Sunday, October 23, 2022

Soros and Co. just Xi's 'useful fools'?

 “It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

One of the great mysteries to me over the years was how could team Davos be cooperating so closely with Communist China when it had to be clear that Xi's , and the CCP's, vision was for the world to be under their dominion.

"If you do not understand the clear connections between the CCP, the 60 era American 'Peace' and subsequent 'Justice' movements, the Obama administration, George Soros, and ANTIFA violence you aren't paying attention."

Could it be this simple?  Soros, expecting to become even more enormously rich, was co-opted by the intelligence service of Communist China.

Xi is not going to play Soros' - or Brennan's - stupid game in the Ukraine.  The Ukraine is a shit pot.  It's Taiwan Xi wants.  

And, given the caliber of our leadership (1), our PC crippled military officer corps (2), and the material conditions aboard our ships (3) -

it's not 'rust' - its' a 'protective corrosion coating'

AND the fact Xi will use tactical nukes against US carriers in a grab for Taiwan (4) - Xi will have it.




4. This is very bad wishful thinking ( ) - but representative of Navy 'leadership' today.  Make no mistake, China appreciates the vagaries of targeting a carrier at sea and has no intentions of wasting an anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) with a conventional warhead and near miss.  China will commit,  as did the Soviets whom they've closely copied, to no less than two nukes per carrier - most likely delivered by the ASBM.  

" in plans, three to five planes in each regimental strike had to carry missiles with nuclear warheads"

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