Tuesday, May 31, 2022

We've been had ... again

Take the time to review this presentation (which I've linked to several times) -  


'microtargeted psychological warfare' 

'localization' - find the groups, the people

'get in their mind, push them in the direction you want them to go'

'use pandemic'

'hack election'

 The 'former' FBI agent who coached the shooter is most likely a Deep State Info War asset who steered the Buffalo shooter into his attack.  Deep State wants to provide 4th reich politicians with ever heightened racial tensions to exploit, and the cause for draconian gun control.   https://bigleaguepolitics.com/buffalo-ny-mass-shooter-had-been-coached-by-former-fbi-agent/   

Is there any question we are in a color revolution?  

GEN Jones and friends have AMERICAN blood on their hands.  

Saturday, May 28, 2022

With a little help from my friends

 Yahoo News (sic) reports ...


Why the increasingly sophisticated 'tactical gear' by the shooters?  

Well, maybe that's because there's some real pros nudging alienated, overmedicated, suggestable and mentally defective teens along on their plans - even providing tips on equipment... (to what end?)


'Retired'?  Which deep state contractor is he working for?  We know the number of FBI agents and assets outnumbered the civilians in the Governor Whitmer kidnapping scam ("While the government announced that it had foiled a large conspiracy, it turned out that most of the conspirators were actually FBI agents"(1)) .  God knows how many FBI and co-opted ANTIFA folks were spurring on the 'mostly peaceful' events on January 6.  

We know now that the elaborate and expensive infowar applications and systems US taxpayers paid for - intended to be used against foreign government - are now being used by deep state against us (2).   So, how many agent provocateurs does the OBiden team have on the internet?  And these plainly are provocateurs, otherwise the 'retired' fed would have promptly informed Buffalo police a half hour or so in advance of the attack.

It appears we are, in fact, in the midst of a 'Color Revolution' right here at home folks.  The same cabal  that got Nazis in the streets in Ukraine to overthrow an elected president there also spied on Trump and oversaw the conduct and predetermined outcome (3) of the 'election' in 2020.  

Provocation? To what end?  Along with the plague fear porn, the created financial and supply crisis, and the near thorough censorship and disinfo from government and MSM, they are inciting terror in the streets so that the cowardly and weakminded will surrender even more power to the police state.

Remember what America hating, 'transformational', Obama's biggest frustration was (4).

That in mind, this Memorial Day weekend take time to remember the fallen.  

And cherish what they intended their sacrifice to be for.



2. https://www.bitchute.com/video/SY11mNzkgAiN/

3. Examples - pre presidential election items:



- post election items: 



and, of course, the must see film  "2000 Mules" https://node-1.2000mules.com/

4. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-33646704

UPDATE: 5/29/22 - the election machines were, along with Post Office workers, and ballot stuffing, a big tool of the 4th reich to steal the vote.  There is no other explanation for situations like this - ".... over 70 counties in Georgia were unable to show ballot images for votes cast using the Dominion voting system. All in all, VoterGA believes election officials erased or overwrote 1.7 million images."    https://conservativeinsider.org/election-evidence-images-were-illegally-destroyed/?utm_source=elg26&utm_placement=CInewsletter&utm_medium=email    Like I said, 'as expected'.

 UPDATE: 5/31/22 - Don't think those thugs Obama/Brennan/Soros paid for to be the muscle in the streets during the overthrow of the elected president in Ukraine 2014 aren't NAZIs?   Hell yeah they are - they are also satanists (true to Himmler's occult fixation).


UPDATE: 6/12/22 also contributing ... https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/studies-highlight-potential-long-term-impacts-covid-19-pandemic-teens

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Some, slightly disjointed, background notes

I've been a firearms instructor, a gun owner, and, as you may have noticed, I've written reams on the topic of gun control and the appropriate role of firearms in a free republic.  As to the latter, I was not 'woke' to the topic until I was denied even the form to apply for a CWL in Florida shortly after moving there.  I wasn't a bubba (contributor to the Sheriff) you see.

Yeah .....   With numerous letters published locally and nationally, in a small way I may have helped, at least some, in getting the law there changed.  And since then many states followed suit with 'shall issue' CWL permits.   

I've also worked with my (then) congressional staff (Rep Fowler - FL) during the Brady Bill debate.  On that topic I was credited by members of the editorial board of the local paper (Florida Times Union) with changing their  minds on the matter.

So, since 1986 I've advocated for, and against, various bits of legislation.  Most recently I've expressed my opinion in various ways and remain against 'constitutional carry' (concealed carry by citizens with no background checks and training) and 'open carry' in urban settings (not good for our uniformed police).

I am not an NRA member.  The endless political deals with establishment hacks, and the clear waste of members money by leadership was too much for me years ago.  Perhaps when they finally get rid of  super swampy Wayne LaPierre I'll reconsider.
I've never been in complete agreement with '2A' absolutists.  I've always thought states can appropriately, within reason, broadly manage a range of 'gun' issues, and some disparities are acceptable.  California, for as long as it pretends to remain in the union, may have significantly different laws than Texas or Florida, or Alaska.  That, I believe (courtesy of being a Political 'Science'  major in ancient times)  is, within reason, as intended by the founders.

I've been very aware of the increasing threat to schools and churches and have expressed that here routinely.  Examples:

As I pointed out yesterday, the short answer to these is armed, trained, personnel on site.  The Israeli experience is convincing and the math is simple - 

"The average number of people shot in a mass shooting event when the shooter is stopped by law enforcement: 14. The average number of people shot in a mass shooting event when the shooter is stopped by civilians: 2.5. The reason is simple. The armed civilians are there when it started.
-  Larry Correia  https://monsterhunternation.com/2012/12/20/an-opinion-on-gun-control/

I've also earlier expressed my Katrina experience (1) and need for homeowners to be prepared to manage for themselves in the absence of civil authority.

That can be post disaster, as in a hurricane, note the homeowner above with a semi-automatic shotgun accompanied - for the moment - by National Guardsmen.

Or, when abandoned to ones own resources in the face of civil disturbance as were the Korean American shop keeps left to fend for themselves by the LAPD.
Finally, I've explained the extraordinary situation we face today with a ruling 4th reich (consolidation of corrupt, unaccountable, and authoritarian government with megalomaniacal corporate owners) and their 'brown shirt' mobs, ANTIFA and BLM.  These violent and skillfully trained groups kill, burn, and loot with protection by the reich from any serious DOJ prosecution.  Example:

Which is a stark contrast with the gulag treatment for hapless dupes of that same DOJ on January 6.

This is about political power.  ANTIFA and BLM are meant to intimidate political opponents of the regime.  That's why they exist.  That's why they are funded both by the government and the leftist millionaires and billionaires.  The reich.  The political impact of BLM and ANTIFA evaporates however when organized homeowners, on their own property, demonstrate preparation and resolve.  

Trigger discipline, well equipped, well prepared. Indiana home owners appear to not be 'intimidated' by disappointed BLM protesters.

And this, also, is as intended by the founders.

"The militia of these free commonwealths, entitled and accustomed to their arms, when compared with any possible army, must be tremendous and irresistible. Who are the militia? are they not ourselves. Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American. What clause in the state or federal constitution hath given away that important right.... The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people."
"A Pennsylvanian" (Tench Coxe), To The People of the United States, PA. GAZETTE, Feb. 20, 1788

So, some additional thoughts on the topic du jour.   

It won't go away.  

And, I predict the body count of innocents will increase so long as simple, obvious measures are not taken.  Measures quite different from those dreamt of by Obama.

UPDATE that evening.  And, speaking of the devil, here's Mr unity failing at the attempt to link the deaths of hispanic American innocents, at the hands of a teen hispanic American. to one of his, and BLMs, poster boys.

Question for the night.  How many American school children can we protect with $40B?  (the amount we borrowed to give to Ukraine)

UPDATE 5/29/22  - What to do?  As usual, Sheriff Grady Judd says it all ,,, https://youtu.be/j-Kb4XuHoKw

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Yet another outrage


Many facts yet to be determined.  Shooter on SSRIs?  Motive? 

One thing evident, the principal killing field was a school.  And, predictably, clear answers to avoiding such events will again be ignored and emotions will be exploited for ideological goals by our totalitarian ruling clique.

The correct measures to take were widely provided by one of the most qualified individuals on the topic in 2012.  

"After the Ma’alot massacre in 1974, Israel instituted a policy in which volunteer school personnel, parents, and grandparents received special training from the civil guard, and were seeded throughout the schools armed with discreetly concealed 9mm semiautomatic pistols.  Since that time, there has been no successful mass murder at an Israeli school, and every attempt at such has been quickly shortstopped by the good guys’ gunfire, with minimal casualties among the innocent." 


Not theory, not ideology, just simple, proven effective, common sense, measures.

As has been noted by one of Ayoob's readers:

1: "Evil will happen regardless of what the law reads or how you prepare for it.

2: Being prepared for evil is the best way to survive it.

3: Evil prefers easy targets of opportunity.

4: Guns in the hands of trained good people are the best bet to stop those with evil in their hearts.

5: Refusal to acknowledge any of the above makes you an easy target of opportunity." 

- 'Illinois Bob' 2013

The ugly truth.  

We can expect more of this for at least the next few years.  And, I've no doubt that if it was a Sunday this monster would have visited a church, not an empty school.  My comments on that topic are here - https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2021/05/unpleasant-reality.html

As noted, this will be exploited and the ruling totalitarian clique says it has the answer.  Disarm Obama's hated clingy, Bible and gun toting Americans (failure to do so Obama said was his 'greatest regret').  https://tnsr.org/2022/02/not-a-suicide-pact-urgent-strategic-recommendations-for-reducing-domestic-terrorism-in-the-united-states/  Comments from a UT Austin organization ... who hired   (expletive deleted) Brennan right our of deep state central.

Gosh, irony of irony, and when these very same, better than you globalists meet they bring their very own, MP-5 machine gun armed, security.  

Security for me and not for thee little people.

One has to ask, why are octogenarian billionaire megalomaniacs heavily defended and our children not at all???

UPDATE 5/29/22  - What to do?  As usual, Sheriff Grady Judd says it all ,,, https://youtu.be/j-Kb4XuHoKw

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Anything to distract

 from "2000 Mules".

First the Roe v Wade leak...

Now ... MONKEY POX!!!


Hmmm, and if you are not inclined to homosexual acts with a partner from the Congo who engages in bestialities with monkeys?


Friday, May 20, 2022

An anniversary

10 years ago in Afghanistan.  Two young Americans killed.  One permanently scarred.  

Remember the fallen. 

And remember as well, Obama prolonged that war.  Biden saw we left in defeat.


Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Rough seas ahead

I dislike Jones and infowars.  He is the Jim Baker televangelist of politics.  He's refined and profits from broadcasting fear porn to the right.  Listen to the background music he uses in breaks ...


From D'Souza he seamlessly segues to the apocalypse(!) and book sales. 


D'Souza is using him to get folks to see the film, OK, but it unfortunately lends cred to Alex.  

I wonder if Joe Rogan will have him on?

Rx - Watch '2000 Mules', skip Alex.   (It's now copyright protected and off Bitchute)

D'Souza's "2000 Mules" IS right however, we do not live in a democracy so long as our White House is occupied by a usurper.  

Faithful and patriotic America have no more reason to respect or obey OBiden than Israel did Absalom.   In fact, we have a duty to see he is replaced as soon as possible.  

How to do that without violence is key,  The evil cabal that stole the election intends to incite righteous violence, that violence will be used to justify police state actions which would complete the 'fundamental change' of the US from a democracy to a CCP style totalitarian state.

So, unfortunately, we can expect that there will be many 'false flag' provocateurs.  Think January 6.  

There will be many protests, including in churches, and much more violence preceding the mid-term.  Think Antifa and BLM.   Think Catholic churches with the pro abortion coven last week.

The midterms are likely to be the only opportunity within the law to change government via a Republican majority and the subsequent impeachment of the Biden administration and prosecutions of, at the very least, colluding key elected members (like Nancy). 

Don't expect them to go quietly.

UPDATE: Same day.  Missed this earlier -    https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2022/05/there_will_be_blood.html

UPDATE 5/21/22: Provocateurs?  Nah ...nothin' suspicious here, nope, no deal with the feds to get our early ...


Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Two years too late ...

 ... for many.

"...there are now 416 HCQ COVID-19 studies, 318 peer-reviewed, 343 comparing treatment and control groups. HCQ is not effective when used very late with high dosages over a long period (RECOVERY/SOLIDARITY), effectiveness improves with earlier usage and improved dosing. Early treatment consistently shows positive effects."


Gee.  What a surprise.  

Hcq/Zn was a jihad for me for a long time.  Got booted off forums for it.  





and on, and on, and on .....

Treason?  Criminal?  Time for a court to decide.

4 star MSNBC commentator

 Yup.  Typical.

Guess for military stuff I'll rely on this guy ... https://www.bitchute.com/video/BTwuCmcM07ea/

Monday, May 16, 2022

A job today's Navy doesn't want

 Strategic defense.  (Gee, didn't have a choice in my day)

"...a Kanyon //russian mega nuke torpedo// self-detonating at the Golden Gate Bridge would completely obliterate San Francisco, killing 1.3 million across Northern California and injuring another 1.1 million..."


The Navy has some unique responsibilities with regard homeland defense.  It is the sole service likely to even attempt detecting and countering a Russian 'strategic' torpedo. 


With the described parameters of the Kanyon torepdo, the number of US attack submarines in service now and likely in the future, and given the retirement of the B-57 nuclear depth bomb, a depth bomb derivative of the nuclear B-61, delivered from a ship based SH-60 (or land based P-8) would appear a hard requirement.

But, that appears to be a  problem for today's diverse, and largely neutered, Navy (which I last noted on 3 days ago ... https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2022/05/todays-navy.html ).

“Having served on a nuclear-capable surface ship in the late 1980s, that mission does not come without a cost. There is a significant amount of attention that has to be paid to any platform that carries that type of weapon in terms of training, in terms of sustainability, in terms of reliability, in terms of the force’s readiness to be able to use and be able to conduct that mission,” Gilday said.


Call me a non-believer Admiral, but, 'diversity' and community service alone ain't gonna stop this thing.  I know it's kinda' hard acquiring and maintaining ASW competency, and a couple of NDBs onboard messes with port calls, BUT if it's not the Navy's job - whose is it?.

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Outrage du jour

Pathetic individual.

If as reported, this was the planned murder of civilians.  Zero excuse.  Be it IRA, McVeigh, or Malvo/Muhammed.

Speedy justice is best.  

Just one question, hate seems the obvious driver, but, was shooter on meds like SSRIs ? 

Ok - call me suspicious.  Was this fella prescribed SSRIs?  No parents?  Bought an AR-15 after psyc eval?

If no one was observing his descent into madness .... was someone managing his web experience to produce this attack?

This guy was squarely in the FBIs surveillance and produced a lengthy manifesto and NO intervention?

Later, same day ...

Just who was inspiring this guy? 

Image from cover of manifesto ...

Look familiar????

Would this be the first time the CIA funded Ukrainian Nazis were involved in a stage perfect 'White Supremacy' outrage in the US?  

Love Leftist reporting.  Ignores the similarity between right thugs and identical Antifa training.  Also kinda misses the whole fact Obama/Brennan were funding Azov to get rid of Ukrainian President in 2014 and get the war going with Putin.

Note 5/15/22 - some revisions to the above made, including repairing links.  Also, using a communist source require a large caveat for the reader.  Note that it does NOT directly attribute responsibility to Obama and Brennan.  That would indict 'fellow travelers'.  None the less, the relationships between the CIA supported Nazis in Ukraine and the violent low brow 'White Supremacists' in the US has been demonstrated with their logo on the manifesto.  

Drawl your own conclusions as to why our intel community and DOJ would be permitting this.

Update - 5/19/22 As expected in these cases the media paints the shooter as a MAGA fan, the shooter himself doesn't:  "he has described himself as an ethno-nationalist and eco-fascist national socialist. He loathes libertarianism and conservatism in particular."

WATCH 2000 MULES - while you can

 Corrupt Governor trying to ID and silence witnesses.


Link to see it here - https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2022/05/we-have-no-president.html


Russian nationalist and christian leader Putin reportedly ill.


Coincidently Chinese nationalist and marxist leader Xi also reportedly ill.


Thus, both understandably unable to attend World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos later this month.

WEF is not a friend of either.

With Vlad, it's in your face - https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/02/wef-globalist-agenda-pushed-back-upon-by-vladimir-putin-just-a-year-ago-videos/

With Xi it's a simple case of last man standing - and Xi intends to be that man after Soros, Klaus, and co. have made police states out of western democracies and devastated their economies. 

Meanwhile, Zelensky is a product of Klaus and the WEF folks ...


And Zelensky, as well as others in competition - openly and covertly - with Xi and Putin, will be densely packed into a small ehh ...target area(?) later this month.


Gee, I do hope Obama, Brennan, the Clintons, Gates, and Zuckerberg will be attending.

Audacious?  Yes.  But accept the fact that the American Commander-in-Chief is illegitimate, as 2000 mules documents, and deeply compromised by CCP - who can continuously leak ever more damaging proof at will.  With their assassins mace (WuFlu/mail-in ballots) Xi and DNC replaced Trump with Biden, rendering the only entity that could oppose a joint Russian/Chinese action 'combat ineffective'.  

Biden is already lacking any credibility.   Vlad and Xi can conduct a REAL disinformation and public disturbance campaign in the US should Obama's meat puppet try to oppose them.

Besides, they can always make it look like Kim did it.


UPDATE 5/17/22  - Coincidently, it appears Russia is getting real world experience with it's sub launched cruse missiles.   https://www.defenseone.com/threats/2022/05/russian-sub-launched-missiles-damaged-lviv-training-center-ukraine-says/366968/

UPDATE 5/23/22 - Hmmm ... are Soros, Blix, Brennan playing the Game of Thrones badly?  Would you want to share a room with them?

Update - 5/31/22:  Apparently the billionaires and their lickspittles have left Davos and no observed violence too place.   Such a concentration of greed won't happen again 'till the next one. 

Friday, May 13, 2022

Today's Navy

With the latest update on the Littoral Combat Ship - a class of ship that was to have made up a substantial part of today and tomorrow's US Navy - I thought to share the news ...

The LCS - truly a platform befitting today's Navy leaders.  Watch in entirety - and not immediately after eating. 


Sooo ... today's US Navy.   Once the most powerful Navy in history.

Give it decades of unchecked criminal incompetence.

marxist political correctness and lower standards,


lax maintenance.

And they wonder why recruitment is down among the type of young men that historically win wars at sea?  

Would you recommend your son sign up?

Hey, at least Vlad's ships are underway when they sink.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

One time hero - now past his 'use by' date

Like Randy Cunningham, John McCain, even Mel Paisley, so many one time heroes, Crenshaw is an empty suit carrying a party line and grifting.

Big RINO money, big production value ads ... https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/bryan-preston/2020/12/14/wait-a-second-who-is-that-with-dan-crenshaw-in-his-georgia-runoff-ad-n1211008

Remember this? (watch the video)  


So smart, so confident.  

He is either: A. corrupt, or, B. stupid.  

Either way, get him out of government.

Watch the movie.


UPDATE - 5/13/22:  In case you still haven't heard enough about swamp critter Crenshaw ...


We've had enough of politicians like him representing conservatives.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Angry Birds

With the intentional leak of the anti-Roe Supreme Court decision (timing likely driven to blot out '2000 Mules' and consequent action to remove Biden) the militant far left has been in the streets, notably protesting at the homes of Supreme Court justices and at Roman Catholic churches and facilities.

The latter is a perfect example of one's 'chickens coming home to roost'.  Without the RCC there would have been no Saul Alinsky.


And without a generously RCC funded, and RCC politically protected, Alinsky, there'd be no professional schools for trained agitators in our streets.  RCC funded Alinsky schools produced trained 'community organizers', AKA marxist agitators, for decades.  Notably, one Barak Obama.


Beyond guerilla theatre antics and blocking traffic in protest to permit shredding children, the far left has also already employed deadly force, i.e.,  arson.

Given the attitude of DOJ (sic) and prominent elected leaders this side show will likely continue. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/actual-insurrection-chicago-mayor-urges-call-arms-over-supreme-court

So, it appears congregation ought to review their local/state laws regarding protecting buildings and personnel and discuss with local law enforcement.  

UPDATE 5/11/22 - insight into the mindset of violent SJWs https://ngo.locals.com/post/2119995/far-left-group-claims-responsibility-for-attack-on-wisconsin-pro-life-group-promises-more-violence


Choose your side

 I've often said abortion was the sacrament of the left.  



Sunday, May 8, 2022

We have no President

We have a criminal in the White House.  


Of course, this is no surprise. 


But 2000 Mules is adequate proof for anyone.

UPDATE: 5/9/22 - what if the curious episodes of coherence by Joe are a sign he's been working on a 'Don Gigante' defense should all this come down around his ears?

Friday, May 6, 2022

Question and Answer

Q. Why is the White House bragging about conducting military operations in Ukraine to kill Russians?


A. If the primary purpose of the 4th reich (swamp+deep state+corporate) effort in Ukraine is to remove nationalist, christian Putin then they are calculating they can get a movement started in Russia to topple him BEFORE Russia does something catastrophic to them. Consequences to Americans are possibly useful collateral damages.

My guess is that Vlad is better at playing the game of thrones than Soros and Obama.   I'd be giving the next WEF meeting a miss.  BUT - I'll pitch in for Hillary's and the Obama's tickets.  

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Controlled opposition


Call me unsurprised.

UPDATE - 5/9/22   FOX NEWS does NOT want America to see and understand the truth.  


Biden is a usurper and must be removed.

UPDATE - 5/20/22 "Oz, who is pro-abortion, pro-Black Lives Matter and supports gun control, publicly thanked his “friend” Sean Hannity during an election night address."


No surprise there.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Who is John Galt?

This is NOT John Galt.

 I really enjoy Musk's enthusiasm and genuine love for engineering.

But - face it folks, he is a grifter (1).  

The guy sells ELECTRIC cars.  Think he will permit full open discussion and display of facts regarding the global warming/climate change scam?

Look at Burt Rutan's great brief on the global warming scam.  This is what an honest engineer says about it.  ..


Musk, who appears to be a sharp engineer, has got to see the truth.  BUT it's not what he says ... https://futurism.com/elon-musk-outlined-two-critical-things-threatening-humanity

Also consider:

Instead of US fossil fuel electric cars are more dependent on Xi and friends for batteries and rare earths.

Electric cars would put an unsupportable demand on transmission lines, generators, substations for years.  A cost not paid by the Tesla owners but everyone else.  

Eventually Musk promoted  'smart cars' would necessarily drive everyone else off the road.   Remember COVID?  Deep State and your cell phone?   'Smart cars' would give government even more power over our lives.

So, enjoy the show.  But - don't kid yourself about Elon Musk.

OR the Donald (2).

1. with powerful friends in the swamp -  https://edition.cnn.com/2021/11/14/investing/elon-musk-wealth-taxpayer-support/index.html

2. https://nexttobagend.blogspot.com/2022/01/who-mourns-for-adonais.html