Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Chinese HYPERSONIC nukes!!!

Anyone with the slightest interest in things military knows that China has demonstrated the ability to launch a missile with a warhead section that can orbit the earth at 'hypersonic' speeds.  

EVERY military and polmil trade journal has pitched this as something of a game changer that obviously requires billions of dollars investment in the US military industrial complex to either have a countermeasure or similar offensive system to threaten China with.

The example that passed our eye yesterday was this ...


This story, from the Financial Times (clue there), as virtually all reports do, points out ....

"Orbital strikes from China on the US mainland via hypersonic glide vehicles could be a severe threat because US defense shields may not stop the weapons."

Now, in point of fact, the US has NEVER has a competent anti-ballistic missile system to counter the hundreds of Soviet era warheads targeting any US population center - and all but 2 defense strategic sites.  Some of these missiles were often on submarines relatively close to the US coast to reduce flight times to 30 minutes or so.  And, an initial strike could well have been with submarine launched nuclear armed cruise missiles, unlikely to be detected until the mushrooms sprouted.  

Despite this, our plan, and credible ability, to retaliate at the time, an act which would have incinerated or otherwise rendered dead something like 110 MILLION in the Soviet Union, China, and Soviet border states (1) was evidently adequate to deter a Soviet nuclear strike, or actions (like invading Europe) which would have initiated such a response by the US.

Being in the crosshairs and unable to stop the nukes is nothing new.

Our greatest defense threat today is not new systems which pose different, but effectively similar risks to the country as before, but a Chinese controlled usurper as 'Commander in Chief'.  No weapon we own, no 'secret' we posses, is any threat to Xi and the CCP so long as this regime exists.

1. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/the-buzz/the-ultimate-cold-war-nightmare-nuclear-war-between-russia-21389


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