Thursday, February 22, 2024

Silly person - no one wants to create an army of occupation

Task and Purpose is a publication intended to coopt military members and veterans to a progressive view.  The left was tired of soldiers and vets being reliably conservative in their political outlook and TP is one of the efforts to manipulate that voting base.  Task & Purpose was founded in 2014 by Zachary Iscol, Brian Jones, and Lauren Katzenberg. TP's founder, Zach is a close associate of the Clintons (1),  ran for Mayor of New York (2), and is clearly not your typical Marine veteran.

In the face of a growing awareness that the military age Chicoms illegally entering the border are intended to be used to alter the loyalty of our military to our constitution  TP ran a story to stamp it down.

The truth is however that Bret Weinstein's, and our, gut instincts are much more likely correct.  

Watch especially after the 11:00 mark

Remember there is NOTHING the deep state will not do to hold onto power.  Their freedom (many can be prosecuted for their abuses of the national surveillance system) and fortunes are at stake.  Clintonista's TP's rapid response is more of a confirmation there is a plot than a reassurance for Americans.

"Progressives" and Deep State ask 'Where can we find such men?'  

Xi has the answer.

Note that in the comments section to the TP story one vet opines: "Nothing entirely new: served with an émigré from Mexico who after service in Viet-Nam, would be given U.S. citizenship and retire a chief warrant officer."  That this development is "Nothing entirely new" is dead wrong!  His Mexican friend wasn't sent by the government of Mexico.  The Chicoms coming over the border can't possibly be leaving PRC without the government's assistance.  They are also being provided assistance to avoid the most difficult portions of the journey by the PRC

I've commented on the political corruption of our military for over 3 years -

These men are coming with a purpose. OBiden has permitted the CCP to open intelligence outposts "police stations" in the US.  Their, and Xi's, purpose is not to see our republic returns to the largely free country it was 20 years ago. 



Update: 3/2/24 - 

Better believe it folks.  They're already passing out guns to them in California.  ZERO loyalty to our republic.  This is just like the CCP getting tank crews from far out of  Beijing to run over the students in Tiananmen Square.

UPDATE: 3/14/24 - Remember Google dropping 'don't be evil" ,,,

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