Friday, March 19, 2021

The Army Obama and his coterie want

I've brought up the issue of our military becoming 'woke' before.

It appears OBiden will get the military the commieDems have been working on for years.   Ignorant of the constitution, resentful of the achievements of their predecessors, and, usefully stupid.

And it began with the feminists.  

The best, qualified opinion on women in combat was expressed by a Marine General.  His testimony is still worth listening to.  What was true then is true now, and will remain so.

A more contemporary, and salty, opinion is voiced in this two part series here:

and here:

Not experienced with fighting in the mud, my own experience with women in the military was in the deploying and shore Navy.  It has been a decidedly mixed bag.  I've known some brilliant female intelligence officers.  However, I've also seen commands negatively impacted by seniors twisting the organization into pretzels in order to get points for advancing women over more qualified men.  My week aboard a DDG with a female Commanding Officer in early 2010 was a real eye opener, after not having been underway on a 'warship' for over a decade.  Besides a lack of technical competence compared to their cold war predecessors (my specific focus was in the SONAR spaces), the well behaved young men and women aboard displayed no sense at all the ship was a 'combatant'.    

As for senior female 'line officers', early on in a new assignment I was warned NOT to let the Admiral (RDML) speak to an informed audience on naval warfare for fear of embarrassing the service.

That's how it began.  The Alinskyite feminists demanded the DOD be abused to promote their ideological ends - and too few 'good men' in uniform and elected office stood against them. 

Today, with the Obama administration and it's illegitimate progeny, the Obiden regime,  the politicization and corruption of the military (as well as other agencies, NSA, CIA, FBI, and IRS most prominently) has moved into overdrive.  Under Silver Star 'recipient' Austin, the abuse of white, straight, Christian men in uniform by marxist  seniors in uniform is disgusting.   Critical Race Theory, micro aggression (thought crime) training.  All of it marxist crap and corrosive to military unit effectiveness.

One has to ask – 'to what end'?  Why is the focus political reliability to the marxist cause and not combat effectiveness(1)?  

The answer is clear – and terrible.   The commieDems know who their enemy is - and it is US.  They need to mutate the military into a force that, although it would quickly lose against a competent foreign foe, will happily kill us.  

Which has long been their plan.

And oh, the irony.  While Communist China reforms its military from a giant low tech organization suited to terrorizing their own people into a force to defeat the US, our commieDems are intent to turn ours into a tool of occupation and oppression – while losing our ability to oppose China.


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