Saturday, June 8, 2024

Dystopia ahead?

“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.” ― H.P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu 

Recently returned from San Francisco – our best trip yet, albeit bookmarked by a violent assault proximate to us as we first arrived downtown and, on departing, observing a young man walking by wearing a ski jacket and some spray paint.   I enjoyed some very rare, quality time with my younger son and also a dear, long time friend, both of whom live in that odd city where most of the entire world's investment money in AI is going.  Subsequent to discussions with both, and my post of 20 May (1),  two hither to disparate topics are now better appreciated and seen as parts of a horrific whole; Artificial Intelligence (AI) and our malignant Deep State's pursuit of neuroscience.


It is everywhere around you.  Your perception of what the truth is is already, in a significant way, a construct of AI.  There's a vast array of profitable companies engaged in it.  Commercially it's for profit, politically it's for power.  Below are companies looking to make money by influencing how you vote …

The chief industry promoters of the technology, veterans of the get rich quick business methods employed in cyber currency, cellular technology, and the internet itself, are unlikely to have that Oppenheimer movie moment.  The one in which, with the great evil of  Hitler gone, they pause to consider if their invention going to be a greater threat than benefit to humanity.  With fortunes and influence at risk they need to be first. 

That said, there is evidence of some self awareness – but it's inadequate.  Consider Jack Dorsey's rumination on ... perhaps folks should have a say in which AI engine is manipulating their news …  Certainly folks with an IQ south of 100 will be contemplating which algorithms and LLMs best suit their informational requirements.

Oversight on AI from within the industry is not going to happen.

Government?  DOJ and FBI are visibly rotten to the core.  Arrogant, out of control, and unanswerable to anyone as things currently stand.  Along with the other 'intelligence' agencies, like CISA (you know, the folks who are ensuring our elections are fair (2)), NCSC, and DOD (who organizationally owns NSA) – in total, our intelligence community (IC) are the folks who signed the letter saying Hunter's laptop was 'Russian disinformation' to facilitate the steal of the election from Trump.  The IC IS the greatest threat to America.  

The IC and major technology firms are one in the same.  Abuses of privacy, censorship and banning are done either at the request of Deep State (for your protection of course - (3)), or because of the neo pagan ideology of the latter (4).    

Congress?  Owned and terrified of their Deep State masters - Chuck Schumer's "six ways to Sunday" - (and oh, Chuck, the "Russian hacking" wasn't Russian - as you probably well knew).

So, no oversight of benefit to American citizens will be coming from the fundamentally transformed, and Deep State controlled, US government.

Oppenheimer had to deal with the possibility, indicated as real in theoretical calculations, that his first detonation of a fission bomb would destroy the earth.  Worst case with AI?  While both of the smartest folks I know in the field say we haven't achieved AGI – a self aware machine with God like access to all of mankind's knowledge – an investigative reporter has already seen evidence such an entity would not be benevolent.  In fact it could be what appears as demonic, a possibility brilliantly prophesied  by C. S. Lewis in “That Hideous Strength”.  Listen in to the description of a NY Times reporter given early access to an AI chatbot (start at 1:09:00 mark - ). 

My guess is garbage in, garbage out.  We are the source material, everything, thoughtlessly dumped onto the internet.  And we are sinners, evil by nature.  Perhaps 'Sidney' is just the unexpected  distillation of our evil … or something else.  Point is, no one knows.  Certainly the face it chose to present is disturbing.  

An AI hallucination?

And yet, we press on.

Such is AI.  A tool - but one widely used in 'perception management', influencing elections and what soft drink you buy is only the beginning.   Within Deep State AI is being used  in Psychological Operations – PSYOP (5).  Targeted PSYOPS intend to get 'influencers' to drive behavioral change in populations.  Evidence indicated Deep State also focuses on already disturbed individuals, heightening their paranoia and sense of victimization in order to get them to cause an incident which will be exploited politically, such as supporting measures to disarm American citizens.

Examples of PSYOPs and incitement already documented are: the Buffalo supermarket shooter and the 'retired' FBI agent ( ),  inciting and planning the kidnap of Governor Whitmer.  ( ), and encouraging an ISIS shooter in Texas  .

Consider what a great candidate for manipulation a young woman, treated with testosterone, and already feeling alienated would be for a PSYOP looking for a mass killer to justify disarming the public.  How much of the 'civil war' and 'Christian Nationalist' fear porn is being created and managed by Deep State to smear conservatives and incite violence?  (6)

Such activities are likely cause for the fear within the ranks of the FBI that Trump may win and, finally, they be held to account.  ( )
Beyond AI

We know for a certainty any tool DOD buys or develops with taxpayer money can readily be used against non-compliant taxpayers, and turning American citizens' minds into a battlefield, or transforming them into tools for the benefit of Deep State, doesn't end with AI. There are far more intrusive technologies in the works.

It's important to listen as the tools for removing a persons will by invading his brain is so banally explained by a researcher of such art :

His soothing voice while describing hellish methods to destroy a persons mind reminds of the brilliant movie “Conspiracy” which was about the recruitment of German industry into the “final solution” (7).  

How far along are we?  The old Soviet joke was 'never believe a thing until the government denies it'.   

Which reminds - remember the flap about the presence of graphene oxide (GO) in the big pharma/Fauci 'jab'?  

This is a stretch but, what is special about graphene oxide?  Well, for one thing it is being experimented with because it  responds to electromagnetic fields while within the BRAIN.
 (example - )
Folks aware of the monstrous work neuroscientists were engaged in with DOD funding raised a warning when GO, which has NO explanation for being there according to the manufacturers, was reported in the Fauci jab.  Deep State, Big Pharma and Main Stream Media (heavily funded by Big Pharma ad money) responded immediately -

All of which is, of course, a lie – GO wasn't in all the mRNA jabs BUT it certainly was in some...

Spectroscopy, Micro-Raman & Campra, Pablo. (2021). DETECTION OF GRAPHENE IN COVID19 VACCINES.

We present here our research on the presence of graphene in covid vaccines. We have carried out a random screening of graphene-like nanoparticles visible at the optical microscopy in seven random samples of vials from four different trademarks, coupling images with their spectral signatures of RAMAN vibration.

By this technique, called micro-RAMAN, we have been able to determine the presence of graphene in some of these samples, after screening more than 110 objects selected for their graphene-like appearance under optical microscopy. Out of them, a group of 28 objects have been selected, due to the compatibility of both images and spectra with the presence of graphene derivatives, based on the correspondence of these signals with those obtained from standards and scientific literature. The identification of graphene oxide structures can be regarded as conclusive in 8 of them, due to the high spectral correlation with the standard. In the remaining 20 objects, images coupled with Raman signals show a very high level of compatibility with undetermined graphene structures, however different than the standard used here.

This research remains open and is made available to scientific community for discussion. We make a call for independent researchers, with no conflict of interest or coaction from any institution to make wider counter-analysis of these products to achieve a more detailed knowledge of the composition and potential health risk of these experimental drugs, reminding that graphene materials have a potential toxicity on human beings and its presence has not been declared in any emergency use authorization. We leave a link to download this report at the end of this video.

As our DOD researcher said - "Bugs, drugs, toxins, tools", which role might GO be intended to perform given it's presence in COVID  'vaccines' is otherwise inexplicable and denied?


AI is being rapidly implemented, and further developed, well before the consequences are understood.  And, AI only represents the less intrusive mind control measures simultaneously being experimented with using our tax dollars.   Given the evidence of GO in the jab they appear to be experimenting, or executing covert operations, without informed consent or meaningful oversight.

Perhaps the pagans in the labs could at least heed the warning provided by the atheist Lovecraft ...

                                           "Invoke not that which ye cannot control" - HPL





4. endless examples, here's one -


6.  at the 18:49 mark 



UPDATE: 6/10/24 - given my earlier post on how effective means of treating C0VID were lied about to sustain the Emergency Use Authorization  - even at the cost of many lives - it makes one wonder all the more about the plandemic.   Was getting the world to get the jab the whole point of the exercise?

also - there's reporting on the BIG PSYOP if you look for it ...

also ... I like this guy Musk more as time passes ... 

UPDATE: 6/12/24 - Just a thought.  DOD/CIA work on telepathy clearly showed some success, the problem was repeatability and predictability.  Declassified CIA archive document link -

What if the whole point of the plandemic was to get something into some people to make them more efficient transmitter/receivers of  government adepts?  

GO has no reason for being in 8% of the samples tested.  Why is it there?  Does it pass the blood-brain barrier? 

Just a thought.

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