Thursday, June 6, 2024

Pray we do not get what Obama, Brennan, and Biden richly deserve

I've ruminated over Ukraine many, many times since 2022.  We KNOW who started the war (Obama/Brennan/Biden/Soros (1)), the primary reason was to set the ground for a 'color revolution' in Russia unseating nationalist, Christian, Putin.

That has failed.  Massively.

Vlad may be pursuing numerous activities not visible to to us, nonetheless, his visible response to OBiden and our Deep State has been minimal.  A survivor of the Soviet Union's KGB he plays the Game of Thrones like a master.  So perhaps he's sufficiently satisfied with watching the US destroyed by the atheists neo-marxists currently in control.

However, consider that beyond OBiden/Soros inciting the war in Ukraine ...

Nordstream?  We did it.  No attack by proxy dissidents on the Alaskan Pipeline.

Sinking the Moskva?  Clearly US missiles and lots of US 'technical support'.  No similar direct Russian involvement against US ships ... yet.

And now the US is ensuring Ukraine will kill Russians INSIDE Russia.

To that Putin advises such actions wil have consequences for America.

I've stated my suspicion on the role if US Navy ships in the Red Sea already -


The farce that US is not engaged in hostile actions directly against Russia doesn't humor Russians. NORDSTREAM pipeline's equivalent is the Alaskan pipeline. Putin has been well motivated to provide some cargo containerized SS-N-27s via Iran to peculiarly adept 'Houthis' given peculiarly adept 'Ukrainians' were able to target and engage his cruiser in the Black Sea. The Mullahs will necessiarly be implicated as the middle men.

The result? US losing a lot of sailors and finally declaring the war on Iran that Deep State and Israel has wanted since the '80s.

And that, IMHO, is probably why the US warships are hanging around in the Red Sea.

Not as defenders.

As bait.

SNIP ( from )

Sunburns or Sizzlers in the hands of the houthies, targeted and launched by competent 'technical advisors', will kill nice young, diverse and fully PC aware, American boys and girls on 'Today's Navy' ships.

I've seen, first hand, this game played before and it's inevitable, unintended and grotesque consequences (2).  

Pray for our folks serving onboard our ships in the Red Sea and for an end to the OBiden 4th Reich regime.



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