Sunday, October 30, 2022

Election night BINGO


While the consequences, either way, are likely to be grave, at least we can have fun election night.

Let's construct some election night BINGO cards using MSM leftist tropes - free space is TRUIMP.

You'll need 24 words - 'suppression', 'white nationalism', generate your own.  

Email me before noon on the 8th with an image (jpg) of what you've created.  I'll post the image.

I'll be watching TYT and one other channel till midnight.  

Warning - 1st prize may be delivered by FBI in a 'no knock' ceremony.

UPDATE: 11/7/22  here's mine ...

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Expect the inevitable

 I've written a lot about DNC/Deep State's theft the 2020 election, and how clear it is that they will steal the upcoming midterm.  Most recently:

And so, it begins ....

As for what will follow.  On their heads be it.

UPDATE: 11/2/22  Yup, if the commie dems can't cheat they won't win - their freedom and fortunes are at risk - get ready for the steal ...

These folks won't go quietly.  They run DOD, DOJ, FBI, IRS, via $oros they command Antifa and BLM, they can ask for assistance from many of the wealthiest people in the world, and Xi at the CCP.  In the very unlikely event fair election results demand that they leave, don't expect them to go quietly.

And, if they steal the election, can they really expect to rule?

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

A dose of reality for the ill informed

If you've been listening to MSM - or work for the FBI - you are likely believe that most mass shooters are 'violent white extremists'.  After all, isn't it just like them?

If  you believe that, then the identification of the school shooter in St Louis Monday may be a surprise.

But guess what - he is more typical than not of mass shooters in the past.

Seems more like another group is way overrepresented than the +70% of the country that is white.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Biden struggles to placate the left

 Joe Biden, Obama's meat puppet and current occupier-in-chief, proposes new firearms legislation.  I'll leave off the unconstitutionality of Federal 'gun control' for the moment to bask in the brilliance of the proposal.

"there can be no more than eight bullets in a round."

 Well, that would eliminate all birdshot and common buckshot ammunition for shotguns.  It may re-open research in the razor blade like SCMITR round however.  

 For handguns, beyond the odd shot rounds for snakes and rats, 3 or, in large caliber 4, projectiles (which are the 'bullets') was about the max so, no effect there.


At least the left has stopped their unreasonable demands to ban 'assault guns'.  (I never could get mine in into the garage when the wife parked her Hyundai in there first.)

This is an 'assault gun'

Eloquently said

While the real culprits behind the war in the Ukraine are Obama, Brennan, Biden, Soros,  this writer aims where he thinks his audience may have influence.  

Well said!

UPDATE 10/25/22 - as far as how bright the 'national security' folks running the show in DC and pissin' off Russia are... let's use this as an analogy

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Soros and Co. just Xi's 'useful fools'?

 “It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

One of the great mysteries to me over the years was how could team Davos be cooperating so closely with Communist China when it had to be clear that Xi's , and the CCP's, vision was for the world to be under their dominion.

"If you do not understand the clear connections between the CCP, the 60 era American 'Peace' and subsequent 'Justice' movements, the Obama administration, George Soros, and ANTIFA violence you aren't paying attention."

Could it be this simple?  Soros, expecting to become even more enormously rich, was co-opted by the intelligence service of Communist China.

Xi is not going to play Soros' - or Brennan's - stupid game in the Ukraine.  The Ukraine is a shit pot.  It's Taiwan Xi wants.  

And, given the caliber of our leadership (1), our PC crippled military officer corps (2), and the material conditions aboard our ships (3) -

it's not 'rust' - its' a 'protective corrosion coating'

AND the fact Xi will use tactical nukes against US carriers in a grab for Taiwan (4) - Xi will have it.




4. This is very bad wishful thinking ( ) - but representative of Navy 'leadership' today.  Make no mistake, China appreciates the vagaries of targeting a carrier at sea and has no intentions of wasting an anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) with a conventional warhead and near miss.  China will commit,  as did the Soviets whom they've closely copied, to no less than two nukes per carrier - most likely delivered by the ASBM.  

" in plans, three to five planes in each regimental strike had to carry missiles with nuclear warheads"

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Pseudo Smart Guy

Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a fraud.

Big time Clot Shot spokesman.

How did that turn out ...

Now (as Obama's meat puppet pressed Putin) "modern nukes don't have the radiation problem"(!)

UTTER BULL SHIT!  Modern bomb are 'fission/fusion' devices - the fission component produces deadly fall out, a ground burst - necessary for hardened targets - lifts tons of highly irradiated dirt into the air - to fall in a  plume downwind.

Fascinating to watch a globalist progressive chafe at the restraints nuclear weapons have imposed on their reshaping the world.  

DNA, fallout, who cares!  We've a one world Godless government to build!

(So - of course he's a global warming salesman too.)

Friday, October 21, 2022

Smells like Brennan

Disinformation, decades of deliberate lies, and now open contempt for US citizens.  The credibility of the CIA and FBI is now equal to that of a crack whore.  So, when dubious sources suggest a 'false flag' scenario by our 'National Security' (sic) establishment, it may be interesting.   Alternatively, in the labyrinth of mirrors, it may also disinfo from the other team.  At least I accept the premise.

I've said my piece on Nordstream already.   The US government, in this case, compromised what's best for its citizens for what's best for Team Davos.

But - what if there's a benefit for the OBiden regime as well?   This would more fully explain why they engaged in such risky behavior.

Do consider this interesting analysis.


“How will we respond?”  Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday in the most detailed briefing so far from Moscow.    “We will respond with an investigation. This is a must, and our law-enforcement bodies have already launched it. This [the gas pipelines] is our property, resources, and infrastructure.”

“I would like to believe that the international investigation of what happened on the gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea will be objective… We will seek to conduct an honest and objective investigation… I hope that someone in the United States, or maybe someone in Europe — although, unfortunately, Europe in this case can no longer be counted on — someone from the independent investigators will have the desire to clarify the involvement of the United States, the special services and all other bodies in what happened on 25-27 September of this year in the Baltic Sea.”

This means that the Russian Government is waiting, delaying. There will be no retaliation for the time being.  

The reason is that Russian officials suspect the Biden Administration of preparing an October Surprise just ahead of Election Day, November 8: an attack on domestic US infrastructure – the electricity grids, for example – which will be reported as the Russian retaliation that won’t be.


Domestically the 4th Reich has brought us the Jan 6 Reichstag fire.  Deliberate destruction of the Alaskan Pipeline - and attributing it to the hated Vlad - is easier to believe than a Russian hit without substantial evidence about American responsibility for Nordstream in advance.

A 'boomer' in the Persian Gulf?

Recent news reveals OBiden's Navy has made a show of having a ballistic missile submarine in the Persian Gulf.

Anyone got a clue as to how many mines there are in the Persian Gulf?  Old moored mines floating deeper now and less visible to sonar due to marine growth on the case?  Unmoored mines?  

The countless old style 'contact horn' mines laid in WWI are still dangerous.  So are the ones from the 1980s dumped into the Gulf.

Do you really think the Navy of today - that runs into submerged mountains - has complete knowledge of the disposition of the mines deployed by Iran in the 'tanker wars' or Iraq during the Gulf War?   

Amazing example of decision making in today's Navy.   If nothing bad happens a 'diverse' crew will get their achievement medals.  

But - if one of these touches the midsection ... 

UPDATE: Same day - interesting background story from three years ago.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Not with our sons ...

Rx - Just say 'no' to your local recruiters.

 " SOCOM will have to put people it wouldn’t normally select into leadership positions ..."

UPDATE: 10.22.22 - more on the same

Republicans Impeach Biden, dismantle FBI ... yeah, that'll happen

Hope for a big 'Red Wave' grows as election day nears ...

Even wonk Nate Silver at 538 showing the trend - but uber left dailykos not getting 'it' ...

Meanwhile, thousands, hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions will 'vote by mail'.

Yeah, and those vote tabulator machines used to record paper ballots?

Bear with the poor quality listen 3:38 to 7:00.

// revised link - download and listen https://  //

So - why is the 4th reich controlled media building to a crescendo of 'Red Wave' forecasts in advance of a foregone, stolen election (1)?

They want your rage.  They want you in the streets.  Then they want you dead or in deathcamps. -- he is speaking about Obama's mentors.

1. Call this a clue

UPDATE: 10/21/22 - Styx is sometimes insightful - coming from such a different perspective than I - but here he's anticipating the 'Big Red Wave'.  I hope he's right ...

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Thursday, October 13, 2022


"President Biden’s top military adviser, Gen. Mark A. Milley, told U.S. lawmakers last week that land mines “are important in order to shape enemy operations.” In testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Joint Chiefs chairman said, “We need to look no further than what’s happening actually in Ukraine, the land mines are being effectively used by the Ukrainian forces to shape the avenues of approach” by Russia.

“Antitank or anti-personnel mines,” Milley concluded, “are effective for use in combat.”

As the oh so PC clown prince of the Pentagon also knows, a mix of AT and AP mines are also real good for securing borders.  

Lets use them there - NOW.  Too many Americans have died already.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Random Observations

Enough end of the world, 4th reich, stolen election stuff for a moment. 

Some items I observe and cringe ,,,

> Governor Abbott has been a relatively good Governor.  I will vote for him in November.  That said, razor wire and Texas guardsmen should be more aggressively applied and his promotion of permitless carry in a state with a solid functioning CWL program was political pandering and will have bad consequences for police.

> Sometimes the inevitable abuse of a weapon should be considered in advance of it being marketed like a super soaker.

Napalm?  Really?  What could go wrong?

> And pitbulls?  Sigh.  Yeah, who'da guessed.

In case you missed my earlier post on Nordstream

Take a quick gander:

Note the reference to using a mine neutralization 'bot 

 For such work to be performed from an aircraft a helo borne AMNS(1) system would be ..

Now this ...

Dry run or failed attempt, those things just don't happen to turn up next to natural gas pipelines.  A shaped charge from a submarine, or ship, operated bot maybe could do the job - but the size explosion reported would have to reflect a secondary burst.

It's clear enough for most by now that 'we' did this.  That is. the unelected Obama regime running the meat puppet Biden, and who is really working for Blix, Soros, and team Davos, did it.

'We' however may bear the consequences.  Lots of pipes running natural gas in CONUS, and oil in the Gulf of Mexico, to say nothing of the Alaska Pipeline.  

UPDATE: 10/13/22  -  Vlad said if conditions in west Ukraine for Russians (Obama, Brennan, Soros Nazis terrorizing) don't improve, and if NATO membership for Ukraine (earlier agreed not to be an option) is pursued he'd invade.  Obama, Brennan, Soros pressed on in the hope of creating a situation in Russia leading to Vlad's removal.  As promised, Vlad invaded.

Now Vlad is stating explicitly that the energy infrastructure of western nations - presumably nations whose leadership are vassals to team Davos who created the war in Ukraine -  is fair game for retaliatory strikes.  

Expect him to keep his word.   

Gee, whoda' guessed?

 Tulsi leaves Dem party?   Oh joy.

Saw this one a year ago.

Both Deep State and Swamp want a DeSantis/Gabbard ticket to keep Trump from getting into White House and draining the swamp.

To hell with her.  She's as conservative, and genuine, as former Mrs Newsom.

That's two Fox News favorites.  Hmmm.

UPDATE 10/12/22: I won't be updating with every Gabby bit, but, what a start -

Victory lap on Tucker -

and immediately on to Joe Rogan to cement that 'common sense girl' image -

Do NOT trust this lady.  Fox News is figuratively, and literally, soft lensing her into a DeSantis ticket as veep.

She is anti 2nd Amendment.  BUT, she's smart, and started 'moderating' her stance once she appreciated her potential in politics - or, more likely, once some big player(s) explained to her how to achieve her hearts desire.

Tulsi has a consistent record of advocating for sensible gun control,” a 2018 campaign statement announced. “She has long called for reinstating a federal ban on military-style assault weapons and high capacity magazines, requiring comprehensive pre-purchase background checks, closing the gun-show loophole, and making sure that terrorists are not allowed to buy guns. Tulsi has an F-rating from the NRA, a 0% rating by the Hawaii Rifle Association, and a 100% rating by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. She is focused on building bipartisan solutions that can actually be passed into law, rather than using the issue as a partisan political football.”

A 'ban' on the very type of rifle the 2nd Amendment was written to ensure citizens owned?  

To remind -  "THE POWERS OF THE SWORD ARE IN THE HANDS OF THE YEOMANRY OF AMERICA FROM SIXTEEN TO SIXTY. [82] The militia of these free commonwealths, entitled and accustomed to their arms, when compared with any possible army, must be tremendous and irresistible. Who are the militia? are they not ourselves. Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American. What clause in the state or federal constitution hath given away that important right…. T he unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the foederal or state governments, but where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people. [83]

UPDATE: also 10/12/22  Yup, some can't seem to keep from slobberin' all over Ms Tulsi ...

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Turn about is fair play

One hopes Vlad listens to the better angels ...

Following the attack on a Russian ideologue in Russia (daughter was killed, not the likely target), the destruction of Nordstream 1 and 2, we now have this ...

The likelihood of an attack by Russian, or proxy agents on the Alaskan Pipeline. or the extensive undersea pipeline maze in the Gulf of Mexico, as well as a somewhat smaller, but still very significant chance of a Russian tacnuke going off over western Ukraine grows.

To whose benefit?

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

A pause to consider

 I've described my personal enjoyment in studying the Bible and Christianity before.  The link here ( ) was written at a time when the despicable Fauci had Trump thoroughly bamboozled with the '30 days to flatten the curve' BS(1).    

With the current pre-election crescendo of fear porn regarding: Russian nukes (albeit more likely than OBiden's  arrogant and stupid 'intel' experts seem to want to believe), financial collapse, another 'plandemic', another stolen election, and violence of all sorts, I again suggest folks do some healthy reading of the Word.  

And, in that process don't simultaneously obsess over goofy televangelists and 'prophets' (better spelt 'profit$') saying these are the end times for sure.  The history of Christian eschatology is full of similar pronouncements - all, to date, false.  For an excellent expose on the history of how Christians interpreted the Bible's description of the end watch Bruce Gore's series here:  His 'Preterist' understanding of Revelation is given in lecture 10 of the series.  Well worth a look if you're tired of 'The Late Great Planet Earth' dispensational scifi and pseudo religious fear porn.

Romans 8:28 y'all.

1. It is to Trumps eternal disgrace he kept Fauci on stage even after alerted to the fact Fauci was directly involved in the hugely dangerous research at the PLA Biowar 'joint use' lab from which COVID-19 was released - either deliberately or accidently.   There is NO question it was subsequently deliberately spread by Xi and the CCP to the United States and Europe.  After acknowledged as highly communicable and spread by humans, many thousands of very likely COVID-19 carriers were deliberately allowed to fly out of Wuhan to the US and Europe from Wuhan - even while all traffic within China to and from Wuhan was severely prohibited.  

Trump must not be accepted as a candidate again if he is unable to publicly accept his mistake here, and explains adequately how he will avoid staffing his administration with traitors like Fauci again. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Nordstream - one way it didn't happen

 Everyone has an opinion.  Not all opinion holders are qualified on the subject at hand.  Here's a great case in point which I find particularly amusing ....

P-8 torpedoes pipeline?


The warhead of a MK54 is less than half the size of the reported explosions ('hundreds of kilograms')

Further considerations.  

An antisubmarine torpedo - in either active or passive mode - is not a precision weapon for objects on an ocean floor.  An overrun or underrun in depth is very likely.  The active seeker is not a precision, high resolution device that can discriminate rocks and trash from a bottomed sub - or a pipeline. For such work to be performed from an aircraft a helo borne AMNS(1) system would be ... never mind, again the warhead is far too small relative to the reports.  

A torpedo makes a heck of a, very distinct, racket on the way to its target. With the Swedes about, could have been a compromising element if employed.

So, while the perp is likely correct in a general sense (OBiden administration on behalf of the globalist cabal - not the American people) the analysis supporting this specific means is clearly specious.

One guy gets it - and MSM jumps all over him ...
