Wednesday, October 2, 2024

The Steal II

There is a BIG reason the left insists on getting commitments from MAGA that, regardless of any evidence, the 'results' of any election will be accepted.

Illegals will be provided ballots in numbers that, if not challenged,will decide several races.  The Dems KNOW this. It is what they intended with the open borders.

Evidence of invalid ballots being counted should cause a new round of voting in that precinct.  Illegitimate votes must NOT dilute the choice of American citizens.

There can be no question WHY - the Dems KNOW the steal will have to be huge to overcome the actual election results.

And, as very well documented in Maggie Hemingway's book "Rigged", the Main Stream Media persists in censoring the truth and spreading lies about the candidates before the vote is taken.  Last night's VP debate was a perfect example.  The 'moderator' 'fact checked' the Republican on post delivery killing of abortion survivors.  Here is THE TRUTH:

"ABC News moderator Linsey Davis rebutted Trump’s statement, saying, “There is no state in this country where it is legal to kill a baby after it’s born.”" 

WRONG (but she knew this) - "Legal" or not, here's Virginia's Governor explaining what is actually happening...

 "The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired."

The STEAL is real, and it is coming.  Obama, the DNC, the neo-cons and RINOs got away with it last time despite the in your face videos and evidence of the Steal I. Like ...

On that topic, in the VP debate what Sen Vance should have said to the Great Walz of China was ... (h/t Raheem Kassam) -

“Tim, I’m happy to look you in the eye and tell you that I think the hasty and, in many cases, unconstitutional changes to our elections during the pandemic were a mistake, and many, if not most, Americans agree with me. Those changes sowed too much doubt. And too many of them are still around today. Americans expect free, fair, and secure elections, and for the life of me, I still can’t understand why that disturbs Democrats so much. That we should, as we have for the past quarter century, cast our ballots on the same day, in person, and expect those votes to be counted accurately and quickly. These are not new concepts, and you would be hard-pressed to find a majority of Americans who disagree. You guys keep saying ‘we’re not going back,’ so why won’t you let America move forward from that whole debacle that gave them Joe Biden? I mean, come on, you Democrats  fudged your whole primary process to get rid of him!”

So, yeah, the Dems - with help from Deep State, MSM, and RINOs stole it.

Then they stage managed a 'mostly peaceful' riot into a Reichstag Fire on January 6. 

The hard left, who never fails to suffer from 'projection', is already planning general strikes should The Steal II fail and Trump be declared the winner.

From - "What Will You Do If the Election Is Stole" - Hamilton Nolan (an article I downloaded and seems curiously hard to find anymore) ...

"There is one practical, powerful, and plausible thing that all of us can do in the event this happens: We can have a general strike. I fully expect that there would be massive and ongoing street protests, but a general strike is a tactic that can harness and magnify the sense of common outrage into actual influence. "

BOTTOM LINE -Win, lose, or some kind of civil war, a hard winter is almost certainly coming.   If you live in the downtown area of a major city have a plan to be somewhere else BEFORE the crowds gather at night.

 UPDATE: 10/6/24 - Yup, our KGB, err, FBI is warning us of violence from the groups they manipulate ... err, monitor ...

Which is to say - the FBI will be sure there will be violence if it'll help Deep State and the Swamp, err, Obama, err, Kamala ... just like they always do.

UPDATE: 10/8/24 - Musk gets it ...


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