Monday, November 8, 2021

"It was never about what it was about"

First, the simple, scientific truth.

The best long term scientific record of the earths temperatures is the Vostok ice core.

What is immediately apparent is that there are massive (10C =  18 degrees in Fahrenheit) cyclical swings in the earth's temperature.  What is also apparent is that the cycles preceded the industrial revolution(~1760)  by some 450,000 years.   

For a more thorough insight to the 'global warming' and 'climate change' hoax, 2 good resources are the world greatest engineer, Burt Rutan and the worlds greatest climatologist  Richard Lindzen

So, if man is not the dominant controller of the earth's temperature, if near term changes are unremarkable, and thus the 'alarming' climate changes resulting therefrom are mundane, what has the decades long movement to control CO2 been about?

It's about CONTROL.  And, until WuFlu, the global warming hoax has, along with race baiting, have been the most powerful tools for deconstruction of America for decades.

"In 1988, former Canadian Minister of the Environment, told editors and reporters of the Calgary Herald: “No matter if the science of global warming is all phony…climate change [provides] the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”"

The 4th Reich is reviving the Global Warming Climate Change specter as the WuFlu terror relents.  It's all about control. 

And the emerging 'great reset'.

Two items worth your time ....

UPDATE - Neil Oliver's video

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