Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The hard truth about COVID

Long fingered bat - also at Wuhan - known vector for ...

Since December of 2019 the global consequences of the CCP deliberately spreading COVID-19 (they  prohibited likely carriers from traveling within China but approved thousands to fly to the US and the west), and the disastrous 'vaccine' justified by it, have forever changed our world.  Personally, today being her birthday,  I remember my mother as a victim of both the CCP and American monsters like Tony Fauci.  

One of the materials inexplicably found in at least some samples of blood in individuals receiving  the vaccine is graphene based - a substance noted in experimental use far removed from healing victims of a corona virus.  

Read the address of Archbishop Carlo Vigano to a medical ethics group -

There is NO doubt Fauci's NIH were working with it (1), even BEFORE the outbreak - just as there is now no doubt Fauci funded the Wuhan Lab - a dual purpose civilian and PLA Biowar facility - to develop COVID-19 in 'gain of function' experimentation.

1. and

NOTE - My initial speculation on the 'worst case' scenario for WuF1u was that it was a combination high infection, high lethality weapon.  I did not anticipate the virus was a weapon of mass disruption - an 'assassins mace' meant to wreck our economy and dethrone an emperor (Trump).  My bad that.  I also did not fully anticipate the "vaccine" (it ain't) was every bit as malignant.  We are dealing with deeply, deeply evil people.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Soros ... again

Jewish born, Nazi collaborating ("not difficult at all", happiest days of my life (1)) atheist megalomaniac George Soros wants to turn Texas 'blue'.  


"Hell hath no fury like a ... "

... well, you know.

"Hit Iran now," he said in a statement. "Hit them hard."

The "Republicans" supporting OBiden in inciting a war with Iran are an embarrassment to the party. They are the national security equivalent of drag queens. Israel and Deep State want the US at war with Iran. O'Biden (you really don't think Biden is running US policy do you?) has placed American servicemembers in harms way only to die in sufficient numbers for a casus belli. Looks much like when Deep State had Reagan escort the 'reflagged tankers' in the Persian Gulf in the 80s. (1). 

And, as that ended with the US Navy killing nearly 300 Iranian civilians in an airliner.  This stupid adventure is certain not to end in any way like it's proponents intend - unless their goal is chaos.

1. No, not a rogue, just the most visible member of the Deep State coterie -

UPDATE: same day - Hmmm, perhaps chaos is Obama's goal.  Otherwise he'd not have his meat puppet enrich the mullahs ...

Monday, January 29, 2024

A debate in advance of knowing the real question

Seems the generals and admirals are hopelessly lost in the forest while arguing over leaves.

Rx - let's first agree on the mission of today's and tomorrow's DOD.  That's ever more relevant and important given we are broke, the geostrategic situation no longer endures US engaging in 'regime change' and associated stupid little wars, and the activities of a small, but dedicated coterie, intending to create an unconstitutional army of occupation here at home.  If we know what the no sh1t, constitutionally defensible missions are we can eliminate waste, and retool to the tasks the nation consciously has determined warrants application of armed force and risking the lives of our young citizens.

The US of A is not, and never will be, an empire.  We are not the world's policeman. We are not paid to patrol the worlds oceans so that Chinese manufacturers can ship at the best rates. There is NO Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact threatening us today. Reagan's strategy - which was primarily economic - to  destroy the evil empire can easily destroy the PRC.  Landing craft had no appreciable role in such a strategy then and will not tomorrow.

Time to make America First among nations, and end the stupid dream of being the hegemon in the 'new world order' - one actually run by deep state thugs and Davos megalomaniacs for their own benefit.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Father of the "new left", today's post modernist 'Progressives'

A word about and from Marcuse. 

Microsoft Word - Marcuse,H.-1969-An Essay on Liberation.doc (


Intro: "His Marxist scholarship inspired many radical intellectuals and political 

activists in the 1960s and '70s, both in the U.S. and internationally" 

From Marcuse:

"For Marxian theory, the location (or rather contraction) of the opposition in 

certain middle-class strata and in the ghetto population appears as an 

intolerable deviation -- as does the emphasis on biological and aesthetic 

needs: regression to bourgeois or, even worse, aristocratic, ideologies." 

"the industrial working class...  will depend on catalysts outside its ranks." 

"The development of a radical political consciousness among the masses is 

conceivable only if and when the economic stability and the social cohesion 

of the system begin to weaken. It was the traditional role of the Marxist 

Leninist party to prepare the ground for this development."

"The ghetto population of the United States constitutes such a force."

"Consequently, if the alternative // to our largely successful system in 

America // is rule by an elite, it would only mean replacement of the 

present ruling elite by another; and if this other should be the dreaded 

intellectual elite..."

"What kind of life? We are still confronted with the demand to state the 

"concrete alternative." The demand is meaningless if it asks for a blueprint 

of the specific institutions and relationships which would be those of the 

new society: they cannot be determined a priori; they will develop, in trial 

and error, as the new society develops."


All of which leads us to an invaluable insight into the New left - these are Obama's

political teachers ... as Marcuse indicated "there was no answers' on how to run a country ...

BUT they knew they had to imprison and kill.  "kill 25 million people", (1)

Post modernism was created by Marcuse and his peers explicitly as a poison to the United States.  Our country is - or was - a unique republic. A republic with a constitution that was, as noted by John Adams  "made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”. For Christian denomination in the United States to entertain that there are 'good' things within post modernist philosophies is suicide.    

1. More on heroic FBI informant (remember when the FBI was about law enforcement?) at the 36:28 point of recollections on the Weathermen -

Friday, January 26, 2024

The Plan


DOD cutting it's own neck recruitment wise? 1

Create a culture in the military that is abusive of the very same strong, patriotic young Christian American men it needs?  That even multigenerational military families won't send their sons into to serve?


There is a plan.

Cause a crisis - then get consensus on an otherwise objectionable solution.


Because: a survey done in Clinton years scared the hell out of hard left ideologues and the, then developing, deep state.

The conclusion of a survey of US combat troops was that such troops would NOT shoot US citizens who refused to surrender their guns.  The officers giving such an unconstitutional command would be at risk.

That survey also caused a stir among mullet headed low IQ 'patriots' but for a very different reason.  They thought it was deep state that commissioned the survey - it wasn't.

Assigned to a regional command flag staff at the time I well remember the event.

The hard left 'progressives' remember it as well.  

"Marx, Marcuse, Mao" the 'Progressives" have an agenda

Picture from 1920s CPUSA newspaper

Both our founders, and 'the one', know full well why arms suitable for a militia (currently that would be the AR-15 for example) are in the hands of free Americans. 

Representative of the former - "Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American. What clause in the state or federal constitution hath given away that important right.... T he unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the foederal or state governments, but where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people."  -  "A Pennsylvanian" (Tench Coxe), To The People of the United States, PA. GAZETTE, Feb. 20, 1788

As to the latter -

So - if we, and our sons, won't kill those nasty 'clingers to guns and Bibles', our very own neighbors, family, and fellow countrymen- who can America's current ruling clique of neo-marxist 'Progressives'  and deep state thugs put into uniform that will?

"where do we get such men?"  - the Post Obama version

Like I said, there's a plan.

It's getting very, very late.  The plan has been there at least since Obama's political mentors were collaborating on inciting riots in the 60s.


UPDATE: 1/29/24 - Big joke on us is WE'RE paying to move the illegals here ...

Update: 3/2/24 - I've already explained that I support Bret Weinstein's theory that some of the illegals are intended to serve as an army of occupation for Deep State and the neomarxists in OBiden's White House.

Better believe it folks.  They're already passing out guns to them in California.  ZERO loyalty to our republic.  This is just like the CCP getting tank crews from far out of  Beijing to run over the students in Tiananmen Square.

Good Reads

 The two document I find myself recommending most often to folks I talk to are: 

1. "Unrestricted Warfare" - which is a series of lectures given by PLA (Peoples Liberation Army - the Chinese) instructors to senior PLA officers.  The US obtained them and in 1997 released them in english.  The document was considered of such significance that Johns Hopkins commenced a seminar specifically to explain its contents to US military and government leaders.  Communist China subsequently twisted some arms and spread some cash around so that the once respected institute of higher learning morphed the seminar far, far away from revealing China's honest intentions - and their current execution - of a vast war plan against the US.

2. C S Lewis "That Hideous Strength"  - Of all the SciFi I've read this one comes closest to describing the current hellscape of  'think tanks' and academia today.   Here's an article explaining it's merits - 

Those two, plus the Bible, seem to be useful for understanding things happening today.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Truth stated simply ...

Sometimes the spam email provides a great summarization of our condition.

This from the "David Horowitz Freedom Center".  I frequently refer to his website "" for insight into the hard left - he was a foundational member.  I filter for his hard proIsrael stance on stories where that is evident.  

But, for U.S. today, this is as clear an assessment as can be:

Friend, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis should clearly be fired and her cynical and politically motivated case against Trump dropped. 

Unfortunately, neither of these things are likely to happen because we no longer follow the rule of law in America. 

We live in Barack Obama’s America now. 

The only thing that matters is “the fundamental transformation.”

Fani Willis paid her secret lover, Nathan Wade, $650,000+ to help prosecute Trump. 

Much of the money spent was provided in grants from the Biden Justice Department.

This special prosecutor attended multiple meetings with the Biden White House and also met with the hyper-partisan “January 6th Committee.”

The corruption, collusion and cynical political motivations are clear.

But in Obama’s America, the facts don’t matter.

It only matters that Trump is threat to his great project of transforming America into a Marxist utopia. 

And we all know that the Biden administration is just a shadow third term for Barack Obama.

In my opinion, he’s the worst thing that happened to our republic.

Look at the unprecedented attacks against Trump that continue to this day.

Obama was the original mastermind behind the weaponization of government against Donald Trump when he allowed illegal FISA warrants to be used to spy on Trump’s 2016 campaign.

The unraveling of law and order that we’re seeing today has been over a decade in the making – and most of the American people have no clue what we’re up against.

But all roads lead back to one source: Barack Obama.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Hey FBI man ....

A note from Alex Soros - the little guy in the photo above.

So - LOCK HIM UP - or quit!

To remind:

18 U.S. Code § 2385 - Advocating overthrow of Government

U.S. Code

"Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches 

the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or 

destroying the government of the United States or the government 

of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the 

government of any political subdivision therein, by force or 

violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such 

government ... 

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty 

years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the 

United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five 

years next following his conviction."

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Democrat fear porn

I have a pseudonym persona who lives in a poor section of Fort Worth and receives Democrat fund raiser spam email.

Two recent items are illustrative of the mindset in Dem land. 

One - they're trying to identify the most suggestable of their audience - consider who would respond in the positive to the email below:

 And, more revealing, they are advising presumed supporters that, and I quote, 


Their mouth to God's ear!

Listen to her folks! FBI and DOD are the threat.

A first hand observation -

And, speaking of the Pentagon, what holy hell are these 'undercover' agents of DOD doing in the US?

Oh, lemme guess ...

                                      "Trump supporters" - yeah, not covert military at all ...

Same young, trim, ass clown DOD and agency thugs posing as 'white supremacists'

Regarding the 'secret army'.  Without them, and BATFE, FBI, and other deep state goons, there are, really, NO 'white supremacists'.  OBiden has had to invent them.  One of the 'Trump Supporters'  building the hanging platform in the capitol square early on the morning of January 6 ran for coffee blocks away at his usual shop ... directly across the street from the FBI headquarters building.

Are the DOD people performing 'in the line of duty' when inciting riot?  Getting mullet headed inbreeds to kidnap a Michigan Governor?  Herding folks into the Capitol on January 6?  No, they know better.  

They are to be court martialed.

UPDATE: same day - seems FBI is busy workin' on gettin' us some of dem moslem terrs as well as 'white supremacists'  more on same story ...

UPDATE: 1/20/24 - Seems some folks are trying to get to the bottom of the J6 'fedsurrection' ... good luck with that (and keep checking your laptop for planted files) ...

UPDATE: 1/21/24 - yup, updates come daily.  The TRUTH is in your face ...

"... the FBI had not only created the conspiracy but also selected the targets"

UPDATE: 1/26/24 - yup, you are what you hire ...

UPDATE: 1/31/24 - You probably missed it but there was another aspect of the Reichstag Fire J6 fedsurrection that Deep State chose not to implement.  It involved pipe bombs and a 'suspect' the FBI could easily identify ... but not only didn't arrest, they didn't even go to the effort of questioning him.

UPDATEL 9/23/24 - so much for "no evidence' 'eh?

Monday, January 15, 2024

Never too old to learn

Over the years I've commented on 'practical' shooting issues.  I've managed to document the reacquisition of a measure of my defensive handgun skills, such as they are post glaucoma, commencing some 2 years ago:

I've noted on conditions with regard church security nationally and in Texas.

I've commented on:

'open carry' advocates -

and forwarded competent recommendations on surviving a riot - .

Most recently I've been introduced to a new technology which significantly improves the utility of the scattergun for civilian defense.  I had a 'riot gun' in the battery after returning from Katrina - .  

Attempts to assess how far beyond living room distances such a weapon was going to be effective, that is, able to cause immediate incapacitation, produced some disappointing results -

So, it was a BIG surprise to see the performance of Federal 'Flitecontrol' buckshot out of the 870.  Several rounds were fired from 7 to 20 yards,  IMHO such a round dramatically improves the 12GA's  applicability for an armed citizen and has put the 870 back into the 'ready service locker' along with the AR.

Here's standard number 4 buck at 10 yards - representative of in-house engagement ranges - circle is 9 inch:

Akin to being shot in the 'K zone' 24 times with a .25 pistol.  Likely very effective.

However, same gun and load at 20?

The increase in distance diminishes velocity, thus penetration, of the very small projectiles, and odds on damage resulting in immediate incapacitation questionable.

This is Federal 'Flitecontrol' 12GA 9 pellet at 15 yards, really remarkable - 

Orange spot is 3".   Hole at bottom is the wad.  Pellets are in a group less than 3 inches across including one flyer.  Again, I'm no pathologist, but I'd bet clearly capable of incapacitation if centered on the chest.  Beyond that, a shot to the hip even a bit past 15 yards, on an otherwise armored assailant would very likely immediately render said bogyman 'combat ineffective'.

Trump "very likely" to be reelected

 With a note of disgust WEF smart guy predicts a second Trump administration.-

The Davos crowd are the industry side of the forces attempting to complete the establishment of a global, totalitarian, techno-slave state, akin to what Xi has in China.  They've been forcing countries to commit suicide with DEI mandates, 'global warming' scams, and vouluntary surrender of national identities and national sovereignity.    

We now know what they are - and they can not survive sunlight.

UPDATE: Same day - yup, someone else has had it with this coven of self righteous megalomaniacs ...

"This year’s theme is “Rebuilding Trust.”

Did you just blow your coffee through your nose?"

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Puff piece on our "special friend" actually informative

Gross propaganda, illustrative of our suicidal relationship with our "special friend"

The "Washington Free Beacon" has provided an absurdly inaccurate story about Israeli military 'innovations' (1) and, in the process, detail of an organization that constitutes a natioal security risk to the US.

The story, which is a review of a book entitled "The Art of Military Innovation" says "the story of Israel’s military innovations must not be forgotten." 

Oh?  Do tell.

"This is the country that made unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) a staple on every battlefield."  A claim that is complete bullshit.  As in so many things, that would be the US taxpayer funded US DOD.  Example -  "From October 1964 to April 1975, more than 1,000 AQM-34 Ryan Firebee UAVs flew in excess of 34,000 operational surveillance missions over Southeast Asia." (2) 

And you probably thought drones were invented by those plucky neo Nazis we're supporting in the Ukraine.

"It’s //Israel// the country that developed the rear-engine Merkava tank that has forever changed armored warfare."  Sorry, the Merkava tank's engine is in the front, and the rest of the world has, and continues to, put its' armored vehicle engines in the rear.

How 'bout this claim?  "the Israelis developed the helmet-mounted display used in the F-35 multirole fighter"  Really?  No US prototypes before the Israelis, ahh, 'innovated'?  Ooops, "In 1962, Hughes Aircraft Company revealed the Electrocular, a compact CRT, head-mounted monocular display that reflected a TV signal onto a transparent eyepiece." (3)   Hughes - that's American, right?

  Also - "the MiG-29 was fielded in 1985 with an HMD and a high off-boresight weapon (R-73), giving them an advantage in close maneuvering engagements." (ibid)  MIG?  Israeli?  And, oh, yeah, there's probably a real good reason '80s era Russian aviation technology was popping up in Israel ... but that's another story about our "special friend" (quid pro quo for Israeli super spy, American traitor Pollard).

Later on the article explains that the US now has a give it all to Israel 'working group' "enshrined in American law".

Lovely.  Instead of Israel having to pay off top Pentagon bureaucrats (think Melvin Paisley and "Ill Wind" (4), or prostitute our daughters to entrap them in blackmail (repeat after me ... Epstein hung himself (5)), the US taxpayer can now directly fund the transfer of US military technlogy to Israel for their own use - or, as with the joint US/Israeli LAVI fighter (6) and Patriot missile (7), Israel can provide 'em to PRC in exchange for ... whatever. 

BUT Israel is our "special friend" you know.

CHICOM J-10 vs LAVI - not the same at all ....

At least the article was illuminating - after a fashion.  I'll be skipping "Washington Free Beacon" now on.  








UPDATE: 1/18/24 - Almost certainly there was something China wants that even Israel can't get for them under current 'black program' controls.  Solution?

Saturday, January 13, 2024

A 'Frank' comment ...

Frank Lunts is a political whore.  He 'polls' in a way that produces the results the party paying him wants.  Example - he polled 'NRA members' and reported NRA members want more gun control.  Sure Frank.

None the less, being wrong publicly compromises his market value.  So, the following is interesting.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

They whom shall not be named


Do your own home work.  Does the ligature mark on Epstein's neck look like it was made by a sheet?   Really??? (1)

Epstein was working for Israeli intel.  Ms. Maxwell was his case officer.  She will inevitably be released to live on the beach in Tel Aviv - like Pollard.  

It's about Israeli intel prostituting our daughters and blackmailing our CEOs and politicians.  Just, no one wants to say it.  Catch Patrick Byrne (now that would be a VP for Trump) from 8:11 on - 

"it was nation state".

Yeah.  Wonder which one.

Gee, I wonder...

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Useful pawn


I've often wondered what Israel got in exchange for trading critical US defense secrets to Communist China (1).  It was only after researching the history of the North Korean nuclear bomb program and Iranian involvement with same that I realized China is holding Israel hostage with the threat of letting Kim deliver the nuclear bombs Iran participated in producing to them.  

Yup, China outsmarts Israel as easily as they outsmart the US.

Now the Afghans are reportedly shopping around li'l Kim's nuclear shop.

Wonder what China will get to keep Kim from delivering to the Afghans from Israel - and the US?  



Saturday, January 6, 2024

In case you missed it ...

The drooling fool probably never had much say in who was running the White House ..

 but, I've already told you that.

Biden is just the old white guy face Obama wanted on his wrecking ball.

China in space

Clearly someone shared the US X-37 design.

Interesting report.  Too bad it ends in comedy.

"Thankfully, President Donald Trump pushed to create America's Space Force, so we can better counter China's exponentially growing space warfare and intelligence gathering capabilities. It is clearly needed."

The "Space Force"???

Yeah, thanks President Trump.  I feel so much safer. 

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Intolerable to Deep State

Given the despicable individuals at the very top, the prosecution of this individual appears very curious.  What did he do that was not common among senior officers say, a decade ago?

Claims and hear say aside?

 "... asked his subordinates to help him coordinate extracurricular activities with the International Christian Concern..." 


Wednesday, January 3, 2024

It's OK 'cuz everyone does it ...

 Coincident with the release of more Epstein news - you know the guy who hung himself - this item in the news thanks to our Deep State:  

 Now are these two stories related?  Of course.  We're being conditioned for the inevitable reveal.  Epstein was an Israeli intel op.  Hence the frequent presence of former PM, and head of Israeli Military Intel,  Ehud Barak.  He was referred to as 'a fixture' there.

American teen age girls prostituted for information and influence by Israeli intelligence - my bet Aman (Military Intel).  But that's OK, everybody does it ... right.  "Special Friend" and all that.

A spin to the story is that Epstein was protected by DOJ as an intel asset during his first prosecution.

That indicates our deep state was at times getting rudder orders from compromised Deep State players and politicians, and, perhaps occasional info they wanted, from the all so obvious Israeli op.

For the record, guess who has been on the story - pretty accurately - from start?


And she's not alone.

UPDATE: 1/5/24 - Tucker states we don't know who he worked for.  RIIIIGHT.   Tucker seems to be revealing that Epstein didn't kill himself.  Call me unsurprised ...  

UPDATE: same day - well at least somebody can call a spade a spade -  

'Hey goy, prostituting your daughters and blackmailing your politicians ain't gonna effect our big fat US taxpayer funded 'security assistance' handout, will it?


2 news items

Two from Zerohedge - not the best aggregator and providing stories ranging from Biblical truth to space alien invasion stories.  That said, when they cite checkable sources, they provide stories and details MSM avoids. So ...

1. 'this is my surpise face' story:

The 'white supremicists' story only exists so long as FBI and ATF pay mullet cut inbreeds to sustain it.


2. someone really, really, wants a war with Iran ... like, right now:

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Day one events

 Curious - terror related?

 And, on another topic I read of US ships dealing with 'ballistic missile' attacks.

Call me cynical but I rather doubt these are anti-ship ballistic missiles of the sort China has been building to eliminate our carriers.  Such devices are either guided in the terminal phase or carry a sizable nuclear warhead (most likely both).  If the camel riders are using things taking an arcing trajectory they most likely are 'rockets' (meaning unguided) rather than than 'missiles' (guided).  Which also means the odds of such actually hitting a moving ship is close to zero - and wasting a million dollar SM3 missile to intercept is, well, a waste.