Tuesday, August 17, 2021

"Ahh, arrogance and stupidity all in the same package. How efficient of you" - L Molari

The important musings of one of today's Navy's  'leaders in uniform', one who claims to have been "Deeply Involved in War in Afghanistan for More Than a Decade" was published in Time yesterday as the images and reports of the chaos and terror in Kabul were coming to us on CNN, BBC, etc. https://time.com/6090623/afghanistan-us-military-lessons/ 

As it was an attachment to an email from a fellow former Navy 'backseater' I read it. 

Now, I offer this rebuttal. (don't have his email address, but, of course I'm not in his circle.)


 "we did not create the conditions on the home front that could have sustained a truly long-term effort" 

Amazing how disconnected with America's heart land this little princeling is. He regrets the failure of some administration's jedi mind trick on the US citizens? 

We know full well it was Saudis that attacked us on 9/11. 
We know Bin Laden was, at the least, a fellow jihadi with CIA, Paki, and Saudis in Afghanistan. They well knew who he was. 
We also know that Bin Laden should have died at Tora Bora. With that failure - or lack of will to finish the problem - our activity should have focused on punishing Saudi support to terrorism, and dispatching a hit team for OBL. 

Instead the Pentagon, the 'intelligence' (sic) community, and state department professionals, gave us a tragic clown show. 

Oh, we got to fly the gay pride flag on the US Embassy, and some little moslem girls got to go to high school. Explain how that was worth it to the kids in the spine ward in the VA polytrauma center. The widows and orphans of our servicemen.

We're damm tired of these bozos - who should have waved the BS flag to successive administrations -  now, today, with the devastating pictures from Kabul on the TV, telling us WE were why this stupid adventure failed. 

Here's more of the same from another self described 'never trump' dipshit slant game show wiz/Navy War College poobah here : https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/08/afghanistan-your-fault/619769/

Rx.  Stick it Admiral. 


Yup, a bona fide deep state schmuck.

UPDATE  8/18/21 another member of the 'never wrong' crowd (a never trumper ... until he won, then just another damm neocon Bushite (back stabbing) job seeker  
https://finance.yahoo.com/news/condoleezza-rice-saying-president-trump-170037625.html ) spouts off ...

Hmmm, she ought to shut up and hope she's never held to answer for coverin' the tracks of Chicom  agents ... (not crazy about the site, but the story is well researched) ...

1 comment:

  1. “. Rex, Stick it admiral..”. A penetrating analysis Hahaha.

