Wednesday, October 5, 2022

A pause to consider

 I've described my personal enjoyment in studying the Bible and Christianity before.  The link here ( ) was written at a time when the despicable Fauci had Trump thoroughly bamboozled with the '30 days to flatten the curve' BS(1).    

With the current pre-election crescendo of fear porn regarding: Russian nukes (albeit more likely than OBiden's  arrogant and stupid 'intel' experts seem to want to believe), financial collapse, another 'plandemic', another stolen election, and violence of all sorts, I again suggest folks do some healthy reading of the Word.  

And, in that process don't simultaneously obsess over goofy televangelists and 'prophets' (better spelt 'profit$') saying these are the end times for sure.  The history of Christian eschatology is full of similar pronouncements - all, to date, false.  For an excellent expose on the history of how Christians interpreted the Bible's description of the end watch Bruce Gore's series here:  His 'Preterist' understanding of Revelation is given in lecture 10 of the series.  Well worth a look if you're tired of 'The Late Great Planet Earth' dispensational scifi and pseudo religious fear porn.

Romans 8:28 y'all.

1. It is to Trumps eternal disgrace he kept Fauci on stage even after alerted to the fact Fauci was directly involved in the hugely dangerous research at the PLA Biowar 'joint use' lab from which COVID-19 was released - either deliberately or accidently.   There is NO question it was subsequently deliberately spread by Xi and the CCP to the United States and Europe.  After acknowledged as highly communicable and spread by humans, many thousands of very likely COVID-19 carriers were deliberately allowed to fly out of Wuhan to the US and Europe from Wuhan - even while all traffic within China to and from Wuhan was severely prohibited.  

Trump must not be accepted as a candidate again if he is unable to publicly accept his mistake here, and explains adequately how he will avoid staffing his administration with traitors like Fauci again. 

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