Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The hard truth about COVID

Long fingered bat - also at Wuhan - known vector for ...

Since December of 2019 the global consequences of the CCP deliberately spreading COVID-19 (they  prohibited likely carriers from traveling within China but approved thousands to fly to the US and the west), and the disastrous 'vaccine' justified by it, have forever changed our world.  Personally, today being her birthday,  I remember my mother as a victim of both the CCP and American monsters like Tony Fauci.  

One of the materials inexplicably found in at least some samples of blood in individuals receiving  the vaccine is graphene based - a substance noted in experimental use far removed from healing victims of a corona virus.  

Read the address of Archbishop Carlo Vigano to a medical ethics group -

There is NO doubt Fauci's NIH were working with it (1), even BEFORE the outbreak - just as there is now no doubt Fauci funded the Wuhan Lab - a dual purpose civilian and PLA Biowar facility - to develop COVID-19 in 'gain of function' experimentation.

1. and

NOTE - My initial speculation on the 'worst case' scenario for WuF1u was that it was a combination high infection, high lethality weapon.  I did not anticipate the virus was a weapon of mass disruption - an 'assassins mace' meant to wreck our economy and dethrone an emperor (Trump).  My bad that.  I also did not fully anticipate the "vaccine" (it ain't) was every bit as malignant.  We are dealing with deeply, deeply evil people.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Good Reads

 The two document I find myself recommending most often to folks I talk to are: 

1. "Unrestricted Warfare" - which is a series of lectures given by PLA (Peoples Liberation Army - the Chinese) instructors to senior PLA officers.  The US obtained them and in 1997 released them in english.  The document was considered of such significance that Johns Hopkins commenced a seminar specifically to explain its contents to US military and government leaders.  Communist China subsequently twisted some arms and spread some cash around so that the once respected institute of higher learning morphed the seminar far, far away from revealing China's honest intentions - and their current execution - of a vast war plan against the US.

2. C S Lewis "That Hideous Strength"  - Of all the SciFi I've read this one comes closest to describing the current hellscape of  'think tanks' and academia today.   Here's an article explaining it's merits - 

Those two, plus the Bible, seem to be useful for understanding things happening today.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

It's OK 'cuz everyone does it ...

 Coincident with the release of more Epstein news - you know the guy who hung himself - this item in the news thanks to our Deep State:  

 Now are these two stories related?  Of course.  We're being conditioned for the inevitable reveal.  Epstein was an Israeli intel op.  Hence the frequent presence of former PM, and head of Israeli Military Intel,  Ehud Barak.  He was referred to as 'a fixture' there.

American teen age girls prostituted for information and influence by Israeli intelligence - my bet Aman (Military Intel).  But that's OK, everybody does it ... right.  "Special Friend" and all that.

A spin to the story is that Epstein was protected by DOJ as an intel asset during his first prosecution.

That indicates our deep state was at times getting rudder orders from compromised Deep State players and politicians, and, perhaps occasional info they wanted, from the all so obvious Israeli op.

For the record, guess who has been on the story - pretty accurately - from start?


And she's not alone.

UPDATE: 1/5/24 - Tucker states we don't know who he worked for.  RIIIIGHT.   Tucker seems to be revealing that Epstein didn't kill himself.  Call me unsurprised ...  

UPDATE: same day - well at least somebody can call a spade a spade -  

'Hey goy, prostituting your daughters and blackmailing your politicians ain't gonna effect our big fat US taxpayer funded 'security assistance' handout, will it?