Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Whodunnit II

I used the title earlier to explain how Obama and team Davos started the war in the Ukraine. )

Now this,

- after several posts warning of our short bus 'nationals security' teams efforts at brinkmanship.

(most recently and )

Whodunnit?  A Norwegian cabal to raise the value of their, coincidently just finished, pipeline?

A bunch of 'greenies'?  

There will be justifiable consequences.   I wouldn't camp near the Alaska pipeline anytime soon.  Or share a room with Blix, Soros - or Obama for that matter.  Remember how the war in Ukraine was created, over years, and by who. 

One thing is clear, the usurper OBiden regime appears to be doing things in the interest of Davos, to the great injury of our republic and our citizens.

update: same day - Additional detail 

UPDATE: 9/30/22 - In case readers think a Russian strike in the Alaskan Pipeline would be unprecedented ...unlike you, and arrogant clowns running our ‘national security’ apparatus these days, I remember. 

As does Putin. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Post Tenebras Lux

After darkness light

Confused about Ukraine?  It is critical for Americans to understand that the same people destroying America, funding competing factions warring in our streets, who stole our election, are directly responsible for the situation in Ukraine.

"The idea of the new Ukraine came from George" (Soros)

Update 11 March - 'well son of a bitch' ...

Saturday, February 26, 2022


 "Vladimir Putin started the war in Ukraine" - Tucker Carlson Fox News

Really? Why?

Simple.  Following the fall of the Soviet Union Russia had one demand,  Ukraine would not be a member of NATO and host NATO (US really) missiles and forces on its border.

"It is a matter of record that in 1990, the U.S. Secretary of State James Baker promised Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev that it would not expand NATO into the formerly communist states of Eastern Europe."

First Globalists like Soros and Obama, who hate a nationalist administration in Moscow, overthrew the Ukraine's elected president.

Then, in December, they made sure Russia knew Ukraine would become a NATO member state.

So, who dunnit?  

Ignore the MSM.  Look for the guy with his hand up meat puppet Biden's butt.

UPDATE - same day, worth a listen.

Thursday, February 24, 2022


With the news, and some of the accompanying photos, which appear credible, it's evident Vlad had made his move to secure the regions he wants under his control. 

This is an AS-17, probably part of the opening 'suppression of enemy air defense' campaign.  It did not come from 'irregulars', but from the launch rail of a modern Soviet Air Force jet.  

There are likely many air search and missile direction radars in Ukraine in need of repair this morning.

One wonders what Spetznaz and GRU are up to in Kiev now?  For that matter, if Soros has upped his personal security.

Here in America, this should be final proof of the concept 'weakness is provocative'.  An unelected and wholly corrupt 'President', run by a race driven, America hating megalomaniac, has no real impact on world affairs.  Not at least as would benefit the 'free' world.

What the OBiden's DOD displays glowingly is arrogance and stupidity.

And it is not only Vlad that has the measure of team OBiden.

All of which jarringly reminds me of something I saw on TV decades ago ... note well Ambassador Molari's final words (JMS was a genius)...

Global Warming, CRT, US funded PLA lab produced Covid, and now this.  

The real enemy is here. 

And it, the fourth Reich, want's you!

UPDATE - 2/24/22:  I just love this story -  It is credited to " a retired ..."   .     The author is a treasonous viper who was personally involved in our bizarre relationship with the autocracy in Ukraine (he was offered the job as their Defense Minister (!) ) and the coup against President Trump as well.  

Monday, February 21, 2022

What all this about Ukraine?

I think that in the only post I've mentioned the Ukraine I confessed to not having an opinion due to the amount of mis-dis-mal information.

I have been totally mystified regarding the 'Russia about to attack Ukraine' story.  Clearly most western reporting sourced by team OBiden and the 4th Reich has been "mis-dis-and mal-information" (thanks for new buzzwords DHS!).  Undoubtedly, so has much of the reporting coming from Putin Inc.."

It's certainly a confused mess, likely with Soros, Biden, and Clinton all at major risk should records of their involvement in criminality and influence pedaling come to light.  

What was always obvious to me was that Russia taking back their only ice free seaport (Sevastopol), one that was built by Catherine the Great, was inevitable.  

As for Ukraine, they've not been innocent of poking the bear  ... "On April 15, 2021 Andriy Melnyk, Ukrainian ambassador to Germany, told Deutschlandfunk radio that if Ukraine was not allowed to become a NATO member, his country might have to reconsider its status as a non-nuclear weapon state to guarantee its defense.".

And, as for OBiden, and the fourth reich, he's intentionally been stirring the pot endlessly.

Perhaps Vlad will take advantage of the mess - and the dubious legitimacy, and competence, of America's 'resident-in-chief'.

To which I say, stolen election have consequences.  Here and abroad.  

If borders were actually important to the Fourth Reich Texas wouldn't be suffering an invasion right now.

UPDATE 2/22/22 - Fox News is pumping Tulsi big time.  I mean, how many politicians get soft lensed by the media like Doris Day?