Seems the generals and admirals are hopelessly lost in the forest while arguing over leaves.
Rx - let's first agree on the mission of today's and tomorrow's DOD. That's ever more relevant and important given we are broke, the geostrategic situation no longer endures US engaging in 'regime change' and associated stupid little wars, and the activities of a small, but dedicated coterie, intending to create an unconstitutional army of occupation here at home. If we know what the no sh1t, constitutionally defensible missions are we can eliminate waste, and retool to the tasks the nation consciously has determined warrants application of armed force and risking the lives of our young citizens.
The US of A is not, and never will be, an empire. We are not the world's policeman. We are not paid to patrol the worlds oceans so that Chinese manufacturers can ship at the best rates. There is NO Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact threatening us today. Reagan's strategy - which was primarily economic - to destroy the evil empire can easily destroy the PRC. Landing craft had no appreciable role in such a strategy then and will not tomorrow.
Time to make America First among nations, and end the stupid dream of being the hegemon in the 'new world order' - one actually run by deep state thugs and Davos megalomaniacs for their own benefit.
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