Monday, January 25, 2021

We've been had (well, some of us, again)

I've followed this reporter (Yon) for years.  He is a rock solid war reporter with tons of first hand experience in conventional land war and the unconventional ('unrestricted') warfare methods employed largely by the left.  Listen to his observations of the 'mostly peaceful' protest at the capital.  

You know who was at work here ...

Sunday, January 24, 2021

A disturbance in the force ...


Worth watching.  One honest man left in DC,

The real meaning of the term ‘assassin’s mace’, a term lots of us puzzled over since the publication of “Unrestricted Warfare”, is now clear.  What we lacked was an appreciation for the historic meaning of the term. It was a weapon hidden and intended for use – against the head of government. Not a hypersonic missile, not a anti-carrier ballistic missile, not an EMP barrage. A coup.

So, now the mace has struck.  As a friend with substantial experience in the ‘deep state’ (intel branch), summed it up for me ‘CCP owns both ends of PA ave, Wall St, Hollywood, the big media … we are so screwed’.

Take the time to listen to this 45 min or so explanation of who is now in charge. Especially the detail on our new VP. Folks like this do not care about constitutional limits on government power. A look at the streets of DC are a big clue where we’re headed.

With Trevor Loudon (

Damm glad I’m in Texas.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Change of long held opinion

I use to be at least sympathetic to young men who wanted to serve in the Armed Forces.

For the first time in my life, with what I see now I wouldn't recommend it. 

Behold the new regime!

and ...

Defense Secretary Nominee: 'I support the plan to overturn the transgender military ban' (

Are you are a healthy, strong, young, white, straight, Christian male?

Don't want to go to 'college'?  

Don't want forced cultural marxism indoctrination?

 Then I don't think todays DOD is going to be a good place today for you.

Learn to weld, learn to fix AC and heat systems, learn generator repair, heck, learn to code.  

Shoot, hunt, and hike - when you want to.  

Find a good woman, have children, get them baptized.  

Live and enjoy life! 

Apparently the rocket scientists in Bidens national security team thinks they'll do fine without folks like you.

Hey, when the Chicoms are parachuting into Dallas maybe they can drop the PC and give us both a call.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Faucis 'Optimistic'?

 On 12 November I wrote the entry 'Face it, we've been had' regarding Faucis role in the theft of the election.

Now, days after repeated failures in courage by state legislatures, the Supreme Court, an Attorney General and FBI director (who were clearly on team 'Deep State') and, finally Vice President Pence have ushered in the Biden regime, we get these clearly related stories.

That story said nothing about 'testing' - which really drove the numbers and the fear porn for most of 2020.

So Biden's in and  ...

in a nutshell:

"In fact, as far back as October, we brought the world's attention to the COVID-19 "casedemic" and the disturbing reality of high-cycle threshold PCR tests being worse than useless as indicators of COVID-19 "sickness". PJMedia's Stacey Lennox said at the time:

Biden will issue national standards, like the plexiglass barriers in restaurants he spoke about during the debate, and pressure governors to implement mask mandates using the federal government’s financial leverage.

Some hack at the CDC or FDA will issue new guidance lowering the Ct the labs use, and cases will magically start to fall.

In reality, the change will only eliminate false positives, but most Americans won’t know that.

Good old Uncle Joe will be the hero, even though it is Deep-State actors in the health bureaucracies who won’t solve a problem with testing they have been aware of for months. TDS is a heck of a drug."

UPDATE 1/26/21  Were I into picking stocks I'd be buying Merck.

Merck abandons bid to develop Covid-19 vaccine - News World Express

"Merck will now give attention to creating medication to deal with Covid-19. The corporate has a take care of the US authorities value as much as $356m to promote a drug to deal with the inflammatory response for extreme Covid-19 sufferers if it receives emergency use authorisation."/sic/

Merck will rebrand HCQ, or substitute another zinc ionophore, add zinc and Voila!  fatalities cut by 75%.

And all will hail Biden and Fauci instead of blaming them - and others - for the deaths of thousands so the left could get their damm vote by mail scam in place.



Wednesday, January 20, 2021

He did it his way

AF1/SAM2800 lifts off from Andrews. Music playing at the field - perfectly timed with rotate - Sinatra 'I did it my way'.

We the people lost a great opportunity thanks to successive failures in character by: Barr (refused to acknowledge clear evidence of fraud), contested states legislatures (who certified obviously flawed results), Supreme Court (failed to hear Texas case), Pence (failed to delay even 10 days to forensically scan absentee ballots),
President Trump who was unable to find brave patriots to lead CIA, FBI, DOJ, DOD , and as members of the Supreme Court.

None the less, thank you President Trump for your service and for showing us so clearly the incredible amount of corruption in the 'deep state' and 'swamp'.

Monday, January 18, 2021

The Truth Spoken Clearly


"Everything that has happened in this country since, one manufactured crisis after another // is designed to justify and further our descent into tyranny.

We have entered very dark uncharted territory.". - D West

One of the reporters I have listened to for years and respect the most (mindful of her Israeli bias) is Diana West.  She is extremely well informed on matters dealing with the 'intelligence' community and has recently posted an article I recommend all read ... while you can. -  .

Sunday, January 17, 2021

Speaking the obvious

 This is what our intersections look like now.  If you need all this to protect your inauguration from the people, maybe the f***ing people didn’t f***ing elect you!”

"If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the F-ing People Didn't F-ing Elect You!" - DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City (VIDEO) (

As a retiree with some 'deep state' experience I've had ample time to watch events pass and study them at leisure.  As result, our opinions may differ with regard the validity of the last presidential election.

Bear with me and watch the following.

PA  Watch, for example, 1:08 to 1:22 which is the testimony of a good man, an experienced fraud examiner.

Note that all defined procedures were violated. USBs were in use, likely to alter results. Election officials denied what had been observed happened.  These USBs disappeared. Also, accompanied by a Democrat observer (forensic pathologist), some 70K UNOPENED mail in ballots were observed AFTER the mail in count reported.

ALL forensic records gone after the 'count'.   //Federal law requires retention for 22 months//


WATCH ballots (from under table) be fed repeatedly thru the tabulator machine.  Poll watchers told count stopped for night.  Watch video under 'Now we have evidence' ...

I've already mentioned the Fulton County Military Absentee ballots, and my personal experience with the head of the Democrat Party for Florida in my blog earlier. The fact that the Joint Chiefs won't even check the obviously corrupt accounting of Military Absentee ballots - which is easily within their ability - is damming. 


Discussion of Dominion. Note the background of witness.  He knows what he is speaking of.

I've also watched the hearings from MI and WI. Much much more of same.  Unfolded 'mail in' ballots.  Post office employees directed to stamp late ballots with preceding day time  stamp.  Etc., etc., etc.

Big picture analysis statistically:

Summary documents:

What Pence SHOULD have requested, consistent with his oath, and arguably within his authority (he COULD have proceeded this way, Supreme Court action would have been illuminating at the least)  was a 10 day pause to forensically scan absentee ballots (process discussed in subsequent GA hearing -  starting at 1:06 )

He did not.  

To me it is obvious this was a coup.  The coordinated theft of an election.  

You may not like my conclusion BUT never say to me 'there is no evidence'.  And don't tell me I can't state the OBVIOUS.   Pennsylvania Lt. Gov: You Do Not Have the Right to Say Election Was Rigged, 'Not Protected Free Speech' | CLG News (

But look soon,  This data is being scrubbed off the web as best as our new communist leaders can accomplish it. 

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Our defenders of the constitution

IF Mr Woods is right the 'official' record shows that 100% of the military absentee ballots in Fulton County Georgia were for Biden (1).

As a 20 year active duty veteran, and most recently 10 year employee of DOD working daily with active duty members, I find that ahh ... highly suspect.  I've already mentioned I have first hand experience with how one party treats military absentee ballots(2).

That said, in an extraordinary letter signed by each of the service chiefs and the Chairman, Joint Chiefs, service members are now reminded of the role of the military to defend the constitution.

It is important to note that the service chiefs are also responsible for the sanctity of the ballots cast by their men and women in uniform.

So, given their keen interest in defending the constitution and fair elections, including the right of servicemembers to vote, the President, as Commander in Chief and senior official responsible for the defense of the constitution, must direct that the Service Chiefs communicate the following to ALL military uniform personnel within 24 hours:

something like this:

By order of the Commander in Chief,

All individuals who voted by military absentee ballot in Fulton County, Georgia, are to provide the following information to White House Military Office, info President Trump (provide email addresses) via email, within 24 hours, and advise the following:

A. Their name and the date (approx. if necessary) they mailed their absentee ballot.

                   And, if the service member wishes to so advise:

B. Advise if they voted for Donald Trump.

Example response:

From: servicemember personal or/and government address

  1. I, NAME did vote in the 2020 general election via military absentee ballot. That ballot was mailed/provided command postal service on DATE.

  2. (optional) I did vote for Donald Trump.

The results of this poll will be compared with the results referred to by Mr Wood. The Military Chiefs will be advised of the results by the White House.

IF Mr Woods statement can be validated and the service chiefs refuse the President should execute this poll by EVERY means possible.


2.Thoughts: "...enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC" (

UPDATE 1/31/22 -

Don't expect ANYONE in DOD to care.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

A moment of humor

 Sure, we're about to have 2 years of illegitimate governance.  And there's plenty of folks to blame.  Pence and Barr at the top of that list for not honoring their oaths.

 That said, there's still occasion for enjoying as good belly laugh.  As a solid Obama supporter (wink) I get the spam from the very best of our current elected (?) 'leadership.  

This one cracked me up.


Saturday, January 9, 2021

Profiles in courage?


 So - what happened? 

The events of a portion of the plot are coming into clearer focus.

'The video clip shows Capitol police opening the door and allowing people into the Capitol building.'

'Why would Capitol Police just allow people to waltz in like that?'

'We’re just speculating here, but either these cops thought it was okay for them to be in the building, or they wanted them in there to “set them up.” I mean, why else did this happen?'

As to the purpose of the guerrilla theater, that is more clear.

Look over the last year.  

> The flu, which only now is being more widely associated with the BSL4 lab in Wuhan Fauci funded.

> The Flu couldn't be mitigated with therapeutics or it wouldn't justified the mail in ballots.

(I won't bore you with another blog entry focused on evidence of HCQ/Zn effectiveness or of Fauci's active suppression of it, ex. )

>  The steal, using among other processes, false mail in ballots and machines criminally ill suited to the purpose.

> Then the stall (refusal to show ballots for forensic examination) until 'the event'.   Weeks of MSM claims of 'no evidence'.

> Then this week, 'the event' to drawl away all attention from the steal and justify impeachment.

> Next,  impeachment which ends all investigation.

Folks, either you do your damn homework and see it (ex. )  

- or you, either out of willful ignorance or malice, accept the MSM concocted legend. (ex.

MSM provides outright lies like - 'no one told observers to leave'  

Which is clearly BS.

The video, which Dem operatives clearly were unaware of, shows the woman telling observers to leave.  Sworn testimony confirms this.

And, shockingly (sic), Huff post says nothing about the obvious repeat processing of ballots.  These actions are a major cause of the spike in GA election results.

The proof of fraud is clear.  

The lack of courage and integrity by Vice President Pence, who easily could have delayed the process until the absentee ballots in GA (at the least) were forensically scanned(1), has facilitated the theft of the Presidency.


Thursday, January 7, 2021

Worth listening to


A serious guy.

President Trump did a lot for the country. 

The uniparty swamp and deep state have been put into the spotlight.   The cynical exploitation of race by the left skipped a beat, Mexican Americans and black Americans considered voting something other then 'D' for a moment in greater number.  China was, to a degree, revealed for the monster it really is.  

Unfortunately, Trump seemed to only hire cretins for critical posts, a host of  'Littlefingers'. and, like Game of Thrones, the script for the conclusion was, to say the least, inferior to the beginning and middle.

I understand there is a spin off in the making with a different cast.

A different cast.  Refreshing idea.

Who to lead the nascent 'Patriot' party?

UPDATE - same evening, this just posted on Conservative Treehouse (great minds ...)

 Update - 1/8/21 Was Rep Crenshaw right?  I don't think so procedurally.  At the least Pence should have given time for the absentee ballots to be forensically scanned (likely while the Supreme Court was engaged).  That would have been courageous.  That would have been defending the constitution.   


The massing of patriots with the very high likelihood of them being subject to a disaster - I was anticipating a Las Vegas style shooting or mortar attack - WITHOUT a real plan to effect change for the good was unworthy of a good leader. 

AND - for the corrupt politicians, and the marxists who brought us to the events of 6 January 2021 and savor their moment of apparent victory, this advice ... 

 UPDATE: 11/14/24 of course, by now it's clear Crenshaw followed a well traveled path and became just another Swamp/Deep State creature.  As did Duke Cunningham and dozens before him.



Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Thought for the day

Put not your trust in Princes, nor in the son of man, for there is no help in him.

His breath departeth, and he returneth to his earth; then his thoughts perish.

Blessed is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God,

Which made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that therein is; which keepeth his fidelity forever,

Which executeth justice for the oppressed, which giveth bread to the hungry; the Lord looseth the prisoners.


We may get what we deserve.  God help us. 


UPDATE - we ought compile stills from the youngsters in the building with those known to be ANTIFA/BLM.BOOGALOO crew.   

'Largely peaceful'  ...  looks like them. 

Hmmm ...

"This might possibly be the longest article you’ve ever read…..IF… you made it this far. America is LITERALLY one destabilizing event away from being at a point where a primed insurgency can capitalize on the socio-political conditions required to move from the guerrilla warfare stage to mobile warfare or a war of movement."

UPDATE - am 7 Jan.  Why did you think they took the leader of Proud Boyz off the field?

Update -1/7/21  so much noise.  Still believing violent left wasn't in the van?  OK, then here's a fella that must have lost his tour group ...


Monday, January 4, 2021

Another 'conspiracy theory' proven true

 (and I won't bore you with another I told ya so)


China lab leak is the 'most credible' source of the coronavirus outbreak, says top US government official, amid bombshell claims Wuhan scientist has turned whistleblower 

Elaborating on the above, on Bannons 'Warroom' program ( ~ 21 min mark ) a defector puts her life at risk to explain the Communist Partys intent with WuFlu.  It is a BIOWEAPON.  CCP will continue to release agents expensive vaccines are ineffective against unless stopped.  Changing the paradigm and viewing WuFlu as a biological warfare attack and our situation as engaged by a deadly enemy must be done to appropriately address our crisis (ex., emphasize efffective therapeutics like HCQ, ivermectin) and hold the right party (Xi and all CCP members) to account.

AND ,,,

 Looking broader, having read Unrestricted Warfare more than once, I, like many have puzzled over the term 'Assassins Mace'.   What was this magical weapon that the Chicoms were developing to destroy America?  Was it a hypersonic missile?  A particle weapon?  

My frame of reference blinded me.  Having far more experience in China than I, tech millionaire Byrne probably has it right.   This election IS the assassins Mace.

Xi is already responsible for thousands of dead Americans.  We must not allow Biden to be installed in the White House or you know who will have his own 'pocket veto' on our future.


They laugh, we struggle


Friday, January 1, 2021

Current events and our 'special friend'

'Foreign influence'.  

Sure, China is THE big player.  WuFlu did not accidentally spread to the US.  

Their nuclear strike capability (MIRV'd and W-88 armed thanks to the Clintons) made a direct retaliation impossible.

And daily we learn more about their espionage and entrapment of our political class.

Fang Fang and the hapless NRA hater.  

Feinstein's 'driver'.  

Elaine Chao (and via her the turtle)

Beijing Joe and Hunter

Domestically, however, they tie with another foreign power for dominance in perverting US 'leaders'.


One wonders how many quid pro quos were involved here ...   

Obama sprung him from jail.  Obama was no Zionist.

Trump let him go 'home.'

Pollard was a very obvious spy for Israel, one who could have caused unbelievable devastation to the US as he provided Israel many of our most important secrets about the Soviets during a crisis point in the Cold War.   Israel traded that info to the Soviets, at the very worst time, for, among other things, talented jewish aero engineers to emigrate to Israel.

Pollard really was, as Beijing Joe would put it, a 'big fu@king deal'.

His welcome in Israel is proof you can spy against the US for Mossad and Israel will have your back.  

A well covered event NOT in the US national interest.

Not an 'America First ' moment.  

Or is it?

Consider Trump's an art of the deal guy. Did Israel have to jump thru some hoop to achieve it?

The Mossads prostitution of US children in order to compromise US politicians and technology leaders has not been answered for.  And we hold Ghislaine. 

Trump could make this real ugly.  For Israel and a lot of pedeos.

Hmmm.  Maybe Bebe holds a card Trump needs played for some more important purpose?

We'll see.