A word about and from Marcuse.
Microsoft Word - Marcuse,H.-1969-An Essay on Liberation.doc (marxists.org)
Intro: "His Marxist scholarship inspired many radical intellectuals and political
activists in the 1960s and '70s, both in the U.S. and internationally"
From Marcuse:
"For Marxian theory, the location (or rather contraction) of the opposition in
certain middle-class strata and in the ghetto population appears as an
intolerable deviation -- as does the emphasis on biological and aesthetic
needs: regression to bourgeois or, even worse, aristocratic, ideologies."
"the industrial working class... will depend on catalysts outside its ranks."
"The development of a radical political consciousness among the masses is
conceivable only if and when the economic stability and the social cohesion
of the system begin to weaken. It was the traditional role of the Marxist
Leninist party to prepare the ground for this development."
"The ghetto population of the United States constitutes such a force."
"Consequently, if the alternative // to our largely successful system in
America // is rule by an elite, it would only mean replacement of the
present ruling elite by another; and if this other should be the dreaded
intellectual elite..."
"What kind of life? We are still confronted with the demand to state the
"concrete alternative." The demand is meaningless if it asks for a blueprint
of the specific institutions and relationships which would be those of the
new society: they cannot be determined a priori; they will develop, in trial
and error, as the new society develops."
All of which leads us to an invaluable insight into the New left - these are Obama's
political teachers ... as Marcuse indicated "there was no answers' on how to run a country ...
BUT they knew they had to imprison and kill. "kill 25 million people", (1)
Post modernism was created by Marcuse and his peers explicitly as a poison to the United States. Our country is - or was - a unique republic. A republic with a constitution that was, as noted by John Adams "made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”. For Christian denomination in the United States to entertain that there are 'good' things within post modernist philosophies is suicide.
1. More on heroic FBI informant (remember when the FBI was about law enforcement?) at the 36:28 point of recollections on the Weathermen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFVORAsspf8
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