Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The never ending Global Warming hoax


 Fear Porn for kiddies

 Once upon a time, many years ago, I was an employee of a consulting firm hired on to assist the United States Navy with the management of its ranges in the southeast US.  My technical background as a 'user' of the facilities, and knowledge of the commands and facilities in the region, was substantial so my tenure there was. I will modestly say, largely productive.  

One item complicating this job was that the position was within the facilities engineering organization of the Navy and this was also where the 'progressives' were making their march through the institution with their radical environmentalism.    By experience and predilection I was at heart a technician.  I had   a successful career in the Navy while active duty focused mainly on airborne Anti-Submarine Warfare.  I had tours both as a successful practitioner, and technical bureaucrat (director of Tactical Development and Evaluation for east coast sea-based ASW airborne assets).  Those tours meant I had many, many hours dedicated to investigating oceanic conditions relevant to how sound would travel from a submarine to a sensor.  That pragmatic first hand experience made me a skeptic when the promoters of “Global Warming” were selling their 'science' to the largely technically clueless, and politically malleable, senior staff in the Navy.  My skepticism and familiarity with technical documentation drove me to actually research and comprehend the issue.

Bottom line I arrived at then – it was BS.  

And, as demonstrated recently, it remains BS.  

The “Global Warming” crisis – better stated as the 'man caused CO2 engendered global temperature rise powered climate disaster ' - was, at inception, a hoax by the left intended to facilitate their marxist political objectives.  As stated by the father of “Earth Day” -

U.S. Senator Timothy Wirth (D-CO), then representing the Clinton-Gore administration as U.S undersecretary of state for global issues, addressing the same Rio Climate Summit audience, said: “We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.” (1)

For two IPCC report cycles I read the draft IPCC reports distributed to Navy for review, I then read the official completed reports when released publicly.  On one cycle the issue of sea rise was remarkably altered from the truth to the necessary fiction not by the IPCC expert on sea rise but by editors invested in seeing the report supported the 'Global Warming' apocalyptic vision.  

And, as I said, this deliberate hoax continues.   Check “Snopes” on Sea Level Rise - https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/scientists-caught-tampering-raw-data-exaggerate-sea-level-rise/  Snopes is a conspiracy of the left (2) and attributes disagreement with the “consensus”  to “an ex-Fiat engineer” - NOT the late Nils Axel Morner who was the IPCC subject matter expert and lead editor on sea level change. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/284890177_There_is_no_alarming_sea_level_rise_21st_century_science_technology

So, as you may expect I was not surprised to see an absurd attempt to alter data for use in another IPCC report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rwlp-UzJR2A .  No accident folks.  This is just typical 'climate science'.  

“Science”... brought to you by many of the same folks who told you the C0vid jab was safe and effective, C0vid came from a "wet market" ...

You know, the folks who visit ...

1. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/search?q=global+warming+in+their+own+words

UPDATE: 6/30/24 -  It's about control ... Global Warming Myths Debunked by IPCC Expert Gregory Wrightstone – Watts Up With That?

Unsurprisingly, earth has a repeating, immutable, cycle of temperatures.  They are DRIVEN, have been for some 450,000 years, by changes in solar intensity and perturbations of  orbit and axis. Milankovitch cycles, NOT SUVs and gas ranges.

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