Saturday, February 22, 2025

Sucker punch

Cryptocurrency.  All the smart folks have already made fortunes in it.   And now, some of the 'techbros' are trying to get the already shaky US treasury into it. 

It's high tech!  And we know Trump loves to appear 'with it' when it comes to high tech stuff - LIKE HE DID LISTENING TO FAUCI, not Novarro and Zelenko (1),  AND KILLING .... thousands ... millions???

Heck, even at the state level there's folks pushing for it.

One mans opinion ... HELL NO!  There are already many ways to exploit users - getting national or even state sized accounts will bring genius level hackers to the trough ....

AND nations, especially China, will NOT play by the rules and will apply AI and Quantum to destroy the economies of countries stupidly reliant on 'cyber currencies'.

for an UNCLASSIFIED look -  (you don't think they'll tell all about code breaking critical tech do you?)

The techbros will know when to bail, the CCP will pull the trigger when they please (Unrestricted Warfare folks - if you've not read it you can't have an informed opinion (2)) - everyone else will be bankrupt.   

That is why we're seeing the push for our government to get in ... greed here, strategic war planning abroad.

PRESIDENT TRUMP, Governor Abbott - the CCP will use this to kill us.  

Keep taxpayer money out of crypto! 

1. the truth was there to see.  Fauci spiked the truth to maintain the 'emergency use authorization' for the mRNA junk.

2. read it!  This is how the CCP see the US and warfare ...   


Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Scouring of the Shire


Over the last half century American soldiers, sailors, and airmen, have died in adventures overseas that contributed little to the national defense of the United States.   Their sacrifices are not to be discounted - but those who decided to waste the lives of our sons, and a few daughters as well, on inconsequential missions must be publicly reviled.  

Globalists and profiteers speak of the "responsibility to protect" as a blank check for intervention - always at US expense in lives and treasure - in whatever misery suits the megalomaniacs in Davos, DC, and the halls of the UN (1).  In the US the Deep State has used such a farcical justification again and again to continue endless, profitable for the few (2), wars.

Providentially, President Trump and Musk's DOGE folks have laid bare the USAID/CIA coup and war machine and is beginning to reveal just who has been making money on it.  

All of which is to say - the gig is up, there is a new President in office, and further support for the endless war for the benefit of globalists and 'progressives' is over.

BUT that is not to say we've seen the end of war (philosophically that will not happen until Chapter 20 verse 9 of the Book - we're only just shy of verse 7 right now).  A real, consequence producing, defense of our nation will, shortly and inevitably, require bloodshed.  Invested interests just will not surrender easily, be they cartel/CCP, Deep State, or 'progressive' (a.k.a. marxists).

Unsurprisingly, as this fight is actually for our vital interests, not 'peace in the middle east', or the Ukraine, the action will be near to, and within, our borders.  

Watch as the battlefield is being prepared: 

by US loyal forces for the fight next door...

and by the enemy for the fight from within ...

This won't be a clean fight, but a necessary one.  Even if evicted from visible presence within the buildings of CIA, NSA, FBI the Deep State has a mirror intel community among contractors and 'think tanks', not to mention the Obama residence in DC.  The contractors have no allegiance to anything but power and profit, and they hold databases of compromising information built up over decades to use on politicians, judges, and law enforcement officials.  

The CCP, jihadis, cartel, and marxists are, to them, 'the enemy of my enemy'. 

Rx - as always, have faith in God - be watchful, and make prudent preparations.  Have at least 30 days of water, food and medicines on hand.  Fuel and a generator.  If not mentally/legally compromised have firearms you are proficient with.   So prepared nothing is an immediate crisis and the fear porn that will be employed by many sides will be much less effective.




Friday, February 14, 2025

Cut the Pentagon by HALF???



In my humble, and not entirely unqualified, opinion, likely doable.   More on that later. (Here's a clue (1))

But, golly, what next?  Nationalize the Fed???



UPDATE: 2/17/25 - an article on the subject ...

UPDATE: 2/21/25 - Nukes, missile defense, and subs.  Exactly where I'd focus were I CINC.




Now acclimated to shocking revelations Joe Rogan finally comes to a very dangerous thought ... 

Welcome aboard Joe.  Only took ya' 5 years.


Like I waz sayin' ...

 Remember this from way back on Tuesday ...

"Regardless, neither the globalists marxists, nor our bloody handed Deep State, will go quietly.  The violent left and deep state are preparing their troops, not the least of which will be adroitly manipulated mutilated young girls pumped full of testosterone and SSRI poisoned young men." 

Well here's today's dose of 'told 'ya so' ...

"The tipster described their friend as "Jamie," a 12th grader who identified as transgender..."

Rx - stamp out Cultural Marxism entirely.  Meanwhile, parents of minors having 'gender' issues MUST be held reasonably responsible for ensuring their deluded offspring have NO unsupervised access to weapons.   

UPDATE: 2/21/25 (6 days later) yeah, keep your gender confused daughters away from guns AND bomb making materials ...

Ukraine - how we got to where we are

                                                Stealing elections has consequences

Among the 800 odd entries I published were articles illustrating how I came to understand the truth behind the war in Ukraine.  

That truth is: the war was primarily created by Obama, Brennan, Obama's CIA, DOS, the now famous USAID flying monkeys, as well as some megalomaniacal  globalists - notably Soros.   

This required: 

> funding and supporting Nazi street thugs in Ukraine, 

> the overthrow of Ukraine's elected president, 

> the manipulation/theft of an election in Ukraine to get the desired puppet in office,

> the arming of Nazi Azov members by Zelenski and their employment in abusing Russian and pro-Russian Ukrainians in eastern Ukraine 

> simultaneous public and diplomatic announcements Ukraine would become a NATO country. 

Vlad said he would have to respond to the NATO card, he did.

It was all intended to create a Vietnam like situation for Russia which the Deep State and Globalists could use to unseat the Christian, nationalist Putin.  

Note well - President Trump is correct when he says "it wouldn't have happened" under his administration.   The US election was stolen, with the involvement of many of the same players, and the consequences here, and in Ukraine, were grave.

Note also, I anticipated Vlad would play "The Game of Thrones" better than team OBiden. 

I was right.  The complete Deep State machine in the US is now in tatters.  The Democrat Party is a self parody trying to justify now (DOGE) plainly visible fraud (1).  The Davos globalists are struggling to even keep abreast President Trump's daily successes in revitalizing the United States.

I anticipated the end result would be lots of dead Ukrainians and Russians with Russia recovering it's critical sea port and Black Sea access.  

You can bank on that.

I've reposted my blog entries documenting this realization.  In retrospect I believe one would have been better informed on developments there reading my posts than by means of any of the MSM propaganda channels. 

In a just world Obama, Brennan, Biden, Clinton and co. (the USAID archives reveal many of the key players) would have to answer for starting a ruinous war.  NOT the US taxpayer.  Our election was stolen.  Those who stole our election, along with the aforementioned criminals, are to be held to answer.

And we know, even if they miss a court date here they'll have to answer in a higher court inevitably.  

It's only fair - they've done a hell of a job!

1. Hilarious! 

UPDATE: Schiff stands with Zelenskyy?  Anyone wanna look into Zelenskyy's personal net worth before and after he was placed into power by Deep State?

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Useful fools and their users ...

Over the last few days I've noted on the marxist left's preparations for violent 'resistance' to the nation saving reforms President Trump is implementing (well illustrated here (1)).

I forecasted the marxist will be exploiting deluded Christians in an attempt to stop the deportations and re-open the border.  

Lo and behold!  

About that.  No, the US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT has NO "responsibility" regarding "refugees" - other than to defend its border and citizens FROM them.  In the United States tax dollars are collected by people with guns, and must only be applied to constitutionally directed purposes.  Refugee relief is not one of them.  

Evangelicals may well feel THEY have a "moral responsibility" to help these people, and certainly are free to spend THEIR money on them.  Note however, that the money is more likely to be efficiently spent in the prospective 'refugees'' home country, and, US citizens cannot assist 'refugees' in violating our immigration laws.  

Hard truth for us Christians - the poor will always be with us (Mt 26:11).

Meanwhile, on the violent actor front, the marxists know that without funding their most effective street troops - BLM, ANTIFA - will be less effective.  Killing USAID is a big win in depleting their resources because Soros doesn't want to spend HIS money on regime change any more than marxists evangelicals want to spend THEIR money on 'refugees' ...


None the less, marxists leaders are at work preparing the environment with ever more threatening  rhetoric ... 

Perhaps Xi can chip in?

Regardless, neither the globalists marxists, nor our bloody handed Deep State, will go quietly.  The violent left and deep state are preparing their troops, not the least of which will be adroitly manipulated mutilated young girls pumped full of testosterone and SSRI poisoned young men.

 Rx - keep your powder dry.   

1. DOGE report -

 UPDATE: 2/12/25 - it's amazing American Catholics put up with this marxist as their Pope - what a stunning portrait of hypocrisy!

UPDATE: 2/13/25 - The 'Pope's" letter -  Yes, Jesus and the holy family were model refugees - they returned home in less than 5 years - and during which they never demanded free hotel rooms, college education, illegal ballots with which to depose the Pharaoh, or Obamaphones.

UPDATE: 2/15/25 - Clearly Bobby Kennedy know where the skeletons are ...  Thank God!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Pullin' some strings ...

As noted earlier - 

"Van Jones, in a post election interview also reflected he be relying on his 'Progressive Christian' faith - a tell he'd be working the good old leftist religion communities to incite protests ..  " 

And ... right on cue ... as the direct involvement of prominent 'Progressive'  (kleptocrats/marxist) leaders in massive fraud - and inciting bloody wars and revolution - dawns, progressive politicians and hard left clergy become all the more strident in their cries ...

 Remember, CIA - via USAID - wasn't funding queer dance nights in moslem nations because they believed in the cause of homosexuals - they did it to identify likely dupes and ferment riots and brutal oppression in the cause of regime change.  Cultural Marxism in practice.  The support by Soros, Obama and co. for the 'misfits' here at home has similar intent and is equally duplicitous.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Attractive, featherbrained, ex-bartender, now playing the role of a congressional representative, comments on Elon Musk ...



First, to understand AOC you have to know she was auditioned to play the part of a congresswoman.  She is very much run by Justice Democrat marxist egghead Zack Exley.

Once you understand that, you'll really appreciate this -


The new resistance consolidates ...

American marxist Reichsführer Van Jones is interesting to watch.  He revealed the grand strategy to an audience of supporters in the past (1) so he's worth listening to - often as not, not for what he says but in considering why is he saying it and to whom ... (what action he intends to incite)

  ‘Where are the protests?

Of course Van Jones knows who is funding the coming protests and where they'll be.

He's implementing his leader's dictate ...

(2 Feb '25 Black Caucus fund raiser spam mail) 
Takin' that "righteous anger" to the street ya' know.

We're seeing the initial stages already.

From The Texas Flyover  2/4/25:


Cities Hit by Deportation Protests

Protests over President Trump’s immigration enforcement operations erupted in multiple cities across Texas on Sunday. Participants were seen waving Mexican flags and displaying signs with messages like “Immigrants built this country” and “No one is illegal on stolen land.”

Demonstrations turned violent in Conroe, where several people were arrested for allegedly assaulting a police officer. Some roads were shut down in nearby Houston, where protesters chanted “Si, se puede.”

Dallas, Arlington, Pflugerville, Lufkin, and McAllen also saw protests, some of which were organized by pro-immigrant advocacy groups. According to a recent poll, 87% of Texans support deportations for illegal immigrants convicted of a felony, while 64% believe there should be a way for them to stay in the country legally if certain requirements are met.

“We believe that we have human rights, that we are people, and our people are being deported,” said a Lufkin protester. Meanwhile, a Pflugerville man said he was demonstrating in support of President Trump’s policies “because people are protesting the rule of law because they don't want criminals deported out of the country.”


And, Van Jones, in a post election interview also reflected he be relying on his 'Progressive Christian' faith  (2) - a tell he'd be working the good old leftist religion communities to incite protests, so, no surprise ...

Fellow Marxist Zack Exley's laid the groundwork (3).

More to come (so long as megalomaniacs like the Soros family can afford it) ... 

BUT, and I add this note for my 'progressive' friends, there will be a BIG difference this summer - the FBI and DOJ won't be covering for y'all.

1.  Grand Strategy brief

2. .    Reminds of the media fawning over 'westernized' Yuri Andropov back in the day.  Van Jones, a "Progressive, Social Justice, Christian".

3. Zack is a leftist ideologue who morphed into an activist Christian for a purpose - the perversion of Christianity for political purpose.  Here here is representing himself to Christians ...

UPDATE: same day - Good point! ANTIFA, BLM, anti-deportation protesters, Code Pink ... NONE of the 'organizers' and full time leftist goons are grass roots, they are all paid.  Are these flag burners 'organized' by goons paid by a Soros funded NGO - or a US taxpayer funded NGO?

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Pullin' off the scab ...

 With the new administration we will be seeing the ugly TRUTH.

Obama, Brennan, Soros wanted a war in Ukraine.  They wanted to drawl Russia into a Vietnam situation and overthrow Christian, nationalist Putin

And they got the war started using our money ....


UPDATE:  2/6/25 - DOGE revealing US funding terrorists, FED officials instructed to NEVER question a payment. 

If unchecked shortly we'll be seeing the kick-backs to Clinton (think Haiti) , Biden (think Ukraine) families for sure, who knows ... McCain?  Bush?

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Blazing bright ...


This is what sunlight looks, even smells, like folks.  If you thought these people 'represented' you - you were a fool.  Power to abuse us with, cash, blow, and hookers.  That's what they run on and big Pharma,  the Military Industrial Complex, and the globalists megalomaniacs provide them with it.

...  how does Deep State and the Swamp respond to daylight???


UPDATE:  Same day - Names and money ...

Monday, January 27, 2025

Pending legislation related to the 2nd Amendment


The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States provides that 'we the people' have the right to keep and bear arms for self defense and to serve as a disincentive to an oppressive government.  That is the correct understanding of the 2nd Amendment as explained by a panel of historians chartered by the Senate Judiciary Committee who did exhaustive research on the origin and interpretation of the amendment in the first half century after it's adoption.  

"The conclusion is thus inescapable that the history, concept, and wording of the second amendment to the Constitution of the United States, as well as its interpretation by every major commentator and court in the first half-century after its ratification, indicates that what is protected is an individual right of a private citizen to own and carry firearms in a peaceful manner."

That said, there is now a bill in congress, the "Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act" which seeks to provide citizens who can legally carry a concealed firearm in their home state to exercise that right in any state.  

Download the text here:

Now here's my problem with the bill as exists now ...

 "or is entitled to carry a concealed firearm in the State in which the person resides"

The 'shall issue' revolution in concealed carry permits or licenses for citizens has been a success since first implemented in Florida in 1986.  The permit is not the state granting a citizen with a right that already exists, but a means to establish and document the holder is a US citizen properly endowed with that right.  The made-for-TV movies about how it would result in endless gun battles over parking spaces and position in line at the grocery store simply didn't materialize.  Unsurprisingly folks with recent background checks (in Texas and Florida they 'renew' the permits every 5 years or so) and photo permit IDs are low risk for violent criminal behavior.   The text in the proposed bill, however, indicates that anyone from a state which allows 'constitutional carry' should be able to do so in other states.   No recent background check, just a drivers license from a state with 'constitutional carry'.  

No thanks.  Yes, an adult, law abiding, US citizen has the right to keep and bare arms - but how is a cop to determine on the fly that the fella with the out of state tags he just met on the job is all of that. 

Eliminating this clause would make the bill a tool to normalize permits between states requiring them - which is of some benefit.  The current patchwork is a little complicated ...  

One mans opinion.


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Administrative note


Having published over 800 of these missives I though it time to 'right size' the visible blog.

Looking ahead I have no doubt that the Bible is our irreplaceable guide as a free country that honors the values of our founders - it's tragic the swearing in was marred by the lack of an image of Trump's hand on one.

I also think we are seeing themes from Lord of The Rings (the appeal of the one ring), Dune (the tensions between religion, economics, and political/military power), and That Hideous Strength (demonic influence covertly steering the scientific elites) at play in DC. 

Lets pray President Trump will find competent Christian counsel as he proceeds.  

(and I don't mean Paula White OR "Reverend' Budde)

Tuesday, January 21, 2025