Saturday, January 9, 2021

Profiles in courage?


 So - what happened? 

The events of a portion of the plot are coming into clearer focus.

'The video clip shows Capitol police opening the door and allowing people into the Capitol building.'

'Why would Capitol Police just allow people to waltz in like that?'

'We’re just speculating here, but either these cops thought it was okay for them to be in the building, or they wanted them in there to “set them up.” I mean, why else did this happen?'

As to the purpose of the guerrilla theater, that is more clear.

Look over the last year.  

> The flu, which only now is being more widely associated with the BSL4 lab in Wuhan Fauci funded.

> The Flu couldn't be mitigated with therapeutics or it wouldn't justified the mail in ballots.

(I won't bore you with another blog entry focused on evidence of HCQ/Zn effectiveness or of Fauci's active suppression of it, ex. )

>  The steal, using among other processes, false mail in ballots and machines criminally ill suited to the purpose.

> Then the stall (refusal to show ballots for forensic examination) until 'the event'.   Weeks of MSM claims of 'no evidence'.

> Then this week, 'the event' to drawl away all attention from the steal and justify impeachment.

> Next,  impeachment which ends all investigation.

Folks, either you do your damn homework and see it (ex. )  

- or you, either out of willful ignorance or malice, accept the MSM concocted legend. (ex.

MSM provides outright lies like - 'no one told observers to leave'  

Which is clearly BS.

The video, which Dem operatives clearly were unaware of, shows the woman telling observers to leave.  Sworn testimony confirms this.

And, shockingly (sic), Huff post says nothing about the obvious repeat processing of ballots.  These actions are a major cause of the spike in GA election results.

The proof of fraud is clear.  

The lack of courage and integrity by Vice President Pence, who easily could have delayed the process until the absentee ballots in GA (at the least) were forensically scanned(1), has facilitated the theft of the Presidency.


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