Monday, August 30, 2021

This is no accident

Right now, in these terrible hours, our active duty military and generations of still dedicated 
former servicemembers are being subjected to these dynamics:

    At the top we have a SECDEF and CJCS, along with the senior staffers within DOD directing THE most self destructive and dishonorable action in Kabul while simultaneously managing programs highly corrosive to good order and discipline.

    At the grunt level our amazing young men and women in the combat arms are justifiably resentful, and  even fearful, of a mandatory 'jab' with a solution lacking ANY long term study on effects wrt reproduction, and with minor benefit compared to readily available therapeutics.   These young servicemembers from America's heartland are also required to attend indoctrination training antithetical to America's traditional cultural and religious beliefs.

    And, in the middle, junior and mid-grade officers are beginning to revolt and refuse their role in leading their men and women to death while facilitating the elimination of the very core values that provide the necessary resilience to win the fight, survive the battle, and remain dedicated to the nation they joined to serve.

Top down.       

Bottom up. 
Inside out.

If one thing is an incident, two a coincidence, and three enemy action ... all the above is NOT by accident.  


"What if you were seeking to subvert or deconstruct the current laws of the United States, our constitution, our way of life? Our way of life in total, even down to the most fundamental of all of our human governmental hierarchies, the family. How would you do it?

The term for undertaking such a massive societal shift can be summed up in a word that is becoming increasingly familiar in our normal day-to-day discussions: deconstruction.

The deconstruction of our societal hierarchies is a complex undertaking with the primary concern of fracturing the cohesiveness of a society, nation, or community with the intention of taking the useful rubble of the demolition and rebuilding a new, reformed hierarchy.

So what is it that is being done to deconstruct our nation?

Van Jones, the progressive political commentator and former Green Jobs Advisor to the Obama White House, stated the following at the NOW Campaign for America’s Future back in 2010:

“Our governing move is three things — top down, bottom up, and inside out. We need to work on the middle and the bottom. Government will handle the top down but it’s also bottom-up and inside-out — so now you’re //the NOW audience in this case//challenged as you leave here — your challenge is to take care of that bottom part and that inside-out part — the heart part.” 


As we navigate through these hours we must hold faith in the virtue, and the  necessity, of the core values of  our founders, full realizing that what we are experiencing is being created for a purpose – “Fundamental Transformation”.  This transformation is being engineered by deeply evil people who hate this - still almost free - country with the heat of a thousand suns.  For DOD that transformation means the debilitation of our armed services as a functioning means of national (think culture, language, border, and constitution) defense, and it’s mutation into an evil and deadly ideological enforcement tool aimed first at the ‘clingy’, bible holding and gun owning people it was intended to defend.

God bless America. And pray God blesses our loyal men and women in uniform!

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