Saturday, November 6, 2021

An armed society is a polite society - and a free one

A recent piece posted on Zero Hedge discussed the simultaneous developments in armament and governance.  It's worth reading.

The author makes two points; a. repeating firearms provided a commensurate capacity for violence to private citizens which served as a check and balance on the power of the state, 


b. the latest developments in smart weapons and information warfare shifts the balance of ability to exert force for control back into the hands of government autocrats. 

It reminded me of a book I had read as a teen about the development of archery and it's influence on both governance, and the determination of which was the superior nation state, by Victor Hurley, “Arrows Against Steel”(1).  While there are some inaccuracies the major themes and details are accurate and well presented.  Biggest take away from that book was that the relationship between the english king and the citizenry was greatly impacted by his reliance on them to be competent archers.  And, competent archers could have posed a threat to the king should he drive them to it, likely one driver for the liberalization of the monarchy in England.  

The ability of the people to oppose a central government with arms was foundational to the Constitution – and anyone saying contrary is either a poor scholar or a liar.  The Senate judiciary report that chartered historians, not lawyers, to research the intent of the 2nd amendment make this clear,.

Now a monopoly of control over the news and social media has been collected into the hands of the 4th reich's collaborative of big corporate megalomaniacs and swamp/deep state autocrats.  Simultaneously the drive for disarmament of the citizens – especially of the most useful type of arms useful to deter an authoritarian state – continues.

Don't say 'it; can't happen here;  It's already begun,  And it will not end well.   

Left (2)

or right, 

Fascist or socialist, what they've done before is what our 4th reich intends to do here.


2.  Photos - and odd site self proclaimed to be managed by a former spook living in China.  So, expect some interesting information with a CCP spin (or a 'spook' wouldn't be living in China). 

UPDATE - 11/6/21: Big tech Yahoo and ABC News, the same folks who reported so accurately on the Trump Russian collusion hoax and dangers of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine to counter the Wuhan Flu, now provide another report favoring 'gun control' (disarmament of citizens).

Given the DOJ and FBI now protect the  violent Antifa and BLM mobs from consequences, anyone who intends to protect life and property from these Brown Shirts of the 4th reich had best keep their guns - and keep their powder dry.

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