt a cautious strategy concerning the Taiwan issue and face the uncomfortable truth that it cannot feasibly defend Taiwan militarily over the long term.”

Perhaps most telling was the testimony by one sailor, a survivor of the USS Gabrielle Giffords, who wryly remarked “it was drilled into each of us “Diversity is Our Strength”. That didn't do (deleted) to save my ship.”

Update 9/18/20 Sounding much like the battleship admirals in early '41, 'not to worry' sez our SECNAV https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/esper-touts-china-too-far-behind-us-navy-superiority-ever-close-gap


Sources include:

CMSI Red Books Reports & Studies 6-2009
Chinese Mine Warfare: A PLA Navy 'Assassin's Mace'
Andrew S. Erickson William S. Murray Lyle J. Goldstein

The national interest
Report: China's Military Is Growing Super Powerful
by Stealing America's Defense Secrets
December 8, 2016 Bill Gertz

Report of the Select Committee on U.S. National
Security and Military/Commercial Concerns with
the People's Republic of China
(commonly known as the Cox Report)

The strange case of Lt. Cmdr. Edward Lin
David B. Larter Navy Times January 22, 2017


1 comment:

  1. Very disappointing. As a taxpayer- paid over $100,000 in the past six years, and the stolen election, I would really like to see this government change- one way or the other.

