Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Obamas priorities

What is most important to race baiting, America hating archvillain Obama?

Look where he puts (okay, Biden ...snicker) his chief agent of influence.

Yes.  Americans can trust the US Post Office employees with the ballots.  Its got nothing to do with the total lock hold the DNC has on the union there .... (see Diamondstein below).

What is of paramount importance to Obama, Soros, and the CCP is that there is never another free and fair election in America.  The disaster of November 2020 (1) is to be a model for all future elections.


1. Many USPS employees already deserve prison for performances last year.

Update - my alternate web personality, with a nom de web, lives in a largely minority area of Ft Worth.  Here's the email the Congressional Black Caucus just sent 'me':


The For the People Act (S. 1/H.R. 1) would once and for all end the special interest control of Washington by eliminating big money in politics and ending voter suppression. This critical piece of legislation could come up for a vote in the Senate in a matter of weeks if we lean in now. It’s urgent.

Together we can protect the right to vote, end gerrymandering, and increase transparency and accountability in our government.

Right now, state legislators in 43 states have introduced restrictive new laws intended to suppress the vote of communities of color, young people, and lower income people who move more frequently. 

After record voter turnout in the last election, we cannot let politicians silence our voices.

That’s why we’re inviting you to join our For the People Week of Action next week (April 5th - April 9th) to push for a swift vote and passage of S. 1 in the Senate. 

Here are two ways you can ACT NOW to make a big impact during the For the People Week of Action next week:

Host a Demand Democracy local action near you! This could include holding a banner in a high-visibility area with friends or a socially distanced outdoor rally allowing passersby to check out why we need a stronger, fairer democracy. We’ll provide you with all of the resources you need to get started, including a banner making toolkit, press and outreach materials, and one-on-one support from an organizer. Sign up here to host an event.

Set up a virtual lobby meeting with your Senate office! One of the most impactful ways to show support for an issue is to request and directly meet with your Senators. We’ll provide a toolkit full of tips for how to successfully schedule and organize a meeting. Senators take requests for meetings as a measure of public interest in the For the People Act too. Sign up now and an organizer will follow up with you. 

The week of action will also include a full week of virtual democracy teach-ins on all the amazing reforms in the For the People Act to prepare us for the fight ahead. 

Learn more about the For the People Week of Action.

Sign up here to stay informed

In order to build the momentum needed to get this bill passed, we need your help to set up events and lobby visits now.

Together we can create a democracy that represents, reflects, & responds to all of us.

Team Let America Vote


Sounds great don't it?  Only a real hater would oppose such fair, patriotic legislation.  'Team America' - love that comrade!  


Monday, March 29, 2021

It was BioWar - get it yet?

It was from the lab.  Watch how painfully the truth leaks out ...

Leak?  Or intentional release in PRC first to provide plausible deniability?

The reporter is not able to internalize the bug was intentionally spread.  It was, without doubt.

And folks that is an act of war.

So fortunate for Xi they were able to steal the election ... which was the point after all.

Update (same day)

More (produced before I found the Rogan item) -

All of which I had said A YEAR AGO -

Update - 4/1/21 We know who in the PLA/CCP biowar organization was involved.

What is still most shocking, but is most likely true nonetheless (see earlier posts), is that the DNC, Obama, and Fauci were complicit in a deadly attack on the US.   

Friday, March 26, 2021

We are all Maoists now (emphasizing my last note)

The ways of the Chinese Communist Party haven't really changed since inception.

Todays heinous 'Social Credit System', built for the totalitarian monsters in Beijing to control their country, was largely built by American IT firms.

It is pervasive and dehumanizing.  "The Social Credit System (Chinese: ??????; pinyin: shèhuì xìnyòng t?xì) is a national blacklist being developed by the government of the People’s Republic of China under General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping's administration."

Now, similar monsters in DC want to implement it here.  They want control of the population.

“The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is now getting ready to hire public companies, individual contractors outside government, to scour public data and social media in order to provide information for the new “domestic terror watch lists.” “

Mao relied on the unquestioning loyalty of the PLA to crush Chinese (some with a model of the statue of liberty)  demanding liberalization.  The monsters in DC won't hesitate to be equally brutal.

Of course, you cannot expect young men to follow unconstitutional and criminal direction if they are grounded in the culture and ethos of our Christian America.  Hence the work to replace God with big government in the ranks.  

They've been at it for years.

“No member of the military may be compelled to endure unwanted religious proselytization, evangelization or persuasion of any sort in a military setting and/or by a military superior or civilian employee of the military.”

Funny, that.  Free to skip the Chaplains - but General Austins hard core Frankfurt school marxist critical race theory (1) indoctrination is mandatory.

It's in the open now.  And at least a few 'good men' object to the perversity.

Make no mistake.  Both Soros and the PLA are invested in seeing to it that Jobama has an army that will willingly crush Americans in the streets.  

The Marines (see link above) and SOCCOM are their most difficult nut to crack despite the collusion of a host of rent seeking, 'woke' flag officers. 

That's why we are seeing the purge in the ranks.  And the thinly disguised loyalty tests.

AND - that's why they want all those AR-15s as well.  No fun for the wanna be heros of the Jobama  revolution if, when a General sends a tank to your house, his house is put to the torch.  When he arrests your family, his is taken hostage.    

(1) marxist jews  (from inception that's who created and promulgated marxism) who fled Hitler only to set up shop at Columbia and spew their anti-American BS theories here.  The adoption of race as the focus in the US (see Alinsky) was necessary because America was very evidently a place where 'class' as a fracture line wasn't going to work as a cause for revolution.

UPDATE - 3/30/21 As the marxist BLM prepares to set a torch to the country DOD approves of servicemembers supporting the organization.  

Yes, they ARE marxists, going all the way back to Bill Ayers -

Friday, March 19, 2021

The Army Obama and his coterie want

I've brought up the issue of our military becoming 'woke' before.

It appears OBiden will get the military the commieDems have been working on for years.   Ignorant of the constitution, resentful of the achievements of their predecessors, and, usefully stupid.

And it began with the feminists.  

The best, qualified opinion on women in combat was expressed by a Marine General.  His testimony is still worth listening to.  What was true then is true now, and will remain so.

A more contemporary, and salty, opinion is voiced in this two part series here:

and here:

Not experienced with fighting in the mud, my own experience with women in the military was in the deploying and shore Navy.  It has been a decidedly mixed bag.  I've known some brilliant female intelligence officers.  However, I've also seen commands negatively impacted by seniors twisting the organization into pretzels in order to get points for advancing women over more qualified men.  My week aboard a DDG with a female Commanding Officer in early 2010 was a real eye opener, after not having been underway on a 'warship' for over a decade.  Besides a lack of technical competence compared to their cold war predecessors (my specific focus was in the SONAR spaces), the well behaved young men and women aboard displayed no sense at all the ship was a 'combatant'.    

As for senior female 'line officers', early on in a new assignment I was warned NOT to let the Admiral (RDML) speak to an informed audience on naval warfare for fear of embarrassing the service.

That's how it began.  The Alinskyite feminists demanded the DOD be abused to promote their ideological ends - and too few 'good men' in uniform and elected office stood against them. 

Today, with the Obama administration and it's illegitimate progeny, the Obiden regime,  the politicization and corruption of the military (as well as other agencies, NSA, CIA, FBI, and IRS most prominently) has moved into overdrive.  Under Silver Star 'recipient' Austin, the abuse of white, straight, Christian men in uniform by marxist  seniors in uniform is disgusting.   Critical Race Theory, micro aggression (thought crime) training.  All of it marxist crap and corrosive to military unit effectiveness.

One has to ask – 'to what end'?  Why is the focus political reliability to the marxist cause and not combat effectiveness(1)?  

The answer is clear – and terrible.   The commieDems know who their enemy is - and it is US.  They need to mutate the military into a force that, although it would quickly lose against a competent foreign foe, will happily kill us.  

Which has long been their plan.

And oh, the irony.  While Communist China reforms its military from a giant low tech organization suited to terrorizing their own people into a force to defeat the US, our commieDems are intent to turn ours into a tool of occupation and oppression – while losing our ability to oppose China.


Friday, March 12, 2021

Hot Spots 2021

With soldiers and razor wire in abundance in DC it might be interesting to survey where American military forces might actually get involved in a firefight in the near future.

A. Middle East.  Deep $tate, globalist (think Obama/Hillary/Soros), Israel, the Saudis, even the CCP (as it will further deplete US strength)  all want us engaged there.  Spending money we don't have, with US boys coming home in boxes.  I mentioned earlier (Feb 26th) that our mendacious 'friend', Israel, had an iron in that particular fire.  More details about that now available.   Point to remember with Iran.  There is a contingent of Hezbollah in the US already, and their sympathizers may include more than Jamaat ul-Fuqra.  Think they've not cased our critical infrastructure?  Guess again. (see update below)

B. South China Sea/Taiwan.  On Aug 4th I provided a scenario for what may yet occur.  Certainly seems PLAN Admirals think so.  OBidens clown show TV appearance in which he showed his real military acumen and priorities (maternity flight suits) did nothing to deter Chicom military planners .  Given the SECDEF ('you know, the guy, the general...') and all the E Ring are pressing on with their grotesque abuse of the irreplaceable middle class, straight, Christian, white males that hither to most effectively fixed and manned the ships, flew the planes, and toted the M-4s around, the nations opponents certainly can't wait to collect some scalps.   And here in the USofA - think the Chicoms haven't cased our critical infrastructure as well?

C. Downtown USA.   The sage (Jeff Cooper) opined 'a handgun is to defend your life, a shotgun to defend your home, and a rifle is to defend your freedom'.  So there's little mystery why the commieDems are fixated in taking your rifles.  Simultaneously, BLM and Antifa - the brown shirts funded by Soros and other megalomaniacs, as well as the CCP - are not going to let OBiden have peace.  Will our soldiers fire on them?  Or will they fire on citizens defending their homes and businesses from rioting communists?  In the latter case we will have 'troubles' the likes of which the IRA will envy.

So. Keep your powder dry.  

It's going to be a hot summer.

UPDATE - 3/13/21 At least the War College is still honest inside the tent.     And here's a clue for the uninitiated - an antiSHIP ballistic missile is useless with a conventional warhead.  They are ALL tactical nuclear weapons, every one.  And nuking a US warship in the context of defending 'their' seaspace or in a Taiwan conflict is permitted by the CCPs 'no first use' (except when we want to) policy.

UPDATE - 3/14/21 

About item C ...

UPDATE -3/21/21 yeah, think iran funded terrs don't know infrastructure - down to addresses?

UPDATE - 4/1/21  The commiedems want the brownshirts in the streets to leverage the Chauvin trial into support - somehow - for HR1 vote nullification and gun control.  The problem for Biden is, BLM doesn't work for him and is more likely to do what Xi wants than what Jobama wants.   

Were I living in a large, Dem controlled city I'd have a figured out 'bug out bag' at hand and plan on where to run to via 2 routes.  

Here in Gods country, meh, just rotate the ready service locker.

Not that I didn't tell ya' all this before.

and, sprinkled among the clueless but violent, and the purposeful and trained, will be the run of the mill opportunist.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Manufactured virus, manipulated public

The most recent revelations on the WuFlu front serve to vindicate my initial theory of the WuFlu event.

        A. It was from the joint use (PLA BioWar/'civilian' research) lab in Wuhan China.

“The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature.”

"A new study from renowned University of Hamburg researcher Roland Wiesendanger concludes the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the “cause” of COVID-19."

In fact, the vaccine was under development well before it was observed in the US.

"...December 12, 2019 agreement was signed by Dr. Ralph Baric that he would receive the “mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna”

        B. Its spread to the US was a DELIBERATE move by Xi and the CCP.  An act of WAR.  Unresponded to because a good share of the US Government was relying on it to remove Trump from office.  Which is TREASON.

"Xi // took steps he knew or had to know would spread the disease beyond his borders."

        C. HCQ/Zinc was a very effective treatment - use of which was prohibited by deep state/MSM to facilitate the fear porn justifying 'vote by mail' scam and injuring Trumps economic success.  This deliberate move by Fauci and co. cost American lives.    

Fauci (who knew HCQ/Zn worked in 2005(1, 2) and holds personal responsibility for deaths), MSM, and big pharma still do NOT want the truth known.

"According to the study, the odds of treated patients being hospitalized was 84% lower than those of untreated patients. Just one patient in the treatment group died versus 13 in the untreated group."

        D. The number of cases and fatalities were grossly inflated before the election - and would be greatly lessened after the ursurper Biden took office.

"What we’re seeing is a decline in perfectly healthy people being labelled “covid cases” based on a false positive from an unreliable testing process."

If you don't think the commiedems and the CCP want what Reagan would recognize as America destroyed you have all the survival instincts of a jew in line for the 'showers' in Treblinka.



3/12/21 UPDATE Lost a family member from WuFlu?  Doctor dodn't offer HCQ?  GET A LAWYER!

3/13/21 UPDATE  Do you STILL not get it?  We been had.   .... just like I said time and time again (ex. ).