Friday, June 28, 2024

The morning after ...

In the alternate reality - where Joe and his wife live ...

                                                          Team Biden declares victory!

And want your money to continue the fight to 'defend' (sic) America.

                                          An email received this morning - believe it or not.

Meanwhile, in the real world... 

Obama's done with ole Joe.

I’ve been predicting a Newsom/Rice ticket for a year.   Deep State, DAVOS, hard left racists, PRC (1), all have something to benefit – America much to lose.

Van Jones gave it away a day prior to the debate by saying the split between Biden and Obama was widening.

Snopes reversed on the ‘Trump said Nazis are nice people’ two days before … all knew that lie was baked into Biden’s lizard brain.

The far left, the "Justice Democrats" - who created the squad (2) - are playing their role and sounding apoplectic ... (worth the watch)   ,

Yeah, "Justice Democrats" - we know who they are (another hint of CCP) ...


                                    CCP vs Justice Dems ...inspired by Mao .... at the very least

Make no mistake, Obama is a deeply evil man. He used the degrading, pompous Biden as the white face on the wrecking ball the Obama manned White house staff was using to destroy … ahhh fundamentally transform … America.

Obama and Soros think there’s enough illegals that will be getting ballots to steal the election with Newsom and Rice the new, willing, puppets. And, they’ve got enough BLM, ANTIFA, FBI stooge ‘patriots’, to say nothing of PRC operators (hmmm CCP again....)  and Hizballah thanks to the open border, to keep Americans distracted while they accomplish the steal.

God save the Republic.


2. Thoughts: Tug of war - we lose either way (

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