Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Season of the Witch


                              Today's Army - ready to be all that Obama needs it to be?

VP Harris claims Trump will use the military against his enemies within the US if elected.  “He’s saying he would use the military to go after them …  


Perfect example of projection - blame him for what you are doing ...

Newly released directive for our DOD - - - WHY NOW???

Federal Directive 5240.01.


What is it?  Why is it?  It shitcans Posse Comitatus.

It approves DOD Deep State spying and covert action by DOD against US citizens within the US – “When such actions have been approved by the President and directed by the Secretary of Defense”

No constitutional protections, no oversight.

Evidently they know the steal is going to be too obvious this time.

Deep State and Obama must feel their Army is ready.  We know they want a Chinese style of governance - a government of the 'right people' for the poor people.  

If that's the way they go, betcha' they'll have their hands full what with those pesky 'clingers' with their Bibles and guns and all.  

Mao had it easy.


Deep State apparently is hoping for easy.

UPDATE: 10/16/24 - Projection.  Gas lighting.  Oh yes, take the words of this traitor to heart - someone IS planning to use the military against US citizens, but it's Obama's globalist 4th Reich, NOT Trump, actually making plans, as proven by the Pentagon document above - https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4933807-donald-trump-mark-esper-military-us-citizens/



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