Friday, June 28, 2024

The morning after ...

In the alternate reality - where Joe and his wife live ...

                                                          Team Biden declares victory!

And want your money to continue the fight to 'defend' (sic) America.

                                          An email received this morning - believe it or not.

Meanwhile, in the real world... 

Obama's done with ole Joe.

I’ve been predicting a Newsom/Rice ticket for a year.   Deep State, DAVOS, hard left racists, PRC (1), all have something to benefit – America much to lose.

Van Jones gave it away a day prior to the debate by saying the split between Biden and Obama was widening.

Snopes reversed on the ‘Trump said Nazis are nice people’ two days before … all knew that lie was baked into Biden’s lizard brain.

The far left, the "Justice Democrats" - who created the squad (2) - are playing their role and sounding apoplectic ... (worth the watch)   ,

Yeah, "Justice Democrats" - we know who they are (another hint of CCP) ...


                                    CCP vs Justice Dems ...inspired by Mao .... at the very least

Make no mistake, Obama is a deeply evil man. He used the degrading, pompous Biden as the white face on the wrecking ball the Obama manned White house staff was using to destroy … ahhh fundamentally transform … America.

Obama and Soros think there’s enough illegals that will be getting ballots to steal the election with Newsom and Rice the new, willing, puppets. And, they’ve got enough BLM, ANTIFA, FBI stooge ‘patriots’, to say nothing of PRC operators (hmmm CCP again....)  and Hizballah thanks to the open border, to keep Americans distracted while they accomplish the steal.

God save the Republic.


2. Thoughts: Tug of war - we lose either way (

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Was C. S. Lewis psychic or a prophet?

 I see that I've mentioned C.S. Lewis' book "That Hideous Strength" no lees than 6 times in these posts since beginning the blog (1).  It's a scifi story, written in the 1940s, which so well describes the likes of Fauci and our atheist IT nomenklatura who are pursuing technology so easily adapted to the needs of a pagan police state.  In the book Lewis' plot twist is that the re-animated human head the scientists are looking to for direction is demonic.  

With this new story from Switzerland I can only wonder how Lewis could have been so prescient.

1. 14 Dec 2020, 29 Jun 2022,  26 Jan 2024,  22 Feb 2024,  20 May 2024,  8 Jun 2024

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The never ending Global Warming hoax


 Fear Porn for kiddies

 Once upon a time, many years ago, I was an employee of a consulting firm hired on to assist the United States Navy with the management of its ranges in the southeast US.  My technical background as a 'user' of the facilities, and knowledge of the commands and facilities in the region, was substantial so my tenure there was. I will modestly say, largely productive.  

One item complicating this job was that the position was within the facilities engineering organization of the Navy and this was also where the 'progressives' were making their march through the institution with their radical environmentalism.    By experience and predilection I was at heart a technician.  I had   a successful career in the Navy while active duty focused mainly on airborne Anti-Submarine Warfare.  I had tours both as a successful practitioner, and technical bureaucrat (director of Tactical Development and Evaluation for east coast sea-based ASW airborne assets).  Those tours meant I had many, many hours dedicated to investigating oceanic conditions relevant to how sound would travel from a submarine to a sensor.  That pragmatic first hand experience made me a skeptic when the promoters of “Global Warming” were selling their 'science' to the largely technically clueless, and politically malleable, senior staff in the Navy.  My skepticism and familiarity with technical documentation drove me to actually research and comprehend the issue.

Bottom line I arrived at then – it was BS.  

And, as demonstrated recently, it remains BS.  

The “Global Warming” crisis – better stated as the 'man caused CO2 engendered global temperature rise powered climate disaster ' - was, at inception, a hoax by the left intended to facilitate their marxist political objectives.  As stated by the father of “Earth Day” -

U.S. Senator Timothy Wirth (D-CO), then representing the Clinton-Gore administration as U.S undersecretary of state for global issues, addressing the same Rio Climate Summit audience, said: “We have got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.” (1)

For two IPCC report cycles I read the draft IPCC reports distributed to Navy for review, I then read the official completed reports when released publicly.  On one cycle the issue of sea rise was remarkably altered from the truth to the necessary fiction not by the IPCC expert on sea rise but by editors invested in seeing the report supported the 'Global Warming' apocalyptic vision.

And, as I said, this deliberate hoax continues.   Check “Snopes” on Sea Level Rise -  Snopes is a conspiracy of the left (2) and attributes disagreement with the “consensus”  to “an ex-Fiat engineer” - NOT the late Nils Axel Morner who was the IPCC subject matter expert and lead editor on sea level change.

So, as you may expect I was not surprised to see an absurd attempt to alter data for use in another IPCC report: .  No accident folks.  This is just typical 'climate science'.  

“Science”... brought to you by many of the same folks who told you the C0vid jab was safe and effective, C0vid came from a "wet market" ...

You know, the folks who visit ...


UPDATE: 6/30/24 -  It's about control ... Global Warming Myths Debunked by IPCC Expert Gregory Wrightstone – Watts Up With That?

Unsurprisingly, earth has a repeating, immutable, cycle of temperatures.  They are DRIVEN, have been for some 450,000 years, by changes in solar intensity and perturbations of  orbit and axis. Milankovitch cycles, NOT SUVs and gas ranges.

Friday, June 21, 2024

OBiden's Navy

While we celebrate one ship's return to Mayport ...

 - the real battle has been lost.

And, while the CO and crew of the Carney did some really good work in the Red Sea, it never faced the type of threat China or Russia can dish out in the South China Sea or the Baltic.

( see 3M54K: )





Meh, we'll make it up with that 0.6% of our society who are gender confused, diversity' candidates ... three quarters of whom are suicidal.

Just who we need in the ship's missile magazines 'eh?


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Pre-plandemic fake news?

Hydroxychlor0quine in the news again ...

Where would Trump get such an idea?

Maybe he got the idea from this guy ... 

Or Fauci himself (from earlier work) ...

Truth is - COMBINED with zinc, it is effective.  Fauci had to lie about it, and 1vermectin, so his precious jab could get the Emergency Use Authorization.  

Hmmm ... avian flu seems the next plandemic.  Fear porn already starting.  Wanna bet HCQ/Zinc will work against that too - hence the oddly timed story?



Wednesday, June 19, 2024

More "Drag Queens"

"Christian Nationalism" is a faux flag movement that causes James Lindsay to ask "can the left dig a hole so deep that conservatives won't jump into it?"

Unfortunately, there are, along with malignant progressives, ignorant folks who for profit or in some ill advised attempt to defend the 2ndA, are producing some VERY deep holes for conservatives to leap into as well.

I've commented earlier about the 'open carry' folks: .  

Now, in the news again, there's the 'bump stock' and its fans ...

I don't see the 'bump stock' controversy as a 2nd A thing.  NO ONE I've ever met associates a bump stock with the legitimate use of a firearm as intended by the 2nd A.  It's not a firearm. Discussion of such a device is not a 2ndA thing.   Attached to a functioning firearm it produces a hazardous consumer product - it turns a gun into a super lawn dart.

Along with 'bump stocks" there are some products that, while they can be produced and bought, shouldn't.  Their marketing brings into question the motive of the manufacturer.  Things like ... consumer flamethrowers.  

What could go wrong ... right?

You can bet this guy's gonna want to wrap himself in a flag and scream 2ndA when held to account for the inevitable massacre and out of control wild fires ahead.

Not even close.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Stray thoughts

Two stray thoughts subsequent to my San Francisco visit ...

On friendship

Despite my religious conviction and political conservatism, for decades I've greatly enjoyed a friendship with a leftist whose 'atrocities' include being a campaign bundler for Hillary, and another with a former Anthropology professor from UC Berkley.   

Turns out, such relationships are not that uncommon.

In one of his series of lectures on the Reformation (1) Carl Trueman, a Presbyterian (OPC) Minister and significant church historian offers this insight:

“One of the difficult things to quantify but I'm more and more convinced as the more I study history, is significant and that is friendship.  Friendship is a powerful thing that often transcends party lines.  ... My best friend was a  atheist Jewish guy, very liberal old testament scholar we got on famously and on paper we should have been daggers drawn but our friendship was really really strong,   And I can't explain it to you, we just happened to click and connect.  And friendships, when you study history in terms of grand movements it can be fairly straightforward, when you get into ground level and look at the micro narrative of individual lives friendship is an incredibly powerful and unpredictable thing and Calvin has a number of friendships that are unusual and continued throughout his life and that is the same with a lot ...probably the same with yourself when you think about the friendships you have, not many of then are determined purely and simply along ideological lines.”

On atheist

Philosophically or metaphysically, there are some that cling to what they believe is rationality, and simply isn't.  As one group puts it -  “Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world.  Never distort scientific fact to one's beliefs.”   Many who do not believe in a Divine Creator would claim this to be one of their tenets, though how the universe sprung into being, spontaneously,  without Agency, defies explanation by a 'scientific' method.  In truth, to deny the Creator is to believe what is mathematically unsupportable as is explained by David Berlinski, author of a book on "Atheism and it's scientific pretensions” -  

I will continue to pray that good people of this persuasion see the truth before going the way of  Christopher Hitchens.  

Culturally, it's clear that the atheist dream of a godless, socialists, utopian society is, instead, bringing us a vicious, pagan one.

1. The Reformation, part 16, Calvin 1.  Original lecture series from Westminster Seminary no longer on the web that I can find.  A later version of his series on the Reformation is here – regrettably somewhat abbreviated and lacking some of the personal insights:

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Dystopia ahead?

“The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.” ― H.P. Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu 

Recently returned from San Francisco – our best trip yet, albeit bookmarked by a violent assault proximate to us as we first arrived downtown and, on departing, observing a young man walking by wearing a ski jacket and some spray paint.   I enjoyed some very rare, quality time with my younger son and also a dear, long time friend, both of whom live in that odd city where most of the entire world's investment money in AI is going.  Subsequent to discussions with both, and my post of 20 May (1),  two hither to disparate topics are now better appreciated and seen as parts of a horrific whole; Artificial Intelligence (AI) and our malignant Deep State's pursuit of neuroscience.


It is everywhere around you.  Your perception of what the truth is is already, in a significant way, a construct of AI.  There's a vast array of profitable companies engaged in it.  Commercially it's for profit, politically it's for power.  Below are companies looking to make money by influencing how you vote …

The chief industry promoters of the technology, veterans of the get rich quick business methods employed in cyber currency, cellular technology, and the internet itself, are unlikely to have that Oppenheimer movie moment.  The one in which, with the great evil of  Hitler gone, they pause to consider if their invention going to be a greater threat than benefit to humanity.  With fortunes and influence at risk they need to be first. 

That said, there is evidence of some self awareness – but it's inadequate.  Consider Jack Dorsey's rumination on ... perhaps folks should have a say in which AI engine is manipulating their news …  Certainly folks with an IQ south of 100 will be contemplating which algorithms and LLMs best suit their informational requirements.

Oversight on AI from within the industry is not going to happen.

Government?  DOJ and FBI are visibly rotten to the core.  Arrogant, out of control, and unanswerable to anyone as things currently stand.  Along with the other 'intelligence' agencies, like CISA (you know, the folks who are ensuring our elections are fair (2)), NCSC, and DOD (who organizationally owns NSA) – in total, our intelligence community (IC) are the folks who signed the letter saying Hunter's laptop was 'Russian disinformation' to facilitate the steal of the election from Trump.  The IC IS the greatest threat to America.  

The IC and major technology firms are one in the same.  Abuses of privacy, censorship and banning are done either at the request of Deep State (for your protection of course - (3)), or because of the neo pagan ideology of the latter (4).    

Congress?  Owned and terrified of their Deep State masters - Chuck Schumer's "six ways to Sunday" - (and oh, Chuck, the "Russian hacking" wasn't Russian - as you probably well knew).

So, no oversight of benefit to American citizens will be coming from the fundamentally transformed, and Deep State controlled, US government.

Oppenheimer had to deal with the possibility, indicated as real in theoretical calculations, that his first detonation of a fission bomb would destroy the earth.  Worst case with AI?  While both of the smartest folks I know in the field say we haven't achieved AGI – a self aware machine with God like access to all of mankind's knowledge – an investigative reporter has already seen evidence such an entity would not be benevolent.  In fact it could be what appears as demonic, a possibility brilliantly prophesied  by C. S. Lewis in “That Hideous Strength”.  Listen in to the description of a NY Times reporter given early access to an AI chatbot (start at 1:09:00 mark - ). 

My guess is garbage in, garbage out.  We are the source material, everything, thoughtlessly dumped onto the internet.  And we are sinners, evil by nature.  Perhaps 'Sidney' is just the unexpected  distillation of our evil … or something else.  Point is, no one knows.  Certainly the face it chose to present is disturbing.  

An AI hallucination?

And yet, we press on.

Such is AI.  A tool - but one widely used in 'perception management', influencing elections and what soft drink you buy is only the beginning.   Within Deep State AI is being used  in Psychological Operations – PSYOP (5).  Targeted PSYOPS intend to get 'influencers' to drive behavioral change in populations.  Evidence indicated Deep State also focuses on already disturbed individuals, heightening their paranoia and sense of victimization in order to get them to cause an incident which will be exploited politically, such as supporting measures to disarm American citizens.

Examples of PSYOPs and incitement already documented are: the Buffalo supermarket shooter and the 'retired' FBI agent ( ),  inciting and planning the kidnap of Governor Whitmer.  ( ), and encouraging an ISIS shooter in Texas  .

Consider what a great candidate for manipulation a young woman, treated with testosterone, and already feeling alienated would be for a PSYOP looking for a mass killer to justify disarming the public.  How much of the 'civil war' and 'Christian Nationalist' fear porn is being created and managed by Deep State to smear conservatives and incite violence?  (6)

Such activities are likely cause for the fear within the ranks of the FBI that Trump may win and, finally, they be held to account.  ( )
Beyond AI

We know for a certainty any tool DOD buys or develops with taxpayer money can readily be used against non-compliant taxpayers, and turning American citizens' minds into a battlefield, or transforming them into tools for the benefit of Deep State, doesn't end with AI. There are far more intrusive technologies in the works.

It's important to listen as the tools for removing a persons will by invading his brain is so banally explained by a researcher of such art :

His soothing voice while describing hellish methods to destroy a persons mind reminds of the brilliant movie “Conspiracy” which was about the recruitment of German industry into the “final solution” (7).  

How far along are we?  The old Soviet joke was 'never believe a thing until the government denies it'.   

Which reminds - remember the flap about the presence of graphene oxide (GO) in the big pharma/Fauci 'jab'?  

This is a stretch but, what is special about graphene oxide?  Well, for one thing it is being experimented with because it  responds to electromagnetic fields while within the BRAIN.
 (example - )
Folks aware of the monstrous work neuroscientists were engaged in with DOD funding raised a warning when GO, which has NO explanation for being there according to the manufacturers, was reported in the Fauci jab.  Deep State, Big Pharma and Main Stream Media (heavily funded by Big Pharma ad money) responded immediately -

All of which is, of course, a lie – GO wasn't in all the mRNA jabs BUT it certainly was in some...

Spectroscopy, Micro-Raman & Campra, Pablo. (2021). DETECTION OF GRAPHENE IN COVID19 VACCINES.

We present here our research on the presence of graphene in covid vaccines. We have carried out a random screening of graphene-like nanoparticles visible at the optical microscopy in seven random samples of vials from four different trademarks, coupling images with their spectral signatures of RAMAN vibration.

By this technique, called micro-RAMAN, we have been able to determine the presence of graphene in some of these samples, after screening more than 110 objects selected for their graphene-like appearance under optical microscopy. Out of them, a group of 28 objects have been selected, due to the compatibility of both images and spectra with the presence of graphene derivatives, based on the correspondence of these signals with those obtained from standards and scientific literature. The identification of graphene oxide structures can be regarded as conclusive in 8 of them, due to the high spectral correlation with the standard. In the remaining 20 objects, images coupled with Raman signals show a very high level of compatibility with undetermined graphene structures, however different than the standard used here.

This research remains open and is made available to scientific community for discussion. We make a call for independent researchers, with no conflict of interest or coaction from any institution to make wider counter-analysis of these products to achieve a more detailed knowledge of the composition and potential health risk of these experimental drugs, reminding that graphene materials have a potential toxicity on human beings and its presence has not been declared in any emergency use authorization. We leave a link to download this report at the end of this video.

As our DOD researcher said - "Bugs, drugs, toxins, tools", which role might GO be intended to perform given it's presence in COVID  'vaccines' is otherwise inexplicable and denied?


AI is being rapidly implemented, and further developed, well before the consequences are understood.  And, AI only represents the less intrusive mind control measures simultaneously being experimented with using our tax dollars.   Given the evidence of GO in the jab they appear to be experimenting, or executing covert operations, without informed consent or meaningful oversight.

Perhaps the pagans in the labs could at least heed the warning provided by the atheist Lovecraft ...

                                           "Invoke not that which ye cannot control" - HPL





4. endless examples, here's one -


6.  at the 18:49 mark 



UPDATE: 6/10/24 - given my earlier post on how effective means of treating C0VID were lied about to sustain the Emergency Use Authorization  - even at the cost of many lives - it makes one wonder all the more about the plandemic.   Was getting the world to get the jab the whole point of the exercise?

also - there's reporting on the BIG PSYOP if you look for it ...

also ... I like this guy Musk more as time passes ... 

UPDATE: 6/12/24 - Just a thought.  DOD/CIA work on telepathy clearly showed some success, the problem was repeatability and predictability.  Declassified CIA archive document link -

What if the whole point of the plandemic was to get something into some people to make them more efficient transmitter/receivers of  government adepts?  

GO has no reason for being in 8% of the samples tested.  Why is it there?  Does it pass the blood-brain barrier? 

Just a thought.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Communists jail their opponents

 Forwarded without comment

Steve Bannon is Headed to Prison. I’ve Warned for 3+ Years This is a Communist Takeover of America. All Roads Lead to Obama.
by Assistant Editor Jun. 6, 2024 4:00 pm By Wayne Allyn Root

I don’t mean to say I told you so. But for over 3 years I’ve been screaming from the highest mountains that what we are seeing and experiencing is a communist takeover of the USA.

Last week it was President Trump being falsely persecuted and convicted. Today it’s Steve Bannon being sent to prison. Who’s next to be persecuted by this administration?

The answer is anyone who can help the Democrats stay in power.

I’ve argued and warned since the day of Biden’s election that this would be Obama’s third term. Biden is a brain-dead zombie puppet with diapers, who belongs in a nursing home. All along, Obama has been the real President, giving the orders, and coordinating this communist takeover of the USA.

The rigged 2020 election? This had Obama’s fingerprints all over it.

Obama started the election rigging in 2012 by using the IRS to go after GOP donors, conservative PACs and critics of his administration.

By 2020 Obama perfected the election rigging by taking advantage of the Covid pandemic. He used changes in election laws, mail-in ballots, ballot harvesting, ballot drop boxes and no Voter ID to steal the election. Once Obama had control of the government, that gave him control of the DOJ and FBI, giving him free rein to persecute Trump and Trump’s allies. The latest victim is Steve Bannon. He won’t be the last.

All roads lead to Obama. Let me count the ways Obama’s fingerprints are all over this communist takeover…

The open borders invasion of America has Obama’s fingerprints all over it.

By stealing the 2020 election, that gave Obama control over the border. He then used Cloward-Piven (the communist plan we both learned at Columbia University) to flood the nation with millions of illegal alien invaders, shower them with trillions of dollars in welfare, and blow up the national debt.

This also changed the demographics of America. Waving in millions of new foreigners is “the Great Replacement Theory.” This is how Obama insures no Republican will ever be elected president again.

The persecution of Trump and his allies? That has Obama’s fingerprints all over it.

Obama ordered the spying of Trump and framed Trump with false charges of “Russian Collusion.” Now Obama is the one coordinating the indictments and the rigged trials against Trump. Throw in Peter Navarro, Rudy Guliani, Steve Bannon, Alex Jones- one by one Obama and his communist cabal are putting leading conservatives in prison, or taking away their life savings.

The anarchy and vile protests against Israel and the Jewish people have Obama’s fingerprints all over it.

Look at the base of these protests, Columbia University. Obama was my college classmate at Columbia University, Class of ’83.

The mass censorship and silencing of conservatives on social media has Obama’s fingerprints all over it.

Obama has dirty ex-FBI and ex-CIA operatives filling all the important roles at social media companies. Even a company like X owned by conservative hero Elon Musk censors and shadow bans every word I say. How can this be? Because Elon owns X, but he doesn’t control it. The same communist traitors are running the show as before Elon took over.

The disastrous Green New Deal has Obama’s fingerprints all over it.

Green Energy is a fraud. It leads to exploding electric and gas bills, in order to wipe out the great American middle class. Energy rates are now the highest in history. This pattern started under Obama. It was so bad back then, that I wrote the nationwide #1 bestseller, “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide.” Today we are experiencing Obama on steroids.

Don’t forget Democrats comparing Trump to Hitler.

It’s all the strategy of Saul Alinsky- who was Obama’s mentor. Obama bases his whole agenda on Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals.” Alinsky advised to isolate, ostracize, demonize and destroy your political enemy. Any lie, fraud, or slander is acceptable- because Alinsky said, “the ends justify the means.”

The Covid vaccine mandates and vaccine passports had Obama’s fingerprints all over them.

The Covid vaccine continues to injure and kill thousands of Americans daily- including so many of my friends and associates. Trump supported the vaccine in order to save the US economy, but he never mandated it, and he never will.

But of course, this communist takeover coordinated by Obama forced this experimental, emergency-use-only vaccine upon every working man and woman in America. Which violated the Nuremberg Code. So, who’s the real Hitler?

But in the end, the centerpiece of communism is jailing your political opponents.

Trump is beating Biden by a landslide. It’s all but over. Democrats know that. So, first they rigged the NY trial to falsely convict Trump. Now their brainwashed, communist judge with “Trump Derangement Syndrome” can order Trump to prison. Or demand he stay under house arrest at Maralago- thereby preventing Trump’s highly effective campaign rallies.

These same communist thugs are actually accelerating the raids on homes of J6 protestors over three years later. Once in prison, they are tortured with cruel and unusual punishment- including solitary confinement. It’s all about intimidation. That’s what communist thugs do.

Now these same communists have put Steve Bannon in prison.

Steve was just ordered to report to prison on July 1st. He will be in a jail cell until November. Perfect timing to silence the leader of MAGA for the entire presidential campaign.

This is not normal. These are not your father’s Democrats. These are evil communist traitors. And this is a communist color revolution.

And the person absolutely, positively coordinating this communist takeover of America is Barack Hussein Obama.

Pray we do not get what Obama, Brennan, and Biden richly deserve

I've ruminated over Ukraine many, many times since 2022.  We KNOW who started the war (Obama/Brennan/Biden/Soros (1)), the primary reason was to set the ground for a 'color revolution' in Russia unseating nationalist, Christian, Putin.

That has failed.  Massively.

Vlad may be pursuing numerous activities not visible to to us, nonetheless, his visible response to OBiden and our Deep State has been minimal.  A survivor of the Soviet Union's KGB he plays the Game of Thrones like a master.  So perhaps he's sufficiently satisfied with watching the US destroyed by the atheists neo-marxists currently in control.

However, consider that beyond OBiden/Soros inciting the war in Ukraine ...

Nordstream?  We did it.  No attack by proxy dissidents on the Alaskan Pipeline.

Sinking the Moskva?  Clearly US missiles and lots of US 'technical support'.  No similar direct Russian involvement against US ships ... yet.

And now the US is ensuring Ukraine will kill Russians INSIDE Russia.

To that Putin advises such actions wil have consequences for America.

I've stated my suspicion on the role if US Navy ships in the Red Sea already -


The farce that US is not engaged in hostile actions directly against Russia doesn't humor Russians. NORDSTREAM pipeline's equivalent is the Alaskan pipeline. Putin has been well motivated to provide some cargo containerized SS-N-27s via Iran to peculiarly adept 'Houthis' given peculiarly adept 'Ukrainians' were able to target and engage his cruiser in the Black Sea. The Mullahs will necessiarly be implicated as the middle men.

The result? US losing a lot of sailors and finally declaring the war on Iran that Deep State and Israel has wanted since the '80s.

And that, IMHO, is probably why the US warships are hanging around in the Red Sea.

Not as defenders.

As bait.

SNIP ( from )

Sunburns or Sizzlers in the hands of the houthies, targeted and launched by competent 'technical advisors', will kill nice young, diverse and fully PC aware, American boys and girls on 'Today's Navy' ships.

I've seen, first hand, this game played before and it's inevitable, unintended and grotesque consequences (2).  

Pray for our folks serving onboard our ships in the Red Sea and for an end to the OBiden 4th Reich regime.



Right or left - the 'news' is nothing but fear porn

Xi and the CCP have been at war with the US since the 1990s.  

The economy of China is a joke ( ex.   )  They may attack Taiwan - but primarily to distract a billion poor citizens who otherwise would kill them.

 Endless lies on the climate.  Do your own homework.  There are immutable (by man) cycles to earth's temperatures.  Look at the record (below) - what would a betting man say is going to happen next?

Civil War is a big theme for Deep state provocateurs.  IGNORE them.  Worse comes to worse, how 'bout 48 states simply kick 2 (CA, NY) OUT of the union?

NO ONE with an IQ over 80 is going to blindly follow CDC, WHO or big pharma again.  The whole mRNA and 'gain of function' team need to answer to the world.

Projection.  Simple projection from team Obama.

Oh yes, the world was saved by out 'special friend'.

Even if there is a nugget of truth in each story, the agencies pumping this crap, along with the degenerate sex oriented stuff I wouldn't repeat, is not intended to nourish your mind with facts.  It's intended to demoralize and destabilize you.

Rx?  Be critical when looking at 'news'.  And, have faith.  HE reigns.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Evil liars at the very top

 Told you so.

They very publicly lied to effect an election.   Many were stupid enough to believe them.

Know this - there is NOTHING these people will not do to stay out of their richly deserved jail cells.