IF Mr Woods is right the 'official' record shows that 100% of the military absentee ballots in Fulton County Georgia were for Biden (1).
As a 20 year active duty veteran, and most recently 10 year employee of DOD working daily with active duty members, I find that ahh ... highly suspect. I've already mentioned I have first hand experience with how one party treats military absentee ballots(2).
That said, in an extraordinary letter signed by
each of the service chiefs and the Chairman, Joint Chiefs, service
members are now reminded of the role of the military to defend the
It is important to note that the service chiefs are also responsible
for the sanctity of the ballots cast by their men and women in
So, given their keen interest in defending the constitution and fair elections, including the right of
servicemembers to vote, the President, as Commander in Chief
and senior official responsible for the defense of the constitution,
must direct that the Service Chiefs communicate the following to ALL
military uniform personnel within 24 hours:
something like this:
By order of the Commander in Chief,
All individuals who voted by military
absentee ballot in Fulton County, Georgia, are to provide the following
information to White House Military Office, info President Trump
(provide email addresses) via email, within 24 hours, and advise the
A. Their name and the date (approx. if
necessary) they mailed their absentee ballot.
And, if the service member wishes to
so advise:
B. Advise if they voted for Donald
Example response:
From: servicemember personal or/and
government address
I, NAME did vote in the 2020
general election via military absentee ballot. That ballot was
mailed/provided command postal service on DATE.
(optional) I did vote for Donald
The results of this poll will be
compared with the results referred to by Mr Wood. The
Military Chiefs will be advised of the results by the White House.
IF Mr Woods statement can be validated
and the service chiefs refuse the President should execute this poll by EVERY means
2.Thoughts: "...enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC" (nexttobagend.blogspot.com)
UPDATE 1/31/22 - https://youtu.be/8Eovzw1Vfak
Don't expect ANYONE in DOD to care.