Wednesday, October 30, 2024

The Steal II (2024 version)

Textbook election tampering, intimidation by marxists -

 Who is this woman?  Fake ID.  Get a name for prosecution.


 Who is this woman?  Fake ID.  Get a name for prosecution.


Who is this armed person at a polling location?  Even if employed by a law enforcement agency his action is not in line of duty rendering him simply a guy with a gun at a polling location - arrest and prosecute!

Who are these 'translators'?  Who gave them authority to push ahead of other voters? 

Pennsylvania will have to run it's election over.  It has already demonstrably corrupted this round of voting and invalidated any election results reported next week.

UPDATE: Same day -

Meanwhile, this guy is lying to a crowd at a church!  Perfect Marxist projection ...

 Who is the "they" buddy?    

Further update, same day - big box of ballots from 'post office' - actually a guy with no ID in a crossover from Rhode Island.

The PA election is corrupted.  Do it again, paper ballot, in person with photo ID, purple ink on finger,  and by hand count.


 UPDATE: 10/31/24 - The "Gaslight" is lit.  Here's the white wash explanation for what you can see happened - a separate group brought to the front of a line of waiting voters (background) - and a narrative which ignores the obvious problem - 'ok i'll change it' - a voters name - described by the eye witness ... 

Reminds of the clear video of the poll worker repeatedly rerunning the same ballots thru the tabulator in Georgia last time ... you can clearly see it ... but "no evidence" as Bill Barr would say.

UPDATE: 11/1/24 Deep State says this will be a clean election ... WHY have we allowed the feds to have a backdoor on our elections?

 UPDATE: 11/2/24 The steal continues ...

Much easier to produce fake ballots this way - so the Dems are pushing for it.


Saturday, October 26, 2024

Faith requires honesty - and a spine

 One of the things I find sadly lacking in far too many 'men of the cloth' is a backbone when it comes to informing their congregations on the consequences to the free exercise of their faith should the 4th Reich continue to consolidate total power in DC.

Unsurprisingly, Archbishop Vigano (who really ought to be a Lutheran) tells the truth in this regard.  

"... you are called to choose between democracy and dictatorship, between freedom and slavery."

"...we are talking about two diametrically opposed and irreconcilable worlds, in which Trump fights against the deep state and is committed to freeing America from its tentacled grip, while on the opposite side we have a corrupt and blackmailed candidate, an organic part of the deep state, who acts as a puppet in the hands of warmongers like Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, of self-proclaimed “philanthropists” like the criminals George Soros and Klaus Schwab, or of characters like Jeffrey Epstein and Sean Combs." 

"...the choice is between a conservative President, who is paying with his very life for his fight against the deep state, and an infernal monster who obeys Satan."

While he may be overstating the effectiveness of the weather control stuff, the rest is accurate.  (Something I didn't know, Gates really is deeply involved in weather control efforts (1).) 

Perhaps someone can pass the Archboshops letter to the overcautious (best construction you know) President Harrison in St Louis?




Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Dark speculation

Serious folks asking questions that would have been absurd only 24 years ago.

A few facts make this line of speculation worth investigating:

1. Several very powerful people will be prosecuted if Trump is elected.

2. Many contracts and support agreements - which are making defense contractors Billions - will be ended by Trump.

3. The research by DOD and CIA into mind control, remote viewing, etc. produced remarkable, documented successes as early as the '80s.  Search for "Star Gate", "Grill Flame"  on the CIA archives.

4. Even current, visible, DOD research involving mind control, augmented by modern drugs and technology is terrifying and screaming for oversight (given deep state's abuse of everything else) .

UPDATE - Same day - There is NOTHING deep state players will not do to stop Trump.  They will say anything, do anything ...

But I've told you about these evil, arrogant folks time and time again.  Most recently ...

UPDATE: 10/24/24 - yup, the general is a great deal less than an 'honorable man' ...

UPDATE: 10/30/24 - given our superabundance of flag officers and their SES so called 'equivalents' this is hardly surprising ... 

Having worn a 'loop' three tours I've known a number of flag officers.  The number of those still living I trust to hold the nations welfare over their own is - one.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Self Deluded


There is a lot of chatter on how the US Navy's aircraft carriers can best support defending Taiwan from PRC.  It's nearly as endless as the '.45 vs 9mm' debates - with one significant difference.  The proponents of American carriers seem unable to accept a simple reality, that being, a substantial number of China's anti-ship ballistic missiles launched against a US aircraft carrier will have nuclear warheads.  Below is my contribution to one of these conversations ... held at" utm_campaign=reaction&utm_medium=email&utm_source=substack&utm_content=post

"Very good, and thought provoking article! I, however, respectfully take issue with the official presumption that PLARF ASBMs are armed with conventional warheads. 

 China has minutely studied the Soviet/Russian anti-carrier warfare system and largely adopted it - with ASBMs substituted for TU-22s. What we know about 'correlation of forces' (COF) calculations for regimental, and multi regimental strikes, with or without substantial SSMs in the mix, will probably be relevant. Their 'no first use' nuke policy glaringly allows for nukes to defend Chinese territory - which is what they say Taiwan is. China's COF calculations for number of hits likely given air defenses (in this case to include ABMs), and likelihood of a hit on a maneuvering spot in the water no more than 250 ft wide, going 30 mph, most probably resemble the old Soviet strike package calculations. 

Bottom line - (and I always love your arcane BSG allusions) China will be nuking the battle group day one. 

 Bet on it. 

They do not see the world through your eyes. Read Unrestricted Warfare folks. They have a 'you did it to Asians first' baked into their war plans. 

Two other BIG considerations, PLA-N focus on studying Battle of Midway (decisive element - communications intelligence), and their past, and current real time observations of Russian EW. A high burst nuke to start the day will complicate things for us a lot more then for them. These 'seasonings' will be used to prepare the theater before and during. 

Still think the CV's are applicable to the problem?"

When these folks tell you who they are - believe them.

ZERO moral ambiguity.  These folks are, by definition, evil.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Season of the Witch


                              Today's Army - ready to be all that Obama needs it to be?

VP Harris claims Trump will use the military against his enemies within the US if elected.  “He’s saying he would use the military to go after them …

Perfect example of projection - blame him for what you are doing ...

Newly released directive for our DOD - - - WHY NOW???

Federal Directive 5240.01.

What is it?  Why is it?  It shitcans Posse Comitatus.

It approves DOD Deep State spying and covert action by DOD against US citizens within the US – “When such actions have been approved by the President and directed by the Secretary of Defense”

No constitutional protections, no oversight.

Evidently they know the steal is going to be too obvious this time.

Deep State and Obama must feel their Army is ready.  We know they want a Chinese style of governance - a government of the 'right people' for the poor people.  

If that's the way they go, betcha' they'll have their hands full what with those pesky 'clingers' with their Bibles and guns and all.  

Mao had it easy.


Deep State apparently is hoping for easy.

UPDATE: 10/16/24 - Projection.  Gas lighting.  Oh yes, take the words of this traitor to heart - someone IS planning to use the military against US citizens, but it's Obama's globalist 4th Reich, NOT Trump, actually making plans, as proven by the Pentagon document above -



Don't believe the 'Trump might win' news ...

The creeping media stories saying Trump has a chance are a lie.

It is CRITICAL that Christians and gun owners vote to defend their 1st and 2nd Amendment protections. 

The media ran the same 'margin narrowing, Dems afraid'  scam last time.

Then they stole it.  And lied.  And lied.  And lied ...

God fearing, patriotic Americans MUST vote.  The margin of the steal has to be undeniable.  

When government goes full Obama ...

 Not a joke story ...

DOD is NO different.  They are a mainly a hollow force, more a credible threat to the American people than to Russia or China.

It's not about what it's about folks - it's about the revolution to destroy America.  Top down, bottom up. inside out.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Why has FEMA gotten so much worse?

Because of the Obama I, II, and III (aka. "the Biden administration") regime.

Hear it in their own words ...

Everything the cultural marxists touch is turned on its head and weaponized against America.

Need another reason to get off your butts and vote for Trump?

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Democrats threatened by gunfire ...

OK, maybe it was a BB gun in one or two of the 'attacks'.

But - this is serious folks ... really ..

Police are reported looking to question 3 men ...


Friday, October 11, 2024

The Steal is REAL and it's in your face



If team Obama/Deep State can't cheat they won't win.  They know it.

But, I repeat myself ....

To everything there is a time ...


Israel has deliberately attacked UN observers.

As I have noted before, Israel has a history of killing everyone it wants to - 'friend' or 'foe' alike when they want to.


                                           "Great! Wonderful. She’s burning! She’s burning!”

Looks like Bibi wants to settle scores now and not risk having to deal with a Trump administration.

We NEVER should have sold them F-35s for a number of reasons. 

UPDATE: 10/12/24 - it's fair to wonder what the middle east will look like by the time Trump (please God) gets sworn in.  The US 'national security' (sarc) team and 'President' look to have zero influence on Bibi.

As I've repeatedly warned, an open Israeli/Iranian war will have a front in the US.  Iranian specops (Quds and IRGC) and Hezbollah are HERE and have detailed information on our critical infrastructure and decision makers.  

And, even more dangerous to our republic, Deep State would love more police powers to counter real - or false flag - threats consequent to an Iranian/Israeli war.  Similarly, the zionists in the US would enjoy heightened suspicion of, and animosity towards US moslems and Arab-Americans. 

UPDATE: 10/13/24 - watch this space ...  May also be intended to cripple air defenses for an Israeli strike.

UPDATE: 10/14/24 appears to be progressing as expected ...




Thursday, October 10, 2024

Querky or not, God bless Elon Musk

This singular guy has a real appreciation for what we have in America and understands it's at a tipping point with this election.  

 Short clip -

 Entire interview and, yes, Epstein came up in the discussion .. see my previous post ...


Well, there goes another "Conspiracy Theory"

 Gee, I wonder which 'foreign state' our Deep State - to include 'no evidence of election fraud' AG Barr - colluded with to kill the guy who was prostituting American teen age girls to get blackmail on politicians and millionaires?

Yeah ... I wonder ...

               who is this masked man?  a man called "a fixture" at Epstein's NY rape palace

Call me not surprised.

Here's the interview -



Wednesday, October 9, 2024

CBS every bit the Soviet style 'news' company

This would be funny is it weren't for the fact millions of Americans trust that network for the information they use to decide how to vote.

PROPAGANDA - not news.


Amazingly, "The New Republic" tries to turn this into a negative story about Trump.

And even an apparently negative story about this interview uses the faked response ...

This is why Musk and X is such a thorn in the side of Deep State and the marxists. 

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Terrs on tap ...

 You can thank the military and national security "experts" - all critics of President Trump by the way - for the headline above.

 Not like I didn't warn you -

Update: 10/9/24 -   "special immigrant visa" with no vetting.

Update: 10/9/24 - 'special indeed'.  CIA knows this man and how to manipulate him ...

Update: 10/11/24 - CIA and FBI knew what this man was up to.  Instead of deporting they participated in his radicalization as weapons dealers.  Deep State certainly has many. many more of these creatures and will use them when they want to.    

As I've explained, it's what Deep State does now.  Shocking but TRUE

"The FBI not only knew the shooters (Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi) in advance, BUT the FBI ALSO took the shooters to the venue and were standing only a few yards away when Simpson and Soofi opened fire."




Saturday, October 5, 2024

Who is running the country?

It certainly isn't Biden.

There is a Deep State/DC Swamp cabal running the country and they will kill before losing their grip.

 "...we lose total control"

Crazy as it may seem, these people really do think they should have "total control". 

And we know what "total control" means in November ...


UPDATE: 10/8/24 - I seem to be asking the questions 'bout a day ahead of the smarter folks ...

also on topic ---

UPDATE: 10/11/24 The totalitarian cult acts as though citizens conducting their lives, express their choice, and display common sense, including in an election is ... dare I say it - revolting.

Our 'nomenklatura', our 'expert class'. are IDIOTS.  Some are high IQ, but zero wisdom.  The dumpster fire of our economy, our flood of illegals, our endless stupid wars ...  The people who are actually running the country (Obama, Brennan, Gates, Kerry, Fauci, ...) are incompetent and many are evil.

Take Gates for example ...

Resources for understanding the left

Many years ago a very good Christian man was keenly observing the corruption of Christianity by the politically motivated left.  His name is Michael O'Fallon.   Mr O'Fallon posted his discoveries on a site called "Sovereign Nations" -   One of his presentations on the infiltration of Christianity by leftists is here -

In an attempt to best understand the strategy and methods of the left, he discovered three individuals of particular note: Zack Exley, Van Jones, and James Lindsay.

Zack Exley is most recently known as the creator of AOC. and    (catch 17:29 of the second clip for the real Zack).

AOC, Justice Democrats ... it's "all Zack Exley".

Along with being the brains behind Bernie's last big run, Zack was a very effective agent of the left infecting the evangelical church with woke.  Make no mistake, Zack is a leftist ideologue who morphed into an activist Christian for a purpose - the perversion of Christianity for political purpose.  Here here is representing himself to Christians ...

Van Jones - maybe the most dangerous of the Obama coterie.  Holder corrupted the DOJ, Brennan the CIA and intel agencies, and herd of rent seeking Admirals and General the DOD - combined these are the core of the "Deep State", but Jones is the competent,  dangerous revolutionary.  He may, or may not be motivated by a corrupted idea of a noble goal but that doesn't matter.  He understands, and can run, a revolution.

However brilliant and cynical he may be, Van Jones wasn't above being caught admitting the Trump Russian Collusion was conspiracy theory of the left...

Looking for the best researched explanation of where the new left, the neo-marxists, came from O'Fallon found an atheist intellectual who was upset with how the new left had taken over an organization he was involved with.  This man's name is -  

James Lindsay: his early discussions with Michael O'Fallon ...

These are no where near a complete list of 'players' ... but if your get through the above you'll be able to recognize the leftists when they speak in their peculiar 'parseltongue'.   

"You will know them by their fruit" MT 7:16


Here is Mr Lindsay's excellent lesson on Diversity Equity Inclusion "DEI" - it's dense, one may need to skip back a time or two when listening to it the first time, but it's providing information that's important to understand:  

(listen to it entirely, for review - at 37:37 he succinctly explains 'Diversity', 40:14 'Inclusion', 45:46 'Equity')

And, now, with Mr Lindsay's lecture understood ... consider the following newspaper article:


How Dr. Kirk has become the President to be is another story in itself - and the subject of a court case filed against Concordia by the LCMS (1),  -  but. for now, I sit amazed by the course she has a LCMS owned institution set on.

Comments accepted ...


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The Steal II

There is a BIG reason the left insists on getting commitments from MAGA that, regardless of any evidence, the 'results' of any election will be accepted.

Illegals will be provided ballots in numbers that, if not challenged,will decide several races.  The Dems KNOW this. It is what they intended with the open borders.

Evidence of invalid ballots being counted should cause a new round of voting in that precinct.  Illegitimate votes must NOT dilute the choice of American citizens.

There can be no question WHY - the Dems KNOW the steal will have to be huge to overcome the actual election results.

And, as very well documented in Maggie Hemingway's book "Rigged", the Main Stream Media persists in censoring the truth and spreading lies about the candidates before the vote is taken.  Last night's VP debate was a perfect example.  The 'moderator' 'fact checked' the Republican on post delivery killing of abortion survivors.  Here is THE TRUTH:

"ABC News moderator Linsey Davis rebutted Trump’s statement, saying, “There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born.”" 

WRONG (but she knew this) - "Legal" or not, here's Virginia's Governor explaining what is actually happening...

 "The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired."

The STEAL is real, and it is coming.  Obama, the DNC, the neo-cons and RINOs got away with it last time despite the in your face videos and evidence of the Steal I. Like ...

On that topic, in the VP debate what Sen Vance should have said to the Great Walz of China was ... (h/t Raheem Kassam) -

“Tim, I’m happy to look you in the eye and tell you that I think the hasty and, in many cases, unconstitutional changes to our elections during the pandemic were a mistake, and many, if not most, Americans agree with me. Those changes sowed too much doubt. And too many of them are still around today. Americans expect free, fair, and secure elections, and for the life of me, I still can’t understand why that disturbs Democrats so much. That we should, as we have for the past quarter century, cast our ballots on the same day, in person, and expect those votes to be counted accurately and quickly. These are not new concepts, and you would be hard-pressed to find a majority of Americans who disagree. You guys keep saying ‘we’re not going back,’ so why won’t you let America move forward from that whole debacle that gave them Joe Biden? I mean, come on, you Democrats  fudged your whole primary process to get rid of him!”

So, yeah, the Dems - with help from Deep State, MSM, and RINOs stole it.

Then they stage managed a 'mostly peaceful' riot into a Reichstag Fire on January 6. 

The hard left, who never fails to suffer from 'projection', is already planning general strikes should The Steal II fail and Trump be declared the winner.

From - "What Will You Do If the Election Is Stole" - Hamilton Nolan (an article I downloaded and seems curiously hard to find anymore) ...

"There is one practical, powerful, and plausible thing that all of us can do in the event this happens: We can have a general strike. I fully expect that there would be massive and ongoing street protests, but a general strike is a tactic that can harness and magnify the sense of common outrage into actual influence. "

BOTTOM LINE -Win, lose, or some kind of civil war, a hard winter is almost certainly coming.   If you live in the downtown area of a major city have a plan to be somewhere else BEFORE the crowds gather at night.

 UPDATE: 10/6/24 - Yup, our KGB, err, FBI is warning us of violence from the groups they manipulate ... err, monitor ...

Which is to say - the FBI will be sure there will be violence if it'll help Deep State and the Swamp, err, Obama, err, Kamala ... just like they always do.

UPDATE: 10/8/24 - Musk gets it ...